987 resultados para String orchestra music.
We study N = 2 compactifications of heterotic string theory on the CHL orbifold (K3 x T-2)/Z(N) with N = 2, 3, 5, 7. Z(N) acts as an automorphism on K3 together with a shift of 1/N along one of the circles of T-2. These compactifications generalize the example of the heterotic string on K3 x T-2 studied in the context of dualities in string theories. We evaluate the new supersymmetric index for these theories and show that their expansion can be written in terms of the McKay-Thompson series associated with the Z(N) automorphism embedded in the Mathieu group M-24. We then evaluate the difference in one-loop threshold corrections to the non-Abelian gauge couplings with Wilson lines and show that their moduli dependence is captured by Siegel modular forms related to dyon partition functions of N = 4 string theories.
We study N = 2 compactifications of heterotic string theory on the CHL orbifold (K3 x T-2)/Z(N) with N = 2, 3, 5, 7. Z(N) acts as an automorphism on K3 together with a shift of 1/N along one of the circles of T-2. These compactifications generalize the example of the heterotic string on K3 x T-2 studied in the context of dualities in string theories. We evaluate the new supersymmetric index for these theories and show that their expansion can be written in terms of the McKay-Thompson series associated with the Z(N) automorphism embedded in the Mathieu group M-24. We then evaluate the difference in one-loop threshold corrections to the non-Abelian gauge couplings with Wilson lines and show that their moduli dependence is captured by Siegel modular forms related to dyon partition functions of N = 4 string theories.
This paper proposes a new method for local key and chord estimation from audio signals. This method relies primarily on principles from music theory, and does not require any training on a corpus of labelled audio files. A harmonic content of the musical piece is first extracted by computing a set of chroma vectors. A set of chord/key pairs is selected for every frame by correlation with fixed chord and key templates. An acyclic harmonic graph is constructed with these pairs as vertices, using a musical distance to weigh its edges. Finally, the sequences of chords and keys are obtained by finding the best path in the graph using dynamic programming. The proposed method allows a mutual chord and key estimation. It is evaluated on a corpus composed of Beatles songs for both the local key estimation and chord recognition tasks, as well as a larger corpus composed of songs taken from the Billboard dataset.
The MID-K, a new kind of multi-pipe string detection tool is introduced. This tool provides a means of evaluating the condition of in-place pipe string, such as tubing and casino. It is capable of discriminating the defects of the inside and outside, and estimating the thickness of tubing and casing. It is accomplished by means of a low frequency eddy current to detect flaws on the inner surface and a magnetic flux leakage to inspect the full thickness. The measurement principle, the technology and applications are presented in this paper.
LABURPENA: Lan honek, hezkuntzan sormenak eta musikak duen garrantzia aztertuz eta hauek gelan lantzeak duen abantaila adieraziz, Haur Hezkuntzako gela batean praktikan jarri daitekeen lan proiektua sortzea du helburu. Honez gain, herri kantak zer diren eta lantzearen garrantzia aipatuz, mendizaleen orkestra izendatutako proposamena sortu da, musika, artea eta ingurune hurbila ezagutzeko asmoekin.
Esta pesquisa parte da relação música/projeto social para estudar de que forma os integrantes da Orquestra de Violinos Cartola-Petrobras, do Centro Cultural Cartola, no Rio de Janeiro, tiveram reforçada a autoestima pelo aprendizado de uma nova linguagem a musical e pelo convívio com os professores e com os demais companheiros músicos. Nesse percurso, foram analisadas as dificuldades de se morar em uma favela carioca, dentre elas o preconceito, seja do ponto de vista geográfico, seja do ponto de vista social, uma vez que a maioria dos componentes da Orquestra mora na Mangueira. O ponto de partida foi a leitura de teóricos como Axel Honneth, George Yúdice, Stuart Hall e a contribuição de outros estudiosos da área sociocultural, que comparecem para dar suporte à argumentação. Num segundo momento, foi desenvolvido o trabalho de campo, com o recolhimento dos dados colhidos em entrevistas com os atores sociais. O binômio reconhecimento social/solidariedade implica outro elemento aqui também abordado: o desenvolvimento da cidadania. Diante de tal cenário, é possível observar a possibilidade de imprimirem-se mudanças no contexto onde a realidade se configura, ou seja, qual o lugar que o sujeito ocupa antes e depois de ser instaurado o processo de apropriação do conhecimento e como as mudanças que se operam nele se estendem ao ambiente em derredor, incluindo a família.