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The aim of this research was to perform a stability testing of spray- and spouted bed-dried extracts of Passiflora alata Dryander (Passion flower) under stress storage conditions. Spouted bed- and spray-dried extracts were characterized by determination of the average particle diameter (dP), apparent moisture content (XP), total flavonoid content (TF), and vitexin content. Smaller and more irregular particles were generated by the spouted bed system due to a higher attrition rate (surface erosion) inside the dryer. The SB dryer resulted in an end product with higher concentration of flavonoids (approximate to 10%) and lower moisture content (1.6%, dry basis) than the spray dryer, even with both dryers working at similar inlet drying air temperature and ratio between the extract feed flow rate to drying air flow rate (Ws/Wg). Samples of the spouted bed- and spray-dried extracts were stored at two different temperatures (34 and 45 degrees C) and two different relative humidities (52 and 63% RH for 34 degrees C; 52 and 60% RH for 45 degrees C) in order to perform the stability testing. The dried extracts were stored for 28 days and were analyzed every 4 days. The flavonoid vitexin served as the marker compound, which was assayed during the storage period. Results revealed shelf lives ranging from 9 to 184 days, depending on the drying process and storage conditions.
The feasibility of detecting instability in wet spouted beds via pressure fluctuation (PF) time-series analyses was investigated. Experiments were carried out in a cylindrical Plexiglas column of diameter 150 mm with a conical base of internal angle 60 degrees, an inlet orifice diameter of 25 mm and glass beads of diameter 2.4 mm. Transducers at several axial positions measured PF time series with incremental addition of aqueous sucrose solutions of different concentrations. Liquid addition affected the spouted bed dynamics, causing irregular spouting, increased voidage in the annulus, increased fountain height, irregular annulus height, channelling, agglomeration, and adhesion of particles to the column walls. Autocorrelations indicated the appearance of periodicities in the PF signals with increasing sucrose addition. Dominant peaks in power-spectral density developed at low frequencies with changing system dynamics. The results indicate that PF signals furnish relevant information on system dynamics, useful for monitoring and control of spouted bed operations such as particle coating and drying of paste-like materials.
Inclusion complexes of Lippia sidoides essential oil and beta-cyclodextrin were obtained by slurry method and its solid powdered form was prepared using spray drying. The influence of the spray drying, as well as the different essential oil:beta-cyclodextrin ratio on the characteristics of the final product was investigated. With regard to the total oil retention 1:10 mass/mass ratio as optimal was found between the essential oil and beta-cyclodextrin. Thermoanalytical techniques (TG, EGD, TG-MS) were used to support the formation of inclusion complex and to examine their physicochemical properties after accelerated storage conditions. It may be assumed that the thermal properties of the complexes were influenced not only by the different essential oil/beta-cyclodextrin ratio but also by the storage conditions. In the aspect of their thermal stabilities, complex prepared with 1:10 m/m ratio (essential oil: beta-cyclodextrin) was the most stable one.
The aims of this study were to evaluate whether air pollution during pre-natal and post-natal phases change habituation and short-term discriminative memories and if oxidants are involved in this process. As secondary objectives, it was to evaluate if the change of filtered to nonfiltered environment could protect the cortex of rats against oxidative stress as well as to modify the behavior of these animals. Wistar, male rats were divided into four groups (n = 12/group): pre and post-natal exposure until adulthood to filtered air (FA); pre-natal period to nonfiltered air (NFA-FA); until (21st post-natal day) and post-natal to filtered air until adulthood (PND21); prenatal to filtered air until PND21 and post-natal to nonfiltered air until adulthood (FA-NFA); pre and post-natal to nonfiltered air (NFA). After 150 days of air pollution exposure, animals were tested in the spontaneous object recognition test to evaluate short-term discriminative and habituation memories. Rats were euthanized; blood was collected for metal determination; cortex dissected for oxidative stress evaluation. There was a significant increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in the NFA group when compared to other groups (FA: 1.730 +/- 0.217; NFA-FA: 1.101 +/- 0.217; FA-NFA: 1.014 +/- 0.300; NFA: 5.978 +/- 1.920 nmol MDA/mg total proteins; p = 0.007). NFA group presented a significant decrease in short-term discriminative (FA: 0.603 +/- 0.106; NFA-FA: 0.669 +/- 0.0666; FA-NFA: 0.374 +/- 0.178; NFA: -0.00631 +/- 0.106 sec; p = 0.006) and an improvement in habituation memories when compared to other groups. Therefore, exposure to air pollution during both those periods impairs short-term discriminative memory and cortical oxidative stress may mediate this process.
Sub-Chronic Exposure to Methylmercury at Low Levels Decreases Butyrylcholinesterase Activity in Rats
In this study, we examined the effects of low levels and sub-chronic exposure to methylmercury (MeHg) on butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity in rats. Moreover, we examined the relationship between BuChE activity and oxidative stress biomarkers [delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (delta-ALA-D) and malondialdehyde levels (MDA)] in the same animals. Rats were separated into three groups (eight animals per group): (Group I) received water by gavage; (Group II) received MeHg (30 mu g/kg/day) by gavage; (Group III) received MeHg (100 mu g/kg/day). The time of exposure was 90 days. BuChE and ALA-D activities were measured in serum and blood, respectively; whereas MDA levels were measured in plasma. We found BuChE and ALA-D activities decreased in groups II and III compared to the control group. Moreover, we found an interesting negative correlation between plasmatic BuChE activity and MDA (r = -0.85; p < 0.01) and a positive correlation between plasmatic BuChE activity and ALA-D activities (r = 0.78; p < 0.01), thus suggesting a possible relationship between oxidative damage promoted by MeHg exposure and the decrease of BuChE activity. In conclusion, long-term exposure to low doses of MeHg decreases plasmatic BuChE activity. Moreover, the decrease in the enzyme is strongly correlated with the oxidative stress promoted by the metal exposure. This preliminary finding highlights a possible mechanism for MeHg to reduce BuChE activity in plasma. Additionally, this enzyme could be an auxiliary biomarker on the evaluation of MeHg exposure.
Increased risk of hypertension after methylmercury (MeHg) exposure has been suggested. However, the underlying mechanisms are not well explored. In this paper, we have analyzed whether sub-chronic exposure to MeHg increases systolic blood pressure even at very low levels. In addition, we analyzed if the methylmercury-induced hypertension is associated with a decreased plasmatic nitric oxide levels and with a dysregulation of the activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), as well as the levels of MDA and glutathione. For this study, Wistar rats were treated with methylmercury chloride (100 mu g/kg per day) or vehicle. Total treatment time was 100 days. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and circulating NOx levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were determined in plasma, whereas glutathione levels were determined in erythrocytes. Our results show that long-term treatment at a low level of MeHg affected systolic blood pressure, increasing and reducing the levels of plasmatic MDA and NOx, respectively. However, the activity of SOD did not decrease in the MeHg exposed group when compared to the control. We found a negative correlation between plasmatic nitrite/nitrate (NOx) levels and systolic blood pressure (r = -0.67; P = 0.001), and a positive correlation between MDA and systolic blood pressure (r = 0.61; P = 0.03), thus suggesting increased inhibition of NO formation with the increase of hypertension. In conclusion, long-term exposure to a low dose of MeHg increases the systolic pressure and is associated, at least in part, with increased production of ROS as judged by increased production of malondialdehyde and depressed NO availability.
Aim of the study was to find out whether consumption of quercetin (QC), an abundant flavonoid in the human diet, protects against DNA damage caused by exposure to organic mercury. Therefore, rats were treated orally with methylmercury (MeHg) and the flavonoid with doses that reflect the human exposure. The animals received MeHg (30 mu g/kg/bw/day), QC (0.5-50 mg/kg/bw/day), or combinations of both over 45 days. Subsequently, the glutathione levels (GSH) and the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) were determined, and DNA damage was measured in hepatocytes and peripheral leukocytes in single cell gel electrophoresis assays. MeHg decreased the concentration of GSH and the activity of GPx by 17 and 12%, respectively and caused DNA damage to liver and blood cells, while with QC no such effects were seen. When the flavonoid was given in combination with MeHg, the intermediate and the highest concentrations (5.0 and 50.0 mg/kg/bw/day) were found to cause DNA protection; DNA migration was reduced by 54 and 65% in the hepatocytes and by 27 and 36% in the leukocytes; furthermore, the reduction in GSH and GPx levels caused by MeHg treatment was restored. In summary, our results indicate that consumption of QC-rich foods may protect Hg-exposed humans against the adverse health effects of the metal.
The present study evaluates a possible protective effect of fish oil against oxidative damage promoted by methylmercury (MeHg) in sub-chronically exposed rats. Reduced glutathione peroxidase and catalase enzyme activity and reduced glutathione levels were observed in MeHg-exposed animals compared to controls. Methylmercury exposure was also associated with DNA damage. Administration of fish oil to the methylmercury-exposed animals did not ameliorate enzyme activity or glutathione levels. On the other hand, a significant DNA protective effect (about 30%) was observed with fish oil treatment. There were no differences in the total mercury concentration in rat liver, kidney, heart or brain after MeHg administration with or without fish oil co-administration. Histopathological analyses showed a significant leukocyte infiltration in rat tissues after MeHg exposure, but this effect was significantly reduced after co-administration of fish oil. Taken together, our findings demonstrate oxidative damage even after low-level MeHg exposure and the protective effect of fish oil. This protection seems not to be related to antioxidant defenses or mercury re-distribution in rat tissues. It is probably due to the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Solar radiation is one of the major factors responsible for the control of fungus populations in the environment. Inactivation by UVA and UVB radiation is especially important for the control of fungi that disperse infective units through the air, including fungi such as Cryptococcus spp. that infect their vertebrate hosts by inhalation. Cryptococcus neoformans produces melanin in the presence of certain exogenous substrates such as l-3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanine and melanization may protect the fungus against biotic and abiotic environmental factors. In the present study, we investigated the effect of exposure to an UVB irradiance of 1000 mW m(-2) (biologically effective weighted irradiance) on the survival of melanized and nonmelanized cells of four strains of C. neoformans and four strains of C. laurentii. The relative survival (survival of cells exposed to radiation in relation to cells not exposed) of cells grown 2, 4, 6 or 8 days on medium with or without L-dopa was determined after exposure to UVB doses of 1.8 and 3.6 kJ m(-2). Both the irradiance spectrum and the intensities of those doses are environmentally realistic, and, in fact, occur routinely during summer months in temperate regions. Differences in tolerance to UVB radiation were observed between the C. neoformans and C. laurentii strains. The C. neoformans strains were more susceptible to UVB radiation than the C. laurentii strains. In C. neoformans, differences in tolerance to radiation were observed during development of both melanized and nonmelanized cells. For most treatments (strain, time of growth and UVB dose), there were virtually no differences in tolerances between melanized and nonmelanized cells, but when differences occurred they were smaller than those previously observed with UVC. In tests with two strains of C. laurentii, there was no difference in tolerance to UVB radiation between melanized and nonmelanized cells during 8 days of culture; and in tests with four strains for less culture time (4 days) there were no significant differences in tolerance between melanized and nonmelanized cells of any strain of this species.
The effect of repetitive stress during acute infection with Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) on the chronic phase of ensuing Chagas` disease was the focus of this investigation. The aim of this study was to evaluate in Wistar rats the influence of repetitive stress during the acute phase of infection (7 days) with the Y strain of T. cruzi on the chronic phase of the infection (at 180 days). Exposure to ether vapor for 1min twice a day was used as a stressor. Repetitive stress enhanced the number of circulating parasites and cardiac tissue disorganization, from a moderate to a severe diffuse mononuclear inflammatory process and the presence of amastigote burden in the cardiac fibers. Immunological parameters revealed that repetitive stress triggered a reduced concanavalin A induced splenocyte proliferation in vitro with major effects on the late chronic phase. Serum interleukin-12 concentration decreased in both stressed and infected rats in the early phase of infection although it was higher on 180 days post-infection. These results suggest that repetitive stress can markedly impair the host`s immune system and enhance the pathological process during the chronic phase of Chagas` disease.
Social environment can represent a major source of stress affecting cortisol and/or corticosterone levels, thereby altering the immune response. We have investigated the effects of social isolation on the development of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in female Calomys callosus, a natural reservoir of this protozoan parasite. Animals were divided in groups of five animals each. The animals of one group were kept together in a single cage. In a second group, four females were kept together in a cage with one male. In the final group, five individuals were kept isolated in private cages. The isolated animals showed body weight reduction, decreased numbers of peritoneal macrophages, lower global leucocytes counts, smaller lytic antibody percentage and a significantly higher level of blood parasites compared to the other animals. Their behavior was also altered. They were more aggressive than grouped females, or females exposed to the presence of a male. These results suggest that isolation creates a distinct social behavior in which immunity is impaired and pathogenesis is enhanced. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Light conditions during mycelial growth are known to influence fungi in many ways. The effect of visible-light exposure during mycelial growth was investigated on conidial tolerance to UVB irradiation and wet heat of Metarhizium robertsii, an insect-pathogenic fungus. Two nutrient media and two light regimens were compared. Conidia were produced on (A) potato dextrose agar plus yeast extract medium (PDAY) (A1) under dark conditions or (A2) under continuous visible light (provided by two fluorescent lamps with intensity 5.4 W m-2). For comparison, the fungus was also produced on (B) minimal medium (MM) under continuous-dark incubation, which is known to produce conidia with increased tolerance to heat and UVB radiation. The UVB tolerances of conidia produced on PDAY under continuous visible light were twofold higher than conidia produced on PDAY medium under dark conditions, and this elevated UVB tolerance was similar to that of conidia produced on MM in the dark. The heat tolerance of conidia produced under continuous light was, however, similar to that of conidia produced on MM or PDAY in the dark. Conidial yield on PDAY medium was equivalent when the fungus was grown either under continuous-dark or under continuous-light conditions.
Uranium is a natural radioactive metallic element; its effect on the organism is cumulative, and chronic exposure to this element can induce carcinogenesis. Three cities of the Amazon region-Monte Alegre, Prainha, and Alenquer-in North Brazil, are located in one of the largest uranium mineralization areas of the world. Radon is a radioactive gas, part of uranium decay series and readily diffuses through rock. In Monte Alegre, most of the houses are built of rocks removed from the Earth`s crust in the forest, where the uranium reserves lie. The objective of the present work is to determine the presence or absence of genotoxicity and risk of carcinogenesis induced by natural exposure to uranium and radon in the populations of these three cities. The frequency of micronuclei (MN) and chromosomal aberrations (CA) showed no statistically significant differences between the control population and the three study populations (P > 0.05). MN was also analyzed using the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique, with a centromere-specific probe. No clastogenic and/or aneugenic effects were found in the populations. Using FISH analysis, other carcinogenesis biomarkers were analyzed, but neither the presence of the IGH/BCL2 translocation nor an amplification of the MYC gene and 22q21 region was detected. Clastogenicity and DNA damage were also not found in the populations analyzed using the alkaline comet assay. The mitotic index showed no cytotoxicity in the analyzed individuals` lymphocytes. Once we do not have data concerning radiation doses from other sources, such as cosmic rays, potassium, thorium, or anthropogenic sources, it is hard to determine if uranium emissions in this geographic region where our study population lives are too low to cause significant DNA damage. Regardless, genetic analyses suggest that the radiation in our study area is not high enough to induce DNA alterations or to interfere with mitotic apparatus formation. It is also possible that damages caused by radiation doses undergo cellular repair.
Metarhizium spp. is an important worldwide group of entomopathogenic fungi used as an interesting alternative to chemical insecticides in programs of agricultural pest and disease vector control. Metarhizium conidia are important in fungal propagation and also are responsible for host infection. Despite their importance, several aspects of conidial biology, including their proteome, are still unknown. We have established conidial and mycelial proteome reference maps for Metarhizium acridum using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). In all, 1130 +/- 102 and 1200 +/- 97 protein spots were detected in ungerminated conidia and fast-growing mycelia, respectively. Comparison of the two protein-expression profiles reveled that only 35 % of the protein spots were common to both developmental stages. Out of 94 2-DE protein spots (65 from conidia, 25 from mycelia and two common to both) analyzed using mass spectrometry, seven proteins from conidia, 15 from mycelia and one common to both stages were identified. The identified protein spots exclusive to conidia contained sequences similar to known fungal stress-protector proteins (such as heat shock proteins (HSP) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) plus the fungal allergen Alt a 7, actin and the enzyme cobalamin-independent methionine synthase. The identified protein spots exclusive to mycelia included proteins involved in several cell housekeeping biological processes. Three proteins (HSP 90, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and allergen Alt a 7) were present in spots in conidial and mycelial gels, but they differed in their locations on the two gels. (c) 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fungi, including the entomopathogenic deuteromycete Metarhizium anisopliae, produce a wide diversity of secondary metabolites that either can be secreted or stored in specific developmental structures, e.g., conidia. Some secondary metabolites, such as pigments, polyols and mycosporines, are associated with pathogenicity and/or fungal tolerance to several stress-inducing environmental factors, including temperature and solar radiation extremes. Extracts of M. anisopliae var. anisopliae (strain ESALQ-1037) conidia were purified by chromatographic procedures and the isolated compounds analyzed by (1)H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and high-resolution mass spectrometry. LC-MS analyses were carried out to search for mycosporines (the initial targets), but no compounds of this class were detected. A molecule whose natural occurrence was previously undescribed was identified. It consists of betaine conjugated with tyrosine, and the structure was identified as 2-([1-carboxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]amino)-N,N,N-trimethyl-2-oxoethanammonium. mannitol was the predominant compound in the alcoholic conidial extract, but no amino acids other than tyrosine were found to be conjugated with betaine in conidia. The fungal tyrosine betaine was detected also in conidial extracts of three other M. anisopliae var. anisopliae (ARSEF 1095, 5626 and 5749) and three M. anisopliae var. acridum isolates (ARSEF 324, 3391 and 7486), but it was not detected in Aspergillus nidulans conidial extract (ATCC 10074). (C) 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.