976 resultados para Stress degradation studies


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The role of ribosome modulation factor (RMF) in protecting heat-stressed Escherichia coli cells was identified by the observation that cultures of a mutant strain lacking functional RMF (HMY15) were highly heat sensitive in stationary phase compared to those of the parent strain (W3110). No difference in heat sensitivity was observed between these strains in exponential phase, during which RMF is not synthesised. Studies by differential scanning calorimetry demonstrated that the ribosomes of stationary-phase cultures of the mutant strain had lower thermal stability than those of the parent strain in stationary phase, or exponential-phase ribosomes. More rapid breakdown of ribosomes in the mutant strain during heating was confirmed by rRNA analysis and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Analyses of ribosome composition showed that the 100S dimers dissociated more rapidly during heating than 70S particles. While ribosome dimerisation is a consequence of the conformational changes caused by RMF binding, it may not therefore be essential for RMF-mediated ribosome stabilisation.


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Objective: To determine whether dietary supplementation with a natural carotenoid mixture counteracts the enhancement of oxidative stress induced by consumption of fish oil. Design: A randomised double-blind crossover dietary intervention. Setting: Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition, School of Food Biosciences, The University of Reading, Whiteknights PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP, UK. Subjects and intervention: A total of 32 free-living healthy nonsmoking volunteers were recruited by posters and e-mails in The University of Reading. One volunteer withdrew during the study. The volunteers consumed a daily supplement comprising capsules containing fish oil (4 x 1 g) or fish oil (4 x 1 g) containing a natural carotenoid mixture (4 x 7.6 mg) for 3 weeks in a randomised crossover design separated by a 12 week washout phase. The carotenoid mixture provided a daily intake of beta-carotene (6.0 mg), alpha-carotene (1.4 mg), lycopene (4.5 mg), bixin (11.7 mg), lutein (4.4 mg) and paprika carotenoids (2.2 mg). Blood and urine samples were collected on days 0 and 21 of each dietary period. Results: The carotenoid mixture reduced the fall in ex vivo oxidative stability of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) induced by the fish oil (P = 0.045) and it reduced the extent of DNA damage assessed by the concentration of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in urine (P = 0.005). There was no effect on the oxidative stability of plasma ex vivo assessed by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity test. beta- Carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene and lutein were increased in the plasma of subjects consuming the carotenoid mixture. Plasma triglyceride levels were reduced significantly more than the reduction for the fish oil control (P = 0.035), but total cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels were not significantly changed by the consumption of the carotenoid mixture. Conclusions: Consumption of the natural carotenoid mixture lowered the increase in oxidative stress induced by the fish oil as assessed by ex vivo oxidative stability of LDL and DNA degradation product in urine. The carotenoid mixture also enhanced the plasma triglyceride-lowering effect of the fish oil.


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Although in developing countries an apolipoprotein E4 (apoE4) genotype may offer an evolutionary advantage, as it has been shown to offer protection against certain infectious disease, in Westernised societies it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and represents a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, late-onset Alzheimer's disease and other chronic disorders. ApoE is an important modulator of many stages of lipoprotein metabolism and traditionally the increased risk was attributed to higher lipid levels in E4 carriers. However, more recent evidence demonstrates the multifunctional nature of the apoE protein and the fact that the impact of genotype on disease risk may be in large part due to an impact on oxidative status or the immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory properties of apoE. An increasing number of studies in cell lines, targeted replacement rodents and human volunteers indicate higher oxidative stress and a more pro-inflammatory state associated with the F,4 allele. The impact of genotype on the antioxidant and immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory properties of apoE is the focus of the current review. Furthermore, current information on the impact of environment (diet, exercise, smoking status, alcohol) on apoE genotype-phenotype associations are discussed with a view to identifying particular lifestyle strategies that could be adapted to counteract the 'at-risk' E4 genotype.


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Ribosome modulation factor (RMF) was shown to have an influence on the survival of Escherichia coli under acid stress during stationary phase, since the viability of cultures of a mutant strain lacking functional RMF decreased more rapidly than that of the parent strain at pH 3. Loss of ribosomes was observed in both strains when exposed to low pH, although this occurred at a higher rate in the RMF-deficient mutant strain, which also suffered from higher levels of rRNA degradation. It was concluded that the action of RMF in limiting the damage to rRNA contributed to the protection of E coli under acid stress. Expression of the rmf gene was lower during stationary phase after growth in acidified media compared to media containing no added acid, and the increased rmf expression associated with transition from exponential phase to stationary phase was much reduced in acidified media. It was demonstrated that RMF was not involved in the stationary-phase acid-tolerance response in E coli by which growth under acidic conditions confers protection against subsequent acid shock. This response was sufficient to overcome the increased vulnerability of the RMF-deficient mutant strain to acid stress at pH values between 6.5 and 5.5.


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Two studies of assault victims examined the roles of (a) disorganized trauma memories in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), (b) peritraumatic cognitive processing in the development of problematic memories and PTSD, and (c) ongoing dissociation and negative appraisals of memories in maintaining symptomatology. In the cross-sectional study (n = 81), comparisons of current, past, and no-PTSD groups suggested that peritraumatic cognitive processing is related to the development of disorganized memories and PTSD. Ongoing dissociation and negative appraisals served to maintain PTSD symptoms. The prospective study (n = 73) replicated these findings longitudinally. Cognitive and memory assessments completed within 12-weeks postassault predicted 6-month symptoms. Assault severity measures explained 22% of symptom variance; measures of cognitive processing, memory disorganization, and appraisals increased prediction accuracy to 71%.


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Rate coefficients for reactions of nitrate radicals (NO3) with the anthropogenic emissions 2-methylpent-2-ene, (Z)-3-methylpent-2-ene.. ethyl vinyl ether, and the stress-induced plant emission ethyl vinyl ketone (pent-1-en-3-one) were determined to be (9.3 +/- 1.1) x 10(-12), (9.3 +/- 3.2) x 10(-12), (1.7 +/- 1.3) x 10(-12) and (9.4 + 2.7) x 10(-17) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1). We performed kinetic experiments at room temperature and atmospheric pressure using a relative-rate technique with GC-FID analysis. Experiments with ethyl vinyl ether required a modification of our established procedure that might introduce additional uncertainties, and the errors suggested reflect these difficulties. Rate coefficients are discussed in terms of electronic and steric influences. Atmospheric lifetimes with respect to important oxidants in the troposphere were calculated. NO3-initiated oxidation is found to be the strongly dominating degradation route for 2-methylpent-2-ene, (Z)-3-methylpent-2-ene and ethyl vinyl ether. Atmospheric concentrations of the alkenes and their relative contribution to the total NMHC emissions from trucks can be expected to increase if plans for the introduction of particle filters for diesel engines are implemented on a global scale. Thus more kinetic data are required to better evaluate the impact of these emissions.


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The night-time atmospheric chemistry of the biogenic volatile organic compounds (Z)-hex-4-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol ('leaf alcohol'), (E)-hex-3-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-2-en-1-ol and (E)-hex-2-en-1-ol, has been studied at room temperature. Rate coefficients for reactions of the nitrate radical (NO3) with these stress-induced plant emissions were measured using the discharge-flow technique. We employed off-axis continuous-wave cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) for the detection of NO3, which enabled us to work in excess of the hexenol compounds over NO3. The rate coefficients determined were (2.93 +/- 0.58) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (2.67 +/- 0.42) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (4.43 +/- 0.91) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (1.56 +/- 0.24) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), and (1.30 +/- 0.24) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) for (Z)-hex-4-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-3en-1-ol, (E)-hex-3-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-2-en-1-ol and (E)-hex-2-en-1-ol. The rate coefficient for the reaction of NO3 with (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol agrees with the single published determination of the rate coefficient using a relative method. The other rate coefficients have not been measured before and are compared to estimated values. Relative-rate studies were also performed, but required modification of the standard technique because N2O5 (used as the source of NO3) itself reacts with the hexenols. We used varying excesses of NO2 to determine simultaneously rate coefficients for reactions of NO3 and N2O5 with (E)-hex-3-en-1-ol of (5.2 +/- 1.8) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) and (3.1 +/- 2.3) x 10(-18) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1). Our new determinations suggest atmospheric lifetimes with respect to NO3-initiated oxidation of roughly 1-4 h for the hexenols, comparable with lifetimes estimated for the atmospheric degradation by OH and shorter lifetimes than for attack by O-3. Recent measurements of [N2O5] suggest that the gas-phase reactions of N2O5 with unsaturated alcohols will not be of importance under usual atmospheric conditions, but they certainly can be in laboratory systems when determining rate coefficients.


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Krüppel-like transcription factors (Klfs) modulate fundamental cell processes. Cardiac myocytes are terminally-differentiated, but hypertrophy in response to stimuli such as endothelin-1. H2O2 or cytokines promote myocyte apoptosis. Microarray studies of neonatal rat myocytes identified several Klfs as endothelin-1-responsive genes. We used quantitative PCR for further analysis of Klf expression in neonatal rat myocytes. In response to endothelin-1, Klf2 mRNA expression was rapidly increased ( approximately 9-fold; 15-30 min) with later increases in expression of Klf4 and Klf6 ( approximately 5-fold; 30-60 min). All were regulated as immediate early genes (cycloheximide did not inhibit the increases in expression). Klf5 expression was increased at 1-2 h ( approximately 13-fold) as a second phase response (cycloheximide inhibited the increase). These increases were transient and attenuated by U0126. H2O2 increased expression of Klf2, Klf4 and Klf6, but interleukin-1beta or tumor necrosis factor alpha downregulated Klf2 expression with no effect on Klf4 or Klf6. Of the Klfs which repress transcription, endothelin-1 rapidly downregulated expression of Klf3, Klf11 and Klf15. The dynamic regulation of expression of multiple Klf family members in cardiac myocytes suggests that, as a family, they are actively involved in regulating phenotypic responses (hypertrophy and apoptosis) to extracellular stimuli.


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The Mdm2 ubiquitin ligase is an important regulator of p53 abundance and p53-dependent apoptosis. Mdm2 expression is frequently regulated by a p53 Mdm2 autoregulatory loop whereby p53 stimulates Mdm2 expression and hence its own degradation. Although extensively studied in cell lines, relatively little is known about Mdm2 expression in heart where oxidative stress (exacerbated during ischemia-reperfusion) is an important pro-apoptotic stimulus. We demonstrate that Mdm2 transcript and protein expression are induced by oxidative stress (0.2 mm H(2)O(2)) in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. In other cells, constitutive Mdm2 expression is regulated by the P1 promoter (5' to exon 1), with inducible expression regulated by the P2 promoter (in intron 1). In myocytes, H(2)O(2) increased Mdm2 expression from the P2 promoter, which contains two p53-response elements (REs), one AP-1 RE, and two Ets REs. H(2)O(2) did not detectably increase expression of p53 mRNA or protein but did increase expression of several AP-1 transcription factors. H(2)O(2) increased binding of AP-1 proteins (c-Jun, JunB, JunD, c-Fos, FosB, and Fra-1) to an Mdm2 AP-1 oligodeoxynucleotide probe, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed it increased binding of c-Jun or JunB to the P2 AP-1 RE. Finally, antisense oligonucleotide-mediated reduction of H(2)O(2)-induced Mdm2 expression increased caspase 3 activation. Thus, increased Mdm2 expression is associated with transactivation at the P2 AP-1 RE (rather than the p53 or Ets REs), and Mdm2 induction potentially represents a cardioprotective response to oxidative stress.


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Translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP) is a highly conserved protein present in all eukaryotic organisms. Various cellular functions and molecular interactions have been ascribed to this protein, many related to its growth-promoting and antiapoptotic properties. TCTP levels are highly regulated in response to various cellular stimuli and stresses. We have shown recently that the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase, PKR, is involved in translational regulation of TCTP. Here we extend these studies by demonstrating that TCTP is downregulated in response to various proapoptotic treatments, in particular agents that induce Ca++ stress, in a PKR-dependent manner. This regulation requires phosphorylation of protein synthesis factor eIF2α. Since TCTP has been characterized as an antiapoptotic and Ca++-binding protein, we asked whether it is involved in protecting cells from Ca++-stress-induced apoptosis. Overexpression of TCTP partially protects cells against thapsigargin-induced apoptosis, as measured using caspase-3 activation assays, a nuclear fragmentation assay, using fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, and time-lapse video microscopy. TCTP also protects cells against the proapoptotic effects of tunicamycin and etoposide, but not against those of arsenite. Our results imply that cellular TCTP levels influence sensitivity to apoptosis and that PKR may exert its proapoptotic effects at least in part through downregulation of TCTP via eIF2α phosphorylation.


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Petal development and senescence entails a normally irreversible process. It starts with petal expansion and pigment production, and ends with nutrient remobilization and ultimately cell death. In many species this is accompanied by petal abscission. Post-harvest stress is an important factor in limiting petal longevity in cut flowers and accelerates some of the processes of senescence such as petal wilting and abscission. However, some of the effects of moderate stress in young flowers are reversible with appropriate treatments. Transcriptomic studies have shown that distinct gene sets are expressed during petal development and senescence. Despite this, the overlap in gene expression between developmental and stress-induced senescence in petals has not been fully investigated in any species. Here a custom-made cDNA microarray from Alstroemeria petals was used to investigate the overlap in gene expression between developmental changes (bud to first sign of senescence) and typical post-harvest stress treatments. Young flowers were stressed by cold or ambient temperatures without water followed by a recovery and rehydration period. Stressed flowers were still at the bud stage after stress treatments. Microarray analysis showed that ambient dehydration stress accelerates many of the changes in gene expression patterns that would normally occur during developmental senescence. However, a higher proportion of gene expression changes in response to cold stress were specific to this stimulus and not senescence related. The expression of 21 transcription factors was characterized, showing that overlapping sets of regulatory genes are activated during developmental senescence and by different stresses.


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There is a high prevalence of traumatic events within individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, and of auditory hallucinations within individuals diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the relationship between the symptoms associated with these disorders remains poorly understood. We conducted a multidimensional assessment of auditory hallucinations within a sample diagnosed with schizophrenia and substance abuse, both with and without co-morbid PTSD. Results suggest a rate of co-morbid PTSD similar to those reported within other studies. Patients who suffered co-morbid PTSD reported more distressing auditory hallucinations. However, the hallucinations were not more frequent or of longer duration. The need for a multidimensional assessment is supported. Results are discussed within current theoretical accounts of traumatic psychosis.


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According to climate change predictions, water availability might change dramatically in Europe and adjacent regions. This change will undoubtedly have an adverse effect on existing tree species and affect their ability to cope with a lack or an excess of water, changes in annual precipitation patterns, soil salinity and fire disturbance. The following chapter will describe tree species and proven-ances used in European forestry practice which are the most suitable to deal with water stress, salinity and fire. Each subchapter starts with a brief description of each of the stress factors and discusses the predictions of the likelihood of their occurrence in the near future according to the climate change scenarios. Tree spe-cies and their genotypes able to cope with particular stress factor, together with indication of their use by forest managers are then introduced in greater detail.


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Small interfering RNA (siRNA), antisense oligonucleotides (ODNs), ribozymes and DNAzymes have emerged as sequence-specific inhibitors of gene expression that may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Due to their rapid degradation in vivo, the efficacy of naked gene silencing nucleic acids is relatively short lived. The entrapment of these nucleic acids within biodegradable sustained-release delivery systems may improve their stability and reduce the doses required for efficacy. In this study, we have evaluated the potential in vitro and in vivo use of biodegradable poly (d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) copolymer (PLGA) microspheres as sustained delivery devices for ODNs, ribozyme, siRNA and DNA enzymes. In addition, we investigated the release of ODN conjugates bearing 5′-end lipophilic groups. The in vitro sustained release profiles of microsphere-entrapped nucleic acids were dependent on variables such as the type of nucleic acid used, the nature of the lipophilic group, and whether the nucleic acid used was single or double stranded. For in vivo studies, whole body autoradiography was used to monitor the bio-distribution of either free tritium-labelled ODN or that entrapped within PLGA microspheres following subcutaneous administration in Balb-c mice. The majority of the radioactivity associated with free ODN was eliminated within 24 h whereas polymer-released ODN persisted in organs and at the site of administration even after seven days post-administration. Polymer microsphere released ODN exhibited a similar tissue and cellular tropism to the free ODN. Micro-autoradiography analyses of the liver and kidneys showed similar bio-distribution for polymer-released and free ODNs with the majority of radioactivity being concentrated in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney and in the Kupffer cells of the liver. These findings suggest that biodegradable PLGA microspheres offer a method for improving the in vivo sustained delivery of gene silencing nucleic acids, and hence are worthy of further investigation as delivery systems for these macromolecules.


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P>Type III secretion (T3S) plays a pivotal role in the colonization of ruminant hosts by Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). The T3S system translocates effector proteins into host cells to promote bacterial attachment and persistence. The repertoire and variation in prophage regions underpins differences in the pathogenesis and epidemiology of EHEC strains. In this study, we have used a collection of deletions in cryptic prophages and EHEC O157 O-islands to screen for novel regulators of T3S. Using this approach we have identified a family of homologous AraC-like regulators that indirectly repress T3S. These prophage-encoded secretion regulator genes (psr) are found exclusively on prophages and are associated with effector loci and the T3S activating Pch family of regulators. Transcriptional profiling, mutagenesis and DNA binding studies were used to show that these regulators usurp the conserved GAD acid stress resistance system to regulate T3S by increasing the expression of GadE (YhiE) and YhiF and that this regulation follows attachment to bovine epithelial cells. We further demonstrate that PsrA and effectors encoded within cryptic prophage CP933-N are required for persistence in a ruminant model of colonization.