964 resultados para Steigmann-Gall, Richard: The Holy Reich
O texto que segue tem como objetivo propor uma leitura do conto “Presepe”, de Guimarães Rosa, mostrando o caminho trilhado pelo personagem Tio Bola para reviver o momento do nascimento do menino Jesus, rompendo os limites impostos pela realidade e recuperando o instante sagrado, com todas as transformações que essa decisão acarreta ao personagem. O conto narra um instante mágico de elevação do sujeito, uma verdadeira torrente de imaginação, poesia e fé. Toda essa atmosfera está repleta de símbolos, que representam o coletivo e o individual, e compõem a trama poética do conto.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the conceptions of sexuality and female sexual behavior and conduct, formed from the merger of information and securities purchased under the eyes, rules and guidelines established relations with the Holy Office during his visit to Inquisitorial Brazil in the late sixteenth century. It is a survey of historical methodology in which we used as the exploratory research and literature. In the sixteenth century the Church increases the pressure to change the sexual mores that were free in the Middle Ages, a fact which influences the rules and regulations that are adopted by the Holy Office regarding the person's sex life. The first structure was based on Brazilian sexual alliance between Indians and settlers, which led to sugar, by the Portuguese, the customs of the land, which included sexual practices free since the Indians were out of Christian influence. Supported by the absence of white women, the settlers took them wives of the earth, usually more than one, creating conflict with the Jesuits who condemned Indian polygamy. In this context, in 1591, landed on Brazilian soil Heitor Furtado de Mendonca, and with it, the First Visitation of the Holy Office to investigate, arguing, exploring feelings and behaviors, to discover the true facts, finally, to demonstrate the errors Faith and punish them with the rigor of ecclesiastical law. His passing opens us to visualize traces of sexuality in the current "Tropic" a racist, misogynist world where black women and degraded land could be subject to the wishes of the white man, with whom he could mate at will. Alone and forgotten, women have not found the colony margin to denounce or to speak and were stigmatized by the look of travelers and writers have been through here.
In the 15th and early 16th centuries, when traveling eastward and westward no longer proved extraordinary, travel writings, such as those of Marco Polo or Jean de Mandeville, were printed and reprinted and have been in the world of exchanges and acquisitions both in Portugal and in other parts of Europe. However, although they have played a key role in defining foreign worlds for Europe, reflecting the aspirations of their time and providing news about the universe to be discovered, these reports do not always necessarily tell of trips that were actually taken. Several of them, on the contrary, do no more than draw together, for contemporary readers, passages of interest taken from other writings; passages which, based on their regularity and frequency, would allow for a narrative staged as travel to be taken as truth for contemporaries and immediate successors. In the Iberian Peninsula of the late 15th century, an account written by an author about whom nothing is known, Gomez de Santisteban, who defines himself as a companion of Prince Pedro on a supposed trip to the Holy Land, was among those reports integrated into the description and the perception of the land being discovered. The driving question of this paper is, therefore, how Santisteban, though he wrote memories of trips that he did not take, achieved credibility like those travelers whose trips have been recognized as authentic.
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
In the last decade, Brazilian meat export rates for Muslim religious countries have increased, and also has the immigration of Africans workers able to perform the slaughter following the precepts of Islam - religion that has expanded in the world, and thus, has the halal food segment. Halal, the Islamic ideology, means lawful, authorized by God: are those products that Allah in the Holy Qur'an releases for human consumption. To get halal certification some measures during slaughter/processing food should be taken. In the case of the slaughterhouses the animal must be slaughtered by a Muslim. Consequently, the demand for this skilled labor makes many African-Muslims get jobs in factories owned by BRF Foods, JBS and Marfrig; refugees and with their citizenship rights committed, these individuals live in a socio-political state of exception and overexploitation. In this study we intend to discuss the object of study Islamist workforce in Brazilian halal meat industry using the theoretical reflections of Giorgio Agamben (Homo Sacer in 2002, and State of Exception, 2004) and David Harvey (The Condition of Postmodernity, 2008, and The New Imperialism, 2004) to address the situation of immigrants in the meat business in Brazil, specially those on the halal certification segment, whose working and living conditions were described from academic studies and primary sources (articles in newspapers / magazines, websites, immigration official data). In addition we use the works of Rogério Heasbaert (O mito da desterritorialização, 2007) and Robert Kurz (Os paradoxos dos direitos humanos: inclusão e exclusão na modernidade, 2003) to discuss human mobility in this new century
Angela da Foligno’s Liber is a fundamental text for the scholar of Women Mystics between the XIIIth and the XIVth century in Italy and all over Europe, and it has been chosen in my research because of its originality, with refer of its feminine and franciscan essence. Angela teaches to the italian hagiographic tradition the internal point of view of the holy woman, who becomes the teller of her both ordinary and extraordinary experiences. After giving references about the religious and social historical universe in evolution during the XIIth century, my research proceeds with a linguistic and rhetorical analysis based upon the Liber. I have been searching in Angela’s text and in contemporary italian feminine hagiography the sensory metaphor of “tasting”. That kind of metaphor has an ancient memory and, thanks to the Origene’s studies - the Christian Father of the IIIrd century - we can easily recognize it already in the Bible; Origene identifies the sensory metaphor as a rhetoric system, able to exemplify the God learning process of soul. Theory of “spiritual senses”, theory of vision and rhetoric, evolving from the IIIrd to the XIIIth century, are the theological and linguistic heritage of our feminine and franciscan literature. Inside of that, the metaphor of “tasting” moves and changes, therefore becoming the favourite way of mystics to represent the contact of their souls with God.
Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zahlreiche Organisationen gegründet, die es sich zur Aufgabe machten, auf die Meinungsbildung im Osten und Westen Einfluss zu nehmen. Dazu zählte von 1957 bis 1990 die Psychologische Kampfführung / Psychologische Verteidigung der Bundeswehr (PSK/PSV). Ihr primäres Ziel war es, das Staats- und Gesellschaftssystem der Bundesrepublik nach innen und außen zu konsolidieren. Der Dissertationsschrift liegt ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zugrunde: Zum einen wird die PSK/PSV im Kontext der Propagandageschichte und -theorie dargestellt und untersucht – von diesem Standpunkt aus betrachtet handelt es sich um eine publizistikwissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Zum anderen wird die Wirklichkeit der PSK/PSV mit erziehungswissenschaftlichen Begriffen beschrieben, analysiert und unter pädagogischen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert – aus dieser Sichtweise liegt hier eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Untersuchung vor. Die PSK/PSV stand historisch betrachtet keineswegs im wertfreien Raum. Vor allem die Ausprägungen von Propaganda im Dritten Reich – aber auch in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik – spielten für die PSK/PSV eine bedeutende Rolle. Sie waren gewissermaßen stets zu meidende (politische) rechte und linke Grenze in dem Unterfangen, eine eigene Form von Propaganda zu entwickeln und zu betreiben. Die PSK/PSV wirkte unter politischer Zielsetzung auf Einstellungen und Verhalten von Personen beiderseits des Eisernen Vorhangs ein. Ihre Aktivitäten weisen in auffälliger Weise Schnittmengen zu Feldern der Erziehung auf. Die unterschiedlichen pädagogischen Programme und Strategien der vier PSK/PSV-Bereiche – (1) Lehr- und Forschungsstätten, (2) PSK/PSV-Truppe, (3) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialbeziehungen e.V. und (4) Studiengesellschaft für Zeitprobleme e.V. – werden in der Dissertationsschrift dargestellt, analysiert und bewertet. In den Schlussbetrachtungen wird unter pädagogischen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert, ob der in Presse und Politik geäußerte Vorwurf einer Nähe der PSK/PSV zur Propaganda und Erziehung im Dritten Reich haltbar ist.
The French sociologist Maurice Halbwachs (1877–1945) conceived re- membrance as a product of ›collective memory‹ and explained this idea in his book on ›La Topographie légendaire des Évangiles en Terre sainte‹ (1941) showing that the topography of the Holy Land was predominantly an imaginary landscape construed by Christian communities. Following this concept, this article studies the ›Palästinalied‹, a text describing the arrival of a pilgrim in the Holy Land in the time of the crusades, abundantly transmitted under the name of Walther von der Vogelweide. The high degree of textual variance in the diverse manuscripts testifies the acting of ›collective memory‹ in the medieval poetic tradition. Of special interest in this context are the strophic arrangements, the variation of deictic markers, the reworking of melodic models documented in the manuscript transmission and the diatopic opposition existing between the emphasis of ›distant love‹ expressed in Jaufré Rudel’s Occitan song ›Lanqand li jorn son lonc en mai‹ (one of the named models) and the attitude of proximity prevailing in the ›Palästinalied‹.
El presente estudio aborda el misterio del ser en Alberto Magno Super Dionisii Epistulas y responde a la pregunta por el nexo entre el ser y los entes. Esta cuestión se torna misterio tan pronto que desde la «forma» de cada existente irrumpe aquel «esplendor» que el Doctor Universalis identifica -como otros autores antiguos- con el Espíritu Santo en cuanto «gloria». Este Espíritu Infinito y Creador no solo comunica el ser, llamándolo a la existencia a través de los entes, a modo del bonum, sino lo in-forma, es decir, les da a todos la «forma», al modo como Él mismo, siendo la «forma o cuasi-forma» en Dios, posibilita al Padre ser Padre y al Hijo ser Hijo. Tal in-formación, de modo semejante con mayor desemejanza, constituye el origen último y fundante de todo cuanto existe.
According to Gnosticism, the original sin which prompted man to be expelled from Heaven was the sin against the Holy Spirit. This offence would be strictly connected to sexuality, consisting mainly on fornication and adultery. The disobedient behavior towards the Lord’s Laws, then, made God banish sinners to a place where they should suffer until they could be redeemed by their own good deeds and saintly conduct. In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the main characters have to suffer the consequences of their sin and struggle against their own nature to achieve redemption and be purified.
En este trabajo se plantea, más allá de examinar las tesis principales del "revisionismo", la propia naturaleza del conocimiento histórico. ¿Son válidas todas las interpretaciones de un hecho histórico? ¿Se trata en tales casos de "otra lectura", de una "versión alternativa", es decir, de otra apreciación de los datos disponibles? ¿Cómo saber cuando hay mala interpretación deliberada o falsificación de la evidencia? ¿Puede detectarse si la argumentación tendenciosa es deshonesta? El "revisionismo histórico" se ha definido a sí mismo como una corriente historiográfica que ofrece otra versión de Hitler y su régimen. Cerca de una veintena de autores, desde los años cuarenta del siglo XX, se adscriben en esta tendencia, algunos de los cuales han desplegado una sostenida actividad y han logrado una llamativa repercusión en los medios de difusión. Este es el caso de David Irving. Autor de más de treinta libros, artículos, conferencias y discursos dedicados al III Reich, ha pasado largos años de su vida rastreando y estudiando archivos alemanes. Pero muy lejos de constituir un nuevo enfoque historiográfico del nazismo, el "revisionismo" de David Irving está imbuido de política e ideología y sus métodos de trabajo incluyen la adulteración y la distorsión intencional de la historia.