893 resultados para Statistical process control


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Polycarbonate (PC) is an important engineering thermoplastic that is currently produced in large industrial scale using bisphenol A and monomers such as phosgene. Since phosgene is highly toxic, a non-phosgene approach using diphenyl carbonate (DPC) as an alternative monomer, as developed by Asahi Corporation of Japan, is a significantly more environmentally friendly alternative. Other advantages include the use of CO2 instead of CO as raw material and the elimination of major waste water production. However, for the production of DPC to be economically viable, reactive-distillation units are needed to obtain the necessary yields by shifting the reaction-equilibrium to the desired products and separating the products at the point where the equilibrium reaction occurs. In the field of chemical reaction engineering, there are many reactions that are suffering from the low equilibrium constant. The main goal of this research is to determine the optimal process needed to shift the reactions by using appropriate control strategies of the reactive distillation system. An extensive dynamic mathematical model has been developed to help us investigate different control and processing strategies of the reactive distillation units to increase the production of DPC. The high-fidelity dynamic models include extensive thermodynamic and reaction-kinetics models while incorporating the necessary mass and energy balance of the various stages of the reactive distillation units. The study presented in this document shows the possibility of producing DPC via one reactive distillation instead of the conventional two-column, with a production rate of 16.75 tons/h corresponding to start reactants materials of 74.69 tons/h of Phenol and 35.75 tons/h of Dimethyl Carbonate. This represents a threefold increase over the projected production rate given in the literature based on a two-column configuration. In addition, the purity of the DPC produced could reach levels as high as 99.5% with the effective use of controls. These studies are based on simulation done using high-fidelity dynamic models.


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Information systems (IS) outsourcing projects often fail to achieve initial goals. To avoid project failure, managers need to design formal controls that meet the specific contextual demands of the project. However, the dynamic and uncertain nature of IS outsourcing projects makes it difficult to design such specific formal controls at the outset of a project. It is hence crucial to translate high-level project goals into specific formal controls during the course of a project. This study seeks to understand the underlying patterns of such translation processes. Based on a comparative case study of four outsourced software development projects, we inductively develop a process model that consists of three unique patterns. The process model shows that the performance implications of emergent controls with higher specificity depend on differences in the translation process. Specific formal controls have positive implications for goal achievement if only the stakeholder context is adapted, while they are negative for goal achievement if in the translation process tasks are unintendedly adapted. In the latter case projects incrementally drift away from their initial direction. Our findings help to better understand control dynamics in IS outsourcing projects. We contribute to a process theoretic understanding of IS outsourcing governance and we derive implications for control theory and the IS project escalation literature.


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Complex diseases such as cancer result from multiple genetic changes and environmental exposures. Due to the rapid development of genotyping and sequencing technologies, we are now able to more accurately assess causal effects of many genetic and environmental factors. Genome-wide association studies have been able to localize many causal genetic variants predisposing to certain diseases. However, these studies only explain a small portion of variations in the heritability of diseases. More advanced statistical models are urgently needed to identify and characterize some additional genetic and environmental factors and their interactions, which will enable us to better understand the causes of complex diseases. In the past decade, thanks to the increasing computational capabilities and novel statistical developments, Bayesian methods have been widely applied in the genetics/genomics researches and demonstrating superiority over some regular approaches in certain research areas. Gene-environment and gene-gene interaction studies are among the areas where Bayesian methods may fully exert its functionalities and advantages. This dissertation focuses on developing new Bayesian statistical methods for data analysis with complex gene-environment and gene-gene interactions, as well as extending some existing methods for gene-environment interactions to other related areas. It includes three sections: (1) Deriving the Bayesian variable selection framework for the hierarchical gene-environment and gene-gene interactions; (2) Developing the Bayesian Natural and Orthogonal Interaction (NOIA) models for gene-environment interactions; and (3) extending the applications of two Bayesian statistical methods which were developed for gene-environment interaction studies, to other related types of studies such as adaptive borrowing historical data. We propose a Bayesian hierarchical mixture model framework that allows us to investigate the genetic and environmental effects, gene by gene interactions (epistasis) and gene by environment interactions in the same model. It is well known that, in many practical situations, there exists a natural hierarchical structure between the main effects and interactions in the linear model. Here we propose a model that incorporates this hierarchical structure into the Bayesian mixture model, such that the irrelevant interaction effects can be removed more efficiently, resulting in more robust, parsimonious and powerful models. We evaluate both of the 'strong hierarchical' and 'weak hierarchical' models, which specify that both or one of the main effects between interacting factors must be present for the interactions to be included in the model. The extensive simulation results show that the proposed strong and weak hierarchical mixture models control the proportion of false positive discoveries and yield a powerful approach to identify the predisposing main effects and interactions in the studies with complex gene-environment and gene-gene interactions. We also compare these two models with the 'independent' model that does not impose this hierarchical constraint and observe their superior performances in most of the considered situations. The proposed models are implemented in the real data analysis of gene and environment interactions in the cases of lung cancer and cutaneous melanoma case-control studies. The Bayesian statistical models enjoy the properties of being allowed to incorporate useful prior information in the modeling process. Moreover, the Bayesian mixture model outperforms the multivariate logistic model in terms of the performances on the parameter estimation and variable selection in most cases. Our proposed models hold the hierarchical constraints, that further improve the Bayesian mixture model by reducing the proportion of false positive findings among the identified interactions and successfully identifying the reported associations. This is practically appealing for the study of investigating the causal factors from a moderate number of candidate genetic and environmental factors along with a relatively large number of interactions. The natural and orthogonal interaction (NOIA) models of genetic effects have previously been developed to provide an analysis framework, by which the estimates of effects for a quantitative trait are statistically orthogonal regardless of the existence of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) within loci. Ma et al. (2012) recently developed a NOIA model for the gene-environment interaction studies and have shown the advantages of using the model for detecting the true main effects and interactions, compared with the usual functional model. In this project, we propose a novel Bayesian statistical model that combines the Bayesian hierarchical mixture model with the NOIA statistical model and the usual functional model. The proposed Bayesian NOIA model demonstrates more power at detecting the non-null effects with higher marginal posterior probabilities. Also, we review two Bayesian statistical models (Bayesian empirical shrinkage-type estimator and Bayesian model averaging), which were developed for the gene-environment interaction studies. Inspired by these Bayesian models, we develop two novel statistical methods that are able to handle the related problems such as borrowing data from historical studies. The proposed methods are analogous to the methods for the gene-environment interactions on behalf of the success on balancing the statistical efficiency and bias in a unified model. By extensive simulation studies, we compare the operating characteristics of the proposed models with the existing models including the hierarchical meta-analysis model. The results show that the proposed approaches adaptively borrow the historical data in a data-driven way. These novel models may have a broad range of statistical applications in both of genetic/genomic and clinical studies.


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La presente investigación parte del problema en las zonas de clima cálido - húmedo en las cuales se producen impactos asociados a la incomodidad térmica producto de la intensa radiación solar, altas temperaturas y elevada humedad. Estos factores reducen la calidad de los espacios abiertos y desarrollan en la población una actitud de rechazo hacia el uso del microespacio urbano entre edificaciones en los desarrollos urbanos - conjuntos urbanos - , los mismos frecuentemente admiten soluciones que al parecer no contribuyen a la realización de las actividades comunes de esparcimiento de la población residente. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la investigación es profundizar en la temática urbano - ambiental - social y el diseño urbano vinculada a la particularidad morfológica local, las condiciones microclimáticas, el uso del microespacio y los requerimientos de los usuarios. La finalidad de desarrollar estrategias de control microclimático del microespacio entre edificios en clima cálido - húmedo en búsqueda de soluciones óptimas que satisfagan las necesidades de los usuarios de los espacios exteriores en estas áreas residenciales. La investigación se centra en el estudio de las particularidades contextuales relacionadas con el microclima y las características urbanas - morfotipológicas, básicamente los factores microclimáticos (soleamiento y ventilación), los morfológicos y edificatorios y las características de las superficies (pavimentos). En coherencia con el objetivo propuesto el trabajo se desarrolla en cuatro fases: la primera aborda la revisión documental, literatura relevante e investigaciones relativas a la calidad ambiental, medio social, medio físico, el microespacio urbano, control y diseño sostenible, modelización proyectual y estrategias sostenibles; la segunda fase se refiere al marco contextual, características urbanas, datos climáticos locales, planes y procesos urbanos, tipologías y conformación urbana. En esta fase se describe el proceso de selección, análisis y evaluación urbano - ambiental de los casos de estudio (conjuntos residenciales). En la tercera fase se aborda el marco evaluativo y estudio de casos, consideraciones físicas, climáticas y valoración térmico - ambiental de los conjuntos residenciales seleccionados. En esta fase se aplican Técnicas Estadísticas y de Simulación Computacional y se analizan los resultados obtenidos. Finalmente, la cuarta fase propositiva incluye el establecimiento de Estrategias, Principios y Lineamientos de optimación térmica y se exponen las Conclusiones parciales de la tesis, alcances y perspectivas futuras. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos en la investigación demuestran que el análisis en las experiencias de la realidad permiten comprobar que las situaciones y alteraciones ambientales sustanciales, los niveles de afectación térmica y las condiciones de confortabilidad e impacto derivan de las características urbanas, los componentes del microespacio y de las condiciones climáticas las cuales afectan el desarrollo de las actividades y el uso efectivo del microespacio entre edificios. El análisis de los factores morfo - climáticos incidentes y el estudio de los efectos de interacción contribuyen al establecimiento de Principios y Lineamientos para la evaluación y diseño sostenible del microespacio entre edificios y el uso correcto de los elementos del clima en estas áreas urbanas destinadas a la actividad social y al esparcimiento de la población residente. ABSTRACT This research starts from the problem of hot - humid climate zones where impacts related to thermal discomfort are produced as a result from the intense solar radiation and high temperatures and humidity. These factors reduce the quality of open spaces and people develop an attitude of rejection towards the use of urban microspace among buildings within urban developments - urban complexes - . Usually, these complexes admit solutions that apparently do not contribute to the achievement of common leisure activities in the resident dwellers. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to deepen in the urban - environmental - social issue and urban design linked to the local morphological particularity, microclimate conditions, use of microspace and users’ requirements. In order to develop microclimate control strategies of microspace among buildings in hot - humid climate to look for optimal solutions that satisfy users’ needs of outdoors spaces in these residential areas. The research focuses in the study of contextual particularities related to microclimate and urban - morphotypological characteristics. Basically, microclimate (sunlight and ventilation), morphological and building factors as well as road surface characteristics. According to the proposed objective, this research is developed in four phases: the first one considers documentary review, relevant literature and researches related to environmental quality, social environment, physical environment, urban microspace, control and sustainable design, project modelling and sustainable strategies; while the second phase refers to contextual framework, urban characteristics, local climate data, plans and urban processes, typologies and urban structure. In this phase, the process of selection, analysis and urban - environmental evaluation of case studies (residential complexes) is described. The third phase approaches the assessment framework and case studies, physical and climate considerations as well as environmental - thermal evaluation of selected residential complexes. In this phase, statistical techniques and computational simulations are applied. Likewise, results obtained are analysed. Similarly, fourth and proposing phase includes the establishment of strategies, principles and guidelines of thermal optimization and partial conclusions of the thesis, scopes and future perspectives are exposed. Finally, from the results obtained, it is demonstrated that the analysis on reality experiences allow proving that situations and substantial environmental changes, levels of thermal affectations, comfort conditions and impact derive from urban characteristics, microspace components and from climate conditions which affect the development of activities and the effective use of microspace among buildings. The analysis of incidental morpho - climate factors and the study of interaction effects contribute to the establishment of principles and guidelines for the assessment and sustainable design of microspace among buildings as well as the correct use of climate elements in these urban areas oriented to social and leisure activities of resident population.


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Este artículo describe una estrategia de selección de frases para hacer el ajuste de un sistema de traducción estadístico basado en el decodificador Moses que traduce del español al inglés. En este trabajo proponemos dos posibilidades para realizar esta selección de las frases del corpus de validación que más se parecen a las frases que queremos traducir (frases de test en lengua origen). Con esta selección podemos obtener unos mejores pesos de los modelos para emplearlos después en el proceso de traducción y, por tanto, mejorar los resultados. Concretamente, con el método de selección basado en la medida de similitud propuesta en este artículo, mejoramos la medida BLEU del 27,17% con el corpus de validación completo al 27,27% seleccionando las frases para el ajuste. Estos resultados se acercan a los del experimento ORACLE: se utilizan las mismas frases de test para hacer el ajuste de los pesos. En este caso, el BLEU obtenido es de 27,51%.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of an intelligent control system based on local neurofuzzy models of the milling process relayed through an Ehternet-based application. Its purpose is to control the spindle torque of a milling process by using an internal model control paradigm to modify the feed rate in real time. The stabilization of cutting cutting torque is especially necessary in milling processes such as high-spedd roughing of steel moulds and dies tha present minor geometric uncertainties. Thus, maintenance of the curring torque increaes the material removal rate and reduces the risk of damage due to excessive spindle vibration, a very sensitive and expensive component in all high-speed milling machines. Torque control is therefore an interesting challenge from an industrial point of view.


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La diabetes mellitus es un trastorno del metabolismo de los carbohidratos producido por la insuficiente o nula producción de insulina o la reducida sensibilidad a esta hormona. Es una enfermedad crónica con una mayor prevalencia en los países desarrollados debido principalmente a la obesidad, la vida sedentaria y disfunciones en el sistema endocrino relacionado con el páncreas. La diabetes Tipo 1 es una enfermedad autoinmune en la que son destruidas las células beta del páncreas, que producen la insulina, y es necesaria la administración de insulina exógena. Un enfermo de diabetes Tipo 1 debe seguir una terapia con insulina administrada por la vía subcutánea que debe estar adaptada a sus necesidades metabólicas y a sus hábitos de vida, esta terapia intenta imitar el perfil insulínico de un páncreas no patológico. La tecnología actual permite abordar el desarrollo del denominado “páncreas endocrino artificial”, que aportaría precisión, eficacia y seguridad para los pacientes, en cuanto a la normalización del control glucémico y reducción del riesgo de hipoglucemias. Permitiría que el paciente no estuviera tan pendiente de su enfermedad. El páncreas artificial consta de un sensor continuo de glucosa, una bomba de infusión de insulina y un algoritmo de control, que calcula la insulina a infusionar usando la glucosa como información principal. Este trabajo presenta un método de control en lazo semi-cerrado mediante un sistema borroso experto basado en reglas. La regulación borrosa se fundamenta en la ambigüedad del lenguaje del ser humano. Esta incertidumbre sirve para la formación de una serie de reglas que representan el pensamiento humano, pero a la vez es el sistema que controla un proceso, en este caso el sistema glucorregulatorio. Este proyecto está enfocado en el diseño de un controlador borroso que haciendo uso de variables como la glucosa, insulina y dieta, sea capaz de restaurar la función endocrina del páncreas de forma tecnológica. La validación del algoritmo se ha realizado principalmente mediante experimentos en simulación utilizando una población de pacientes sintéticos, evaluando los resultados con estadísticos de primer orden y algunos más específicos como el índice de riesgo de Kovatchev, para después comparar estos resultados con los obtenidos por otros métodos de control anteriores. Los resultados demuestran que el control borroso (FBPC) mejora el control glucémico con respecto a un sistema predictivo experto basado en reglas booleanas (pBRES). El FBPC consigue reducir siempre la glucosa máxima y aumentar la mínima respecto del pBRES pero es en terapias desajustadas, donde el FBPC es especialmente robusto, hace descender la glucosa máxima 8,64 mg/dl, el uso de insulina es 3,92 UI menor, aumenta la glucosa mínima 3,32 mg/dl y lleva al rango de glucosa 80 – 110 mg/dl 15,33 muestras más. Por lo tanto se puede concluir que el FBPC realiza un mejor control glucémico que el controlador pBRES haciéndole especialmente efectivo, robusto y seguro en condiciones de desajustes de terapia basal y con gran capacidad de mejora futura. SUMMARY The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by a poor or null insulin secretion or a reduced sensibility to insulin. Diabetes is a chronic disease with a higher prevalence in the industrialized countries, mainly due to obesity, the sedentary life and endocrine disfunctions connected with the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes is a self-immune disease where the beta cells of the pancreas, which are the responsible of secreting insulin, are damaged. Hence, it is necessary an exogenous delivery of insulin. The Type 1 diabetic patient has to follow a therapy with subcutaneous insulin administration which should be adjusted to his/her metabolic needs and life style. This therapy tries to mimic the insulin profile of a non-pathological pancreas. Current technology lets the development of the so-called endocrine artificial pancreas that would provide accuracy, efficiency and safety to patients, in regards to the glycemic control normalization and reduction of the risk of hypoglycemic. In addition, it would help the patient not to be so concerned about his disease. The artificial pancreas has a continuous glucose sensor, an insulin infusion pump and a control algorithm, that calculates the insulin infusion using the glucose as main information. This project presents a method of control in semi-closed-loop, through an expert fuzzy system based on rules. The fuzzy regulation is based on the human language ambiguity. This uncertainty serves for construction of some rules that represent the human language besides it is the system that controls a process, in this case the glucoregulatory system. This project is focus on the design of a fuzzy controller that, using variables like glucose insulin and diet, will be able to restore the pancreas endocrine function with technology. The algorithm assessment has mainly been done through experiments in simulation using a population of synthetic patients, evaluating the results with first order statistical parameters and some other more specific such as the Kovatchev risk index, to compare later these results with the ones obtained in others previous methods of control. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy control (FBPC) improves the glycemic control connected with a predictive expert system based on Booleans rules (pBRES). The FBPC is always able to reduce the maximum level of glucose and increase the minimum level as compared with pBRES but it is in unadjusted therapies where FBPC is especially strong, it manages to decrease the maximum level of glucose and insulin used by 8,64 mg/dl and 3,92 UI respectively, also increases the value of minimum glucose by 3,32 mg/dl, getting 15,33 samples more inside the 80-110 mg/dl glucose rank. Therefore we can conclude that FBPC achieves a better glycemic control than the controller pBRES doing it especially effective, robust and safe in conditions of mismatch basal therapy and with a great capacity for future improvements.


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The cyclic compression of several granular systems has been simulated with a molecular dynamics code. All the samples consisted of bidimensional, soft, frictionless and equal-sized particles that were initially arranged according to a squared lattice and were compressed by randomly generated irregular walls. The compression protocols can be described by some control variables (volume or external force acting on the walls) and by some dimensionless factors, that relate stiffness, density, diameter, damping ratio and water surface tension to the external forces, displacements and periods. Each protocol, that is associated to a dynamic process, results in an arrangement with its own macroscopic features: volume (or packing ratio), coordination number, and stress; and the differences between packings can be highly significant. The statistical distribution of the force-moment state of the particles (i.e. the equivalent average stress multiplied by the volume) is analyzed. In spite of the lack of a theoretical framework based on statistical mechanics specific for these protocols, it is shown how the obtained distributions of mean and relative deviatoric force-moment are. Then it is discussed on the nature of these distributions and on their relation to specific protocols.


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Las normativas que regulan la seguridad de las presas en España han recogido la necesidad de conocer los desplazamientos y deformaciones de sus estructuras y cimientos. A día de hoy, son muchas las presas en explotación que no cuentan con un sistema de auscultación adecuado para controlar este tipo de variables, ya que la instalación de métodos clásicos de precisión en las mismas podría no ser viable técnicamente y, de serlo, supondría un coste económico importante y una dudosa garantía del proceso de ejecución de la obra civil correspondiente. Con el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías, la informática y las telecomunicaciones, han surgido nuevos sistemas de auscultación de desplazamientos. Los sistemas GPS actuales, diseñados para el control de estructuras, guiado de maquinaria, navegación y topografía, estabilidad de taludes, subsidencias, etc. permiten alcanzar precisiones centimétricas. El sistema de control de movimientos basado en la tecnología DGPS (GPS diferencial) combinada con un filtro estadístico con el que se alcanzan sensibilidades de hasta ±1 mm en el sistema, suficientes para una auscultación normal de presas según los requerimientos de la normativa actual. Esta exactitud se adapta a los desplazamientos radiales de las presas, donde son muy comunes valores de amplitudes en coronación de hasta 15 mm en las de gravedad y de hasta 45 mm en el caso de las presas bóveda o arco. La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar la viabilidad del sistema DGPS en el control de movimientos de presas de hormigón comparando los diferentes sistemas de auscultación y su correlación con las variables físicas y las vinculadas al propio sistema GPS diferencial. Ante la necesidad de dar respuesta a estas preguntas y de validar e incorporar a la mencionada tecnología en la ingeniería civil en España, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de caso en La Aceña (Ávila). Esta es una de las pocas presas españolas que se está controlando con dicha tecnología y de forma simultánea con los sistemas clásicos de auscultación y algunos otros de reciente aplicación La presente investigación se ha organizado con idea de dar respuesta a varias preguntas que el explotador de presas se plantea y que no se analizan en el estado del arte de la técnica: cómo hacer la configuración espacial del sistema y cuáles son los puntos necesarios que se deben controlar, qué sistemas de comunicaciones son los más fiables, cuáles son los costes asociados, calibración del software, vida útil y mantenimientos requeridos, así como la posibilidad de telecontrolar los datos. Entre las ventajas del sistema DGPS, podemos señalar su bajo coste de implantación y posibilidad de controlarlo de forma remota, así como la exactitud y carácter absoluto de los datos. Además, está especialmente indicado para presas aisladas o mal comunicadas y para aquellas otras en las que el explotador no tiene referencia alguna de la magnitud de los desplazamientos o deformaciones propias de la presa en toda su historia. Entre los inconvenientes de cualquier sistema apoyado en las nuevas tecnologías, destaca la importancia de las telecomunicaciones ya sea en el nivel local en la propia presao desde su ubicación hasta el centro de control de la explotación. Con la experiencia alcanzada en la gestión de la seguridad de presas y sobre la base de la reciente implantación de los nuevos métodos de auscultación descritos, se ha podido analizar cada una de sus ventajas e inconvenientes. En el capítulo 5, se presenta una tabla de decisión para el explotador que servirá como punto de partida para futuras inversiones. El impacto de esta investigación se ha visto reflejado en la publicación de varios artículos en revistas indexadas y en el debate suscitado entre gestores y profesionales del sector en los congresos nacionales e internacionales en los que se han presentado resultados preliminares. All regulations on the safety of dams in Spain have collected the need to know the displacements and deformations of the structure and its foundation. Today there are many dams holding not have an adequate system of auscultation to control variables such as the installation of classical methods of precision in the same might not be technically feasible, and if so, would cost important economic and guarantee the implementation process of the dubious civil works. With the development of new technologies, computing and telecommunications, new displacements auscultation systems have emerged. Current GPS systems designed to control structures, machine guidance, navigation and topography, slope stability, subsidence, etc, allow to reach centimeter-level accuracies. The motion control system based on DGPS technology applies a statistical filter that sensitivities are achieved in the system to ± 1 mm, sufficient for normal auscultation of dams as required by current regulations. This accuracy is adapted to the radial displacement of dams, which are common values in coronation amplitudes up to 15 mm in gravity dams and up to 45 mm in arch or arc dams. This research aims to analyze the feasibility of DGPS system in controlling movements of concrete dams, comparing the different systems auscultation and its correlation with physical variables and linked to differential GPS system itself. Given the need to answer this question and to validate and incorporate this technology to civil engineering in Spain, has conducted a case study in real time at the dam La Aceña (Ávila). This dam is one of the few Spanish companies, which are controlling with this technology and simultaneously with the classic auscultation systems and some other recent application. This research has been organized with a view to responding to questions that the dam operator arises and in the state of the art technique not discussed: how to make spatial configuration of the system and what are the necessary control points what communication systems are the most reliable, what are the associated costs, calibration software, service life and maintenance requirements, possibility of monitoring, etc. Among the advantages we can point to its low cost of implementation, the possibility of remote, high accuracy and absolute nature of the data. It could also be suitable for those isolated or poorly communicated dams and those in which the operator has no reference to the magnitude of displacements or deformations own prey in its history. The disadvantages of any system based on the new technologies we highlight the importance of telecommunications, either locally or from this dam control center of the farm. With the experience gained in the management of dam safety and based on the recent introduction of new methods of auscultation described, it has been possible to analyze each of their advantages and disadvantages. A decision table for the operator, which will serve as a starting point for future investments is presented. The impact of research, has been reflected in the publication of several articles in refereed journals and discussion among managers and professionals in national and international conferences in which they participated.


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On cover: QC manual.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Purpose: To evaluate the clinical features, treatment, and outcomes of a cohort of patients with ocular adnexal lymphoproliferative disease classified according to the World Health Organization modification of the Revised European-American Classification of Lymphoid neoplasms and to perform a robust statistical analysis of these data. Methods: Sixty-nine cases of ocular adnexal lymphoproliferative disease, seen in a tertiary referral center from 1992 to 2003, were included in the study. Lesions were classified by using the World Health Organization modification of the Revised European-American Classification of Lymphoid neoplasms classification. Outcome variables included disease-specific Survival, relapse-free survival, local control, and distant control. Results: Stage IV disease at presentation, aggressive lymphoma histology, the presence of prior or concurrent systemic lymphoma at presentation, and bilateral adnexal disease were significant predictors for reduced disease-specific survival, local control, and distant control. Multivariate analysis found that aggressive histology and bilateral adnexal disease had significantly reduced disease-specific Survival. Conclusions: The typical presentation of adnexal lymphoproliferative disease is with a painless mass, swelling, or proptosis; however, pain and inflammation occurred in 20% and 30% of patients, respectively. Stage at presentation, tumor histology, primary or secondary status, and whether the process was unilateral or bilateral were significant variables for disease outcome. In this study, distant spread of lymphoma was lower in patients who received greater than 20 Gy of orbital radiotherapy.