962 resultados para Stable sexual partner
A new quantitative approach of the mandibular sexual dimorphism, based on computer-aided image analysis and elliptical Fourier analysis of the mandibular outline in lateral view is presented. This method was applied to a series of 117 dentulous mandibles from 69 male and 48 female individuals native of Rhenish countries. Statistical discriminant analysis of the elliptical Fourier harmonics allowed the demonstration of a significant sexual dimorphism in 97.1% of males and 91.7% of females, i.e. in a higher proportion than in previous studies using classical metrical approaches. This original method opens interesting perspectives for increasing the accuracy of sex identification in current anthropological practice and in forensic procedures.
Sulfur speciation and the sources of water-soluble sulfate in three oxidizing sulfidic mine tailings impoundments were investigated by selective dissolution and stable isotopes. The studied tailings impoundments-Piuquenes, Cauquenes, and Salvador No. 1-formed from the exploitation of the Rio Blanco/La Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador Chilean porphyry copper deposits, which are located in Alpine, Mediterranean, and hyperarid climates, respectively. The water-soluble sulfate may originate from dissolution of primary ore sulfates (e.g., gypsum, anhydrite, jarosite) or from oxidation of sulfide minerals exposed to aerobic conditions during mining activity. With increasing aridity and decreasing pyrite content of the tailings, the sulfur speciation in the unsaturated oxidation zones showed a trend from dominantly Fe(Ill) oxyhydroxide fixed sulfate (e.g., jarosite and schwertmannite) in Piuquenes toward increasing presence of water-soluble sulfate at Cauquenes and Salvador No. 1. In the saturated primary zones, sulfate is predominantly present in water-soluble form (mainly as anhydrite and/or gypsum). In the unsaturated zone at Piuquenes and Cauquenes,the delta(34)S(S04) values ranged from +0.5 parts per thousand to +2.0 parts per thousand and from -0.4 parts per thousand to +1.4 parts per thousand Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite (V-CDT), respectively, indicating a major sulfate source from pyrite oxidation (delta(34)S(pyrite) -1.1 parts per thousand and -0.9 parts per thousand). In the saturated zone at Piuquenes and Cauquenes, the values ranged from -0.8%. to +0.3 parts per thousand and from +2.2 parts per thousand to +3.9 parts per thousand, respectively. At Cauquenes the 34 S enrichment in the saturated zone toward depth indicates the increasing contribution of isotopically heavy dissolved sulfate from primary anhydrite (similar to+10.9%o). At El Salvador No. 1, the delta(34)S(SO4) average value is -0.9 parts per thousand, suggesting dissolution of supergene sulfate minerals (jarosite, alunite, gypsum) with a delta(34)S similar to -0.7 parts per thousand as the most probable sulfate source. The gradual decrease Of delta(18)O(S04) values from the surface to the oxidation front in the tailings impoundments at Piuquenes (from -4.5 parts per thousand to -8.6 parts per thousand Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water, V-SMOW) and at Cauquenes (from -1.3 parts per thousand to -3.5 parts per thousand) indicates the increasing importance of ferric iron as the main electron acceptor in the oxidation of pyrite. The different delta(18)O(SO4) values between the tailings impoundments studied here reflect the local climates.
Se examinan los comportamientos anticonceptivos de 225 jóvenes universitarios (22'7% hombres y 77'3% mujeres) con el objetivo de conocer su eficacia para evitar embarazos no deseados, SIDA y otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS). Se recogió información sobre los diferentes métodos anticonceptivos empleados por los sujetos con su última pareja, sin establecer ningún límite temporal. La mitad de los estudiantes no habían tenido nunca relaciones sexuales completas. La mitad de las conductas heterosexuales de los jóvenes sexualmente activos fueron adecuadas para protegerse frente al SIDA, otras ETS y embarazos no deseados (usar siempre preservativo); un tercio de las conductas únicamente eran útiles para evitar embarazos (píldora anticonceptiva) y las restantes (usar ocasionalmente el preservativo o el coitus interruptus ) les pusieron en riesgo frente a los tres problemas. Además, conforme se eleva la edad o el número de parejas de los estudiantes, es más frecuente el uso de píldoras anticonceptivas y menos probable el empleo de preservativo. Estos resultados sugieren que los estudiantes sexualmente activos están más interesados en la prevención de los embarazos no deseados que en evitar infectarse con el SIDA u otras ETS, por lo que seria conveniente promocionar entre ellos el uso del preservativo como método anticonceptivo, destacando sus ventajas frente a la píldora
One of the world's largest wollastonite deposits was formed at the contact of the northern Hunter Mountain Batholith (California, USA) in Paleozoic sediments. Wollastonite occurs as zones of variable thickness surrounding layers or nodules of quartzite in limestones. A minimum formation temperature of 650 degrees C is estimated from isolated periclase-bearing lenses in that area. Contact metamorphism of siliceous carbonates has produced mineral assemblages that are consistent with heterogeneous, and partly limited infiltration of water-rich fluids, compatible with O-18/O-16 and C-13/C-12 isotopic patterns recorded in carbonates. Oxygen isotope compositions of wollastonites in the study area may also not require infiltration of large quantities of externally-derived fluids that were out of equilibrium with the rocks. 8180 values of wollastonite are high (14.8 parts per thousand to 25.0 parts per thousand; median: 19.7 parts per thousand) and close to those of the host limestone (19.7 parts per thousand to 28 parts per thousand; median: 24.9 parts per thousand) and quartz (18.0 parts per thousand. to 29.1 parts per thousand; median: 22.6 parts per thousand). Isotopic disequilibrium exists at quartz/wollastonite and wollastonite/calcite boundaries. Therefore, classical batch/Rayleigh fractionation models based on reactant and product equilibrium are not applicable to the wollastonite rims. An approach that relies on local instantaneous mass balance for the reactants, based on the wollastonite-forming reaction is suggested as an alternative way to model wollastonite reaction rims. This model reproduces many of the measured delta O-18 values of wollastonite reaction rims of the current study to within +/- 1 parts per thousand, even though the wollastonite compositions vary by almost 10 parts per thousand. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article provides an in-depth study of long-term female unemployment in Catalonia.Long-term unemployment statistics reveal which social groups are most likely to experience difficulty re-entering the labour market. In this case, we found that women are mainly affected by this type of labour exclusion, in particular poorly qualified, working-class women who are aged over 45 and with family responsibilities.The article aims to explore how the overlapping of factors such as gender, age, social class, origin and the division of work based on gender are related to long-term female unemployment. Moreover, we were able to detect which conceptual tools provide us with the production/reproduction paradigm so as to be able to analyse the future of female unemployment. The methodology we used combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. On the one hand, the analysis of secondary statistical data focusing on Catalonia is useful in understanding the situation from a macro-social perspective. On the other hand, an exploratory discussion group enables us to investigate social imaginary practises among unemployed working class women aged over 45. This discussion group was held in Igualada -capital of the Anoia region - an area of Catalonia deeply affected by unemployment in the current economic crisis.
A two page informational sheet about workplace sexual harassment produced by Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
O estudo identificou os tipos de suporte social oferecido pelo parceiro sexual da mulher com câncer de mama e verificou como este apoio é percebido por eles. Participaram do estudo nove parceiros de mulheres nessa condição. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os parceiros se perceberam como importantes elementos de suporte social para as suas esposas oferecendo afeto, estímulo ao auto cuidado e auxílio nos afazeres domésticos. Revelaram dificuldades enfrentadas ao oferecer suporte social as quais estavam relacionadas à esfera sexual, aos canais de comunicação, à sensação de impotência e insegurança para lidar com as implicações do diagnóstico e reorganizar as atividades domésticas.
Este artigo apresenta um dos temas emergentes de uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida com adolescentes do sexo feminino da Vila Acaba Mundo - Belo Horizonte/MG. Teve como objetivo compreender as representações sociais das adolescentes em relação à iniciação sexual sob o recorte de gênero. Os dados foram colhidos em quatro Oficinas de Trabalho e analisados à luz da teoria das representações sociais, sendo utilizada a técnica da análise de discurso. Duas categorias empíricas emergiram dos discursos: deixar de ser criança e temor pela gravidez e suas conseqüências. O entendimento das representações sociais e das relações de gênero evidenciou valores, idéias e práticas das adolescentes e suas famílias em freqüentes transformações, dentro do campo social.
The investigation of gender differences in emotion has attracted much attention given the potential ramifications on our understanding of sexual differences in disorders involving emotion dysregulation. Yet, research on content-specific gender differences across adulthood in emotional responding is lacking. The aims of the present study were twofold. First, we sought to investigate to what extent gender differences in the self-reported emotional experience are content specific. Second, we sought to determine whether gender differences are stable across the adult lifespan. We assessed valence and arousal ratings of 14 picture series, each of a different content, in 94 men and 118 women aged 20 to 81. Compared to women, men reacted more positively to erotic images, whereas women rated low-arousing pleasant family scenes and landscapes as particularly positive. Women displayed a disposition to respond with greater defensive activation (i.e., more negative valence and higher arousal), in particular to the most arousing unpleasant contents. Importantly, significant interactions between gender and age were not found for any single content. This study makes a novel contribution by showing that gender differences in the affective experiences in response to different contents persist across the adult lifespan. These findings support the "stability hypothesis" of gender differences across age.
Trata-se de estudo transversal conduzido com 222 adolescentes mulheres, entre 15 e 19 anos de idade, moradoras da área de uma unidade de saúde da família na zona leste da cidade de São Paulo, cujo objetivo foi descrever as motivações para iniciar ou não a vida sexual e os fatores associados a tal evento. As adolescentes que já haviam iniciado a vida sexual eram mais velhas, não coabitavam com os pais, estavam ausentes do sistema educacional, habitavam domicílios ocupados e namoravam em maior proporção do que as sem experiência sexual. Observou-se também que, na opinião das entrevistadas, a iniciação sexual, independente do matrimônio, pareceu ser aceita, mas foi largamente relatado o desejo da existência de vínculo afetivo-amoroso com o parceiro da primeira prática sexual, reforçando que o tradicional papel atribuído à sexualidade feminina, pelas relações de gênero, ainda forma a base do comportamento sexual dessas garotas.
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida com profissionais que atuam no Programa de Saúde da Família - PSF no Estado de Minas Gerais. O objetivo foi analisar as práticas destes profissionais voltadas para mulheres em situação de violência sexual. Os dados foram coletados em uma Oficina de Trabalho tendo como suporte teórico para a análise as categorias gênero e violência de gênero. Constatou-se que a violência sexual contra a mulher envolve questões nas dimensões singular, particular e estrutural da realidade objetiva, que merecem ser refletidas pelos profissionais de saúde. O atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência sexual só poderá ser eficaz à medida que houver um trabalho intersetorial, com políticas públicas claras e eficazes e com o adequado preparo dos profissionais de saúde.
Protective T cell responses againstpersistent viruses like Epstein-Barrvirus in healthy individuals are characterizedby a remarkable stability ofthe T cell receptor (TCR) clonotypicrepertoire, with highly preservedclonotype selection and persistenceover time. Here, we extended recentwork to the study of EBV-specificCD8 T cell responses in melanomapatients treated by short-term chemotherapyfor transient lymphodepletion,followed by adoptive cell transfer(ACT) and immune reconstitutionfor cancer therapy. After this treatment,we observed increased proportionsof virus-specific T cells in 3/5patients, accompanied by a more differentiatedphenotype (EMRA/CD28neg), compared to specific cells ofhealthy individuals. Yet, similarly tohealthy donors, clonotype selectionand composition of virus-specific Tcells varied along the pathway of celldifferentiation, with some clonotypesthat were selected with late differentiation,while others were not. Aftertreatment, we did not observe noveldominant clonotypes, likely related toabsence of EBV reactivation measuredas viral load levels by quantitativePCR in PBMCs and antibody levelsin plasma samples. Furthermore,public TCR BV signatures were frequentlyfound within T cell clonotypesthat dominated the repertoiresof patients, in line with those observedin healthy individuals. Ourfindings indicate that even in situationswhere the immune system isstrongly challenged such as followinglymphodepletion and homeostatic repopulation,cytotoxic T cells specificfor EBV remain strikingly stable interms of clonotype selection and com-position along T cell differentiation.We are currently characterizing theclonotype selection and gene expressionprofiles of single EBV-specificCD8 T lymphocytes sorted ex-vivo inone patient who underwent two cyclesof lymphodepletion with escaladingdoses of chemotherapy overone-year interval. Observations madefrom this setting will provide additionalinsight into the degree of stabilityof virus specific T cells, and changesin the expression levels of genesimportant for cytolytic function andlong-term survival of T cells. Thiswork is supported by the Swiss NationalCenter of Competence in Research(NCCR) Molecular Oncology,and the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Dado que a literatura enfatiza a estreita relação entre o início da vida sexual e a pressão exercida pelos pares, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a presença da pressão social na iniciação sexual de adolescentes, com base nos relacionamentos com o grupo de iguais. Participaram 363 pessoas, com idade entre 15 e 19 anos, compreendendo uma amostra representativa dos adolescentes cadastrados em uma unidade do Programa de Saúde da Família da cidade de São Paulo. Foi utilizado um questionário estruturado e auto-aplicado. Os resultados mostraram associação entre a iniciação sexual e idade, já ter ficado com alguém sem vontade, ter a maior parte dos amigos com experiência sexual e estar namorando, o que revelou indícios de que os pares parecem exercer certa influência na opção pela iniciação sexual.
O Ministério da Saúde preconiza o atendimento integral e humanizado às mulheres vítimas de violência sexual. Teve-se por objetivo descrever o Protocolo de Enfermagem na Assistência às Mulheres Vítimas de Violência Sexual do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, recentemente revisado. Para tanto, seguiram-se as etapas do processo de enfermagem e após a identificação dos principais diagnósticos da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) foram determinadas as intervenções, com base em normas técnicas nacionais e internacionais. O protocolo atual engloba o atendimento imediato e tardio, o acompanhamento ambulatorial e as ações relacionadas à interrupção legal da gravidez decorrente do estupro. O protocolo de enfermagem tem proporcionado à cliente um atendimento integral e humanizado e à enfermeira, maior autonomia na sua área de atuação, favorecendo o trabalho colaborativo e interativo com a equipe multidisciplinar.