997 resultados para Spinal Stenosis - diagnosis


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The present study reports the production of the rabbit anti-Leishmania (L.) chagasi hyperimmune serum, the standardization of the immunohistochemistry (IHC) technique and the evaluation of its employment in cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions diagnosed by Leishmania sp. culture isolation. Thirty fragments of active CL lesions were examined as well as 10 fragments of cutaneous mycosis lesions as control group. IHC proved more sensitive in detecting amastigotes than conventional hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stained slides: the former was positive in 24 (80%) biopsies whereas the latter, in 16 (53%) (p = 0.028). The reaction stained different fungus species causing cutaneous mycosis. Besides, positive reaction was noticed in mononuclear and endothelial cells. Nevertheless, this finding was present in the control group biopsies. It is concluded that IHC showed good sensitivity in detecting amastigotes.


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Aim. Percutaneous endovascular procedures have become the standard treatment of arteriovenous fistulae and graft stenosis. This study evaluates the immediate results of angiographic procedures performed by nephrologists in patients with dysfunctional arteriovenous fistulae and arteriovenous graft stenosis. Patients and Methods. A retrospective analysis was performed on patients referred to the three Interventional Nephrology units between April and June, 2010. Clinical data were recorded. Results. A total of 113 procedures were performed: 59 in arteriovenous fistulae and 54 in arteriovenous graft stenosis. The main reasons for referral were increased venous pressure (21%), limb oedema (21%) and decreased intra-access flow (20%). Stenoses were detected in 85% of the procedures, mostly in patients with arteriovenous graft stenosis (56%). The main locations of stenosis were the outflow vein (cephalic/basilic) in arteriovenous fistulae (34%) and venous anastomosis in arteriovenous graft stenosis(48%). Angioplasty was performed in 73% of procedures where stenoses were detected. The immediate success rate was 91% for arteriovenous fistulae and 83% for arteriovenous graft stenosis. Partial success was obtained in 11% of angiographies. The complication rate was 7%. Conclusions. Physical examination findings led, in at least half the cases, to angiography referral and enabled the diagnosis and treatment of stenoses. For this reason, we advocate that this tool should be included in any vascular access monitoring programme. Our results support the safety of these procedures performed by nephrologists and their efficacy in the recovery of dysfunctional arteriovenous fistulae and arteriovenous graft stenosis.


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Introduction: Paediatric patients who undergo posterior spinal fusion surgery to correct scoliosis often require multiple blood transfusions. Tranexamic acid is a synthetic antifibrinolytic drug that reduces transfusion requirements in scoliosis surgery (1),(2),(3). Methods: To evaluate the efficacy of prophylactic tranexamic acid (TA) (initial dose of 10mg/kg and infusion of 1mg.kg(-1).h(-1)) in reducing perioperative blood transfusion requirements, we reviewed patients files and compared the amount of blood lost and blood transfused in the perioperative period of 12 patients (54.5%) that received TA and 10 patients (45.5%) who did not received TA. T-Student test was applied. Results: The average difference of blood losses (2,67 +/- 6,06ml) and blood transfused (212,9 +/- 101,1ml) between the two groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05). No thrombotic complications were detected in either group. Discussion: Results of the current study showed that prophylactic low dose of TA did not have a significant effect in the management of intraoperative blood loss and transfusion requirements in children undergoing scoliosis surgery. It is important to emphasize that our study is retrospective and that the size of the sample is small. Further studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of TA on paediatric scoliosis surgery.


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Cryptococcosis is one of the most common opportunistic fungal infections in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We report 13 cases of cryptococcal infection based on histopathology, serology and cultures. Epidemiological analysis, histochemical techniques of hematoxilin and eosin (HE) and Grocot's silver (GMS), as well special histochemical techniques such as Mayer's mucicarmine (MM) and Fontana-Masson (FM), cryptococcal antigen test (CrAg) and isolation on fungal media: Sabouraud's (SAB), brain-heart infusion agar (BHI) and canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue (CGB) agar were analyzed. Unsatisfactory staining results by MM stain associated to negative titers by CrAg test, which FM stain confirmed that capsule-deficient Cryptococcus infections were observed in four cases. Eight isolated cases were identified as follows: six cases were infection with Cryptococcus neoformans and two cases were Cryptococcus gattii.


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Appendiceal mucocele is a rare entity, occuring in < 1% among appendicectomies, with a female predominance 4/1 (F/M) and a mean age of more than 50 years. The preoperative diagnosis is difficult; in most cases, it´s an intraoperative finding. In such work, we describe the two clinical cases occurring in last 10 years in our Department. Case 1 - 56 years old, posmenopausal, referred to our Department (02/2004) because an asymptomatic right adnexal septated cystic image, 53x48mm, with hipovascularized septa and a vascularised capsule with low flow resistance (IR 0,57). CA 125 elevated (71,3 U/mL).Exploratory laparotomy: an ovary increased, with a gelatanious consistency and an appendicular enlargement. Extemporaneous examination: a pseudomixoma peritonei, associated with a mucinous appendicular and an ovary tumor. It was performed a radical surgery. The histo-pathological analysis showed a mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix with peritoneal mucinous dissemination involving the ovary. Expectant attitude since the surgery, without clinical and imaging signs of recurrence. Case 2- 62 years old posmenopausal and asymptomatic woman, with a large adnexal mass detected on routine pelvic ultrasound: heterogeneous, 94x84mm without vascularisation signs in its interior. CEA was elevated (41,47U/ml). Exploratory laparotomy (02/2010): enlarged appendix and macroscopically normal pelvic organs. An appendicectomy was performed. The histo-pathological analysis showed a 10cm mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix and signs of localized (visceral peritoneal surface) pseudomyxoma peritonei. Currently she’s clinically well, in an expectant attitude. Despite mucoceles of the appendix are rare, they should be considered in women presenting with abnormal quadrant masses.


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The aim of this study was to validate the rapid lateral flow Helicobacter pylori stool antigen test (One step H. pylori antigen test, ACON laboratories, San Diego, USA; Prime diagnostics, São Paulo), using 13C-Urea Breath Test as the gold standard for H. pylori infection diagnosis. A total of 98 consecutive patients, asymptomatic or dyspeptic, entered the study. Sixty-nine were women, with a mean age of 45.76 ± 14.59 years (14 to 79 years). In the H. pylori-positive group, the rapid stool antigen test detected H. pylori antigen in 44 of the 50 positive patients (sensitivity 88%; 95% CI: 75.7-95.5%), and six false-negative; and in the H. pylori-negative group 42 presented negative results (specificity 87.5%; 95% CI: 74.7-95.3%), and six false-positive, showing a substantial agreement (Kappa Index = 0.75; p < 0.0001; 95% CI: 0.6-0.9). Forty four of fifty patients that had positive stool antigen were H. pylori-positive, the PPV of the stool antigen test was 88% (95% CI: 75.7-95.5%), and 42 patients with negative stool antigen test were H. pylori-negative, the NPV of the stool antigen test was 87.5% (95% CI: 74.7-95.3%). We conclude that the lateral flow stool antigen test can be used as an alternative to breath test for H. pylori infection diagnosis especially in developing countries.


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Precocious puberty, defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8, often leads to anxiety in patients and their families but also in clinicians searching for the final diagnosis. After adequate investigation, the majority of the cases in girls turn out to be idiopathic. The authors present a case of McCune Albright syndrome in order to call attention to a rare cause of sexual precocity and the value of ultrasound in the evaluation of these situations. 10 years old infant girl admitted in our department due to irregular menstrual bleeding. She experienced a vaginal bleeding by the age of 3 which led to the diagnosis of McCune Albright Syndrome after a complete evaluation. Pubertal assessment revealed a reversed sequence in the remaining events with adrenarche at 5 and thelarche at 8. Hormonal evaluation demonstrated low FSH and LH levels (11,2 and 6,72 respectively) with high estrogen (204). Pelvic ultrasound showed a normal sized uterus (73x 29x32 mm), endometrial thickness of 5 mm and ovaries with several microfollicles and a copus luteum measuring 23 mm in the right ovary. McCune Albright syndrome is a very uncommon cause of sexual precocity that should, however, be suspected in all infant girls who present with vaginal bleeding. It is characterized by a triad: polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty and café-au-lait skin spots. Due to autonomous production of estrogen by the ovaries, ultrasound image of the female reproductive tract is inconsistent with chronologic age. Pelvic ultrasound demonstrates a normal sized uterus with a well defined cervix and clearly identified ovaries with several follicles, similar to adult women of reproductive age. Ultrasonography of the pelvis has also an important role excluding other causes of GnRH-independent precocious puberty conditions like ovarian cysts or tumors.


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Botulism is a rare and potentially lethal illness caused by Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin. We describe the findings of a laboratorial investigation of 117 suspected cases of botulism reported to the surveillance system in Brazil from January 2000 to October 2008. Data on the number and type of samples analyzed, type of toxins identified, reporting of the number of botulism cases and transmission sources are discussed. A total of 193 clinical samples and 81 food samples were analyzed for detection and identification of the botulism neurotoxin. Among the clinical samples, 22 (11.4%) presented the toxin (nine type A, five type AB and eight with an unidentified type); in food samples, eight (9.9%) were positive for the toxin (five type A, one type AB and two with an unidentified type). Of the 38 cases of suspected botulism in Brazil, 27 were confirmed by a mouse bioassay. Laboratorial botulism diagnosis is an important procedure to elucidate cases, especially food-borne botulism, to confirm clinical diagnosis and to identify toxins in food, helping sanitary control measures.


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Adenovirus (AdV) respiratory infections are usually described as being associated with high mortality rates. Laboratory diagnosis is essential for the establishment of the appropriate therapy, and for guiding the implementation of preventive measures in order to prevent the spread of the infection. Aiming to analyze the sensitivity and specificity of the laboratorial diagnosis methods available, we compared antigen detection by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IF), and a specific nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR), to detect AdV in respiratory samples collected from patients admitted to hospital with acute respiratory disease. Positive samples were inoculated into a cell culture to confirm the results. We analyzed 381 samples from the nasopharyngeal aspirates collected during the year 2008; of these, 2.6% tested were positive for adenovirus through IF and 10% through PCR; positive isolation was obtained in 40% and 26% of these cases, respectively. Most infected patients were children under six months of age, and despite of the fact that a significant number of patients required intensive care, the mortality rate was low (5%). In conclusion, molecular methods were found to be useful for rapid diagnosis of adenovirus infections with higher sensitivity than antigen detection; their introduction permitted a significant increase in diagnoses of adenovirus infections.


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The Ministry of Health's National Human Rabies Control Program advocates pre-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for professionals involved with animals that are at risk of contracting rabies. We report an antemortem and postmortem diagnosis of rabies in a veterinarian who became infected when handling herbivores with rabies. The antemortem diagnosis was carried out with a saliva sample and a biopsy of hair follicles using molecular biology techniques, while the postmortem diagnosis used a brain sample and conventional techniques. The veterinarian had collected samples to diagnose rabies in suspect herbivores (bovines and caprines) that were subsequently confirmed to be positive in laboratory tests. After onset of classic rabies symptoms, saliva and hair follicles were collected and used for antemortem diagnostic tests and found to be positive by RT-PCR. Genetic sequencing showed that the infection was caused by variant 3 (Desmodus rotundus), a finding confirmed by tests on the brain sample. It is essential that professionals who are at risk of infection by the rabies virus undergo pre-exposure prophylaxis. This study also confirms that molecular biology techniques were used successfully for antemortem diagnosis and therefore not only allow therapeutic methods to be developed, but also enable the source of infection in human rabies cases to be identified accurately and quickly.


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In human toxocariasis, there are few approaches using immunological markers for diagnosis and therapeutic assessment. An immunoblot (IB) assay using excretory-secretory Toxocara canis antigen was standardized for monitoring IgG, IgE and IgA antibodies in 27 children with toxocariasis (23 visceral, three mixed visceral and ocular, and one ocular form) for 22-116 months after chemotherapy. IB sensitivity was 100% for IgG antibodies to bands of molecular weight 29-38, 48-54, 95-116, 121-162, >205 kDa, 80.8% for IgE to 29-38, 48-54, 95-121, > 205 kDa, and 65.4% for IgA to 29-38, 48-54, 81-93 kDa. Candidates for diagnostic markers should be IgG antibodies to bands of low molecular weight (29-38 and 48-54 kDa). One group of patients presented the same antibody reactivity to all bands throughout the follow-up study; in the other group, antibodies decayed partially or completely to some or all bands, but these changes were not correlated with time after chemotherapy. Candidates for monitoring patients after chemotherapy may be IgG antibodies to > 205 kDa fractions, IgA to 29-38, 48-54, 81-93 kDa and IgE to 95-121 kDa. Further identification of antigen epitopes related to these markers will allow the development of sensitive and specific immunoassays for the diagnosis and therapeutic assessment of toxocariasis.


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Indirect immunofluorescence is the method recommended for the diagnosis of visceral leishmanisis in dogs, however, the accuracy of this technique is low and its use on a large scale is limited. Since ELISA does not present these limitations, this technique might be an option for the detection of IgG or specific IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses. Canine ehrlichiosis is an important differential diagnosis of American Visceral Leishmaniasis (AVL). The present study compared ELISA using Leishmania chagasi and Leishmania braziliensis antigen for the detection of anti-Leishmania IgG and subclasses in serum samples from 37 dogs naturally infected with L. chagasi (AVL) and in samples from four dogs co-infected with L. braziliensis and L. chagasi (CI). The occurrence of cross-reactivity was investigated in control serum samples of 17 healthy dogs (HC) and 35 infected with Ehrlichia canis (EC). The mean optical density obtained for the detection of IgG was significantly higher when L. chagasi antigen was used, and was also higher in subgroup VLs (symptomatic) compared to subgroup Vla (asymptomatic). The correlation between IgG and IgG1 was low. The present results suggest that IgG ELISA using homologous antigen yields the best results, permitting the diagnosis of asymptomatic L. chagasi infection and the discrimination between cases of AVL and ehrlichiosis in dogs.


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The present work evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of detection of Dengue NS1 antigen employing two NS1 assays, an immunochromatographic assay and ELISA, in the diagnostic routine of Public Health laboratories. The results obtained with NS1 assay were compared with virus isolation and, in a subpopulation of cases, they were compared with the IgM-ELISA results obtained with convalescent samples. A total of 2,321 sera samples were analyzed by one of two NS1 techniques from March to October 2009. The samples were divided into five groups: groups I, II and III included samples tested by NS1 and virus isolation, and groups IV and V included patients with a first sample tested by NS1 and a second sample tested by IgM-ELISA. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, Kappa Index and Kappa Concordance were calculated. The results showed that NS1 testing in groups I, II and III had high sensitivity (98.0%, 99.5% and 99.3%), and predictive values and Kappa index between 0.9 - 1.0. Groups IV and V only had Kappa Concordance calculated, since the samples were analyzed according to the presence of NS1 antigen or IgM antibody. Concordance of 92.1% was observed when comparing the results of NS1-negative samples with IgM-ELISA. Based on the findings, it is possible to suggest that the tests for NS1 detection may be important tools for monitoring the introduction and spread of Dengue serotypes.


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Background : The neonatal arterial switch operation (ASO) is now the standard of care for children born with transposition of the great arteries. Stenosis of the neopulmonary artery on long‑term follow up is a known complication. Methods : We performed a retrospective analysis of eleven patients who underwent a cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to echocardiographic evidence suggestive of stenosis of the neopulmonary artery or its branches (mean estimated Doppler gradient 48 mmHg, min 30 mmHg, max 70 mmHg). A comprehensive evaluation of anatomy and perfusion was done by cardiac MRI. Results : The branches of the neopulmonary artery (neo PA) showed decreased caliber in three patients unilaterally and in two patients, bilaterally. Magnetic resonance (MR) perfusion studies showed concomitant decreased flow, with discrepancy between the two lungs of 35/65% or worse, only in the three patients with unilateral obstruction, by two different MR perfusion methods. Conclusions : Cardiac MR can be used as a comprehensive non‑invasive imaging technique to diagnose stenosis of the branches of the neopulmonary after the ASO, allowing evaluation of anatomy and function of the neoPA, its branches, and the differential perfusion to each lung, thus facilitating clinical decision making.