919 resultados para Spectrométrie UV-visible
Flow injection (FI) methodology, using diffuse reflectance in the visible region of the spectrum, for the analysis of total sulfur in the form of sulfate, precipitated in the form of barium sulfate, is presented. The method was applied to biodiesel, to plant leaves and to natural waters analysis. The analytical signal (S) correlates linearly with sulfate concentration (C) between 20 and 120 ppm, through the equation S=-1.138+0.0934 C (r = 0.9993). The experimentally observed limit of detection is about 10 ppm. The mean R.S.D. is about 3.0 %. Real samples containing sulfate were analyzed and the results obtained by the FI and by the reference batch turbidimetric method using the statistical Student's t-test and F-test were compared.
A técnica de CLAE com detecção UV-Vis foi empregada na análise do teor de cocaína em amostras apreendidas de cocaína e crack. Uma fase móvel de acetonitrila/água (95:5v/v) possibilitou um sinal de pico para a cocaína em 3,5 minutos. O sinal espectrofotométrico otimizado foi obtido em um comprimento de onda de 224 nm. A curva analítica de 1,0 a 40,0 ppm para cocaína foi obtida, exibindo um coeficiente de correlação linear de 0,9989, com limites de detecção e quantificação de 0,75 e 3,78 ppm, respectivamente. Esta metodologia foi aplicada na dosagem de amostras confiscadas de cocaína e crack no Laboratório de Polícia Científica de Ribeirão Preto-SP.
This MSc work was done in the project of BIOMECON financed by Tekes. The prime target of the research was, to develop methods for separation and determination of carbohydrates (sugars), sugar acids and alcohols, and some other organic acids in hydrolyzed pulp samples by capillary electrophoresis (CE) using UV detection. Aspen, spruce, and birch pulps are commonly used for production of papers in Finland. Feedstock components in pulp predominantly consist of carbohydrates, organic acids, lignin, extractives, and proteins. Here in this study, pulps have been hydrolyzed in analytical chemistry laboratories of UPM Company and Lappeenranta University in order to convert them into sugars, acids, alcohols, and organic acids. Foremost objective of this study was to quantify and identify the main and by-products in the pulp samples. For the method development and optimization, increased precision in capillary electrophoresis was accomplished by calculating calibration data of 16 analytes such as D-(-)-fructose, D(+)-xylose, D(+)-mannose, D(+)-cellobiose, D-(+)-glucose, D-(+)-raffinose, D(-)-mannitol, sorbitol, rhamnose, sucrose, xylitol, galactose, maltose, arabinose, ribose, and, α-lactose monohydratesugars and 16 organic acids such as D-glucuronic, oxalic, acetic, propionic, formic, glycolic, malonic, maleic, citric, L-glutamic, tartaric, succinic, adipic, ascorbic, galacturonic, and glyoxylic acid. In carbohydrate and polyalcohol analyses, the experiments with CE coupled to direct UV detection and positive separation polarity was performed in 36 mM disodium hydrogen phosphate electrolyte solution. For acid analyses, CE coupled indirect UV detection, using negative polarity, and electrolyte solution made of 2,3 pyridinedicarboxylic acid, Ca2+ salt, Mg2+ salts, and myristyltrimethylammonium hydroxide in water was used. Under optimized conditions, limits of detection, relative standard deviations and correlation coefficients of each compound were measured. The optimized conditions were used for the identification and quantification of carbohydrates and acids produced by hydrolyses of pulp. The concentrations of the analytes varied between 1 mg – 0.138 g in liter hydrolysate.
As doenças de pós-colheita são, em geral, de difícil controle e são responsáveis por perdas significativas de manga (Mangifera indica L.) e melão (Cucumis melo L.) no Brasil. Os principais patógenos pós-colheita do melão são Alternaria alternata, Fusarium pallidoroseum e Myrothecium roridum, enquanto que na manga são Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Lasiodiplodia theobromae. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade dos propágulos destes patógenos aos tratamentos de hidrotermia e de radiação UV-C. Suspensões de conídios e discos de micélio de cada patógeno foram submetidos aos tratamentos de hidrotermia a 50, 55 e 58 ºC por 15 e 30 s e de radiação UV-C nas doses de 0,330 kJ m-2, 0,660 kJ m-2 e 1,320 kJ m-2. Após os tratamentos e incubação por 72 e 48 h, foram avaliados o número de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFCs) e o crescimento micelial dos patógenos, respectivamente. Os tratamentos apresentaram eficiência distinta entre os propágulos e os patógenos. O controle de UFCs e do crescimento micelial de C. gloeosporioides e L. theobromae foi superior a 88 % com água aquecida a 55 ºC ou 58 ºC, independente do tempo de tratamento. Para os mesmos patógenos, a maior dose de radiação, 1,320 kJ m-2, controlou acima de 96 % das UFCs. Entretanto, o controle do crescimento micelial destes patógenos com radiação UV-C foi inferior quando comparado ao uso de água aquecida a 55 ºC ou 58 ºC. O controle de UFCs de A. alternata, M. roridum e F. pallidoroseum foi superior com os tratamentos de água aquecida a 55 ºC por 30 s, 58 ºC por 15 s e 30 s e com as doses de radiação de 0,660 kJ m-2 e 1,320 kJ m-2. O controle do crescimento micelial de A. alternata e de M. roridum foi inferior com as doses de radiação e com a temperatura de 50 ºC quando comparados aos demais tratamentos. Na redução do crescimento micelial de F. pallidoroseum, os tratamentos a 58 ºC ou as doses de 0,660 kJ m-2 e 1,320 kJ m-2 foram mais eficiêntes, com controle superior a 88 %. Água aquecida a 58 ºC por 15 s controlou UFCs e o crescimento micelial dos patógenos testados.
Soitinnus: orkesteri.
Tämä kandidaatintyö käsittelee rasva-aerosolien vähentämistä liesituulettimissa ultraviolettivalon (UV) ja titaanioksidin avulla (TiO2). Työssä käsitellään rasva-aerosolien aiheuttamia haittoja julkisissa keittiöissä ja liesituulettimen merkitystä rasva-aerosolipitoisuuksiin. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, miten rasva-aerosolit käyttäytyvät kun niitä suodatetaan UV-valon ja TiO2-katalyytin avulla. Työssä myös pohditaan onko UV/TiO2-menetelmä tehokas liesituulettimen rasvan vähentäjä.
Painolastivesien mukana kulkeutuvien lajien leviäminen on yksi vakavimmista globaaleista ympäristöuhkista. Kansainvälinen merenkulkujärjestö IMO määritteli vuonna 2004 kansainvälisen painolastivesiyleissopimuksen, jonka tarkoituksena on ehkäistä laivojen painolastivesien mukana kulkeutuvien lajien leviämistä. Sopimus velvoittaa aluksia käsittelemään niiden painolastivedet ja se sisältää myös käsittelyjärjestelmiltä edellytetyt vaatimukset. Vaikka sopimus ei ole vielä astunut voimaan, painolastivesien käsittelyyn löytyy markkinoilta jo useita kymmeniä IMO:n hyväksymiä käsittelyjärjestelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät erilaisia mekaanisia, fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia menetelmiä. Yksi yleisimmin käytetyistä menetelmistä on UV-säteilytys. UV-säteily tuotetaan elohopealampuilla, jotka kuitenkin kuluttavat paljon energiaa ja sisältävät myrkyllistä elohopeaa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voisiko elohopealamput korvata lähitulevaisuudessa UV-LED -lampuilla. UV-LED –lamppujen etuja ovat muun muassa energiatehokkuus, kestävä rakenne ja myrkyttömyys. Työn tärkeimpänä tavoitteena oli tutkia laboratoriomittausten avulla, millainen UV-annosmäärä 10-50 µm kokoisten kasviplanktonien inaktivoimiseen tarvitaan. Mittausjärjestelyt vastasivat suurelta osin IMO:n vaatimuksia. Laboratoriomittauksissa käytettiin 265 nm:n aallonpituudella toimivia UV-LED -lamppuja. Näytteiden analysoinnissa käytettiin sekä PAM-fluorometriä että virtaussytometriä. Saatujen tulosten perusteella tutkimuksessa käytettyjen lajien Asterionellopsis glacialis ja Thalassiosira sp. täydelliseen inaktivoitumiseen tarvittiin noin 600 mJ/cm2 suuruinen UV-annos. Tulos vastasi ennakko-odotuksia ja se oli vertailukelpoinen muiden aiheesta tehtyjen tutkimusten kanssa. Koska nykyisten UV-LED –lamppujen teho on hyvin alhainen, ne eivät vielä sovellu painolastivesien käsittelyyn. UV-LED –lamppujen kehitystyö on kuitenkin käynnissä ja on arvioitu, että niitä voitaisiin käyttää suurten virtaamien käsittelyssä 5-10 vuoden kuluttua.
Veden riittämätön puhdistus aiheuttaa riskin veden käyttäjille. Miljoonia kuolemia vuosittain aiheuttavien vesiteitse leviävien sairauksien ehkäisemiseksi vaaditaan tehokkaita juomaveden desinfiointimenetelmiä. Kuivuuden ja väestönkasvun myötä veden tarve on lisääntynyt ja vedenkulutus tulee yhä kasvamaan. Tästä syystä mahdollisuus kierrättää vettä hyödyntäen sitä esimerkiksi kasteluun on saanut yhä enemmän huomiota. Kierrätettävä vesi on kuitenkin käsiteltävä huolellisesti sen sisältämän mikrobiologisen kontaminaatioriskin vuoksi. Ultraviolettisäteily luokitellaan fysikaaliseksi desinfiointimenetelmäksi. Sen tehokkuus perustuu mikro-organismien absorboimaan UV-säteilyyn, jonka aiheuttamien DNA:ssa tai RNA:ssa tapahtuvien muutoksien seurauksena mikro-organismi inaktivoituu ja estyy lisääntymästä. UV-desinfioinnissa on tyypillisesti käytetty elohopeahöyrylamppuja. Vaihtoehtoinen UV-säteilyn lähde ovat LEDit eli valoa emittoivat diodit. Matalapaine-elohopeahöyrylamppujen emittoima säteily on aallonpituudella 254 nm ja keskipaine-elohopeahöyrylamppujen emittoima säteily on laajakaistaista säteilyä. Energiatehokkuuden lisäksi LEDien etuna on, että niillä voidaan tuottaa kapeakaista säteilyä aallonpituudella, joka parhaiten absorboituu DNA:han. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia, onko UVC-alueen aallonpituuksien yhdistelmillä synergistisiä etuja LEDien desinfiointitehokkuuteen, kun desinfioidaan virtaavaa vettä useilla säteilyannoksilla ja indikaattorimikrobina käytetään kolibakteeria. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia tällä hetkellä saatavissa olevien LEDien desinfiointitehokkuutta energiatehokkuuden näkökulmasta. Yksittäisistä aallonpituuksista desinfiointitehokkuudeltaan parhaimmaksi osoittautui 260 nm, aallonpituuksien yhdistelmistä tehokkain oli 265 nm:n ja 260 nm:n yhdistelmä. Muilla aallonpituuksien yhdistelmillä ei saavutettu odotettua parempaa desinfiointitehokkuutta. Optiselta teholtaan parhaimmat LEDit, 265 nm, 270 nm ja 275 nm olivat kokeiden perusteella myös energiatehokkuuden kannalta tarkasteltuina parhaimmat sekä yksittäin että yhdistelminä. UVC-aallonpituuksia emittoivien LEDien optisen tehokkuuden paraneminen on edellytys LEDien hyödyntämiselle desinfioinnissa.
The aim of this thesis was to identify the best grease removal technique with the application of low power of UV light to TiO2 coated grease filters. The treatment with various power series of ozone generating and ozone free lamps to normal grease filters and TiO2 coated grease filters were examined and the obtained results are compared to each other in this paper. The effect of ozone reaction was observed and compared with the effect of TiO2. The experiments were solely based on the photo oxidation and photo catalytic oxidation reactions. TiO2 is a green catalyst used in the photocatalytic reaction. Sunflower oil was used for grease production and tetracholoroethylene as a solvent. Grease samples were collected from the ventilation duct connected to the cooking hood system. Sample extraction was done in ultrasonic bath with the principle of sonication. The sample analysis was done by FTIR machine. The result determining the concentration of grease was the quantification of saturated C-H bonds in the chosen peak group of the spectrum. A very low power of UVC light functions perfectly with the Titanium dioxide. The experimental results have shown the combined treatment of titanium dioxide and UV light is an effective method in grease removal process. The photocatalytic reaction with titanium dioxide is better than photo oxidation reaction with ozone treatment. Photocatalytic reaction is environmentally friendly, energy efficient and economical.
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Porphyrias are a family of inherited diseases, each associated with a partial defect in one of the enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway. In six of the eight porphyrias described, the main clinical manifestation is skin photosensitivity brought about by the action of light on porphyrins, which are deposited in the upper epidermal layer of the skin. Porphyrins absorb light energy intensively in the UV region, and to a lesser extent in the long visible bands, resulting in transitions to excited electronic states. The excited porphyrin may react directly with biological structures (type I reactions) or with molecular oxygen, generating excited singlet oxygen (type II reactions). Besides this well-known photodynamic action of porphyrins, a novel light-independent effect of porphyrins has been described. Irradiation of enzymes in the presence of porphyrins mainly induces type I reactions, although type II reactions could also occur, further increasing the direct non-photodynamic effect of porphyrins on proteins and macromolecules. Conformational changes of protein structure are induced by porphyrins in the dark or under UV light, resulting in reduced enzyme activity and increased proteolytic susceptibility. The effect of porphyrins depends not only on their physico-chemical properties but also on the specific site on the protein on which they act. Porphyrin action alters the functionality of the enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway exacerbating the metabolic deficiencies in porphyrias. Light energy absorption by porphyrins results in the generation of oxygen reactive species, overcoming the protective cellular mechanisms and leading to molecular, cell and tissue damage, thus amplifying the porphyric picture.
The induction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) in etiolated maize (Zea mays) seedlings by UV-B and UV-A radiation, and different levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm) was investigated by measuring changes in activity, protein quantity and RNA levels as a function of intensity and duration of exposure to the different radiations. Under low levels of PAR, exposure to UV-B radiation but not UV-A radiation for 6 to 24 h caused a marked increase in the enzyme levels similar to that observed under high PAR in the absence of UV-B. UV-B treatment of green leaves following a 12-h dark period also caused an increase in NADP-ME expression. Exposure to UV-B radiation for only 5 min resulted in a rapid increase of the enzyme, followed by a more gradual rise with longer exposure up to 6 h. Low levels of red light for 5 min or 6 h were also effective in inducing NADP-ME activity equivalent to that obtained with UV-B radiation. A 5-min exposure to far-red light following UV-B or red light treatment reversed the induction of NADP-ME, and this effect could be eliminated by further treatment with UV-B or red light. These results indicate that physiological levels of UV-B radiation can have a positive effect on the induction of this photosynthetic enzyme. The reducing power and pyruvate generated by the activity of NADP-ME may be used for respiration, in cellular repair processes and as substrates for fatty acid synthesis required for membrane repair.
Since the discovery of the up-conversion phenomenon, there has been an ever increasing interest in up-converting phosphors in which the absorption of two or more low energy photons is followed by emission of a higher energy photon. Most up-conversion luminescence materials operate by using a combination of a trivalent rare earth (lanthanide) sensitizer (e.g. Yb or Er) and an activator (e.g. Er, Ho, Tm or Pr) ion in a crystal lattice. Up-converting phosphors have a variety of potential applications as lasers and displays as well as inks for security printing (e.g. bank notes and bonds). One of the most sophisticated applications of lanthanide up-conversion luminescence is probably in medical diagnostics. However, there are some major problems in the use of photoluminescence based on the direct UV excitation in immunoassays. Human blood absorbs strongly UV radiation as well as the emission of the phosphor in the visible. A promising way to overcome the problems arising from the blood absorption is to use a long wavelength excitation and benefit from the up-conversion luminescence. Since there is practically no absorption by the whole-blood in the near IR region, it has no capability for up-conversion in the excitation wavelength region of the conventional up-converting phosphor based on the Yb3+ (sensitizer) and Er3+ (activator) combination. The aim of this work was to prepare nanocrystalline materials with high red (and green) up-conversion luminescence efficiency for use in quantitative whole-blood immunoassays. For coupling to biological compounds, nanometer-sized (crystallite size below 50 nm) up-converting phosphor particles are required. The nanocrystalline ZrO2:Yb3+,Er3+, Y2O2S:Yb3+,Er3+, NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ and NaRF4-NaR’F4 (R: Y, Yb, Er) materials, prepared with the combustion, sol-gel, flux, co-precipitation and solvothermal synthesis, were studied using the thermal analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, EDX spectroscopy, XANES/EXAFS measurements, absorption spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, as well as up-conversion and thermoluminescence spectroscopies. The effect of the impurities of the phosphors, crystallite size, as well as the crystal structure on the up-conversion luminescence intensity was analyzed. Finally, a new phenomenon, persistent up-conversion luminescence was introduced and discussed. For efficient use in bioassays, more work is needed to yield nanomaterials with smaller and more uniform crystallite sizes. Surface modifications need to be studied to improve the dispersion in water. On the other hand, further work must be carried out to optimize the persistent up-conversion luminescence of the nanomaterials to allow for their use as efficient immunoassay nanomaterials combining the advantages of both up-conversion and persistent luminescence.
The effect of porphyrins on normal and transformed mouse cell lines in the presence of visible light
Photodynamic therapy consists of the uptake of a photosensitizing dye, often a porphyrin, by tumor tissue and subsequent irradiation of the tumor with visible light of an appropriate wavelength matched to the absorption spectrum of the photosensitizing dye. This class of molecules produces reactive oxygen species when activated by light, resulting in a direct or indirect cytotoxic effect on the target cells. Photodynamic therapy has been used in the treatment of cancer but the technology has a potential for the treatment of several disease conditions mainly because of its selectivity. However, it is not clear why the porphyrins are retained preferentially by abnormal tissue. This paper describes a study of the effect of the association of porphyrin and visible light on two mouse fibroblast cell lines: A31, normal cells and B61, an EJ-ras transformed variant of A31. Two water-soluble porphyrins were used, a positively charged one, tetra(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin chloride, and a negatively charged one, tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin-Na salt (TPPS4) in order to assess the effect on cell survival. The results suggest that the B61 cell line is more sensitive to incubation with the anionic porphyrin (TPPS4) followed by light irradiation and that the anionic porphyrin is more efficient in killing the cells than the cationic porphyrin.