996 resultados para Sowing.


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The competition between weeds and bean plants, especially because of nutrients in the environment, is extremely important to minimize potential losses of crop productivity. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of using nitrogen fertilization on the timing and extent of the period before interference (PAI), total period of interference (PTPI) and the critical period of interference control (PCPI) in bean cultivar 'Ruby'. The seeds were sown in the conventional system and the trial was conducted in two areas at the same time, in which the nitrogen fertilization was performed only in one of them. Each area received 14 treatments consisting of two groups: first, the crop was free of interference of weeds from emergence to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 days; and the second: the crop remained free of interference from sowing to the same periods described above. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications. Raphanus raphanistrum showed greater relative importance in the two areas, mainly due to the accumulation of dry mass, followed by Amaranthus deflexus. There was no difference in diversity and evenness of weed populations in response to the fertilization. In the area without N PAI occurred 18 days after emergence (DAE), and up to 24 DAE PTPI, resulting in PCPI 18 to 24 DAE, this area had 58% of reduction in crop yield. In the area where with nitrogen fertilization, PAI occurred at 38 DAE and PTPI occurred at 19 DAE. In this area there was 56% of reduction in crop yield. The nitrogen fertilization increased crop productivity and favored competitiveness in relation to weeds.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In order to maintain the nutrients available to plants have been studied controlled release fertilizers. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the residual effect of doses of potassium chloride, coated or not, applied in the corn crop, regarding the crop components and grains yield of irrigated winter common bean, cultivated in followed, in Cerrado region. The experiment was conducted in Selvíria - MS, Brazil, 51°22- west longitude and 20°22- south latitude, in a clayey Oxisol, in 2009 and 2010. A randomized block design with four repetitions was used, disposed in a factorial scheme 4 x 2, being: four K2O doses (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1) and two potassium sources (potassium chloride and coated potassium chloride by polymers) applied at sowing in the corn crop. The coated potassium chloride by polymers have the same residual effect as conventional KCl, because it provides results similar for the K and chlorophyll leaf contents, crop components and grains yield of winter common bean irrigated. The increment of potassium doses in the previous crop (corn) have residual effect, because it influenced positively the number of grains per plant in 2009 and increased linearly the chlorophyll leaf content and the grains yield of winter common bean irrigated in 2010, regardless of the source used for K.


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In order to quantify the growth, accumulation and exportation of macronutrients by carrot 'Forto', and obtain equations that best represent them, it was conducted an experiment in the São Gotardo (MG), from May to September 2004. Samples were taken at 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120 days after sowing (DAS) to determine dry matter and accumulation of macronutrients in leaves and roots. At 40 DAS, five days after thinning, the plants had 0.18 g and 0.04 g in dry leaves (LDM) and of roots (RDM), respectively. From then, until 88 DAS, the partitioning of photoassimilates and accumulation of matter in the shoots were more pronounced. The RDM was low until 80 DAS, which corresponded to two thirds of the crop cycle, from when the amount of material allocated in this part of the plant had strong growth, surpassing, at 88 DAS, the amount of LDM. The nutrient accumulation was small in the first 60 DAS, coinciding with the period of lower dry matter accumulation. The order of decreasing macronutrient accumulation by the crop were: K > N > Ca > P > S > Mg, in the amounts of 906.7, 438, 155.46, 87.4, 58 and 37.63 mg plant-1, respectively. The root participated with 60.5% of the accumulation of N, 86.1% of P, 58% of K, 25.5% of Ca, 55.6% of Mg and 65.5% of S. Considering a population of 590,000 plants per hectare, the total quantity of nutrients by the crop of carrots was 258.3, 51.6, 534.8, 91.7, 22.2 and 34.2 kg N ha-1, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively.


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The weed presence on ornamental beds is a main aspect that interferes with the garden maintenance, especially in tropical countries, as it causes an unpleasant effect and competes with the ornamentals. The use of herbicides is not always economically viable, besides, it causes phytotoxic effects on the ornamental plants, so the alternative to minimize this problem is the use of mulch; however, there is little information on the literature about it. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of rice straw mulching on the weed management of Salvia splendens beds. There were four treatments (0, 4, 6 and 8 t ha-1 of rice straw) and five replications. Brachiaria decumbens (200 plants m-2) and Amaranthus viridis (50 plants m-2) were sown in each plot in order to ensure the weed presence. The evaluation of the weed community was performed 60 days after sowing. The weeds on the plots of 0.48 m2 were identified and removed by hand and then dried in a chamber of forced air ventilation (under 703C) for the dry matter determination which later helped to calculate the phytosociological indexes like the Relative Density, Relative Frequency, Relative Dominance and the Importance Value Index. Nineteen species of weeds were identified. Among them, B. decumbens and A. viridis presented the highest Relative Importance level and the use of 8 t ha-1 of rice straw mulching helped to minimize the Relative Importance of these plants; however, the weed management with the use of rice straw was not effective.


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The aim was to evaluate levels and forms of application of potassium on the agronomic and alimentary characteristics of corn used for silage. The experiment was carried out at UNIFENAS during the agricultural year of 2008/2009. Fertilization at planting and sowing was performed manually using 120kg ha-1 P2O5 and 30kg ha-1 N, the potassium being applied according to the treatments. The experimental design used was of randomized blocks in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement with four replications, using four amounts (0; 60; 90 and 120 kg ha-1) and two formsof application of K (100% at planting and 50% at sowing+50% coverage). The interaction between the factors of amount and forms of application of the potassium was not significant (p>0.05) for the variables studied: the main effect of each factor was then investigated. There was no effect (p>0.05) for K levels on the percentage of drymatter (DM) and bedded plants, DM and grain productivity and grain participation in the mass. The highest grain yield was obtained when using K at planting (p<0.05). High doses of potassium did not produce changes in DM, percentage of bedded plants, DM production, grain yield or grain percentage of the plant. The different levels and forms of application of potassium do not alter the alimentary characteristics of corn silage.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and yield of soybean cultivar M-8766 in consortium with Brachiaria brizantha. BRS Piata and Brachiaria ruziziensis at different densities and sowing dates. The experimental design was randomized blocks with treatments arranged in a factorial 2 × 2 × 3 with four replications. Used as factors grass species (Brachiaria brizantha Piata and Brachiaria ruziziensis BRS) intercropped with soybean M-8766, sowing dates (12 and 24 days after soybean emergence) and three seeding rates (0, 5, 10 kg ha-1 of seed). At 71 days after soybean emergence were evaluated plant height, stem diameter, dry mass of leaves, stems and shoots, and 4 months after sowing determined the weight of 100 grains and soybean yield. The results showed that when seeded at a density of 10 kg ha-1 at 12 and 24 DAE soy, Brachiaria brizantha. BRS Piata caused reduction in yield in the order of 6.71% and 3.03% respectively, while the Brachiaria ruziziensis was one that caused a greater reduction in productivity in the order of 13.42 and 16.23%, respectively, of these values expression when considering the price of soybean sack. B. ruziziensis expressed less competitive with soybean. However, the large biomass production of this grass provides deployment system till the next harvest.


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The harvest is a critical time in the production of the peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), however in this operation losses are inevitable, in some cases o f up to 30% of production. Peanuts are grown for a short period during the reform of the sugarcane fields, providing better usage of the agricultural spaces in Jaboticabal, São Paulo. The objective of this research was to see how early the peanuts could be dug up once they are seen to have matured. The peanuts were dug up at 120, 125, 130, 135 and 140 days after sowing. Results were subjected to variance analysis by the F-test, and when there was significance of the averages, the Tukey test at 5% probability was applied, using a box plot for the following variables: maturation, moisture content of pods and soil, mechanical resistance of soil to penetration, harvest loss and productivity. The box plot proved efficient in the univariate evaluation of the analyzed variables, creating excellent conditions for viewing their behavior. Digging up the peanuts at 120 DAS is recommended.


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An experiment was carried out during the period of January to July/2010, in municipality of Areia, Paraiba State, Brazil, in order to evaluate effects of the irrigation with saline water, bovine biofertilizer and drainage of the soil on water consumption and growth of neem seedlings. The experimental design was in randomized blocks using factorial 5×2×2, referring to five levels of saline water (0.5; 1.5; 3.0; 4.5; 6.0 dS nr-1) in soil without and with bovine biofertilizer and in pots without and with drainage. In plants the water consumption, growth in height, stem diameter, number of leaves, dry matter of roots, aerial part and total dry mass were evaluated and in soil the electrical conductivity of saturation extract - EC was determined. The bovine biofertilizer, after dilution in non saline water (0.49 dS nr-1) e no chlorinated water in 1:1 ratio was applied once two days before sowing, equivalent to 10% of substrate volume. Irrigation was applied daily with each water type applying volume sufficient to maintain the soil with water content at level of field capacity. From results the increase in salinity of water inhibited the water consumption by plants independently of the soil with or without bovine biofertilizer. The salinity of water in soil with and without bovine biofertilizer also reduced the growth of neem plants but with more pronounced effect in the treatments without application of organic fertilizer to soil in liquid form.


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Sorghum is an excellent alternative to other grains in poor soil where corn does not develop very well, as well as in regions with warm and dry winters. Intercropping sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] with forage crops, such as palisade grass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich) Stapf] or guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.), provides large amounts of biomass for use as straw in no-tillage systems or as pasture. However, it is important to determine the appropriate time at which these forage crops have to be sown into sorghum systems to avoid reductions in both sorghum and forage production and to maximize the revenue of the cropping system. This study, conducted for three growing seasons at Botucatu in the State of São Paulo in Brazil, evaluated how nutrient concentration, yield components, sorghum grain yield, revenue, and forage crop dry matter production were affected by the timing of forage intercropping. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design. Intercropping systems were not found to cause reductions in the nutrient concentration in sorghum plants. The number of panicles per unit area of sorghum alone (133,600), intercropped sorghum and palisade grass (133,300) and intercropped sorghum and guinea grass (134,300) corresponded to sorghum grain yields of 5439, 5436 and 5566kgha-1, respectively. However, the number of panicles per unit area of intercropped sorghum and palisade grass (144,700) and intercropped sorghum and guinea grass (145,000) with topdressing of fertilizers for the sorghum resulted in the highest sorghum grain yields (6238 and 6127kgha-1 for intercropping with palisade grass and guinea grass, respectively). Forage production (8112, 10,972 and 13,193Mg ha-1 for the first, second and third cuts, respectively) was highest when sorghum and guinea grass were intercropped. The timing of intercropping is an important factor in sorghum grain yield and forage production. Palisade grass or guinea grass must be intercropped with sorghum with topdressing fertilization to achieve the highest sorghum grain yield, but this significantly reduces the forage production. Intercropping sorghum with guinea grass sown simultaneously yielded the highest revenue per ha (€ 1074.4), which was 2.4 times greater than the revenue achieved by sowing sorghum only. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)