989 resultados para Sonaatti pianolle ja viululle c-molli op. 30 nro. 2


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a lixiviação de saflufenacil em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (textura média, pH 5,6) e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (textura argilosa, pH 5,2 e pH 6,0), assim como os efeitos de períodos de seca no residual desse herbicida. A lixiviação de saflufenacil (0,10 g i.a ha-1) e, adicionalmente, a lixiviação de diuron + hexazinone (1.170 + 330 g i.a. ha-1) foram avaliadas sob simulação de chuva (40 mm). O herbicida saflufenacil aplicado em solo argiloso com pH 6,0 apresentou lixiviação até a profundidade de 25 cm, porém ela foi mais pronunciada na faixa de 15 a 20 cm. Quando o herbicida foi aplicado no mesmo solo, mas com pH 5,2, houve lixiviação até a profundidade de 15 cm. Em solo de textura média, a lixiviação foi elevada até a profundidade de 25 cm. Para diuron+hexazinone, no solo argiloso, independentemente do pH, houve lixiviação até 25 cm de profundidade. Todavia, em solo de textura média a lixiviação ocorreu até 40 cm de profundidade. Em relação ao efeito residual do saflufenacil após períodos de seca (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 e 90 dias) em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (textura argilosa), foi verificado efeito fitotóxico no bioindicador maior ou igual a 80% até os 28 dias de seca.


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Several tools of precision agriculture have been developed for specific uses. However, this specificity may hinder the implementation of precision agriculture due to an increasing in costs and operational complexity. The use of vegetation index sensors which are traditionally developed for crop fertilization, for site-specific weed management can provide multiple utilizations of these sensors and result in the optimization of precision agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between reflectance indices of weeds obtained by the GreenSeekerTM sensor and conventional parameters used for weed interference quantification. Two experiments were conducted with soybean and corn by establishing a gradient of weed interference through the use of pre- and post-emergence herbicides. The weed quantification was evaluated by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the ratio of red to near infrared (Red/NIR) obtained using the GreenSeekerTM sensor, the visual weed control, the weed dry matter, and digital photographs, which supplied information about the leaf area coverage proportions of weed and straw. The weed leaf coverage obtained using digital photography was highly associated with the NDVI (r = 0.78) and the Red/NIR (r = -0.74). The weed dry matter also positively correlated with the NDVI obtained in 1 m linear (r = 0.66). The results indicated that the GreenSeekerTM sensor originally used for crop fertilization could also be used to obtain reflectance indices in the area between rows of crops to support decision-making programs for weed control.


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The floral biology of Cordia multispicata (Boraginaceae) and Borreria alata (Rubiaceae) was studied in natural populations in a fragment of the Atlantic forest in Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. Both species flower during almost the whole year. Cordia multispicata is a shrubby species with white, distylous and tubular flowers. Borreria alata is a herbaceous species. Its flowers are whitish, tubular and have a polymorphism in relation to the size of their style. Floral anthesis in both species begins at 6:00 a.m. Sugar concentration in the nectar was about 16% in C. multispicata and 30% in B. alata. Nine species of flies, mainly of the genus Palpada (Syrphidae), were observed visiting flowers of the two species. Seven of them were observed visiting and pollinating flowers of both C. multispicata and B. alata. Two species visited only flowers of C. multispicata, whereas no fly was exclusive to B. alata flowers. Both species have similar flower morphology, flowering time, habitats in the forest and establish populations very close to each other. These facts can favour the pollinators’ sharing and increase pollinator attraction.


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Bidens gardneri is a herbaceous species of the cerrados, whose seeds are light sensitive at 25 °C, but they become indifferent to light when stored in soil. In this work the effects of moisture content, temperature and light (during storage) upon light sensitivity during germination were studied. Ripe achenes were collected in the cerrados of Itirapina and Moji Guaçu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The storage conditions of the achenes varied in each experiment. Achenes were stored in darkness or light, in closed bottles, at 4 °C, 20/30 °C or 25 °C. Achenes were imbibed for 24 h at 4 °C, 25 °C or 20/30 °C (in darkness) and then stored for 1, 10, 20, 30 and 40 days (40 days only for 4 °C and 25 °C). Germination tests were conducted at 25 °C and 20/30 °C. The achenes not previously imbibed showed sensitivity to light during germination. High moisture content did not affect light sensitivity of the achenes during germination but high moisture content together with storage temperatures of 25 °C and 20/30 °C had a deleterious effect upon the longevity of the achenes. Alternate temperatures during germination did not change the light sensitivity of newly collected achenes from Itirapina but changed the light sensitivity of the achenes stored imbibed at 4 °C in darkness. Alternate temperatures during storage of achenes with low moisture content did not change their photoblastism when germination was carried out at 25 °C. Alternate temperatures during storage of achenes with high moisture content followed by alternate temperatures during germination changed the light sensitivity of the achenes.


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As comunidades de macroalgas de dezenove riachos foram investigadas quanto aos seus aspectos taxonômicos e ecológicos na bacia de drenagem do Rio das Pedras, localizada na região Centro-Sul do Estado do Paraná, Sul do Brasil (25º13'-226' S, 51º13'-51º28' W). Dezesseis riachos foram amostrados uma vez e três examinados mensalmente durante o período de abril de 2004 a março de 2005. Trinta e seis táxons foram encontrados e a espécie mais bem distribuída foi Phormidium retzii (C. Agardh) Gomont (Cyanophyta), ocorrendo em nove pontos de amostragem (47%). Por outro lado, foi registrada altíssima proporção de espécies de distribuição restrita (58% das espécies ocorreram em um ponto de amostragem). A riqueza global de espécies encontrada para a bacia do Rio das Pedras foi relativamente alta, no entanto, a riqueza de espécies registradas nos pontos de amostragem individualmente mostrou valores relativamente baixos. A abundância de espécies registrou valores muito baixos, tanto para a bacia como um todo quanto nos pontos de amostragem individualmente. As análises de correlação revelaram apenas poucas correlações entre algumas variáveis ambientais e o padrão de distribuição das comunidades de macroalgas na área de estudo. Neste sentido, os resultados sugerem que as variações das características ambientais de cada local definem uma comunidade de macroalgas típica para cada ponto de amostragem.


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O presente estudo trata da influência da temperatura e da luz na germinação de Dyckia tuberosa (Vell.) Beer, uma bromélia terrestre do cerrado. Para tal, sementes coletadas na Estação Ecológica de Itirapina foram submetidas a temperaturas constantes de 10 a 45 ºC, na luz e no escuro. A faixa de temperatura com maior germinabilidade na luz foi entre 15 e 40 ºC e no escuro, entre 20 e 40 ºC, não havendo germinação nas temperaturas de 10 e 45 ºC. Tanto na luz como no escuro, a temperatura ótima está entre 30 e 35 ºC. A alta germinabilidade de suas sementes em temperaturas elevadas indica que sementes de D. tuberosa são capazes de germinar em ambientes abertos e a insensibilidade à luz indica que o processo de germinação pode ocorrer também em ambientes com ausência completa de luz. Aparentemente, o processo de germinação de sementes não é um fator limitante para esta espécie.


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Bulbostylis Kunth (subfamília Cyperoideae) é um gênero neotropical, com centros de distribuição na América do Sul e África. Está representado por aproximadamente 150 espécies, das quais 44 ocorrem no Brasil, principalmente nas formações de cerrado e campo rupestre. São apresentados na chave de identificação, dados da anatomia do escapo com valor diagnóstico na delimitação específica para 40 espécies de Bulbostylis. Entre eles, destacam-se: formato do escapo em seção transversal, presença de costelas e sulcos, aspecto das células epidérmicas e estômatos, forma dos cordões esclerenquimáticos corticais, número de unidades vasculares, medula fistulosa e a ocorrência de parênquima radiado. Além disso, ressaltou-se que o escapo de Bulbostylis se trata de um monostelo, e o rizoma de um atactostelo.


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Foi realizado um levantamento da comunidade arbórea, do relevo e solos de um fragmento de floresta semidecídua com objetivo de verificar as possíveis correlações entre variações da estrutura comunitária e composição de espécies e variações do efeito borda e do regime de água e fertilidade dos solos. O fragmento possui 30 ha, com coordenadas 229'03" S e 44º06'05" W, em Piedade do Rio Grande, MG. Foram realizados um levantamento plani-altimétrico e uma classificação detalhada dos solos da floresta. Indivíduos arbóreos com diâmetro à altura do peito > 5 cm foram amostrados em 30 parcelas de 400 m² , sendo 12 parcelas situadas na borda do fragmento e 18 no interior do fragmento. Amostras do solo superficial (0 a 20 cm de profundidade) foram coletadas nas parcelas para análises das propriedades químicas e texturais. Foram registrados 1.778 indivíduos pertencentes a 174 espécies e três subgrupos de solos. A densidade de árvores e a diversidade de espécies foram mais elevadas nas parcelas de borda que nas de interior, mas nenhuma diferença foi detectada para área basal. Uma análise de correspondência canônica interativa dos padrões emergentes das variáveis ambientais, variáveis espaciais e abundância das espécies indicou que estas se distribuem no fragmento sob forte influência da proximidade espacial, do efeito borda, do regime de água do solo expresso pela cota topográfica e da fertilidade química dos solos expressa pela saturação por bases.


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The main goal of this thesis is to increase understanding on evolutionary and ecological factors that have contributed to differences in parasite numbers in insects. Furthermore, the thesis addresses the effects of parasites on their hosts. The most important findings were: The Northern damselfly’s (Coenagrion hastulatum) immune response to artificial pathogen increased with increasing parasite numbers (Article I). Marginal, more isolated C. hastulatum populations on the edge of distribution have fewer parasites when compared to distribution’s core populations (Article II). The Banded damselfly Calopteryx splendens individuals with higher homozygosity have more parasites, however, the rate of homozygosity did not differ between populations (Article III). Parasite prevalence was affected by whether the host species occurred in allopatric or sympatric population: sympatric C. splendens populations with sister species the Beautiful damselfly Calopteryx virgo harbored more parasites (Article IV). Parasites were associated with the wing spot size, an ornament under sexual selection, and thus may play an important role in character displacement, i.e. the size of the wing spot (Article V). To conclude with, this thesis brings about new information on the parasite infection patterns in insects, proposing several factors to contribute to these patters, as well as it addresses the effects of parasites on their hosts, from individual to population level.


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Lokan ja Porttipahdan tekojärvien säännöstelyn kehittämistyö sai alkunsa Sodankylän kunnan aloitteesta vuonna 2006. Aloitteen myötä silloinen Lapin ympäristökeskus käynnisti vesilain 8 luvun10 b §:ään perustuvan selvitystyön säännöstelystä aiheutuvien haitallisten vaikutusten vähentämiseksi. Varsinainen selvitystyö tehtiin Lapin ELY-keskuksessa vuosien 2008–2013 aikana. Selvitystyössä keskityttiin käytännön toimenpiteisiin säännöstelyhaittojen lieventämiseksi. Selvitystyössä ei lähdetty hakemaan muutoksia voimassa oleviin lupaehtoihin, vaan pyrittiin vähentämään säännöstelyn haitallisia vaikutuksia yhteistyössä säännöstelijän, vaikutusalueen kuntien, asianomaisten viranomaisten sekä alueen asukkaiden kanssa. Tässä raportissa esitetään säännöstelystä aiheutuvien haittojen lieventämiseksi laaditut toimenpidesuunnitelmat, jotka ovat tiivistetysti: kalatalouden kehittäminen, säännöstelykäytäntöjen kehittäminen, monikäyttörakenteiden kehittäminen, Luirojoki, tiedotus ja viestintä. Esitettyjen toimenpidesuositusten toteuttamisella saadaan parannettua tekojärvien säännöstelyä siten, että se taloudellisilta, ekologisilta ja sosiaalisilta vaikutuksiltaan vastaa paremmin yhteiskunnan nykyisiä tarpeita ja odotuksia.


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Cardiac troponin (cTn) I and T are the recommended biomarkers for the diagnosis and risk stratification of patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS), a major cause of cardiovascular death and disability worldwide. It has recently been demonstrated that cTn-specific autoantibodies (cTnAAb) can negatively interfere with cTnI detection by immunoassays to the extent that cTnAAb-positive patients may be falsely designated as cTnI-negative. The aim of this thesis was to develop and optimize immunoassays for the detection of both cTnI and cTnAAb, which would eventually enable exploring the clinical impact of these autoantibodies on cTnI testing and subsequent patient management. The extent of cTnAAb interference in different cTnI assay configurations and the molecular characteristics of cTnAAbs were investigated in publications I and II, respectively. The findings showed that cTnI midfragment targeting immunoassays used predominantly in clinical practice are affected by cTnAAb interference which can be circumvented by using a novel 3+1-type assay design with three capture antibodies against the N-terminus, midfragment and C-terminus and one tracer antibody against the C-terminus. The use of this assay configuration was further supported by the epitope specificity study, which showed that although the midfragment is most commonly targeted by cTnAAbs, the interference basically encompasses the whole molecule, and there may be remarkable individual variation at the affected sites. In publications III and IV, all the data obtained in previous studies were utilized to develop an improved version of an existing cTnAAb assay and a sensitive cTnI assay free of this specific analytical interference. The results of the thesis showed that approximately one in 10 patients with suspected ACS have detectable amounts of cTnAAbs in their circulation and that cTnAAbs can inhibit cTnI determination when targeted against the binding sites of assay antibodies used in its immunological detection. In the light of these observations, the risk of clinical misclassification caused by the presence of cTnAAbs remains a valid and reasonable concern. Because the titers, affinities and epitope specificities of cTnAAbs and the concentration of endogenous cTnI determine the final effect of circulating cTnAAbs, appropriately sized studies on their clinical significance are warranted. The new cTnI and cTnAAb assays could serve as analytical tools for establishing the impact of cTnAAbs on cTnI testing and also for unraveling the etiology of cTn-related autoimmune responses.


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In this work we attempted to characterize the diaspores and the germination process of Piper aduncum L., as well as to verify the influence of the interaction between presence and absence of light (photoperiod of 12 hours and dark) and temperature (25 °C, 30 °C and 20-30 °C) and also of gibberellin (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) on the root protrusion and normal seedlings formation. The diaspores are very small with a thousand seed weight of 0.3645 g, 13% moisture and protein reserve. Diaspores are strict positively photoblastic in the tested temperature range and the optimum temperature for root protrusion was 30 °C, while for normal seedlings was 25 °C. The previous permanence in the dark led to an increase in the speed of root protrusion and percentage and speed of seedling formation. The application of gibberellic acid negatively interfered with the protrusion and growth of the radicle while favoring the elongation of hypocotyls.


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The mechanism whereby the immune system avoids self-aggression is one of the central issues of Immunology. The discovery of natural autoantibodies, mainly of IgM isotype, and of idiotypic interactions between antibodies indicates that elements of the immune system interact with self constituents and with themselves. Results of studies with soluble antibodies have indicated that the pool of circulating IgM represents the end result of a highly selective process of B cells activation and differentiation by self proteins resulting in the formation of a network. The objective of the present work was to determine the frequency of self-reacting B cells in normal mice. We were able to detect B cells that recognize self proteins present in extracts of different organs in normal adult, 2-3-month old, BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice with an ELISA spot assay. About 1% of total IgM-secreting cells among small, LPS-stimulated spleen cells reacted with organ extracts, whereas among large spleen cells the frequency was 5- to 10-fold lower. Immunization induced an increase in the frequency of IgM-secreting cells. The present results provide cellular evidence for the results of studies done at the serological level. The physiological role of these self-recognizing cells, as well as their participation in autoimmune processes, remain to be established


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We investigated the long-lasting effect of peripheral injection of the neuropeptide substance P (SP) and of some N- or C-terminal SP fragments (SPN and SPC, respectively) on retention test performance of avoidance learning. Male Wistar rats (220 to 280 g) were trained in an inhibitory step-down avoidance task and tested 24 h or 21 days later. Immediately after the training trial rats received an intraperitoneal injection of SP (50 µg/kg), SPN 1-7 (167 µg/kg) or SPC 7-11 (134 µg/kg). Control groups were injected with vehicle or SP 5 h after the training trial. The immediate post-training administration of SP and SPN, but not SPC, facilitated avoidance behavior in rats tested 24 h or 21 days later, i.e., the retention test latencies of the SP and SPN groups were significantly longer (P<0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test) during both training-test intervals. These observations suggest that the memory-enhancing effect of SP is long-lasting and that the amino acid sequence responsible for this effect is encoded by its N-terminal part


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Autonomic neuropathy is a frequent complication of diabetes associated with higher morbidity and mortality in symptomatic patients, possibly because it affects autonomic regulation of the sinus node, reducing heart rate (HR) variability which predisposes to fatal arrhythmias. We evaluated the time course of arterial pressure and HR and indirectly of autonomic function (by evaluation of mean arterial pressure (MAP) variability) in rats (164.5 ± 1.7 g) 7, 14, 30 and 120 days after streptozotocin (STZ) injection, treated with insulin, using measurements of arterial pressure, HR and MAP variability. HR variability was evaluated by the standard deviation of RR intervals (SDNN) and root mean square of successive difference of RR intervals (RMSSD). MAP variability was evaluated by the standard deviation of the mean of MAP and by 4 indices (P1, P2, P3 and MN) derived from the three-dimensional return map constructed by plotting MAPn x [(MAPn+1) - (MAPn)] x density. The indices represent the maximum concentration of points (P1), the longitudinal axis (P2), and the transversal axis (P3) and MN represents P1 x P2 x P3 x 10-3. STZ induced increased urinary glucose in diabetic (D) rats compared to controls (C). Seven days after STZ, diabetes reduced resting HR from 380.6 ± 12.9 to 319.2 ± 19.8 bpm, increased HR variability, as demonstrated by increased SDNN, from 11.77 ± 1.67 to 19.87 ± 2.60 ms, did not change MAP, and reduced P1 from 61.0 ± 5.3 to 51.5 ± 1.8 arbitrary units (AU), P2 from 41.3 ± 0.3 to 29.0 ± 1.8 AU, and MN from 171.1 ± 30.2 to 77.2 ± 9.6 AU of MAP. These indices, as well as HR and MAP, were similar for D and C animals 14, 30 and 120 days after STZ. Seven-day rats showed a negative correlation of urinary glucose with resting HR (r = -0.76, P = 0.03) as well as with the MN index (r = -0.83, P = 0.01). We conclude that rats with short-term diabetes mellitus induced by STZ presented modified autonomic control of HR and MAP which was reversible. The metabolic control may influence these results, suggesting that insulin treatment and a better metabolic control in this model may modify arterial pressure, HR and MAP variability