944 resultados para Solar Heating Systems


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A presente dissertação é o resultado de um estudo realizado entre Março de 2015 e Março de 2016 centrado no tema Eficiência Energética nos Edifícios, no âmbito da Dissertação do 2º ano do Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Sistemas Elétricos de Energia no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). Atualmente, os edifícios são responsáveis por cerca de 40% do consumo de energia na maioria dos países da europa. Energia consumida, principalmente, no aquecimento, arrefecimento e na alimentação de aparelhos elétricos. Os hospitais, como grandes edifícios, são grandes consumidores de energia e, na maioria dos países europeus, situam-se entre os edifícios públicos menos eficientes. Neste contexto, representam um tipo de edifícios cuja atividade apresenta um potencial de poupança energético importante. O tipo de atividade aí desenvolvida, aliada às especificidades do sector da saúde, faz deste tipo de edifícios um alvo de análise e otimização energética bastante apetecível. O presente trabalho passa pelo estudo do potencial para a eficiência energética de um hospital situado na zona do Porto. Foi, inicialmente, efetuado um levantamento das necessidades energéticas, de modo a identificar os sectores prioritários de atuação. Este estudo conta com a análise dos consumos obtidos através do processo de monitorização, substituição da iluminação existente por uma mais eficiente, a instalação de painéis solares para reduzir o consumo destinado às águas quentes sanitárias, a substituição de caldeira a diesel por caldeira a biomassa, substituição de um chiller por um mais eficiente, entre outros. Os consumos registados no hospital em estudo serão comparados com um plano nacional (Eficiência Energética e Hídrica no Sistema Nacional de Saúde), para, desta forma, se perceber quais os consumos do hospital em estudo, quando comparados com outros hospitais.


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The value of integrating a heat storage into a geothermal district heating system has been investigated. The behaviour of the system under a novel operational strategy has been simulated focusing on the energetic, economic and environmental effects of the new strategy of incorporation of the heat storage within the system. A typical geothermal district heating system consists of several production wells, a system of pipelines for the transportation of the hot water to end-users, one or more re-injection wells and peak-up devices (usually fossil-fuel boilers). Traditionally in these systems, the production wells change their production rate throughout the day according to heat demand, and if their maximum capacity is exceeded the peak-up devices are used to meet the balance of the heat demand. In this study, it is proposed to maintain a constant geothermal production and add heat storage into the network. Subsequently, hot water will be stored when heat demand is lower than the production and the stored hot water will be released into the system to cover the peak demands (or part of these). It is not intended to totally phase-out the peak-up devices, but to decrease their use, as these will often be installed anyway for back-up purposes. Both the integration of a heat storage in such a system as well as the novel operational strategy are the main novelties of this thesis. A robust algorithm for the sizing of these systems has been developed. The main inputs are the geothermal production data, the heat demand data throughout one year or more and the topology of the installation. The outputs are the sizing of the whole system, including the necessary number of production wells, the size of the heat storage and the dimensions of the pipelines amongst others. The results provide several useful insights into the initial design considerations for these systems, emphasizing particularly the importance of heat losses. Simulations are carried out for three different cases of sizing of the installation (small, medium and large) to examine the influence of system scale. In the second phase of work, two algorithms are developed which study in detail the operation of the installation throughout a random day and a whole year, respectively. The first algorithm can be a potentially powerful tool for the operators of the installation, who can know a priori how to operate the installation on a random day given the heat demand. The second algorithm is used to obtain the amount of electricity used by the pumps as well as the amount of fuel used by the peak-up boilers over a whole year. These comprise the main operational costs of the installation and are among the main inputs of the third part of the study. In the third part of the study, an integrated energetic, economic and environmental analysis of the studied installation is carried out together with a comparison with the traditional case. The results show that by implementing heat storage under the novel operational strategy, heat is generated more cheaply as all the financial indices improve, more geothermal energy is utilised and less fuel is used in the peak-up boilers, with subsequent environmental benefits, when compared to the traditional case. Furthermore, it is shown that the most attractive case of sizing is the large one, although the addition of the heat storage most greatly impacts the medium case of sizing. In other words, the geothermal component of the installation should be sized as large as possible. This analysis indicates that the proposed solution is beneficial from energetic, economic, and environmental perspectives. Therefore, it can be stated that the aim of this study is achieved in its full potential. Furthermore, the new models for the sizing, operation and economic/energetic/environmental analyses of these kind of systems can be used with few adaptations for real cases, making the practical applicability of this study evident. Having this study as a starting point, further work could include the integration of these systems with end-user demands, further analysis of component parts of the installation (such as the heat exchangers) and the integration of a heat pump to maximise utilisation of geothermal energy.


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El Sistema Energético Solar-Hidrógeno (SESH) constituye un sistema energético cuya fuente primaria es la energía solar, directa o indirecta, y la secundaria el hidrógeno. Actualmente, se considera como la mejor opción para complementar en el mediano y sustituir en el largo plazo, al actual sistema energético basado en fuentes fósiles. En este contexto se desenvuelve este trabajo, cuyo objetivo es identificar y analizar los factores intervinientes en el desarrollo del SESH en el ámbito latinoamericano, mediante una investigación documental basada en una amplia revisión bibliográfica. Se obtiene que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos disponen de ingentes potenciales aprovechables de energías renovables que harían posible y atractiva económicamente la implantación del SESH; que la hidrogenaría y biomasa son las fuentes más adecuadas como base para esta implantación, tanto por su potencial como por su presencia en la matriz energética y costos del SESH. Los estudios indican que la energización rural y el transporte urbano constituyen nichos de oportunidad para la penetración del SESH. También se reportan barreras: acciones de investigación escasas y concentradas en pocos países, un exiguo talento humano formado y capacitado para operar y desarrollar esta tecnología, como resultado de una débil oferta formativa; y la carencia de un marco legal e institucional que incentive el desarrollo de este sistema. Se concluye que sólo con la acción concertada de centros de investigación, universidades y la empresa privada, bajo la tutela del estado, se logrará que este elemento químico singular conduzca el desarrollo humano de la región por caminos sustentables.


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At the present there is a high pressure toward the improvement of all production processes. Those improvements can target distinct factors along the production chain. In particular, and due to recent tight energy efficiency policies, those that involve energy efficiency. As can be expected, agricultural processes are not immune to this tendency. Even more when dealing with indoor productions. In this context, this work presents an innovative system that aims to improve the energy efficiency of a trees growing platform. This improvement in energy consumption is accomplished by replacing an electric heating system by one based on thermodynamic panels. The assessment of the heating fluid caudal and its temperature was experimentally obtained by means of a custom made scaled prototype whose actuators status are commanded by a Fuzzy-based controller. The obtained results suggest that the change in the heating paradigm will lead to overall savings that can easily reach 60% on the energy bill.


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The rural electrification is characterized by geographical dispersion of the population, low consumption, high investment by consumers and high cost. Moreover, solar radiation constitutes an inexhaustible source of energy and in its conversion into electricity photovoltaic panels are used. In this study, equations were adjusted to field conditions presented by the manufacturer for current and power of small photovoltaic systems. The mathematical analysis was performed on the photovoltaic rural system I- 100 from ISOFOTON, with power 300 Wp, located at the Experimental Farm Lageado of FCA/UNESP. For the development of such equations, the circuitry of photovoltaic cells has been studied to apply iterative numerical methods for the determination of electrical parameters and possible errors in the appropriate equations in the literature to reality. Therefore, a simulation of a photovoltaic panel was proposed through mathematical equations that were adjusted according to the data of local radiation. The results have presented equations that provide real answers to the user and may assist in the design of these systems, once calculated that the maximum power limit ensures a supply of energy generated. This real sizing helps establishing the possible applications of solar energy to the rural producer and informing the real possibilities of generating electricity from the sun.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2011


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The measurement of the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of low bandgap subcells in a multijunction solar cell can be sometimes problematic. In particular, this paper describes a set of cases where the EQE of a Ge subcell in a conventional GaInP/GaInAs/Ge triple-junction solar cell cannot be fully measured. We describe the way to identify each case by tracing the I-V curve under the same light-bias conditions applied for the EQE measurement, together with the strategies that could be implemented to attain the best possible measurement of the EQE of the Ge subcell.


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Radiation in the first days of supernova explosions contains rich information about physical properties of the exploding stars. In the past three years, I used the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory to conduct one-day cadence surveys, in order to systematically search for infant supernovae. I show that the one-day cadences in these surveys were strictly controlled, that the realtime image subtraction pipeline managed to deliver transient candidates within ten minutes of images being taken, and that we were able to undertake follow-up observations with a variety of telescopes within hours of transients being discovered. So far iPTF has discovered over a hundred supernovae within a few days of explosions, forty-nine of which were spectroscopically classified within twenty-four hours of discovery.

Our observations of infant Type Ia supernovae provide evidence for both the single-degenerate and double-degenerate progenitor channels. On the one hand, a low-velocity Type Ia supernova iPTF14atg revealed a strong ultraviolet pulse within four days of its explosion. I show that the pulse is consistent with the expected emission produced by collision between the supernova ejecta and a companion star, providing direct evidence for the single degenerate channel. By comparing the distinct early-phase light curves of iPTF14atg to an otherwise similar event iPTF14dpk, I show that the viewing angle dependence of the supernova-companion collision signature is probably responsible to the difference of the early light curves. I also show evidence for a dark period between the supernova explosion and the first light of the radioactively-powered light curve. On the other hand, a peculiar Type Ia supernova iPTF13asv revealed strong near-UV emission and absence of iron in the spectra within the first two weeks of explosion, suggesting a stratified ejecta structure with iron group elements confined to the slow-moving part of the ejecta. With its total ejecta mass estimated to exceed the Chandrasekhar limit, I show that the stratification and large mass of the ejecta favor the double-degenerate channel.

In a separate approach, iPTF found the first progenitor system of a Type Ib supernova iPTF13bvn in the pre-explosion HST archival mages. Independently, I used the early-phase optical observations of this supernova to constrain its progenitor radius to be no larger than several solar radii. I also used its early radio detections to derive a mass loss rate of 3e-5 solar mass per year for the progenitor right before the supernova explosion. These constraints on the physical properties of the iPTF13bvn progenitor provide a comprehensive data set to test Type Ib supernova theories. A recent HST revisit to the iPTF13bvn site two years after the supernova explosion has confirmed the progenitor system.

Moving forward, the next frontier in this area is to extend these single-object analyses to a large sample of infant supernovae. The upcoming Zwicky Transient Facility with its fast survey speed, which is expected to find one infant supernova every night, is well positioned to carry out this task.


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Two trends are emerging from modern electric power systems: the growth of renewable (e.g., solar and wind) generation, and the integration of information technologies and advanced power electronics. The former introduces large, rapid, and random fluctuations in power supply, demand, frequency, and voltage, which become a major challenge for real-time operation of power systems. The latter creates a tremendous number of controllable intelligent endpoints such as smart buildings and appliances, electric vehicles, energy storage devices, and power electronic devices that can sense, compute, communicate, and actuate. Most of these endpoints are distributed on the load side of power systems, in contrast to traditional control resources such as centralized bulk generators. This thesis focuses on controlling power systems in real time, using these load side resources. Specifically, it studies two problems.

(1) Distributed load-side frequency control: We establish a mathematical framework to design distributed frequency control algorithms for flexible electric loads. In this framework, we formulate a category of optimization problems, called optimal load control (OLC), to incorporate the goals of frequency control, such as balancing power supply and demand, restoring frequency to its nominal value, restoring inter-area power flows, etc., in a way that minimizes total disutility for the loads to participate in frequency control by deviating from their nominal power usage. By exploiting distributed algorithms to solve OLC and analyzing convergence of these algorithms, we design distributed load-side controllers and prove stability of closed-loop power systems governed by these controllers. This general framework is adapted and applied to different types of power systems described by different models, or to achieve different levels of control goals under different operation scenarios. We first consider a dynamically coherent power system which can be equivalently modeled with a single synchronous machine. We then extend our framework to a multi-machine power network, where we consider primary and secondary frequency controls, linear and nonlinear power flow models, and the interactions between generator dynamics and load control.

(2) Two-timescale voltage control: The voltage of a power distribution system must be maintained closely around its nominal value in real time, even in the presence of highly volatile power supply or demand. For this purpose, we jointly control two types of reactive power sources: a capacitor operating at a slow timescale, and a power electronic device, such as a smart inverter or a D-STATCOM, operating at a fast timescale. Their control actions are solved from optimal power flow problems at two timescales. Specifically, the slow-timescale problem is a chance-constrained optimization, which minimizes power loss and regulates the voltage at the current time instant while limiting the probability of future voltage violations due to stochastic changes in power supply or demand. This control framework forms the basis of an optimal sizing problem, which determines the installation capacities of the control devices by minimizing the sum of power loss and capital cost. We develop computationally efficient heuristics to solve the optimal sizing problem and implement real-time control. Numerical experiments show that the proposed sizing and control schemes significantly improve the reliability of voltage control with a moderate increase in cost.


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Previous work has shown that high-temperature short-term spike thermal annealing of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems results in higher electrical energy output. The relationship between temperature and performance of a-Si:H PVT is not simple as high temperatures during thermal annealing improves the immediate electrical performance following an anneal, but during the anneal it creates a marked drop in electrical performance. In addition, the power generation of a-Si:H PVT depends on both the environmental conditions and the Staebler-Wronski Effect kinetics. In order to improve the performance of a-Si:H PVT systems further, this paper reports on the effect of various dispatch strategies on system electrical performance. Utilizing experimental results from thermal annealing, an annealing model simulation for a-Si:Hbased PVT was developed and applied to different cities in the U.S. to investigate potential geographic effects on the dispatch optimization of the overall electrical PVT systems performance and annual electrical yield. The results showed that spike thermal annealing once per day maximized the improved electrical energy generation. In the outdoor operating condition this ideal behavior deteriorates and optimization rules are required to be implemented.


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Nearly a third of UK gas and electricity is used in homes, of which 80% is for space heating and hot water provision. Rising consumer bills, concerns about climate change and the surge in personal digital technology use has provoked the development of intelligent domestic heating controls. Whilst the need for having suitable control of the home heating system is essential for reducing domestic energy use, these heating controls rely on appropriate user interaction to achieve a saving and it is unclear whether these ‘smart’ heating controls enhance the use of domestic heating or reduce energy demand. This paper describes qualitative research undertaken with a small sample of UK householders to understand how people use new heating controls installed in their homes and what the requirements are for improved smart heating control design. The paper identifies, against Nielsen’s usability heuristics, the divergence between the householder’s use, understanding and expectations of the heating system and the actual design of the system. Digital and smart heating control systems should be designed to maximise usability so that they can be effectively used for efficient heating control by all users. The research highlights the need for development of new systems to readdress the needs of users and redefine the system requirements.


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Efficient numerical models facilitate the study and design of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), stacks, and systems. Whilst the accuracy and reliability of the computed results are usually sought by researchers, the corresponding modelling complexities could result in practical difficulties regarding the implementation flexibility and computational costs. The main objective of this article is to adapt a simple but viable numerical tool for evaluation of our experimental rig. Accordingly, a model for a multi-layer SOFC surrounded by a constant temperature furnace is presented, trained and validated against experimental data. The model consists of a four-layer structure including stand, two interconnects, and PEN (Positive electrode-Electrolyte-Negative electrode); each being approximated by a lumped parameter model. The heating process through the surrounding chamber is also considered. We used a set of V-I characteristics data for parameter adjustment followed by model verification against two independent sets of data. The model results show a good agreement with practical data, offering a significant improvement compared to reduced models in which the impact of external heat loss is neglected. Furthermore, thermal analysis for adiabatic and non-adiabatic process is carried out to capture the thermal behaviour of a single cell followed by a polarisation loss assessment. Finally, model-based design of experiment is demonstrated for a case study.


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The invention relates to a variable-spectrum solar simulator for characterising photovoltaic systems. The simulator can be used to obtain a spectrum adjusted to the solar spectrum, both for a standard spectrum or a real spectrum adjusted to local irradiation conditions. The simulator also allows the spatial-angular characteristics of the sun to be reproduced. The invention comprises: a broad-spectrum light source, the flux from which is emitted through an aperture; an optical system which collimates the primary source; a system which disperses the beam chromatically; an optical system which forms an image of the dispersed primary source at a given position, at which a spatial mask is placed in order to filter the received irradiance spectrally; an optical system which captures the filtered spectrum and returns, mixes and concentrates same in a secondary source with the desired spectral, angular, and spatial characteristics; an optical system which collimates the secondary source such that it reproduces the angular characteristics of the sun; and a control system.


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Context. Debris discs are a consequence of the planet formation process and constitute the fingerprints of planetesimal systems. Their counterparts in the solar system are the asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper belts. Aims. The aim of this paper is to provide robust numbers for the incidence of debris discs around FGK stars in the solar neighbourhood. Methods. The full sample of 177 FGK stars with d ≤ 20 pc proposed for the DUst around NEarby Stars (DUNES) survey is presented. Herschel/PACS observations at 100 and 160 μm were obtained, and were complemented in some cases with data at 70 μm and at 250, 350, and 500 μm SPIRE photometry. The 123 objects observed by the DUNES collaboration were presented in a previous paper. The remaining 54 stars, shared with the Disc Emission via a Bias-free Reconnaissance in IR and Sub-mm (DEBRIS) consortium and observed by them, and the combined full sample are studied in this paper. The incidence of debris discs per spectral type is analysed and put into context together with other parameters of the sample, like metallicity, rotation and activity, and age. Results. The subsample of 105 stars with d ≤ 15 pc containing 23 F, 33 G, and 49 K stars is complete for F stars, almost complete for G stars, and contains a substantial number of K stars from which we draw solid conclusions on objects of this spectral type. The incidence rates of debris discs per spectral type are 0.26^+0.21_-0.14 (6 objects with excesses out of 23 F stars), 0.21^+0.17_-0.11 (7 out of 33 G stars), and 0.20^+0.14_-0.09 (10 out of 49 K stars); the fraction for all three spectral types together is 0.22^+0.08_-0.07 (23 out of 105 stars). The uncertainties correspond to a 95% confidence level. The medians of the upper limits of L_dust/L_∗ for each spectral type are 7.8 × 10^-7 (F), 1.4 × 10^-6 (G), and 2.2 × 10^-6 (K); the lowest values are around 4.0 × 10^-7. The incidence of debris discs is similar for active (young) and inactive (old) stars. The fractional luminosity tends to drop with increasing age, as expected from collisional erosion of the debris belts.