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Portuguese Poet Florbela Espanca (1984 1930) lived and produced her literary work during a period in which, on the one hand, the ideals of an innovative and irreverent movement were being fomented led by Fernando Pessoa, Almada Negreiros and Mário de Sá-Carneiro , on the other hand, Portugal was still dominated by a conservative and authoritarian thought, anchored in a bourgeois-christian ideology. Inserted in an unfavorable social context to the expression of the female sexual impulse, poet Florbela then appears with an innovative speech as threatening the sexual organization of the Portuguese society. This way, considering the relations between the poetic text and the historical-social context, the aim of this work is to present a reading upon the Eroticism in The Flowering Heath (2005) as a way to contravene the borders given to the sexual phenomenon. For this reason, we will mainly resort to the concepts developed on the approach of Georges Bataille The Eroticism (2004) and also by Octavio Paz The Double Flame: Love and Eroticism (2001)
The aim of this research is to study the actions of slaves in Comarca do Príncipe, Rio Grande do Norte (1870/1888). Considering the space as a relevant category in the subservient relationship, we investigate how negotiations about the captivity conditions and freedom took place in the domain of this province. The slaves are considered as subjects, who fought for better living conditions in the captivity and who sometimes practiced criminal offenses to achieve freedom. To analyze their actions in the socio-economic environment of the province, we resort to different types of sources. They are: civil and criminal processes, reports from the president of Rio Grande do Norte, the census of 1872, a newspaper called O Assuente, the Livro do Fundo de Emancipação do Município de Príncipe (1873-1886) (The Emancipation Book of Príncipe city) and Imperial Laws. We used the following steps to analyze the data obtained from these sources: the compilation, reading, paleographic transcription, classification of the data according to the thematic, analysis and comparison of information and statistic quantification, submitting empirical data to the discussion built according to the historiographies debates about this subject
Este artigo aborda o confronto entre um catolicismo autoritário, tridentino e romanizador, que penetrou no Brasil na segunda metade do século XIX e se consolidou nas primeiras décadas do século XX, e o catolicismo tradicional vigente, de fortes raízes populares. em sua obsessão pela unanimidade, o ultramontanismo negou as outras formas de ser católico, estabelecendo as dicotomias entre o velho e o novo, o bom e o mau. Entretanto, as velhas formas de religiosidade popular resistiram, mantendo ainda hoje uma inesgotável fonte de devoção e de fé.
Measures of mortality represent one of the most important indicators of health conditions. For comprising the larger rate of deaths, the study of mortality in the elderly population is regarded as essential to understand the health situation. In this sense, the present study aims to analyze the mortality profile of the population from 60 to 69 (young elders) and older than 80 years old (oldest old) in the Rio Grande do Norte state (Brazil) in the period 2001 to 2011, and to identify the association with contextual factors and variables about the quality of the Mortality Information System (SIM). For this purpose, Mortality Proportional (MP) was calculated for the state and Specific Mortality Rate by Age (CMId) , according to chapters of ICD- 10, to the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte , through data from the Mortality Information System (SIM) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IGBE). In order to identify groups of municipalities with similar mortality profiles, Nonhierarchical Clustering K-means method was applied and the Factor Analysis by the Principal Components Analysis was resort to reduce contextual variables. The spatial distribution of these groups and the factors were visualized using the Spatial Analysis Areas technique. During the period investigated, 21,813 younger elders deaths were recorded , with a predominance of deaths from circulatory diseases (32.75%) and neoplasms (22.9 %) . Among the oldest old, 50,637 deaths were observed, which 35.26% occurred because of cardiovascular diseases and 17.27% of ill-defined causes. Clustering Analysis produced three clusters to the two age groups and Factor Analysis reduced the contextual variables into three factors, also the sum of the factor scores was considered. Among the younger elders, the groups are called misinformation profile, development profile and development paradox, which showed a statistically significant association with education and poverty and extreme poverty factors, factorial sum and the variable related to underreporting of deaths. Misinformation profile remained in the oldest old group, accompanied by the epidemiological transition profile and the epidemiological paradox, that were statistically associated with the development and health factor, as well as with the variables that indicate the SIM quality: proportion of blank fields about the schooling and underreporting. It proposed that the mortality profiles of the younger elders and oldest old differ on the importance of the basic causes and that are influenced by different contextual aspects , observing that 60 to 69 years group is more affected by such aspects. Health inequalities can be reduced by measures aimed to improve levels of education and poverty, especially in younger elders, and by optimizing the use of health services, which is more associated to the oldest old health situation. Furthermore, it is important to improve the quality of information for the two age groups
The Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (RMF) is composed by thirteen cities, where is call the attention of Aquiraz. The city has a excellent resort area and a big importance in socioculture and historics aspects. It was one of the first village of Ceará, and it was founded in 1699, with was also the capital of the state until 1726. The urban local development has been disorganized in the last decades, the fact is, insert of turismon in its coast, and it is unable with alow capacity of the natural suppots, configuring unsustainable and et environment ambience. Considering as a turistic region, it is preoccupy, been necessart to create a better control of the nature of the region by the users. The environmental zoning in this work it is to plan of adequate form the use of the ground based in the management of the interests and the social and economic necessities in accord with the preservation of the environment and the natural characteristics of the city. The same is one great instrument planning where use to be analized in differents ways: social, ambiental, economical and institucional, and promove alternatives of use and occupation of the land to recreate the city. The methodo used to get the real objective, englobed zonal maps in ambiental unities and others themes (geologic/geomorphologic) since than the images from satelities LANDSAT and SPOT and fotografies under position of maps, secundaries listes gets in publics department, bibliographie, informations by the local populations. This prociduries mede easy to create maps, geologic/geomorphologic, of use and occupation the earth and the environmental zoning to analize the dynamic and the working of each ambiental unity of the city Aquiraz wich is located by map of this job. As a result of this job was confectionated the environmental zoning map of Aquiraz wich was divided in five ambiental unities and restrictions areas of occupation: unit I Littoral Plain (zoning with serious restrictions to the occupation); unit II Sub-Littoral Plain (improper zoning to the occupation); unit III between tray zoning Pré-Littoral and Peripheral Depression (improper zoning to the occupation); unit IV Strativism reserve of the plug (zoning used more under control in its occupation) and unit V Fluvial Plain Localities of the Indians Jenipapo-Kaninde/ locality Quilombolas (zoning used more without official regulation). With proposal in the ambient units above one expects that it has a reduction of the ambient degradation and protection of the local biodiversity of the city of Aquiraz in the State of the Ceará
Intentional reimplantation is defined as a procedure in which an intentional tooth extraction is performed followed by reinsertion of the extracted tooth into its own alveolus. Int his paper, intentional reimplantation is described and discussed as a treatment approach to root canal instrument separation in conjunction with root perforation. An 8-year follow-up case report is presented. The reimplanted tooth is now a fixed bridge abutment. Although successful in this case, the intentional reimplantation procedure should be considered a treatment of last resort, that is, when another treatment option is not viable for the treatment of root perforation/instrument retrieval.
O tema da formação humana está no centro da filosofia da educação, cujo objeto é precisamente o processo de promoção humana levado a efeito pela educação. A partir da vigilância crítica, própria da filosofia, o texto esboça uma fenomenologia da época atual, constatando que as ideias atualmente hegemônicas na educação se centram na crítica à razão e às noções de verdade e de objetividade. A esse neopragmatismo que, na tentativa de opor-se à metafísica, acaba por ser profundamente metafísico reduzindo tudo à linguagem, os autores contrapõem o pensamento de Marx como uma filosofia historicizadora em que estão em causa não os sujeitos abstratos, mas os indivíduos reais, sujeitos históricos que se constituem como síntese de relações sociais. Para tanto, recorre-se à reflexão histórico-ontológica sobre a formação humana contida nos Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos de 1844, de Marx. O artigo conclui com a defesa da tese de que o acesso aos clássicos é condição necessária para a formação humana.
Practical Bayesian inference depends upon detailed examination of posterior distribution. When the prior and likelihood are conjugate, this is easily carried out; however, in general, one must resort to numerical approximation. In this paper, our aim is to solve, using MAPLE, the Bayesian paradigm, for a very special data collecting procedure, known as the randomized-response technique. This allows researchers to obtain sensitive information while guaranteeing privacy to respondents. This approach intends to reduce false responses on sensitive questions. Exact methods and approximations will be compared from the accuracy point of view as well as for the computational effort.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis is usually a last resort in routine forensic DNA casework. However, it has become a powerful tool for the analysis of highly degraded samples or samples containing too little or no nuclear DNA, such as old bones and hair shafts. The gold standard methodology still constitutes the direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products or cloned amplicons from the HVS-1 and HVS-2 (hypervariable segment) control region segments. Identifications using mtDNA are time consuming, expensive and can be very complex, depending on the amount and nature of the material being tested. The main goal of this work is to develop a less labour-intensive and less expensive screening method for mtDNA analysis, in order to aid in the exclusion of non-matching samples and as a presumptive test prior to final confirmatory DNA sequencing. We have selected 14 highly discriminatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) based on simulations performed by Salas and Amigo (2010) [1] to be typed using SNaPShotTM (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). The assay was validated by typing more than 100 HVS-1/HVS-2 sequenced samples. No differences were observed between the SNP typing and DNA sequencing when results were compared, with the exception of allelic dropouts observed in a few haplotypes. Haplotype diversity simulations were performed using 172 mtDNA sequences representative of the Brazilian population and a score of 0.9794 was obtained when the 14 SNPs were used, showing that the theoretical prediction approach for the selection of highly discriminatory SNPs suggested by Salas and Amigo (2010) [1] was confirmed in the population studied. As the main goal of the work is to develop a screening assay to skip the sequencing of all samples in a particular case, a pair-wise comparison of the sequences was done using the selected SNPs. When both HVS-1/HVS-2 SNPs were used for simulations, at least two differences were observed in 93.2% of the comparisons performed. The assay was validated with casework samples. Results show that the method is straightforward and can be used for exclusionary purposes, saving time and laboratory resources. The assay confirms the theoretic prediction suggested by Salas and Amigo (2010) [1]. All forensic advantages, such as high sensitivity and power of discrimination, as also the disadvantages, such as the occurrence of allele dropouts, are discussed throughout the article. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC