975 resultados para Shallow-water Crinoids


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We improved upper Eocene to Oligocene deep-sea chronostratigraphic control by integrating isotope (87Sr/86Sr, delta18O, delta13C) stratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Most previous attempts to establish the timing of isotope fluctuations have relied upon biostratigraphic age estimates which have uncertainties of 0.5 to over 4.0 m.y. Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 522 contains the best available upper Eocene to Oligocene magnetostratigraphic record which allows first-order correlations of isotope records (87Sr/86Sr, delta18O, delta13C) to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS). Empirical calibrations between the 87Sr/86Sr of foraminifera and magnetochronology at Site 522 allow more precise correlation of ,unknown' samples with the GPTS. For example, shallow water and high-latitude sections may be tied into the deep-sea record. Sr-isotope stratigraphic resolution for the latest Eocene to Oligocene is approximately 2 m.y.


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Sediment samples from the Laptev Sea, taken during the 1993 RV Polarstern expedition ARK IX/4 and the RV Ivan Kireyev expedition TRANSDRIFT I, were investigated for the amount and composition of their organic carbon fractions. Of major interest was the identification of different processes controlling organic carbon deposition (i.e. terrigenous supply vs. surface water productivity). Long-chain unsaturated alkenones derived from prymnesiophytes, and fatty acids derived from diatoms and dinoflagellates, were analysed by means of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. First results on the distribution of these biomarkers in surface sediments indicate that the surface water productivity signal is well preserved in the sediment data. This is shown by the distribution of the 16:1(n-7) and 20:5(n-3) fatty acids indicative for diatoms, and the excellent correlation with the chlorophyll a concentrations in the surface water masses and the biogenic-opal content and increased hydrogen indices of the sediments. The high concentration of these unsaturated fatty acids in shallow water sediments shows the recent deposition of the organic material. In deep-sea sediments, on the other hand, the concentrations are low. This decreased content is typical for phytoplankton material which has been degraded by microorganisms or autoxidation. In general, the alkenone concentrations are very low, suggesting low production rates by prymnesiophytes. Only at one station from the lower continental margin influenced by the inflow of Atlantic water masses, were some higher amounts of alkenones determined. Long-chain n-alkanes as well as high C/N ratios and low hydrogen indices indicate the importance of (fluvial) supply of terrigenous organic matter.


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Processes of early sediment diagenesis, including chemical composition of interstitial waters, content of different sulfur compounds, and rates of sulfate reduction were investigated. Along a profile from the Yenisey River to the Kara Sea, sulfate reduction intensities were high (up to 1.5 µg S/kg/day) in the delta region and in its northern part. Intensities were comparable to those found in shallow-water sediments of the North Sea. In estuarine sediments, where different transformations were possible, lower rates of bacterial sulfate reduction were observed (0.03 to 0.06 µg S/kg/day). Annual production of reduced sulfur in sediments was 24 million tons, and only 0.5 million tons (2%) were deposited. Annual consumption of organic carbon during process of sulfate reduction in the Yenisey delta region was 17.6 million tons.


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Ecological work carried out on the Antarctic and Magellan shelves since the first IBMANT conference held at the UMAG, Punta Arenas in 1997 is summarized to identify areas where progress has been made and others, where impor- tant gaps have remained in understanding past and present interaction between the Antarctic and the southern tip of South America. This information is complementary to a review on shallow-water work along the Scotia Arc (Barnes, 2005) and recent work done in the deep sea (Brandt and Hilbig, 2004). While principally referring to shipboard work in deeper water, above all during the recent international EASIZ and LAMPOS campaigns, relevant work from shore stations is also included. Six years after the first IBMANT symposium, significant progress has been made along the latitudinal gradient from the Magellan region to the high Antarctic in the fields of biodiversity, biogeography and community structure, life strategies and adaptations, the role of disturbance and its significance for biodiversity, and trophic coupling of the benthic realm with the water column and sea ice. A better understanding has developed of the role of evolutionary and ecological factors in shaping past and present-day environmental conditions, species composition and distribution, and ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, the science community engaged in unravelling Antarctic-Magellan interactions has advanced in methodological aspects such as new analytical approaches for comparing biodiversity derived from visual methods, growth and age determination, trophic modelling using stable isotope ratios, and molecular approaches for taxonomic and phylogenetic purposes. At the same time, much effort has been invested to complement the species inventory of the two adjacent regions. However, much work remains to be done to fill the numerous gaps. Some perspectives are outlined in this review, and sug- gestions are made where particular emphasis should be placed in future work, much of which will be developed in the frame of SCAR's EBA (Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic) programme.


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The interval between 488.2 and 513.7 m below seafloor at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 615 is interpreted as a single carbonate gravity-flow deposit. The deposit has characteristics of both a debris flow and a high-density turbidity current. Comparison of the sedimentary constituents in 15 samples from this site with samples from 26 core tops from the upper West Florida continental slope and eastern Mississippi Fan shows many similarities. Shallow-water indicators, such as mollusk and echinoid fragments, occur in both suites of samples. The West Florida continental margin, therefore, is a potential provenance area. The Yucatan slope is also a possible source, but data from it are limited. The recognition of carbonate gravity-flow deposits intercalated within the Mississippi Fan refines our understanding of Pleistocene sedimentation within the Gulf basin. Deposition in the deep Gulf is dominated by the construction of the Mississippi Fan. However, this marine terrigenous depocenter is located between two large carbonate depocenters, the West Florida continental margin on the east and the Yucatan peninsula on the southwest. Periodically, the carbonate slope in these two regions fails, injecting carbonate gravity flows into the accreting terrigenous deep-sea fan.


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Surface sediments from the continental slope and rise of North-West Africa between the Canary lslands and the Cape Verde Islands are mainly composed of silt-sized material (2-63 µm). A number of sampling profiles were run normal to the coast and the composition of the silt fraction was determined quantitatively by scanning electron microscope analysis. The carbonate portion of the sediment was found to be nearly exclusively of biogenic origin. The most important contributors are planktonic foraminifers and coccoliths with minor contributions derived from pteropods. Plankton-produced biogenic opal such as diatoms and radiolarians play a very minor role. The high production rates of opal-silica plankton which exists in the surface waters of the NW-African upwelling system does not give rise to corresponding increases of opal accumulation in the bottom sediment. Benthic producers consist mainly of foraminifers and molluscs but the entire input from benthic producers is extremely small. An exception to this occurs in the prodelta sediments of the Senegal river. Downslope particle transport is indicated by the occurrence of shallow-water coralline algae, ascidian sclerites and cliona boring chips and can be traced as far down as the continental rise. The non-carbonate silt fraction mostly consists of quartz which is derived as eolian dust from the Sahara desert by the Harmattan and the NE-Trade-wind system. The percentage of carbonate in the surface sediments directly indicates the relative proportions of autochthonous biogenic components and terrigenous allochthonous quartz particles.


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Seasonal collections were made from 3 stations in a brackish lagoon near Kiel/Germany from December 1964 to June 1967. In addition 120 samples were taken in June 1966 to investigate the general pattern of distribution. Two species of the offshore fauna were found to dominate the lagoon (high population densities): Cribrononion articulatum and Miliammina fusca. The 'Vegetation zone' of the lagoon contains an assemblage of seven euryhaline arenaceous species. All of them were previously recorded from different regions of the world. - C. articulatum seems to prefer shallow water with a high daily range of water temperature (up to 30° Cels.). Population density and distribution show considerable differences between the different years. Size distribution curves of C. articulatum indicate main reproduction activity in spring and subsequent growth in uniform populations. Growth is terminated after six months but most of the specimens will either die in winter or reproduce the next spring; only a smaller amount is reproducing in summer or autumn. - Annual differences of the observed degree make it difficult to calculate foraminiferal productivity in a lagoonal environment and require seasonal observation over a period of at least 3 or 4 years.


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Radiolarians are abundant and well preserved in the Neogene of the Kerguelen Plateau. They are common and moderately to well preserved in the Oligocene sequences of Site 738, where the Eocene/Oligocene boundary was observed for the first time in subantarctic sediments, and Site 744. Radiolarians are absent from all glacial sediments from Prydz Bay. Classical Neogene stratigraphic markers were tabulated at all sites. Correlations with paleomagnetic ages were made at Sites 745 and 746 for 26 Pliocene-Pleistocene radiolarian events. Many Miocene to Holocene species are missing from Sites 736 and 737, which were drilled in shallow water (less than 800 m). The missing species are considered to be deepliving forms. Occurrences and relative abundances of morphotypes at six sites are reported. Two new genera (Eurystomoskevos and Cymaetron) and 17 new species (Actinomma kerguelenensis, A. campilacantha, Prunopyle trypopyrena, Stylodictya tainemplekta, Lithomelissa cheni, L. dupliphysa, Lophophaena(?) thaumasia, Pseudodictyophimus galeatus, Lamprocyclas inexpectata, L. prionotocodon, Botryostrobus kerguelensis, B. rednosus, Dictyoprora physothorax, Eucyrtidium antiquum, E.(?) mariae, Eurystomoskevos petrushevskaae, and Cymaetron sinolampas) are described from the middle Eocene to Oligocene sediments at Sites 738 and 744. Twenty-seven stratigraphic events are recorded in the middle to late Eocene of Site 738, and 27 additional stratigraphic datums are recorded, and correlated to paleomagnetic stratigraphy, in the early Oligocene at Sites 738 and 744. Eight radiolarian events are recorded in the late Oligocene at Site 744. New evolutionary lineages are proposed for Calocyclas semipolita and Prunopyle trypopyrena.


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The 1.4-m.y.-long stable oxygen isotope record of Site 1006 in the low-latitude North Atlantic Ocean shows large glacial/interglacial amplitude changes caused by a combination of temperature and salinity fluctuations. A trend of increased sea-surface temperatures during the interglacial periods is present in the record beginning at isotopic Stage 11 and ultimately leading to the lightest d18O values in isotopic Stages 9, 5, and 1. Maximum d18O values are recorded during glacial isotopic Stages 6 and 8. Stable isotopic variability increased during the Brunhes Chron at the 100-ka time scale. The large amplitude changes can best be explained by global and regional ocean circulation changes. Increased strengthened return flow of warm salty water from the Pacific may have occurred during interglacial periods since isotopic Stage 11, which was largely reduced during glacial periods. The large climate fluctuations had a profound effect on the shallow-water carbonate production of the Great Bahama Bank. The aragonite content of the sediments shows fluctuations that follow the d18O record. The leeward side of the Great Bahama Bank received increased input of platform material during sea-level highstands when the sea-surface waters were warm.


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Twenty four core samples from CRP-1, seven from Quaternary strata (20-43.55 meters below sea floor or mbsf) and seventeen from early Miocene strata (43.55 to 147.69 mbsf), have been analysed for their grain-size distribution using standard sieve and Sedigraph techniques. The results are in good agreement with estimates of texture made as part of the visual core description for the 1 :20 core logs for CRP-1 (Cape Roberts Science Team, 1998). Interpretation of the analyses presented here takes into account the likely setting of the site in Quaternary times as it is today, with CRP-1 high on the landward flank of a well-defined submarine ridge rising several hundred metres above basins on either side. In contrast, seismic geometries for strata deposited in early Miocene times indicate a generally planar sea floor dipping gently seaward. Fossils from these strata indicate shallow water depths (< 100 m), indicating the possibility that waves and tidal currents may have influenced sea floor sediments. The sediments analysed here are considered in terms of 3 textural facies: diamict, mud (silt and clay) and sand. Most of the Quaternary section but only 30% of the early Miocene section is diamict, a poorly sorted mixture of sand and mud with scattered clasts, indicating little wave or current influence on its texture. Although not definitive, diamict textures and other features suggest that the sediment originated as basal glacial debris but has been subsequently modified by minor winnowing, consistent with the field interpretation of this facies as ice-proximal and distal glaciomarine sediment. Sediments deposited directly from glacier ice appear to be lacking. Mud facies sediments, which comprise only 10% of the Quaternary section but a third of the early Miocene section, were deposited below wave base and largely from suspension, and show features (described elsewhere in this volume) indicative of the influence of both glacial and sediment gravity flow processes. Sand facies sediments have a considerable proportion of mud, normally more than 20%, but a well-sorted fine-very fine sand fraction. In the context of the early Miocene coastal setting we interpret these sediments as shoreface sands close to wave base.