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Research has shown that physical activity serves a preventive function against the development of several major chronic diseases. However, studying physical activity and its health benefits is difficult due to the complexity of measuring physical activity. The overall aim of this research is to contribute to the knowledge of both correlates and measurement of physical activity. Data from the Women On The Move study were used for this study (n = 260), and the results are presented in three papers. The first paper focuses on the measurement of physical activity and compares an alternate coding method with the standard coding method for calculating energy expenditure from a 7-day activity diary. Results indicate that the alternative coding scheme could produce similar results to the standard coding in terms of total activity expenditure. Even though agreement could not be achieved by dimension, the study lays the groundwork for a coding system that saves considerable amount of time in coding activity and has the ability to estimate expenditure more accurately for activities that can be performed at varying intensity levels. The second paper investigates intra-day variability in physical activity by estimating the variation in energy expenditure for workers and non-workers and identifying the number of days of diary self-report necessary to reliably estimate activity. The results indicate that 8 days of activity are needed to reliably estimate total activity for individuals who don't work and 12 days of activity are needed to reliably estimate total activity for those who work. Days of diary self-report required by dimension for those who don't work range from 6 to 16 and for those who work from 6 to 113. The final paper presents findings on the relationship between daily living activity and Type A behavior pattern. Significant findings are observed for total activity and leisure activity with the Temperament Scale summary score. Significant findings are also observed for total activity, household chores, work, leisure activity, exercise, and inactivity with one or more of the individual items on the Temperament Scale. However, even though some significant findings were observed, the overall models did not reveal meaningful associations. ^
Purpose. This cross-sectional, observational study explored differences among groups staged for intent to decrease dietary fat intake in women with type 2 diabetes in relation to demographic, weight concern, physiological, and psychosocial variables. ^ Methods. A sample of 100 community-dwelling, English-speaking women, who were over age 30 and had type 2 diabetes for at least a year, was accessed through a culturally diverse endocrinology clinic. Subjects completed 7 self-report instruments: demographic sheet, with 11-point weight satisfaction scale; staging algorithm; fat intake (MEDFICTS); depression (CES-D); diabetes-specific dietary knowledge (ADKnowl), social support and self-efficacy scales (SE-Type 2). Physiological variables were abstracted from the medical record (HbA 1c, blood pressure, serum cholesterol and triglycerides). ^ Results. The women's average age was 57.69 years ( SD = 3.07); 50% were married. Subjects were well-educated ( M = 14 years; SD = 3.33), with average diabetes duration of 10.57 years (SD = 9.11), high body mass index (M = 35.72; SD = 8.36), low diabetes-specific dietary knowledge, low weight satisfaction, but in good diabetes control. Racial/ethnic composition was 44% non-Hispanic-White-American, 18% Hispanic-White-American, 15% non-Hispanic-African-American, 16% Hispanic-African-American and 5% other. Fat intake was low and differed by racial/ethnic demographics. The highest fat intake scores were for non-Hispanic-African-Americans (M = 53), followed by Hispanic-White-Americans (M = 51), non-Hispanic-White-Americans (M = 45), and Hispanic-African-Americans (M = 32), who had the lowest fat intake scores. ^ MANOVA analyses revealed no significant differences between stages of behavior change in relation to psychosocial or weight concern variables, age, education, HbA1c, or cholesterol levels. Single women were more likely to be in the three preaction stages (precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation); married women were equally distributed across stages (the preaction stages plus action and maintenance). African-American women (Hispanic and non-Hispanic) were more likely in contemplation and preparation. Triglycerides were higher in women in the action stage than contemplation or preparation. Systolic blood pressure was higher in action than preparation; diastolic blood pressure was higher in action than preaction. ^ Conclusions. Healthcare professionals should consider race, ethnicity, and marital status in client interactions. Dietary intake can vary according to both race and ethnicity; collapsing racial/ethnic groups can alter means and distributions, generating faulty conclusions. Further research is warranted to explore relationships between dietary self-care and marital status, race, ethnicity, and physiological variables. ^
Background. Heart failure (HF) is a health problem of epidemic proportions and a clinical syndrome that leads to progressively severe symptoms, which contribute significantly to the burden of the disease. Several factors may affect the symptom burden of patients with HF, including physiological, psychological, and spiritual factors. This study was designed to examine the inter-relationship of physiological, psychological, and spiritual factors affecting symptoms for patients with HF. ^ Objectives. The aims of this study were to examine symptom burden of heart failure patients related to: (1) the physiological factor of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP); (2) the psychological factor of depression; (3) the spiritual factors of self transcendence and purpose in life; and (4) combined effects of physiological, psychological and spiritual factors. One additional aim was to describe symptom intensity related to symptom burden. ^ Methods. A cross-sectional non-experimental correlational design was used to examine factors affecting symptom burden in 105 patients with HF from a southwestern medical center outpatient heart failure clinic. Both men and women were included; average age was 56.6 (SD = 16.86). All measures except BNP were obtained by patient self-report. ^ Results. The mean number of symptoms present was 8.17 (SD = 3.34) with the three most common symptoms being shortness of breath on exertion, fatigue, and weakness. The mean symptom intensity was 365.66 (SD = 199.50) on a summative scale of visual analogue reports for 13 symptoms. The mean BNP level was 292.64 pg/ml (SD = 57 1.11). The prevalence rate for depression was 43.6% with a mean score of 3.48 (SD = 2.75) on the Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression scale (CES-D 10) scale. In a multivariate analysis, depression was the only significant predictor of symptom burden (r = .474; P < .001), accounting for 18% of the variance. Spirituality had an interaction effect with depression (P ≤ .001), serving as a moderator between depression and symptom burden. ^ Conclusion. HF is a chronic and progressive syndrome characterized by severe symptoms, hospitalizations and disability. Depression is significantly related to symptom burden and this relationship is moderated by spirituality. ^
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of maternal pre-pregnancy weight status on the relationship between prenatal smoking and infant birth weight (IBW). Prenatal cigarette smoking and maternal weight exert opposing effects on IBW; smoking decreases birth weight while maternal pre-pregnancy weight is positively correlated with birth weight. As such, mutual effect modification may be sufficiently significant to alter the independent effects of these two birth weight correlates. Finding of such an effect has implications of prenatal smoking cessation education. Perception of risk is an important determinant of smoking cessation, and reduced or low birth weight (LBW) as a smoking-associated risk predominates prenatal smoking counseling and education. In a population such as the US, where obesity is becoming epidemic, particularly among minority and low-income groups, perception of risk may be lowered should increased maternal size attenuate the effect of smoking. Previous studies have not found a significant interaction effect of prenatal smoking and maternal pre-pregnancy weight on IBW; however, use of self-reported smoking status may have biased findings. Reliability of self-reported smoking status reported in the literature is variable, with deception rates ranging from a low of 5% to as high as 16%. This study, using data from a prenatal smoking cessation project, in which smoking status was validated by saliva cotinine, was an opportunity to assess effect modification of smoking and maternal weight using biochemically determined smoking status in lieu of self report. Stratified by saliva cotinine, 151 women from a prenatal smoking cessation cohort, who were 18 years and older and had full-term, singleton births, were included in this study. The effect of smoking in terms of mean birth weight across three levels of maternal pre-pregnancy weight was assessed by general linear modeling procedures, adjusting for other known correlates of IBW. Effect modification was marginally significant, p = .104, but only with control for differential effects among racial/ethnic groups. A smaller than planned sample of nonsmokers, or women who quit smoking during the pregnancy, prohibited rejection of the null hypothesis of no difference in the effect of smoking across levels of pre-pregnancy weight. ^
This study of the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2), had two objectives. First, was to compare the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and the BASC-2. Participants were students from SBISD, identified as having difficulties, assessed with the BASC-2 and completed the SDQ. Based on the small sample (N=8), scores from the SDQ and the BASC-2 were found to correlate highly with one another on most conceptually similar scales. With both Parent and Teacher raters, diagnostic concordance was high for nearly all behavior and emotional problem scales. While the diagnostic concordance of the SDQ and BASC-2 looks promising, results need to be replicated with a larger sample. ^ The second objective was to assess the BASC-2 inter-informant concordance (parent, teacher and child). Participants were 145 students, 3-17 years, 78.6% male, 28% Hispanic, 37% White, 34% Black, and 64% were economically disadvantaged. Of the four dyads, teacher-teacher pairs had the highest correlations and agreement levels, especially on externalizing scale items, regardless of the subjects' age group, gender or ethnicity. ^ Overall, parent-teacher pairs had low to moderate concordance for most scale items, with slightly higher agreement for externalizing problems, with better concordance for preschool children, very low correlations with girls' ratings, but moderate correlations with boy ratings. Correlational results were generally moderate for teachers and parents of White children and low for teachers and parents of Hispanic and Black children. ^ Parent-child self-reports had low concordance for nearly all scale items evaluated, particularly with girl self-raters, but moderate with the boys. Conversely, Teacher-Girl pairs had larger correlations than with Boy. Parents reported substantially higher frequency of disorder endorsement than reported by the children, regardless of the child's ethnicity or gender. While generally low, Teachers and Black students had higher concordance on internalizing measures than Hispanic or White students. Parents of Black students had higher frequency of disorder endorsements than other ethnicities. ^ The difference in format and lack of externalizing measures on the self-report version (SRP) hinders inter-rater comparisons. Future studies using the revised, BASC-2 with children in a school-based setting are needed to assess further its rater reliability. ^
Background. Previous findings reported more depression among Mexican American adolescents than among adolescents from other groups. There has been minimal research published on distribution of depression symptoms among Mexican American adolescents and practically no data has been published from community samples. ^ Objective. To examine the phenomenology of DSM-IV major depression symptoms across groups defined by ethnic status, by gender and language use focusing on the Mexican American group. ^ Methods. Secondary data from 2624 adolescents (ages 10-17) among three ethnic subgroups, Mexican (26.7%), African (45%) and Anglo Americans (28.3%), was analyzed. Data come from the Teen Life Changes (TLC) Survey conducted in 1994 by Roberts et al. (1997). A self-report questionnaire, which includes the DSD scale to measure depression, was used. ^ Results. Analysis of data showed significant differences among youth in the phenomenology of depression symptoms by ethnicity, by gender and by language use at home. ^ Conclusion. This study adds knowledge to the psychopathology and mental health literature from the identification of depression symptoms profile as well as permits the design of more appropriate policy for prevention and intervention programs among culturally diverse youth. ^
Introduction. There is a need for physical activity interventions based in primary care clinics that take advantage of community resources. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to compare the effects of two physical activity interventions: (1) physical activity prescription by a primary care provider plus referral to community physical activity resources and (2) physical activity prescription only. ^ Methods. Sedentary adult patients recruited from a general medicine clinic were randomized to receive a physical activity prescription, delivered by the primary care provider, plus referral to community physical activity resources (n=38) or physical activity prescription only (n=32). Outcomes were use of community resources (exercise facility and personal trainers), physical activity levels (self-report questionnaire and pedometer), and attitudes regarding physical activity assessed at 8 weeks. ^ Results. Three of 38 (7.9%) subjects referred to the community resources and none of the 32 subjects in the prescription only group used the community resources during the 8 week trial. Sixteen of 32 subjects in the prescription plus referral group and 19 of 38 in the prescription group completed the self-report follow-up forms at 8 weeks. For minutes of moderate- or vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, there were no between-group differences at baseline, follow-up, or change from baseline to follow-up. However, for moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity, there were significant improvements from baseline to follow-up within each group. For attitudes related to physical activity, there were no between-group differences at baseline, follow-up, or change from baseline to follow-up; neither were there any within-group changes. ^ Discussion. Physical activity prescription delivered by a healthcare provider in the context of a routine primary care visit can improve physical activity levels, with no additional improvement gained by referring to community resources. The intervention was feasible for primary care providers to deliver, but only 50% of subjects returned the self-report physical activity questionnaire at the 8 week assessment. ^
Two studies among college students were conducted to evaluate appropriate measurement methods for etiological research on computing-related upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (UEMSDs). ^ A cross-sectional study among 100 graduate students evaluated the utility of symptoms surveys (a VAS scale and 5-point Likert scale) compared with two UEMSD clinical classification systems (Gerr and Moore protocols). The two symptom measures were highly concordant (Lin's rho = 0.54; Spearman's r = 0.72); the two clinical protocols were moderately concordant (Cohen's kappa = 0.50). Sensitivity and specificity, endorsed by Youden's J statistic, did not reveal much agreement between the symptoms surveys and clinical examinations. It cannot be concluded self-report symptoms surveys can be used as surrogate for clinical examinations. ^ A pilot repeated measures study conducted among 30 undergraduate students evaluated computing exposure measurement methods. Key findings are: temporal variations in symptoms, the odds of experiencing symptoms increased with every hour of computer use (adjOR = 1.1, p < .10) and every stretch break taken (adjOR = 1.3, p < .10). When measuring posture using the Computer Use Checklist, a positive association with symptoms was observed (adjOR = 1.3, p < 0.10), while measuring posture using a modified Rapid Upper Limb Assessment produced unexpected and inconsistent associations. The findings were inconclusive in identifying an appropriate posture assessment or superior conceptualization of computer use exposure. ^ A cross-sectional study of 166 graduate students evaluated the comparability of graduate students to College Computing & Health surveys administered to undergraduate students. Fifty-five percent reported computing-related pain and functional limitations. Years of computer use in graduate school and number of years in school where weekly computer use was ≥ 10 hours were associated with pain within an hour of computing in logistic regression analyses. The findings are consistent with current literature on both undergraduate and graduate students. ^
Background. Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) diagnosis in children and adolescents has been on the rise over the last couple of decades and a multitude of studies have been conducted in an aim to better understand the disease. Literature has explored the role of several factors suspected of contributing to development of the disease, including: prenatal smoking exposures, environmental exposures, and low-birth weight. However, there is very limited reporting of fetal/infant exposure to antidepressants and prescription medications and the long-term behavioral outcomes, namely development of AD/HD. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between mother's exposure to prescription medications and/or antidepressants around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding and the development of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in offspring. Methods. Secondary analysis of data from a case-control study was performed. Exposure histories were collected for the mother and offspring. Data were collected using a secure, confidential, self-report, online survey to evaluate the relationship between antidepressant and/or prescription medication exposure and the development of AD/HD. The period of exposure to these drugs was defined as: around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding. Cases were defined as a child who had been diagnosed with AD/HD. Controls were defined as a child who had not been diagnosed with AD/HD. Results. Prescription medication and antidepressant medication exposures around the time of conception, during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding were not associated with development of AD/HD. However, traumatic brain injury (OR=2.77 (1.61–4.77)) and preterm birth (OR=1.48 (1.04–2.12)) were identified as potential risk factors. These results support existing literature on AD/HD, but future work must be undertaken to better evaluate fetal/infant medication exposures and long-term behavioral outcomes.^
Recent data have shown that the percentage of time spent preparing food has decreased during the past few years, and little information is know about how much time people spend grocery shopping. Food that is pre-prepared is often higher in calories and fat compared to foods prepared at home from scratch. It has been suggested that, because of the higher energy and total fat levels, increased consumption of pre-prepared foods compared to home-cooked meals can lead to weight gain, which in turn can lead to obesity. Nevertheless, to date no study has examined this relationship. The purpose of this study is to determine (i) the association between adult body mass index (BMI) and the time spent preparing meals, and (ii) the association between adult BMI and time spent shopping for food. Data on food habits and body size were collected with a self-report survey of ethnically diverse adults between the ages of 17 and 70 at a large university. The survey was used to recruit people to participate in nutrition or appetite studies. Among other data, the survey collected demographic data (gender, race/ethnicity), minutes per week spent in preparing meals and minutes per week spent grocery shopping. Height and weight were self-reported and used to calculate BMI. The study population consisted of 689 subjects, of which 276 were male and 413 were female. The mean age was 23.5 years, with a median age of 21 years. The fraction of subjects with BMI less than 24.9 was 65%, between 25 and 29.9 was 26%, and 30 or greater was 9%. Analysis of variation was used to examine associations between food preparation time and BMI. ^ The results of the study showed that there were no significant statistical association between adult healthy weight, overweight and obesity with either food preparation time and grocery shopping time. Of those in the sample who reported preparing food, the mean food preparation time per week for the healthy weight, overweight, and obese groups were 12.8 minutes, 12.3 minutes, and 11.6 minutes respectively. Similarly, the mean weekly grocery shopping for healthy, overweight, and obese groups were 60.3 minutes per week (8.6min./day), 61.4 minutes (8.8min./day), and 57.3 minutes (8.2min./day), respectively. Since this study was conducted through a University campus, it is assumed that most of the sample was students, and a percentage might have been utilizing meal plans on campus, and thus, would have reported little meal preparation or grocery shopping time. Further research should examine the relationships between meal preparation time and time spent shopping for food in a sample that is more representative of the general public. In addition, most people spent very little time preparing food, and thus, health promotion programs for this population need to focus on strategies for preparing quick meals or eating in restaurants/cafeterias. ^
Childhood obesity in the US has reached epidemic proportions. Minority children are affected the most by this epidemic. Although there is no clear relationship between obesity and fruits and vegetables consumption, studies suggest that eating fruits and vegetables could be helpful in preventing childhood obesity. A few school-based interventions targeting youth have been effective at increasing fruits and vegetables intake.^ In Austin, Texas, the Sustainable Food Center delivered the Sprouting Healthy Kids (SHK) program that targeted low socio-economic status children in four intervention middle schools. The SHK program delivered six intervention components. This school-based intervention included: a cafeteria component, in-class lessons, an after-school garden program, a field trip to a local farm, food tasting, and farmers' visits to schools. This study aimed to determine the effects of the SHK intervention in middle school students' preferences, motivation, knowledge, and self-efficacy towards fruits and vegetables intake, as well as the actual fruits and vegetables intake. The study also aimed to determine the effects of exposure to different doses of the SHK intervention on participants' fruits and vegetable intake.^ The SHK was delivered during Spring 2009. A total of 214 students completed the pre-and-posttest surveys measuring self-report fruits and vegetables intake as well as intrapersonal factors. The results showed that the school cafeteria, the food tasting, the after school program, and the farmers' visits had a positive effect on the participants' motivation, knowledge, and self-efficacy towards fruits and vegetables intake. The farmers' visits and the food tasting components increased participants' fruits and vegetables intake. Exposure to two or more intervention components increased participants' fruits and vegetables intake. The statistically significant dose-response effect size was .352, which suggests that each intervention component increased participants' fruits and vegetables consumption this amount. Certain intervention components were more effective than others. Food tasting and farmers visits increased participants fruits and vegetables intake, therefore these components should be offered in an ongoing basis. This study suggests that exposure to multiple intervention components increased behaviors and attitudes towards fruits and vegetables consumption. Findings are consistent that SHK can influence behaviors of middle school students.^
Introduction. Cancer registries provide information about treatment initiation but not the full course of treatment. In an effort to identify patient reported reasons for discontinuing cancer treatment, patients with prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer were identified from Alabama State Cancer Registry (ASCR) -Alabama Medicare linked database for interview. This study has two specific aims: (1) determine whether the ASCR-Medicare database accurately reflects patients’ treatment experiences in terms of whether they started and completed treatment when compared to patient self-report and (2) determine which patient demographic and health care system factors are related to treatment completion as defined by patient self-report. ^ Methods. The ASCR-Medicare claims dataset supplemented patient interview responses to identify treatment initiation and completion among prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer patients in Alabama from 1999-2003. Kappa statistic was used to test for concordance of treatment initiation and completion between patient self-report and Medicare claims data. Patients who reported not completing treatment were asked questions to ascertain reasons for treatment discontinuation. Logistic regression models were constructed to explore the association of patient and tumor characteristics with discontinuation of radiation and chemotherapy. ^ Results. Overall, there was a fair agreement across all cancer sites about whether one had surgery (Kappa=.382). There was fair agreement between self-report and Medicare claims data for starting radiation treatment (Kappa=.278). For starting chemotherapy there was moderate agreement (Kappa=.414). There was no agreement for completing treatment for radiation and chemotherapy between the self-report and claims data. Patients most often reported doctor’s recommendation (40% for radiation treatment and 21.4% for chemotherapy) and side effects (30% for radiation treatment and 42.8% for chemotherapy) for discontinuing treatment. Females were less likely to complete radiation than males (OR=.24, 95% CI=.11–.50). Stage I patients were more likely to drop radiation treatment than stage III patients (OR=3.34, 95% CI=1.12–9.95). Younger patients were more likely to discontinue chemotherapy than older patients (OR=2.84 95%, CI=1.08–7.69) and breast cancer patients were less likely to discontinue chemotherapy than colorectal patients (OR=.13, 95% CI=.04–.46). ^ Conclusion. This study reveals that patients recall starting treatment more accurately than completing treatment and that there are several demographic and tumor characteristics that influence treatment discontinuation. Providing patients with treatment summaries and survivorship plans can help patients their follow-up care when there are gaps in treatment recall and discontinuation of treatment.^
Study Aims. The neighborhood environment has been shown to influence physical activity levels, but little is known about how far-reaching these effects are. This study sought to determine whether or not the development of a New Urbanist community in Austin, Texas affected the physical activity levels of residents in surrounding neighborhoods. The results were stratified by demographic characteristics, residential distance from the New Urbanist community, and type of physical activity to determine if any observed changes varied by these factors.^ Methods. Self-report questionnaires were mailed to a random sample of households located within one mile of the New Urbanist development. The questionnaire included questions about physical activity behaviors before and after the community was constructed in 2006. Changes in reported levels of physical activity between the two time points were examined.^ Results. The prevalence and average minutes per week of total physical activity did not change. Significant increases in the frequency and quantity of moderate-intensity leisure-time physical activity were observed. The amount of time spent walking and biking for recreation outside of the neighborhood increased significantly among those living close to Mueller. The weekly time spent in vigorous-intensity activity increased significantly, especially among those living closer to Mueller. There were significant decreases in the prevalence of and time spent walking for transport. The use of Mueller parks and trails was highest among participants living close to Mueller.^ Conclusions. The nearby Mueller development does not appear to have encouraged sedentary members of the surrounding population to become physically active, but might be associated with increased weekly physical activity among those who were already active. The increase in vigorous-intensity physical activity and recreational walking/biking outside of the neighborhood among those subjects living closer to Mueller may be attributed to the use of Mueller parks and trails, which was also considerably higher among this group. People may be substituting the time they spent walking for transport before the Mueller development with moderate-intensity leisure-time physical activity. Future research should seek to identify barriers that may be preventing more nearby residents from using Mueller facilities for physical activity. ^
Background. Over 39.9% of the adult population forty or older in the United States has refractive error, little is known about the etiology of this condition and associated risk factors and their entailed mechanism due to the paucity of data regarding the changes of refractive error for the adult population over time.^ Aim. To evaluate risk factors over a long term, 5-year period, in refractive error changes among persons 43 or older by testing the hypothesis that age, gender, systemic diseases, nuclear sclerosis and baseline refractive errors are all significantly associated with refractive errors changes in patients at a Dallas, Texas private optometric office.^ Methods. A retrospective chart review of subjective refraction, eye health, and self-report health history was done on patients at a private optometric office who were 43 or older in 2000 who had eye examinations both in 2000 and 2005. Aphakic and pseudophakic eyes were excluded as well as eyes with best corrected Snellen visual acuity of 20/40 and worse. After exclusions, refraction was obtained on 114 right eyes and 114 left eyes. Spherical equivalent (sum of sphere + ½ cylinder) was used as the measure of refractive error.^ Results. Similar changes in refractive error were observed for the two eyes. The 5-year change in spherical power was in a hyperopic direction for younger age groups and in a myopic direction for older subjects, P<0.0001. The gender-adjusted mean change in refractive error in right eyes of persons aged 43 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 to 74, and 75 or older at baseline was +0.43D, +0.46 D, -0.09 D, and -0.23D, respectively. Refractive change was strongly related to baseline nuclear cataract severity; grades 4 to 5 were associated with a myopic shift (-0.38 D, P< 0.0001). The mean age-adjusted change in refraction was +0.27 D for hyperopic eyes, +0.56 D for emmetropic eyes, and +0.26 D for myopic eyes.^ Conclusions. This report has documented refractive error changes in an older population and confirmed reported trends of a hyperopic shift before age 65 and a myopic shift thereafter associated with the development of nuclear cataract.^
Accurate ascertainment of risk factors and disease status is vital in public health research for proper classification of research subjects. The two most common ways of obtaining this data is by self-report and review of medical records (MRs). South Texas Women’s Health Project was a case-control study looking at interrelationships between hormones, diet, and body size and breast cancer among Hispanic women 30-79 years of age. History of breast cancer, diabetes mellitus (DM) and use of DM medications was ascertained from a personal interview. At the time of interview, the subject identified her major health care providers and signed the medical records release form, which was sent to the designated providers. The MRs were reviewed to confirm information obtained from the interview.^ Aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity between MRs and personal interview in diagnosis of breast cancer, DM and DM treatment. We also wanted to assess how successful our low-cost approach was in obtaining pertinent MRs and what factors influenced the quality of MR or interview data. Study sample was 721 women with both self-report and MR data available by June 2007. Overall response rate for MR requests was 74.5%. MRs were 80.9% sensitive and 100% specific in confirming breast cancer status. Prevalence of DM was 22.7% from the interviews and 16% from MRs. MRs did not provide definite information about DM status of 53.6% subjects. Sensitivity and specificity of MRs for DM status was 88.9% and 90.4% respectively. Disagreement on DM status from the two sources was seen in 15.9% subjects. This discordance was more common among older subjects, those who were married and were predominantly Spanish speaking. Income and level of education did not have a statistically significantly association with this disagreement.^ Both self-report and MRs underestimate the prevalence of DM. Relying solely on MRs leads to greater misclassification than relying on self-report data. MRs have good to excellent specificity and thus serve as a good tool to confirm information obtained from self-report. Self-report and MRs should be used in a complementary manner for accurate assessment of DM and breast cancer status.^