934 resultados para Self-Perception
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the root canal preparation in flat-oval canals treated with either rotary or self-adjusting file (SAF) by using micro-tomography analysis. Methods: Forty mandibular incisors were scanned before and after root canal instrumentation with rotary instruments (n = 20) or SAF (n = 20). Changes in canal volume, surface area, and cross-sectional geometry were compared with preoperative values. Data were compared by independent sample t test and chi(2) test between groups and paired sample t test within the group (alpha = 0.05). Results: Overall, area, perimeter, roundness, and major and minor diameters revealed no statistical difference between groups (P > .05). In the coronal third, percentage of prepared root canal walls and mean increases of volume and area were significantly higher with SAF (92.0%, 1.44 +/- 0.49 mm(3), 0.40 +/- 0.14 mm(2), respectively) than rotary instrumentation (62.0%, 0.81 +/- 0.45 mm(3), 0.23 +/- 0.15 mm2, respectively) (P < .05). SAF removed dentin layer from all around the canal, whereas rotary instrumentation showed substantial untouched areas. Conclusions: In the coronal third, mean increases of area and volume of the canal as well as the percentage of prepared walls were significantly higher with SAF than with rotary instrumentation. By using SAF instruments, flat-oval canals were homogenously and circumferentially prepared. The size of the SAF preparation in the apical third of the canal was equivalent to those prepared with #40 rotary file with a 0.02 taper. (J Endod 2011;37:1002-1007)
Purpose: To evaluate the bond strength of glass fiber posts to intraradicular dentin when cemented with self-etching and self-adhesive resin cements. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight single-rooted human teeth were decoronated, endodontically treated, post-space prepared and divided into 8 groups (n = 6). The glass fiber posts used were: Exacto (EA) (Angelus) and everStick (ES) (StichTeck), which were cemented with two self-adhesive resin cements: BisCem (BIS) (Bisco) and Rely-X Unicem (UNI) (3M/ESPE), and two self-etching resin cements: Esthetic Cementing System NAC100 (NAC) (Kuraray) and Panavia-F (PAN) (Kuraray). Specimens were thermocycled between 5 degrees C and 55 degrees C for 1000 cycles and stored in water at 37 degrees C for 1 month. Four 1-mm-thick (in cross section) rods were obtained from the cervical region of the roots. Specimens were then subjected to microtensile testing in a special machine (BISCO; Schaumburg, IL, USA) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Microtensile bond strength (mu TBS) data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Tukey`s tests. Results: Means (and SD) of mu TBS (MPa) were: EA/PAN: 10.3 (4.1), EA/NAC: 14 (5.1) EA/BIS: 16.4 (4.8), EA/UNI: 19.8 (5.1), ES/PAN: 25.9 (6.1), ES/NAC: 29.1 (7), ES/BIS: 28.9 (6), ES/UNI: 30.5 (6.6). ANOVA indicated significant differences among the groups (p < 0.001). Mean mu TBS values obtained with ES post were significantly higher than those obtained with EA (p < 0.001). For EA, Tukey`s test indicated that higher mu TBS means were obtained with the self-adhesive resin cements (BIS and UNI), which were statistically significantly different (p < 0.05) from values obtained with the self-etching resin cements (PAN and NAC). Different cements had no significant effects on the bond strength values of ES post (p > 0.05). mu TBS values obtained with ES post were significantly higher than those obtained with EA post irrespective of the resin cement used. Conclusion: everStick posts resulted in the highest mean mu TBS values with all cements. Self-adhesive cements performed well in terms of bond strength.
The extrastriate cortex near the dorsal midline has been described as part of an 'express' pathway that provides visual input to the premotor cortex. This pathway is considered important for the integration of sensory information about the visual field periphery and the skeletomotor system, especially in relation to the control of arm movements. However, a better understanding of the functional contributions of different parts of this complex has been hampered by the lack of data on the extent and boundaries of its constituent visual areas. Recent studies in macaques have provided the first detailed view of the topographical organization of this region in Old World monkeys. Despite differences in nomenclature, a comparison of the visuotopic organization, myeloarchitecture and connections of the relevant visual areas with those previously studied in New World monkeys reveals a remarkable degree of similarity and helps to clarify the subdivision of function between different areas of the dorsomedial complex. A caudal visual area, named DM or V6, appears to be important for the detection of coherent patterns of movement across wide regions of the visual field, such as those induced during self-motion. A rostral area, named M or V6A, is more directly involved with visuomotor integration. This area receives projections both from DM/V6 and from a separate motion analysis channel, centred on the middle temporal visual area (or V5), which detects the movement of objects in extrapersonal space. These results support the suggestion, made earlier on the basis of more fragmentary evidence, that the areas rostral to the second visual area in dorsal cortex are homologous in all simian primates. Moreover, they emphasize the importance of determining the anatomical organization of the cortex as a prerequisite for elucidating the function of different cortical areas.
A sedimentation equilibrium study of a-chymotrypsin self-association in acetate-chloride buffer, pH 4.1 I 0.05, has been used to illustrate determination of a dimerization constant under conditions where thermodynamic non-ideality is manifested beyond the consequences of nearest-neighbor interactions. Because the expressions for the experimentally determinable interaction parameters comprise a mixture of equilibrium constant and excluded volume terms, the assignment of reasonable magnitudes to the relevant virial coefficients describing non-associative cluster formation is essential for the evaluation of a reliable estimate of the dimerization constant. Determination of these excluded volume parameters by numerical integration over the potential-of-mean-force is shown to be preferable to their calculation by approximate analytical solutions of the integral for this relatively small enzyme monomer with high net charge (+ 10) under conditions of low ionic strength (0.05 M). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The suitability of sedimentation equilibrium for characterizing the self-association of muscle glycogen phosphorylase b has been reappraised. Whereas sedimentation equilibrium distributions for phosphorylase b in 40 mM Hepes buffer (pH 6.8) supplemented with 1 mM AMP signify a lack of chemical equilibrium attainment, those in buffer supplemented additionally with potassium sulfate conform with the requirements of a dimerizing system in chemical as we:ll as sedimentation equilibrium. Because the rate of attainment of chemical equilibrium under the former conditions is sufficiently slow to allow resolution of the dimeric and tetrameric enzyme species by sedimentation velocity, this procedure has been used to examine the effects of thermodynamic nonideality arising from molecular crowding try trimethylamine N-oxide on the self-association behaviour of phosphorylase b. In those terms the marginally enhanced extent of phosphorylase b self-association observed in the presence of high concentrations of the cosolute is taken to imply that the effects of thermodynamic nonideality on the dimer-tetramer equilibrium are being countered by those displacing the T reversible arrow R isomerization equilibrium for dimer towards the smaller, nonassociating T state. Because the R state is the enzymically active form, an inhibitory effect is the predicted consequence of molecular crowding by high concentrations of unrelated solutes. Thermodynamic nonideality thus provides an alternative explanation for the inhibitory effects of high concentrations of glycerol, sucrose and ethylene glycol on phosphorylase b activity, phenomena that have been attributed to extremely weak interaction of these cryoprotectants with the T state of the enzyme.
In the 1980s the development of the doubly labelled water (DLW) technique made it possible to determine the validity of dietary assessment methods using external, independent markers of intake in free-living populations. Since then, the accuracy of self-reported energy intake (EI) has been questioned on a number of occasions as under-reporting has been found to be prevalent in many different populations. This paper is a review of investigations using the DLW technique in conjunction with self-reported EI measures in groups including adults, children and adolescents, obese persons, athletes, military personnel and trekking explorers. In studies where a person other than the subject is responsible for recording dietary intake, such as parents of young children, EI generally corresponds to DLW determined energy expenditure. However, in instances where the subjects themselves report their intake, EI is generally under-reported when compared with energy expenditure. It was originally believed that this phenomenon of under-reporting was linked to increased adiposity and body size, however, it is now apparent that other factors, such as dietary restraint and socio-economic status, are also involved. This paper therefore aims to present a more comprehensive picture of under-reporting by tying in the findings of many DLW studies with other studies focusing particularly on the characteristics and mechanisms for under-reporting. Awareness of these characteristics and mechanisms will enable researchers to obtain more accurate self-reports of EI using all dietary recording techniques.
This study investigated the impact of media coverage of a health issue (skin cancer) on judgements of risk to self and others and the role of related communication processes. Consistent with predictions derived from the impersonal impact hypothesis, the effects of mass communication were more evident in perceptions of risk to others rather than in perceptions of personal risk. Perceptions of personal risk were more strongly correlated with interpersonal communication. However, as suggested by media system dependency theory, the relationship between mass communication and beliefs was complex. The impact of mass communication on both personal and impersonal perceptions was bound to be moderated by self-reported dependence on mass mediated information. The effect of this two-way interaction 071 perceptions of personal risk was partially mediated through interpersonal communication. Results point to the interdependence of mass and interpersonal communication as sources of social influence and the role of media dependency in shaping media impact.
Self- and peer-assessment are being used increasingly in higher education, to help assign grades to students' work and to help students to learn more effectively. However, in spite of this trend there is little in the published literature on how students view these methods. In this paper we present an analysis of the views of a large number of students (N = 233) who had just experienced self- and peer-feedback as part of one of their subjects. It is a rarely questioned commonplace in the literature that in order to gain benefit from peer and self-assessment schemes students first need training in the specific scheme being used; ideally they will play a role in devising the scheme. The intervention reported here, which involved a large (N = 233) group of students, included no such measures. The results show that students felt, nonetheless, that they benefited from the intervention. The results also present prima facie evidence that training or other measures to further involve the students in the peer and self-assessment scheme might be beneficial. Our analysis of students' views revealed eight general dimensions under which are grouped twenty higher order themes. The results both support and extend previous research and give a more detailed picture than previously available. The general dimensions found were: Difficult; Gained Better Understanding of Marking; Discomfort; Productive (including learning benefits and improved work); Problems with Implementation; Read Others' Work; Develop Empathy (with assessing staff); and, Motivation (especially motivation to impress peers). The practical implications of these findings are discussed.
This paper studies young tourists' perception of danger within the urban holiday environment of London, England. The study of perceived danger is important not only in its own right, but also because of the influence it may have on use of leisure spaces and times. This research assesses gender and group composition differences in perception of danger, addressing the relatively neglected issues of men's perception and the relationship between the genders. For the purpose of this paper 'danger' was assessed by studying how safe, relaxed, vulnerable, threatened, and at risk people felt while in London. The study found a number of similarities and differences between the men and women studied, in terms of how they perceived danger and their group composition during the day and nigh-time. These results indicate that gender may not be the only influence on perception and behaviour, and that men and women should not be regarded as-homogenous cohorts. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This multicenter study evaluated the impact of genetic counseling in 218 women at risk of developing hereditary breast cancer. Women were assessed prior to counseling and 12-month post-counseling using self-administered, mailed questionnaires. Compared to baseline, breast cancer genetics knowledge was increased significantly at follow-up. and greater increases in knowledge were associated with educational level. Breast cancer anxiety decreased significantly from baseline to follow-up, and these decreases were associated with improvements in perceived risk. A significant decrease in clinical breast examination was observed at the 12-month follow-up. Findings suggest that women with a family history of breast cancer benefit from attending familial cancer clinics as it leads to increases in breast cancer genetics knowledge and decreases in breast cancer anxiety. The lowered rates of clinical breast examination indicate that the content of genetic counseling may need to be reviewed to ensure that women receive and take away the right message. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ability of the human eye to perceive depth was measured using a specially designed instrument. Visual acuity and both monocular and binocular stereoacuity were measured when viewing the instrument directly and via a videoconferencing link. Ten subjects with an average age of 32.5 years (range 24-50) took part in the study. The group mean visual acuity using both eyes under normal test conditions was -0.04 logMAR (Snellen 6/5) compared with 0.18 logMAR (Snellen 6/10) for the video-link. The mean stereoacuity using both eyes was 37 (SD 18) under normal test conditions. When a videoconferencing link was used, the mean stereoacuity fell to 1218 (SD 1203) using one eye and to 1651 (SD 1419) using both eyes. The ability to perceive depth remotely via a video-link was significantly decreased compared with normal test conditions.
Objective: We examined the relationship between self-reported calcium (Cal intake and bone mineral content (BMC) in children and adolescents. We hypothesized that an expression of Ca adjusted for energy intake (El), i.e., Ca density, would be a better predictor of BMC than unadjusted Ca because of underreporting of EI. Methods: Data were obtained on dietary intakes (repeated 24-hour recalls) and BMC (by DEXA) in a cross-section of 227 children aged 8 to 17 years. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to examine die relationship between Ca, Ca density, and the dependent variables total body BMC and lumbar spine BMC. Covariates included were height, weight, bone area, maturity age, activity score and El. Results: Reported El compared to estimated basal metabolic rate suggested underreporting of El. Total body and lumbar spine BMC were significantly associated with El, but not Ca or Ca density, in bivariate analyses. After controlling for size and maturity, multiple linear regression analysis revealed unadjusted Ca to be a predictor of BMC in males in the total body (p = 0.08) and lumbar spine (p = 0.01). Unadjusted Ca was not a predictor of BMC at either site in females. Ca density was not a better predictor of BMC at either site in males or females. Conclusions: The relationship observed in male adolescents in this study between Ca intake and BMC is similar to that seen in clinical trials. Ca density did not enable us to see a relationship between Ca intake and BMC in females, which may reflect systematic reporting errors or that diet is not a limiting factor in this group of healthy adolescents.