993 resultados para Sediments lacustres


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Layered Fe-Mn crusts from the off-axis region of the first segment of the Central Indian Ridge north of the Rodrigues Triple Junction were studied geochemically and mineralogically. Vernadite (delta-MnO2) is the main mineral oxide phase. 230Thxs and Co concentrations suggest high growth rates of up to 29 mm/Myr and a maximum age of the basal crust layer of 1 Ma. Whereas most of the major and minor elements show concentrations which are typical of hydrogenetic formation, Co, Pb, Ni and Ti concentrations are strikingly lower. Concentrations and distribution of the strictly trivalent rare-earths and yttrium (REY) are typical of hydrogenetic ferromanganese oxide precipitates, but in marked contrast, the crusts are characterized by negative CeSN (shale normalized) anomalies and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios less than unity. Profiles through the crusts reveal only minor variations of the REY distribution and (Ce/Pr)SN ratios range from 0.45 to 0.68 (compared to ratios of up to 2 for typical hydrogenetic crusts from the Central Indian Basin). The apparent bulk partition coefficients between the crusts and seawater suggest that for the strictly trivalent REY the adsorption-desorption equilibrium has been reached. Positive Ce anomalies in the partition coefficient patterns reveal preferential uptake of Ce, but to a lesser extent than in normal hydrogenetic crusts. A new parameter (excess Ce, Cexs) to quantify the degree of decoupling of Ce from REY(III) is established on the basis of partition coefficients. Cexs/Cebulk ratios suggest that the CIR crusts formed by precipitation of Fe-Mn oxides from a hydrothermal plume and that in hydrothermal plumes and normal seawater the enrichment of Ce results from the same oxidative sorption process. The growth rates, calculated with 230Thxs data as well as with the Co formula, are inversely related to Cexs.


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C2-C8 hydrocarbon concentrations (about 35 compounds identified, including saturated, aromatic, and olefinic compounds) from 38 shipboard sealed, deep-frozen core samples of Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 585 (East Mariana Basin) and 586 (Ontong-Java Plateau) were determined by a gas stripping-thermovaporization method. Total concentrations, which represent the hydrocarbons dissolved in the pore water and adsorbed on the mineral surfaces of the sediment, vary from 20 to 630 ng/g of rock at Site 585 (sub-bottom depth range 332-868 m). Likewise, organic-carbon normalized yields range from 3*10**4 to 9*10**5 ng/g Corg, indicating that the organic matter is still in the initial, diagenetic evolutionary stage. The highest value (based on both rock weight and organic carbon) is measured in an extremely organic-carbon-poor sample of Lithologic Subunit VB (Core 585-30). In this unit (504-550 m) several samples with elevated organic-carbon contents and favorable kerogen quality including two thin "black-shale" layers deposited at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (not sampled for this study) were encountered. We conclude from a detailed comparison of light hydrocarbon compositions that the Core 585-30 sample is enriched in hydrocarbons of the C2-C8 molecular range, particularly in gas compounds, which probably migrated from nearby black-shale source layers. C2-C8 hydrocarbon yields in Site 586 samples (sub-bottom depth range 27-298 m) did not exceed 118 ng/g of dry sediment weight (average 56 ng/g), indicating the immaturity of these samples.


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During Leg 136 drilling was conducted at two sites in pelagic sediments of the north central Pacific Ocean. In this report, pore-water analyses for major seawater constituents, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silica, Ba, Fe, Li, Mn, and Sr are presented. Although concentration gradients are generally weak, resulting from slow sedimentation and concomitant diffusive communication with overlying water, there is evidence of sediment/pore-water interactions, associated sediment diagenesis, and formation of authigenic minerals. Bulk major and trace element compositions of the sediments are consistent with reactions inferred to occur within the sediments and with the lithology and mineralogy. Elemental compositions of the sediments are not strongly affected by diagenesis and are primarily related to the dominant mineralogy. Sediments are typical of deep ocean pelagic settings with a significant contribution from the alteration of volcanic ash and the formation of zeolites. Sedimentary rare earth element patterns also provide evidence of active scavenging processes by Mn and Fe oxide phases in the deeper sediments at Site 842.


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Oxygen isotopic compositions of the tests of planktonic foraminifera from several Deep Sea Drilling Project sites provide a general picture of low-latitude marine temperatures from Maastrichtian time to the present. Bottom temperatures determined from the isotopic compositions of benthonic foraminifera are interpreted as being indicative of high-latitude surface temperatures. Prior to the beginning of middle Miocene time, high- and low-latitude temperatures changed in parallel fashion. Following an apparently small and short-lived drop in temperature near the Tertiary-Cretaceous boundary, temperatures remained warm and relatively constant through Paleocene and early and middle Eocene time; bottom temperatures then were on the order of 12°C. A sharp temperature drop in late Eocene time was followed by a more gradual lowering of temperature, culminating in a late Oligocene high-latitude temperature minimum of about 4°C. A temperature rise through early Miocene time was followed in middle Miocene time by a sudden divergence of high- and low-latitude temperatures: high-latitude temperatures dropped dramatically, perhaps corresponding to the onset of major glaciation in Antarctica, but low-latitude temperatures remained constant or perhaps increased. This uncoupling of high-and low-latitude temperatures is postulated to be related to the establishment of a circum-Antarctic circulation similar to that of today. A further drop in high-latitude temperatures in late Pliocene time probably signaled the onset of a major increase in polar glaciation, including extensive sea-ice formation. Early Miocene, small-amplitude (1 per mil) sympathetic fluctuations in isotopic compositions of planktonic and benthonic foraminifera have been identified. These have a period of several hundred thousand years. Superimposed upon these are much more rapid and smaller fluctuations (0.2 to 0.5 per mil) with a period of about 80000 to 90000 yr. This is similar to the period observed for Pleistocene isotopic temperature fluctuations. In low latitudes, much smaller vertical temperature gradients seem to have existed during Maastrichtian and Paleogene time than exist at present. The absence of a sharply defined thermocline during early Tertiary time is also suggested.


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The complete Paleocene section begins with the basal Tertiary Globigerina eugubina Zone. This zone occurs at 465A-3-3, 4 cm to 465A-3-3, 144 cm and belongs to Lithologic Unit I (Site 465 report, this volume), a homogeneous, white, moderately to highly disturbed nannofossil ooze.


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Sediments were sampled and oxygen profiles of the water column were determined in the Indian Ocean off west and south Indonesia in order to obtain information on the production, transformation, and accumulation of organic matter (OM). The stable carbon isotope composition (d13Corg) in combination with C/N ratios depicts the almost exclusively marine origin of sedimentary organic matter in the entire study area. Maximum concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) of 3.0% and 0.31%, respectively, were observed in the northern Mentawai Basin and in the Savu and Lombok basins. Minimum d15N values of 3.7 per mil were measured in the northern Mentawai Basin, whereas they varied around 5.4 per mil at stations outside this region. Minimum bottom water oxygen concentrations of 1.1 mL L**1, corresponding to an oxygen saturation of 16.1%, indicate reduced ventilation of bottom water in the northern Mentawai Basin. This low bottom water oxygen reduces organic matter decomposition, which is demonstrated by the almost unaltered isotopic composition of nitrogen during early diagenesis. Maximum Corg accumulation rates (CARs) were measured in the Lombok (10.4 g C m**-2 yr**-1) and northern Mentawai basins (5.2 g C m**-2 yr**-1). Upwelling-induced high productivity is responsible for the high CAR off East Java, Lombok, and Savu Basins, while a better OM preservation caused by reduced ventilation contributes to the high CAR observed in the northern Mentawai Basin. The interplay between primary production, remineralisation, and organic carbon burial determines the regional heterogeneity. CAR in the Indian Ocean upwelling region off Indonesia is lower than in the Peru and Chile upwellings, but in the same order of magnitude as in the Arabian Sea, the Benguela, and Gulf of California upwellings, and corresponds to 0.1-7.1% of the global ocean carbon burial. This demonstrates the relevance of the Indian Ocean margin off Indonesia for the global OM burial.


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We use a multiproxy approach to monitor changes in the vertical profile of the Indonesian Throughflow as well as monsoonal wind and precipitation patterns in the Timor Sea on glacial-interglacial, precessional, and suborbital timescales. We focus on an interval of extreme climate change and sea level variation: marine isotope (MIS) 6 to MIS 5e. Paleoproductivity fluctuations in the Timor Sea follow a precessional beat related to the intensity of the Australian (NW) monsoon. Paired Mg/Ca and d18O measurements of surface- and thermocline-dwelling planktonic foraminifers (G. ruber and P. obliquiloculata) indicate an increase of >4°C in both surface and thermocline water temperatures during Termination II. Tropical sea surface temperature changed synchronously with ice volume (benthic d18O) during deglaciation, implying a direct coupling of high- and low-latitude climate via atmospheric and/or upper ocean circulation. Substantial cooling and freshening of thermocline waters occurred toward the end of Termination II and during MIS 5e, indicating a change in the vertical profile of the Indonesian Throughflow from surface- to thermocline-dominated flow.


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Relatively little is known in detail about the locations of the early Pleistocene ice-sheets responsible for ice-rafted debris (IRD) inputs to the sub-polar North Atlantic Ocean during intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation (iNHG). To shed new light on this problem, we present the first combined in-depth analysis of IRD flux and geochemical provenance of individual sand-sized IRD deposited in the sub-polar North Atlantic Ocean during the earliest large amplitude Pleistocene glacial, marine isotope stage (MIS) 100 (~2.52 Ma), arguably the key glacial during iNHG. IRD provenance is assessed using laser ablation lead (Pb) isotope analyses of single feldspar grains. We find that the Pb-isotope composition (206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb) of individual ice-rafted (>150 µm) feldspars deposited at DSDP Site 611A, ODP Site 981 and IODP Site U1308 during MIS 100 records a shift from predominantly Archaean-aged circum-North Atlantic Ocean continental sources during early glacial ice-rafting events to dominantly Palaeozoic and Proterozoic-aged sources during full glacial conditions. The distribution of feldspars in Pb-Pb space for full glacial MIS 100 more closely resembles that documented for feldspars deposited at the centre of the last glacial IRD belt (at IODP/DSDP Site U1308/609) during ambient (non-Heinrich-event) ice-rafting episodes of MIS 2 (~23.8 ka) than that documented for MIS 5d (~106 ka). Comparison of our early Pleistocene and last glacial cycle datasets suggests that MIS 100 was characterised by abundant iceberg calving from large ice-sheets on multiple continents in the high northern latitudes (not just on Greenland).


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Investigation of the ferromagnetic fraction of sediments from the Brazil Basin and Rio Grande Rise shows that its main constituents are magnetite and hematite. The magnetite is detrital, but the hematite is both detrital and chemical in origin. Magnetite is the main carrier of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM); therefore, the NRM is detrital remanent magnetization (DRM). In a number of cases, the change of magnetic parameters along the stratigraphic column permits some refinement of the previously defined boundaries of the lithologic units.


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Contents of labile (acid-soluble) sulfides were determined in the upper layer of bottom sediments at 80 stations on the Caucasian shelf of the Black Sea. Maximum values of this parameter occurred in black mud accumulated in zones of intense pollution in the Gelendzhik and Tsemess bays and in shelf areas adjacent to large health resort objects and to seaports. Contents of acid-soluble sulfides in sediments varied from 400 to 900 mg S/dm**3 of wet mud. In zones of moderate pollution they varied from 200 to 400 mg S/dm**3. Rate of sulfate reduction was 10-40 mg S/dm**3 of wet sediment per day. Obtained data show that accumulation of labile sulfides in the upper layer of shelf bottom sediments is directly related to anthropogenic pollution and is one of the most hazardous environmental aftereffects.


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Hot brines in depressions of the central Red Sea contain thousands of times more iron, manganese and other metals than . After removal of salts, approximately half of sediments from these depressions consists of iron hydroxides and they are enriched in zinc, copper, lead and molybdenum. Hydrothermal deposits with the same complex of metals, located along the coast of the Red Sea, are correlated with faults and may be due to occurrences of Tertiary volcanism. Brines of similar composition are known in the Cheleken Peninsula. Certain geological and geochemical data indicate that such brines are of relatively deep origin.


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Two shelf communities from the central part off the California Peninsula are described. The community of Amphiodia urtica - Nephtys ferruginea develops in the central part of the shelf within the depth range 95-105 m. The community of Nephtys ferruginea - Amphiura acrystata develops on the shelf edge at depth 110 m. Biomasses of both communities are very low (about 10 g/m**2). Species richness of the shelf community is high; more than 60 species occur in samples (43-51 species per a community). Various echinoderms and some other groups are abundant on the Californian shelf; these groups are absent in shelf areas of Peruvian and Benguela upwellings. Species structures of the communities were analyzed; the communities were shown to consist of coexisting, but not interacting guilds; this indicates that the communities are undersaturated with individuals. At the same time values of ABC-indices indicate that the communities are stable. We suggest that in this case adaptation to unfavorable but stable environment is observed (selection of species-stressolarents). An explanation seems to lie in the penetrating type of the upwelling in the Californian upwelling zone. Low biomass values seem to result from mass development of necto-benthic carnivorous crustaceans-galateids Pleuroncodes planiceps.