995 resultados para Security Assistance Program.


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Recognize facilities that provide quality of life and appropriate access to medical assistance program beneficiaries in a cost-effective manner. Each measure is intended to represent nursing facility characteristics in each of the four domains.


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The Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. Food Assistance can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Produced bye Iowa’s Food Assistance Program, Department of Human Services.


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The Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. Food Assistance can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Produced bye Iowa’s Food Assistance Program, Department of Human Services.


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The Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. Food Assistance can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Produced bye Iowa’s Food Assistance Program, Department of Human Services.


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The Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. Food Assistance can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Produced bye Iowa’s Food Assistance Program, Department of Human Services.


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The Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. Food Assistance can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Produced bye Iowa’s Food Assistance Program, Department of Human Services.


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The Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. Food Assistance can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Produced bye Iowa’s Food Assistance Program, Department of Human Services.


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The Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. Food Assistance can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Produced bye Iowa’s Food Assistance Program, Department of Human Services.


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The Food Assistance Program provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. Food Assistance can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. Produced bye Iowa’s Food Assistance Program, Department of Human Services.


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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) impacts the lives of thousands of Iowans every year. TBI has been described as the “Silent Epidemic” because so often the scars are not visible to others. The affects of brain injury are cognitive, emotional, social, and can result in physical disability. In addition to the overwhelming challenges individuals with brain injury experience, families also face many difficulties in dealing with their loved one’s injury, and in navigating a service delivery system that can be confusing and frustrating. In 1998, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) conducted a comprehensive statewide needs assessment of brain injury in Iowa. This assessment led to the development of the first Iowa Plan for Brain Injury, “Coming Into Focus.” An updated state plan, the Iowa Plan for Brain Injuries 2002 – 2005, was developed, which reported on progress of the previous state plan, and outlined gaps in service delivery in Iowa. Four areas of focus were identified by the State Plan for Brain Injuries Task Force that included: 1) Expanding the Iowa Brain Injury Resource Network (IBIRN); 2) Promoting a Legislative and Policy Agenda, While Increasing Legislative Strength; 3) Enhancing Data Collection; and, 4) Increasing Funding. The IDPH utilized “Coming Into Focus” as the framework for an application to the federal TBI State Grant Program, which has resulted in more than $900,000 for plan implementation. Iowa continues to receive grant dollars through the TBI State Grant Program, which focuses on increasing capacity to serve Iowans with brain injury and their families. Highlighting the success of this grant project, in 2007 the IDPH received the federal TBI Programs “Impacting Systems Change” Award. The Iowa Brain Injury Resource Network (IBIRN) is the product of nine years of TBI State Grant Program funding. The IBIRN was developed to ensure that Iowans got the information and support they needed after a loved one sustained a TBI. It consists of a hospital and service provider pre-discharge information and service linkage process, a resource facilitation program, a peer-to-peer volunteer support network, and a service provider training and technical assistance program. Currently over 90 public and private partners work with the IDPH and the Brain Injury Association of Iowa (BIA-IA) to administer the IBIRN system and ensure that families have a relevant and reliable location to turn for information and support. Further success was accomplished in 2006 when the Iowa legislature created the Brain Injury Services Program within the IDPH. This program consists of four components focusing on increasing access to services and improving the effectiveness of services available to individuals with TBI and their families, including: 1) HCBS Brain Injury Waiver-Eligible Component; 2) Cost Share Component; 3) Neuro-Resource Facilitation; and, 4) Enhanced Training. The Iowa legislature appropriated $2.4 million to the Brain Injury Services Program in state fiscal year (SFY) 2007, and increased that amount to $3.9 million in SFY 2008. The Cost Share Component models the HCBS Brain Injury Waiver menu of services but is available for Iowans who do not qualify functionally or financially for the Waiver. In addition, the Neuro-Resource Facilitation program links individuals with brain injury and their families to needed supports and services. The Iowa Plan for Brain Injury highlights the continued need for serving individuals with brain injury and their families. Additionally, the Plan outlines the paths of prevention and services, which will expand the current system and direct efforts into the future.


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Older Iowans are independent and want to stay that way – even in tough times. Good health is important to staying independent. Food Assistance can help you buy the groceries you need to stay healthy. Everyone deserves a nutritious meal. Food Assistance can help you buy foods that taste good and are good for you! Stay well for yourself and for your family. Call 2-1-1 and get connected to the Food Assistance office that serves your community. They can help you apply for an EBT card. The people who work in the Food Assistance Program really do care about your family’s health. Food Assistance is not a hand out . . . it’s a helping hand.


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Information about roadway departures, rural intersections, and rural speed management countermeasures relevant to Iowa was summarized on webpages (www.ctre.iastate.edu/research-synthesis/) to allow agencies to more effectively target specific types of crashes in Iowa. More information about each of the countermeasures described in this tech transfer summary, as well as speed impacts, reported crash modification factors, costs, usage within Iowa, and Iowa-specific guidance, is available on the Synthesis of Safety-Related Research web pages at www.ctre.iastate.edu/research-synthesis/. The project provides Iowa agencies with a resource (both web pages and relevant publications) to address rural safety. The team is coordinating with the Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), the Iowa Highway Research Board, the Iowa Association of Counties, and other groups to explore additional ways to distribute the information to local and county agencies.


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Treball final de màster consistent en la implementació d'un pla director de seguretat.


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Implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información (SGSI), basado en las normas ISO 27001:2005 e ISO 27002:2005, en la empresa financiera Ahorraya, el cual pretende administrar el modelo de seguridad y gestionar los riesgos presentados en la organización llevándolos a su mínima expresión.


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Tavanomaisten rauhanturvaoperaatioiden muututtua kriisinhallintaoperaatioiksi, usein asymmetristä sodankäyntiä käyvässä valtiossa, sekä sotilaan henkilökohtaisen että ajoneuvojen suojan tarve on noussut merkittävästi. Tällaisen muuttuneen sodankuvan myötä suojavarusteiden kehitys on lähtenyt merkittävän nousuun ja esimerkiksi suomalaisten kriisinhallintajoukkojen varusteita Afganistanissa on kehitetty merkittävästi ISAF-operaation alkuun verrattuna Taistelija 2015 -hankeen ja siihen liittyvien suojajärjestelmien integroimisen ansiosta. Afganistanissa meneillään olevassa operaatiossa on kuolemaan johtaneista tappiosta noin 42,2 prosenttia tuotettu improvisoiduilla räjähteillä (IED) ja vain 19,6 – 26,7 prosenttia luotien vaikutuksesta. Tämä on asettanut kriisinhallinnan Afganistanissa uusien vaatimusten eteen. Ammusten vaikutus pehmeisiin maaleihin perustuu lähinnä sirpaleisiin, luoteihin ja paineeseen. Kuolemaan johtavat vammat sijaitsevat yleisesti pään, rintakehän ja vatsan alueilla. Sotilaan, joka on varustettu luotisuojaliiveillä ja kypärällä, haavoittuva pinta-ala asevaikutukselle koostuu näiden sekä raajojen yhteenlasketusta pinta-alasta. Ajoneuvoon kohdistuva paineisku altistaa ajoneuvossa olevan henkilöstön paineen lisäksi täryvaikutukselle, jolloin iskun energia välittyy ajoneuvon rakenteita pitkin suoraan ajoneuvon henkilöstöön tai heidän suojavarustukseen, kun taas taistelijan ballistisen suojaliivin läpäisyyn tarvitaan vähintään 80 Joulen liike-energia, mutta ihmisen ihon läpäisyyn tarvitaan ainoastaan 10 Joulen liike-energia. Näiden tietojen valossa kehitystyötä ballististen suojavarusteiden kehittämiseksi tehdään joka hetki. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on antaa vastaus Afganistanissa ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) -operaatiossa palvelevan suomalaisen kriisinhallintajoukon suojavarusteiden kehittymisestä sekä nykyisellään kriisinhallintajoukkojen käytössä olevien tai lähitulevaisuudessa henkilökohtaiseen käyttöön suunnitelluista suojavarusteista sekä niiden välisistä merkittävimmistä eroista. Samalla pyritään antamaan vastaus edellä mainittujen varusteiden toimivuudesta Afganistanin kaltaisella toimintakentällä ja vastaus kysymykseen onko Afganistanissa palvelevalla kriisinhallintajoukolla riittävät henkilökohtaiset suojavarusteet. Tutkimuksen tärkeimmät lähteet ovat erilaiset puolustusvoimien laitosten ja siviiliyritysten sekä yksityisten henkilöiden laatimat tutkimusraportit ballistisista suojavarusteista, joita on täydennetty Maavoimien Materiaalilaitoksen Esikunnan asiantuntijoiden lausunnoilla.