568 resultados para SMA connector


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We present four melt climatology estimates based on a simulation of Antarctic iceberg drift and melting that includes small, medium-sized, and giant tabular icebergs with a realistic size distribution. Drift and meltdown is simulated using vertical profiles of ocean currents, temperature, and salinity, which goes beyond the present standard in iceberg modeling. The climatology estimates based on simulations of small (SMA), 'small-to-medium'-sized (MED12 & MED123), and small-to-giant icebergs (ALL) exhibit differential characteristics: successive inclusion of larger icebergs leads to a reduced seasonality of iceberg melt and a shift of the mass input to the area north of 58°S, while less melt water is released into the coastal areas. This highlights the necessity to account for larger and giant icebergs in order to obtain accurate melt climatologies. The four monthly melt climatologies [mm/day] are available as netCDF files with 1°x1° spatial resolution and can be used, e.g., for sensitivity studies with uncoupled sea ice-ocean models, or as spatio-temporal templates for the redistribution of land ice from the Antarctic ice sheet over the Southern Ocean in climate models.


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‘De Vries-like’ smectic liquid crystals exhibit low layer contraction of approximately 1% on transitions from the SmA to the SmC phase. These materials have received considerable attention as potential solutions for problems affecting liquid crystal displays using surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystals (SSFLC). In SSFLCs, layer contraction of 710% is normally observed during the SmA to SmC phase transition. A study by the Lemieux group has shown that liquid crystals with nanosegregating carbosilane segments exhibit enhanced ‘de Vries-like’ properties through the formation of smectic layers and by lengthening the nanosegregating carbosilane end-groups from monocarbosilane to tricarbosilane. This observed enhancement is assumed to be due to an increase in the cross-section of the free volume in the hydrocarbon sub-layer. To test this hypothesis, it is assumed that dimers with a tricarbosilane linking group have smaller cross-sections on time average. In his thesis, this hypothesis is tested through the characterization of new liquid crystalline monomers (QL39-n) and dimers (QL40-n) with 2-phenylpyrimidine cores and tricarbosilane end-groups and spacers, respectively. The thesis describes the synthesis of two homologous series of liquid crystals and their characterization using a variety of techniques, including polarized optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the monomers QL39-n form a tilted SmC phase only, whereas the dimers QL40-n form an orthogonal SmA phase. These results are discussed in the context of our hypothesis.


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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary fibrosis is a debilitating and lethal disease with no effective treatment options. Understanding the pathological processes at play will direct the application of novel therapeutic avenues. Hypoxia has been implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis yet the precise mechanism by which it contributes to disease progression remains to be fully elucidated. It has been shown that chronic hypoxia can alter DNA methylation patterns in tumour-derived cell lines. This epigenetic alteration can induce changes in cellular phenotype with promoter methylation being associated with gene silencing. Of particular relevance to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the observation that Thy-1 promoter methylation is associated with a myofibroblast phenotype where loss of Thy-1 occurs alongside increased alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) expression. The initial aim of this study was to determine whether hypoxia regulates DNA methylation in normal human lung fibroblasts (CCD19Lu). As it has been reported that hypoxia suppresses Thy-1 expression during lung development we also studied the effect of hypoxia on Thy-1 promoter methylation and gene expression.

METHODS: CCD19Lu were grown for up to 8 days in hypoxia and assessed for global changes in DNA methylation using flow cytometry. Real-time PCR was used to quantify expression of Thy-1, α-SMA, collagen I and III. Genomic DNA was bisulphite treated and methylation specific PCR (MSPCR) was used to examine the methylation status of the Thy-1 promoter.

RESULTS: Significant global hypermethylation was detected in hypoxic fibroblasts relative to normoxic controls and was accompanied by increased expression of myofibroblast markers. Thy-1 mRNA expression was suppressed in hypoxic cells, which was restored with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine. MSPCR revealed that Thy-1 became methylated following fibroblast exposure to 1% O2.

CONCLUSION: These data suggest that global and gene-specific changes in DNA methylation may play an important role in fibroblast function in hypoxia.


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The organizational and architectural configuration of white matter pathways connecting brain regions has ramifications for all facets of the human condition, including manifestations of incipient neurodegeneration. Although diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been used extensively to visualize white matter connectivity, due to the widespread presence of crossing fibres, the lateral projections of the corpus callosum are not normally detected using this methodology. Detailed knowledge of the transcallosal connectivity of the human cortical motor network has therefore remained elusive. We employed constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) tractography - an approach that is much less susceptible to the influence of crossing fibres, in order to derive complete in-vivo characterizations of white matter pathways connecting specific motor cortical regions to their counterparts and other loci in the opposite hemisphere. The revealed patterns of connectivity closely resemble those derived from anatomical tracing in primates. It was established that dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) and supplementary motor area (SMA) have extensive interhemispheric connectivity - exhibiting both dense homologous projections, and widespread structural relations with every other region in the contralateral motor network. Through this in-vivo portrayal, the importance of non-primary motor regions for interhemispheric communication is emphasized. Additionally, distinct connectivity profiles were detected for the anterior and posterior subdivisions of primary motor cortex. The present findings provide a comprehensive representation of transcallosal white matter projections in humans, and have the potential to inform the development of models and hypotheses relating structural and functional brain connectivity.


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Los dispositivos liberadores son utilizados en los satélites para desplegar los paneles solares, antenas y otros apéndices en las etapas iniciales de su puesta en órbita. En la actualidad, muchos de estos dispositivos tienen actuadores activados con cargas pirotécnicas. Esto trae algunas desventajas: niveles de shock elevados sobre los componentes cercanos, no son reutilizables y no son seguros de manipular. Por ello, es que desde hace unos años se están realizando importantes esfuerzos para desarrollar dispositivos no-pirotécnicos. En este trabajo se realiza el desarrollo de un dispositivo liberador que utiliza como actuador un cilindro tubular de una Aleación de Memoria de Forma (SMA, del inglés Shape Memory Alloys) de NiTi. Las SMAs tienen la posibilidad de deformarse por debajo de determinada temperatura y luego al calentarse, recuperar su forma original. Al restringir mecánicamente la trayectoria de recuperación, la aleación genera un esfuerzo mecánico. En el presente trabajo se caracteriza esta aleación, recurriendo a diversos tratamientos térmicos para obtener las propiedades deseadas. La liberación del conjunto se produce cuando el elemento de unión entre las piezas, el cual consiste en un bulón con una entalla circunferencial, se fractura debido al estiramiento de un actuador de NiTi previamente comprimido. Dada la importancia del bulón, se estudiaron diversos materiales para el mismo. Además se analizó el efecto de la geometría de la entalla y la profundidad de la misma. Finalmente, se realizaron pruebas de integración entre el actuador de SMA, el bulón y otros elementos auxiliares. Se pudo probar el funcionamiento del conjunto con éxito.


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Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in sports, usually causing damage to the lateral ligaments. Recurrence has as usual result permanent instability, and thus loss of proprioception. This fact, together with residual symptoms, is what is known as chronic ankle instability, CAI, or FAI, if it is functional. This problem tries to be solved by improving musculoskeletal stability and proprioception by the application of bandages and performing exercises. The aim of this study has been to review articles (meta-analisis, systematic reviews and revisions) published in 2009-2015 in PubMed, Medline, ENFISPO and BUCea, using keywords such as “sprain instability”, “sprain proprioception”, “chronic ankle instability”. Evidence affirms that there does exist decreased proprioception in patients who suffer from CAI. Rehabilitation exercise regimen is indicated as a treatment because it generates a subjective improvement reported by the patient, and the application of bandages works like a sprain prevention method limiting the range of motion, reducing joint instability and increasing confidence during exercise. As podiatrists we should recommend proprioception exercises to all athletes in a preventive way, and those with CAI or FAI, as a rehabilitation programme, together with the application of bandages. However, further studies should be generated focusing on ways of improving proprioception, and on the exercise patterns that provide the maximum benefit.


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Le bois subit une demande croissante comme matériau de construction dans les bâtiments de grandes dimensions. Ses qualités de matériau renouvelable et esthétique le rendent attrayant pour les architectes. Lorsque comparé à des produits fonctionnellement équivalents, il apparait que le bois permet de réduire la consommation d’énergie non-renouvelable. Sa transformation nécessite une quantité d’énergie inférieure que l’acier et le béton. Par ailleurs, par son origine biologique, une structure en bois permet de stocker du carbone biogénique pour la durée de vie du bâtiment. Maintenant permis jusqu’à six étages de hauteur au Canada, les bâtiments de grande taille en bois relèvent des défis de conception. Lors du dimensionnement des structures, les zones des connecteurs sont souvent les points critiques. Effectivement, les contraintes y sont maximales. Les structures peuvent alors apparaitre massives et diminuer l’innovation architecturale. De nouvelles stratégies doivent donc être développées afin d’améliorer la résistance mécanique dans les zones de connecteurs. Différents travaux ont récemment porté sur la création ou l’amélioration de types d’assemblage. Dans cette étude, l’accent est mis sur le renforcement du bois utilisé dans la région de connexion. L’imprégnation a été choisie comme solution de renfort puisque la littérature démontre qu’il est possible d’augmenter la dureté du bois avec cette technique. L’utilisation de cette stratégie de renfort sur l’épinette noire (Picea Mariana (Mill.) BSP) pour une application structurale est l’élément de nouveauté dans cette recherche. À défaut d’effectuer une imprégnation jusqu’au coeur des pièces, l’essence peu perméable de bois employée favorise la création d’une mince couche en surface traitée sans avoir à utiliser une quantité importante de produits chimiques. L’agent d’imprégnation est composé de 1,6 hexanediol diacrylate, de triméthylopropane tricacrylate et d’un oligomère de polyester acrylate. Une deuxième formulation contenant des nanoparticules de SiO2 a permis de vérifier l’effet des nanoparticules sur l’augmentation de la résistance mécanique du bois. Ainsi, dans ce projet, un procédé d’imprégnation vide-pression a servi à modifier un nouveau matériau à base de bois permettant des assemblages plus résistants mécaniquement. Le test de portance locale à l’enfoncement parallèle au fil d’un connecteur de type tige a été réalisé afin de déterminer l’apport du traitement sur le bois utilisé comme élément de connexion. L’effet d’échelle a été observé par la réalisation du test avec trois diamètres de boulons différents (9,525 mm, 12,700 mm et 15,875 mm). En outre, le test a été effectué selon un chargement perpendiculaire au fil pour le boulon de moyen diamètre (12,700 mm). La corrélation d’images numériques a été utilisée comme outil d’analyse de la répartition des contraintes dans le bois. Les résultats ont démontré une portance du bois plus élevée suite au traitement. Par ailleurs, l’efficacité est croissante lorsque le diamètre du boulon diminue. C’est un produit avec une valeur caractéristique de la portance locale parallèle au fil de 79% supérieure qui a été créé dans le cas du test avec le boulon de 9,525 mm. La raideur du bois a subi une augmentation avoisinant les 30%. Suite au traitement, la présence d’une rupture par fissuration est moins fréquente. Les contraintes se distribuent plus largement autour de la région de connexion. Le traitement n’a pas produit d’effet significatif sur la résistance mécanique de l’assemblage dans le cas d’un enfoncement du boulon perpendiculairement au fil du bois. De même, l’effet des nanoparticules en solution n’est pas ressorti significatif. Malgré une pénétration très faible du liquide à l’intérieur du bois, la couche densifiée en surface créée suite au traitement est suffisante pour produire un nouveau matériau plus résistant dans les zones de connexion. Le renfort du bois dans la région des connecteurs doit influencer le dimensionnement des structures de grande taille. Avec des éléments de connexion renforcés, il sera possible d’allonger les portées des poutres, multipliant ainsi les possibilités architecturales. Le renfort pourra aussi permettre de réduire les sections des poutres et d’utiliser une quantité moindre de bois dans un bâtiment. Cela engendrera des coûts de transport et des coûts reliés au temps d’assemblage réduits. De plus, un connecteur plus résistant permettra d’être utilisé en moins grande quantité dans un assemblage. Les coûts d’approvisionnement en éléments métalliques et le temps de pose sur le site pourront être revus à la baisse. Les avantages d’un nouveau matériau à base de bois plus performant utilisé dans les connexions permettront de promouvoir le bois dans les constructions de grande taille et de réduire l’impact environnemental des bâtiments.


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Los dispositivos liberadores son utilizados en los satélites para desplegar los paneles solares, antenas y otros apéndices en las etapas iniciales de su puesta en órbita. En la actualidad, muchos de estos dispositivos tienen actuadores activados con cargas pirotécnicas. Esto trae algunas desventajas: niveles de shock elevados sobre los componentes cercanos, no son reutilizables y no son seguros de manipular. Por ello, es que desde hace unos años se están realizando importantes esfuerzos para desarrollar dispositivos no-pirotécnicos. En este trabajo se realiza el desarrollo de un dispositivo liberador que utiliza como actuador un cilindro tubular de una Aleación de Memoria de Forma (SMA, del inglés Shape Memory Alloys) de NiTi. Las SMAs tienen la posibilidad de deformarse por debajo de determinada temperatura y luego al calentarse, recuperar su forma original. Al restringir mecánicamente la trayectoria de recuperación, la aleación genera un esfuerzo mecánico. En el presente trabajo se caracteriza esta aleación, recurriendo a diversos tratamientos térmicos para obtener las propiedades deseadas. La liberación del conjunto se produce cuando el elemento de unión entre las piezas, el cual consiste en un bulón con una entalla circunferencial, se fractura debido al estiramiento de un actuador de NiTi previamente comprimido. Dada la importancia del bulón, se estudiaron diversos materiales para el mismo. Además se analizó el efecto de la geometría de la entalla y la profundidad de la misma. Finalmente, se realizaron pruebas de integración entre el actuador de SMA, el bulón y otros elementos auxiliares. Se pudo probar el funcionamiento del conjunto con éxito.


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L’insuffisance mitrale (IM) fonctionnelle est une complication fréquente des cardiopathies, causée par la dilatation du ventricule gauche (VG) qui empêche la valve de se fermer. L’insuffisance aortique (IA) est une condition associée à des valves mitrales (VM) inhabituellement grandes, et relativement peu d’IM malgré des VG très dilatés. Cet élargissement de la VM a le potentiel de prévenir l’IM dans les VG dilatés. Les mécanismes sont cependant peu compris : il n’est pas clair s’il s’agit d’une croissance active ou d’un étirement passif des feuillets. Également, le timing de l’adaptation valvulaire n’est pas connu. Notre hypothèse est que l’agrandissement de la valve mitrale en IA est un phénomène actif avec réactivation des mécanismes de croissance embryonnaire. Cent-onze rats ont été divisés en deux groupes : IA (perforation aortique) et contrôle. Les animaux ont été sacrifiés à 48 h, 1 semaine et 3 mois après la création du modèle. Des échocardiographies ont évalué la sévérité de l’IA, la présence d’IM et les dimensions du VG. Les valves ont été prélevées pour analyses microscopiques et moléculaires. La création de l’insuffisance aortique a entrainé une dilatation et une hypertrophie du VG. Malgré cette dilatation rapide du VG, aucun animal n’a développé de l’IM fonctionnelle. À l’échographie, le feuillet antérieur mitral était significativement plus long dans les groupes IA. Par microscopie, les feuillets étaient plus épais dés la première semaine. L’IA était associée à une surexpression de collagène α-SMA (un marqueur de myofibroblastes), TGF-β1 et MMP-2 dans le tissu valvulaire dès la première semaine. Les valves exposées à l’IA étaient également positives pour ces différents facteurs dés les premiers jours. L’agrandissement de la VM est un phénomène actif qui survient rapidement après la création de l’IA, en parallèle de la dilatation du VG. La stimulation de cette croissance dans d’autres pathologies pourrait contribuer à prévenir l’IM fonctionnelle.


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Esta dissertação apresenta a modelagem de uma ferramenta baseada em SMA para a simulação da produção e gestão social de um ecossistema urbano, a organização social do Projeto da Horta San Jeronimo(SJVG), localizado no Parque San Jeronimo Sevilha, Espanha, que e coordenado pela confederação Ecologistas en Accion . Estes processos sociais observados no projeto do SJVG são caracterizados pela ocorrência de uma serie de interações e trocas sociais entre os participantes. Além disso, os comportamentos periódicos, interações e comunicações são regulados pelo Regimento de Normas Internas, estabelecidos pela comunidade em assembleia, sob a supervisão e coordenação da confederação EA. O SMA foi concebido como um sistema JaCaMo multidimensional, composto por cinco dimensões integradas: a população de agentes, os artefatos normativos (a organização), os artefatos físicos (o ambiente dos agentes), artefatos de comunicação (o conjunto de interações) e os artefatos normativos (política normativa interna). A ferramenta utilizada no projeto e o framework JaCaMo, uma vez que apresenta suporte de alto nível e modularidade para o desenvolvimento das três primeiras dimensões acima mencionadas. Mesmo tendo enfrentado alguns problemas importantes que surgiram adotando o framework JaCaMo para desenvolvimento do Projeto SJVG-SMA, como: (i) a impossibilidade de especificação da periodicidade no modelo MOISE, (II) a impossibilidade de definir normas, seus atributos básicos (nome, periodicidade, papel a que se aplica) e as sanções, e (III) a inexistência de uma infraestrutura modular para a definição de interações através da comunicação, foi possível adotar soluções modulares interessantes para manter a ideia de um SMA de 5 dimensões, desenvolvidos na plataforma JaCaMo. As soluções apresentadas neste trabalho são baseadas principalmente no âmbito do Cartago, apontando também para a integração de artefatos organizacionais, normativos, físicos e de comunicação.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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Diversos estudos propõem a avaliação da trabalhabilidade de misturas betuminosas utilizando as curvas de compactação obtidas em laboratório. Utilizou-se um compactador giratório para produzir provetes de duas misturas, uma densa do tipo AC, e uma de granulometria descontínua, do tipo SMA. Foram determinados diversos parâmetros provenientes da modelação das curvas de compactação. Os resultados indicam uma adequação dos diversos parâmetros na caracterização das misturas, embora apresentem limitações na comparação de misturas de diferentes tipologias. Os resultados mostram que estes índices podem ser úteis em aplicações onde estas propriedades sejam importantes.


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The international Argo program, consisting of a global array of more than 3000 free-drifting profiling floats, has now been monitoring the upper 2000 meters of the ocean for several years. One of its main proposed evolutions is to be able to reach the deeper ocean in order to better observe and understand the key role of the deep ocean in the climate system. For this purpose, Ifremer has designed the new “Deep-Arvor” profiling float: it extends the current operational depth down to 4000 meters, and measures temperature and salinity for up to 150 cycles with CTD pumping continuously and 200 cycles in spot sampling mode. High resolution profiles (up to 2000 points) can be transmitted and data are delivered in near real time according to Argo requirements. Deep-Arvor can be deployed everywhere at sea without any pre-ballasting operation and its light weight (~ 26kg) makes its launching easy. Its design was done to target a cost effective solution. Predefined spots have been allocated to add an optional oxygen sensor and a connector for an extra sensor. Extensive laboratory tests were successful. The results of the first at sea experiments showed that the expected performances of the operational prototypes had been reached (i.e. to perform up to 150 cycles). Meanwhile, the industrialization phase was completed in order to manufacture the Deep-Arvor float for the pilot experiment in 2015. In this paper, we detail all the steps of the development work and present the results from the at sea experiments.


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This paper uses the example of the British Guiana Court at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886 as a case study to demonstrate how British Guiana (now Guyana) was represented in Britain at the time, by cross-referencing different materials (e.g. objects, correspondence, reports, and newspapers from that period). This exhibition also shows which raw materials from the British Guiana were of interest to Britain and the involvement of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in this matter. Nevertheless, the exhibition not only displayed objects and commodities, such as the case of sugar, but also displayed people. Here, particular attention is paid to the Amerindians who were portrayed as living ethnological exhibits at the exhibition. This paper aims to understand how British Guiana was seen and administered by its mother country and also how Everard im Thurn (1852-1932), the explorer, sought to manoeuvre that representation, as well as his relation with RBG, Kew. Taking into consideration that this colony was a neglected area of the British Empire, even in im Thurn’s time, this exhibition was an opportunity not only to display the empire but also for advertising the potential of the neglected colony and to ensure that it would not be forgotten.


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This study focuses on the network embeddedness of a subsidiary of a multinational company. Academic research has identified the rising role of geographically dispersed subsidiaries as valuable sources of strategic knowledge and value to the whole multinational company. Moreover, previous research suggests that in order to gather this knowledge and transfer it across the multinational company, a subsidiary needs to be insider, i.e. embedded, in both its local external network as well as in its internal corporate network. The purpose of this study is to describe the network embeddedness of a foreign sales subsidiary from the subsidiary personnel perspective and hence increase understanding on the phenomenon and provide suggestions to enhance overall subsidiary embeddedness. The empirical study was based on a theoretical framework on subsidiary network embeddedness and comprised a qualitative single-case study in a French sales subsidiary of a Nordic multinational company. Data collection included nine semi-structured interviews and six Network Pictures drawing tasks. Altogether eight people out of subsidiary staff of eleven participated in the study providing relatively exhaustive overview of the subsidiary personnel perspective. Based on the collected data, the relationships toward the most relevant network actors, both internal and external were identified and their impact on the subsidiary embeddedness were analyzed separately. Moreover, the subsidiary’s simultaneous embeddedness in both internal and external network, that is, the subsidiary dual embeddedness, was discussed to increase understanding how subsidiary personnel perceive their role between the two networks and its impact on the subsidiary activities. The findings of the study suggest that the subsidiary personnel perceives strong external embeddedness increasing internal and dual-embeddedness since intensive external collaboration requires including and activating other corporate units as well. The role of the local sales subsidiary is to act as the interpreter and connector between the internal and external network actors. Hence, by actively promoting relationship linkages between internal and external actors, the subsidiary may adopt an active role beyond its original corporate mandate. In order to achieve this, both managers on the subsidiary and corporate level need to promote open communication and increase cultural understanding between different corporate units.