944 resultados para SENSITIVE K -CHANNELS


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We scrutinize the concept of integrable nonlinear communication channels, resurrecting and extending the idea of eigenvalue communications in a novel context of nonsoliton coherent optical communications. Using the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation as a channel model, we introduce a new approach - the nonlinear inverse synthesis method - for digital signal processing based on encoding the information directly onto the nonlinear signal spectrum. The latter evolves trivially and linearly along the transmission line, thus, providing an effective eigenvalue division multiplexing with no nonlinear channel cross talk. The general approach is illustrated with a coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission format. We show how the strategy based upon the inverse scattering transform method can be geared for the creation of new efficient coding and modulation standards for the nonlinear channel. © Published by the American Physical Society.


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We develop an analytical method for optimizing phase sensitive amplifiers for regeneration in multilevel phase encoded transmission systems. The model accurately predicts the optimum transfer function characteristics and identifies operating tolerances for different signal constellations and transmission scenarios. The results demonstrate the scalability of the scheme and show the significance of having simultaneous optimization of the transfer function and the signal alphabet. The model is general and can be applied to any regenerative system. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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A synchronization scheme for a two-channel phase sensitive amplifier is implemented based on the injection-locking of single InP quantum-dash mode-locked laser. Error free performance with penalty <1 dB is demonstrated for both channels. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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The exponentially increasing demand on operational data rate has been met with technological advances in telecommunication systems such as advanced multilevel and multidimensional modulation formats, fast signal processing, and research into new different media for signal transmission. Since the current communication channels are essentially nonlinear, estimation of the Shannon capacity for modern nonlinear communication channels is required. This PhD research project has targeted the study of the capacity limits of different nonlinear communication channels with a view to enable a significant enhancement in the data rate of the currently deployed fiber networks. In the current study, a theoretical framework for calculating the Shannon capacity of nonlinear regenerative channels has been developed and illustrated on the example of the proposed here regenerative Fourier transform (RFT). Moreover, the maximum gain in Shannon capacity due to regeneration (that is, the Shannon capacity of a system with ideal regenerators – the upper bound on capacity for all regenerative schemes) is calculated analytically. Thus, we derived a regenerative limit to which the capacity of any regenerative system can be compared, as analogue of the seminal linear Shannon limit. A general optimization scheme (regenerative mapping) has been introduced and demonstrated on systems with different regenerative elements: phase sensitive amplifiers and the proposed here multilevel regenerative schemes: the regenerative Fourier transform and the coupled nonlinear loop mirror.


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We study the statistics of optical data transmission in a noisy nonlinear fiber channel with a weak dispersion management and zero average dispersion. Applying analytical expressions for the output probability density functions both for a nonlinear channel and for a linear channel with additive and multiplicative noise we calculate in a closed form a lower bound estimate on the Shannon capacity for an arbitrary signal-to-noise ratio.


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We report results of an experimental study, complemented by detailed statistical analysis of the experimental data, on the development of a more effective control method of drug delivery using a pH sensitive acrylic polymer. New copolymers based on acrylic acid and fatty acid are constructed from dodecyl castor oil and a tercopolymer based on methyl methacrylate, acrylic acid and acryl amide were prepared using this new approach. Water swelling characteristics of fatty acid, acrylic acid copolymer and tercopolymer respectively in acid and alkali solutions have been studied by a step-change method. The antibiotic drug cephalosporin and paracetamol have also been incorporated into the polymer blend through dissolution with the release of the antibiotic drug being evaluated in bacterial stain media and buffer solution. Our results show that the rate of release of paracetamol getss affected by the pH factor and also by the nature of polymer blend. Our experimental data have later been statistically analyzed to quantify the precise nature of polymer decay rates on the pH density of the relevant polymer solvents. The time evolution of the polymer decay rates indicate a marked transition from a linear to a strictly non-linear regime depending on the whether the chosen sample is a general copolymer (linear) or a tercopolymer (non-linear). Non-linear data extrapolation techniques have been used to make probabilistic predictions about the variation in weight percentages of retained polymers at all future times, thereby quantifying the degree of efficacy of the new method of drug delivery.


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We investigate the transmission performance of advanced modulation formats in nonlinear regenerative channels based on cascaded phase sensitive amplifiers. We identify the impact of amplitude and phase noise dynamics along the transmission line and show that after a cascade of regenerators, densely packed single ring PSK constellations outperform multi-ring constellations. The results of this study will greatly simplify the design of future nonlinear regenerative channels for ultra-high capacity transmission. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We prove that, under certain conditions, the capacity of an optical communication channel with in-line, nonlinear filtering (regeneration) elements can be higher than the Shannon capacity for the corresponding linear Gaussian white noise channel. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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Many of the current optical transmission techniques were developed for linear communication channels and are constrained by the fibre nonlinearity. This paper discusses the potential for radically different approaches to signal transmission and processing based on using inherently nonlinear techniques.


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The popularity of online social media platforms provides an unprecedented opportunity to study real-world complex networks of interactions. However, releasing this data to researchers and the public comes at the cost of potentially exposing private and sensitive user information. It has been shown that a naive anonymization of a network by removing the identity of the nodes is not sufficient to preserve users’ privacy. In order to deal with malicious attacks, k -anonymity solutions have been proposed to partially obfuscate topological information that can be used to infer nodes’ identity. In this paper, we study the problem of ensuring k anonymity in time-varying graphs, i.e., graphs with a structure that changes over time, and multi-layer graphs, i.e., graphs with multiple types of links. More specifically, we examine the case in which the attacker has access to the degree of the nodes. The goal is to generate a new graph where, given the degree of a node in each (temporal) layer of the graph, such a node remains indistinguishable from other k-1 nodes in the graph. In order to achieve this, we find the optimal partitioning of the graph nodes such that the cost of anonymizing the degree information within each group is minimum. We show that this reduces to a special case of a Generalized Assignment Problem, and we propose a simple yet effective algorithm to solve it. Finally, we introduce an iterated linear programming approach to enforce the realizability of the anonymized degree sequences. The efficacy of the method is assessed through an extensive set of experiments on synthetic and real-world graphs.


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We present the analytical description of a specific nonlinear fibre channel with non-compensated dispersion. Information theory analysis shows that capacity of such nonlinear fibre channel does not decay with growing signal-to-noise ratio. © 2012 IEEE.


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Type IA fiber gratings have unusual physical properties compared with other grating types. We compare with performance characteristics of Type IA and Type I Bragg gratings exposed to the effects of Co60 gamma-irradiation. A Bragg peak shift of 190 pm was observed for Type IA gratings written in Fibercore PS-1250/1500 photosensitive fiber at a radiation dose of 116 kGy. This is the largest wavelength shift recorded to date under radiation exposure. The Type IA and Type I gratings show different kinetics under radiation and during post-radiation annealing; this can be exploited for the design of a grating based dosimetry system. © 2012 SPIE.


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Continuous progress in optical communication technology and corresponding increasing data rates in core fiber communication systems are stimulated by the evergrowing capacity demand due to constantly emerging new bandwidth-hungry services like cloud computing, ultra-high-definition video streams, etc. This demand is pushing the required capacity of optical communication lines close to the theoretical limit of a standard single-mode fiber, which is imposed by Kerr nonlinearity [1–4]. In recent years, there have been extensive efforts in mitigating the detrimental impact of fiber nonlinearity on signal transmission, through various compensation techniques. However, there are still many challenges in applying these methods, because a majority of technologies utilized in the inherently nonlinear fiber communication systems had been originally developed for linear communication channels. Thereby, the application of ”linear techniques” in a fiber communication systems is inevitably limited by the nonlinear properties of the fiber medium. The quest for the optimal design of a nonlinear transmission channels, development of nonlinear communication technqiues and the usage of nonlinearity in a“constructive” way have occupied researchers for quite a long time.


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In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate the benefit of polarization insensitive dual-band optical phase conjugation for up to ten 400 Gb/s optical super-channels using a Raman amplified transmission link with a realistic span length of 75 km. We demonstrate that the resultant increase in transmission distance may be predicted analytically if the detrimental impacts of power asymmetry and polarization mode dispersion are taken into account.


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The nonlinear Fourier transform, also known as eigenvalue communications, is a coding, transmission and signal processing technique that makes positive use of the nonlinear Kerr effect in fibre channels. I will discuss recent progress in this field. © 2015 OSA.