909 resultados para Robot programming
This paper presents a tool called Petcha that acts as an automated Teaching Assistant in computer programming courses. The ultimate objective of Petcha is to increase the number of programming exercises effectively solved by students. Petcha meets this objective by helping both teachers to author programming exercises and students to solve them. It also coordinates a network of heterogeneous systems, integrating automatic program evaluators, learning management systems, learning object repositories and integrated programming environments. This paper presents the concept and the design of Petcha and sets this tool in a service oriented architecture for managing learning processes based on the automatic evaluation of programming exercises. The paper presents also a case study that validates the use of Petcha and of the proposed architecture.
Assessment plays a vital role in learning. This is certainly the case with assessment of computer programs, both in curricular and competitive learning. The lack of a standard – or at least a widely used format – creates a modern Ba- bel tower made of Learning Objects, of assessment items that cannot be shared among automatic assessment systems. These systems whose interoperability is hindered by the lack of a common format include contest management systems, evaluation engines, repositories of learning objects and authoring tools. A prag- matical approach to remedy this problem is to create a service to convert among existing formats. A kind of translation service specialized in programming prob- lems formats. To convert programming exercises on-the-fly among the most used formats is the purpose of the BabeLO – a service to cope with the existing Babel of Learning Object formats for programming exercises. BabeLO was designed as a service to act as a middleware in a network of systems typically used in auto- matic assessment of programs. It provides support for multiple exercise formats and can be used by: evaluation engines to assess exercises regardless of its format; repositories to import exercises from various sources; authoring systems to create exercises in multiple formats or based on exercises from other sources. This paper analyses several of existing formats to highlight both their differ- ences and their similar features. Based on this analysis it presents an approach to extensible format conversion. It presents also the features of PExIL, the pivotal format in which the conversion is based; and the function definitions of the proposed service – BabeLO. Details on the design and implementation of BabeLO, including the service API and the interfaces required to extend the conversion to a new format, are also provided. To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of this approach this paper reports on two actual uses of BabeLO: to relocate exercises to a different repository; and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.
A methodology to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point through the identification of new investments in distribution network components is proposed in this paper. The method minimizes the investment cost as well as the cost of energy not supplied in the network. A DC optimization model based on mixed integer non-linear programming is developed considering the Pareto front technique in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution networks components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power for any customer in the distribution system at the minimum possible cost for the system operator, while minimizing the energy not supplied cost. Thus, a multi-objective problem is formulated. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study which considers a 180 bus distribution network
Atualmente a vantagem competitiva de uma empresa passa pela sua rápida adaptação às variações de procura do mercado, sendo necessário garantir elevados níveis de produtividade e, simultaneamente, grande flexibilidade, indispensável ao fabrico de pequenos lotes. A necessidade de ajuste do processo e a diminuição da média de vida do produto levam a paragens cada vez mais frequentes da célula de fabrico para programação e afinação, com consequentes perdas de produtividade. De forma a dar resposta a estes problemas, neste trabalho é testada a viabilidade da utilização da programação e simulação offline de tarefas de lixamento na Grohe Portugal, complementando a solução com o desenvolvimento de um novo método de afinação do programa, permitindo uma adaptação às flutuações do processo produtivo. Para isso foi necessário analisar o estado da arte dos robôs industriais na área de acabamento superficial e respetivos métodos de programação. Em seguida, após um trabalho prévio rigoroso de preparação e modelação da célula de trabalho, é possível fazer a programação offline das várias rotinas e trajetórias complexas que compõem um ciclo de lixamento de um produto, contribuindo para o aumento da qualidade do produto final sem comprometer os níveis de produtividade. Nesta dissertação são descritos e detalhados alguns dos procedimentos fulcrais no sucesso da aplicação deste método de programação. Por último é feita uma nova abordagem ao método de ajuste ponto-a-ponto convencional, desenvolvendo-se para isso um sistema de ajuste automático do programa, dotando o robô da capacidade de se adaptar às variações do processo, assegurando a consistência do mesmo. Foram realizados testes em pequena escala, extrapolando-se os resultados para a aplicação deste novo método no processo produtivo da Grohe Portugal, como forma de complemento ao método convencional de ajuste ponto-a-ponto do programa, reduzindo o tempo de paragem da célula de trabalho.
This paper presents the development of a fish-like robot called Bro-Fish. Bro-Fish aims to be an educational toy dedicated to teaching mechanics, programming and the physics of floating objects to youngsters. The underlying intention is to awaken the interest of children for technology, especially biomimetic (biologically inspired) approaches, in order to promote sustainability and raise the level of ecological awareness. The main focus of this project was to create a robot with carangiform locomotion and controllable swimming, providing the opportunity to customize parts and experiment with the physics of floating objects. Therefore, the locomotion principles of fishes and mechanisms developed in related projects were analysed. Inspired by this background knowledge, a prototype was designed and implemented. The main achievement is the new tail mechanism that propels the robot. The tail resembles the undulation motion of fish bodies and is actuated in an innovative way, triggered by an elegant movement of a rotating helicoidal. First experimental tests revealed the potential of the proposed methodology to effectively generate forward propulsion.
Target tracking with bearing-only sensors is a challenging problem when the target moves dynamically in complex scenarios. Besides the partial observability of such sensors, they have limited field of views, occlusions can occur, etc. In those cases, cooperative approaches with multiple tracking robots are interesting, but the different sources of uncertain information need to be considered appropriately in order to achieve better estimates. Even though there exist probabilistic filters that can estimate the position of a target dealing with incertainties, bearing-only measurements bring usually additional problems with initialization and data association. In this paper, we propose a multi-robot triangulation method with a dynamic baseline that can triangulate bearing-only measurements in a probabilistic manner to produce 3D observations. This method is combined with a decentralized stochastic filter and used to tackle those initialization and data association issues. The approach is validated with simulations and field experiments where a team of aerial and ground robots with cameras track a dynamic target.
Currently, the teaching-learning process in domains, such as computer programming, is characterized by an extensive curricula and a high enrolment of students. This poses a great workload for faculty and teaching assistants responsible for the creation, delivery, and assessment of student exercises. The main goal of this chapter is to foster practice-based learning in complex domains. This objective is attained with an e-learning framework—called Ensemble—as a conceptual tool to organize and facilitate technical interoperability among services. The Ensemble framework is used on a specific domain: computer programming. Content issues are tacked with a standard format to describe programming exercises as learning objects. Communication is achieved with the extension of existing specifications for the interoperation with several systems typically found in an e-learning environment. In order to evaluate the acceptability of the proposed solution, an Ensemble instance was validated on a classroom experiment with encouraging results.
Teaching and learning computer programming is as challenging as difficult. Assessing the work of students and providing individualised feedback to all is time-consuming and error prone for teachers and frequently involves a time delay. The existent tools and specifications prove to be insufficient in complex evaluation domains where there is a greater need to practice. At the same time Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are appearing revealing a new way of learning, more dynamic and more accessible. However this new paradigm raises serious questions regarding the monitoring of student progress and its timely feedback. This paper provides a conceptual design model for a computer programming learning environment. This environment uses the portal interface design model gathering information from a network of services such as repositories and program evaluators. The design model includes also the integration with learning management systems, a central piece in the MOOC realm, endowing the model with characteristics such as scalability, collaboration and interoperability. This model is not limited to the domain of computer programming and can be adapted to any complex area that requires systematic evaluation with immediate feedback.
13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013
This article aims to apply the concepts associated with artificial neural networks (ANN) in the control of an autonomous robot system that is intended to be used in competitions of robots. The robot was tested in several arbitrary paths in order to verify its effectiveness. The results show that the robot performed the tasks with success. Moreover, in the case of arbitrary paths the ANN control outperforms other methodologies, such as fuzzy logic control (FLC).
O trabalho aqui apresentado é a Dissertação da minha Tese do curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores do ISEP, realizada em parceria com o INESC TEC. O trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema avançado de interação entre homem-robô, usando ferramentas de software livres e de domínio público e hardware pouco dispendioso e facilmente acessível. Pretende-se que o sistema desenvolvido possa ser adotado por pequenas ou micro empresas, daí a restrição monetária. Este tipo de empresas tem, por norma, uma capacidade de investimento pequena, e ficam impossibilitadas de aceder a este tipo de sistemas automatizados se estes forem caros. No entanto, o robô continua a ser um componente fundamental, sendo dispendioso. Os trabalhos realizados pelos sistemas robóticos podem por um lado, ser repetitivos sem necessidade de grandes ajustes; por outro lado, o trabalho a realizar pode ser bastante diverso, sendo necessários bastantes ajustes com (possivelmente) programação do robô. As empresas podem não ter disponível mão-de-obra qualificada para realização da programação do robô. Pretende-se então um sistema de “ensino” que seja simples e rápido. Este trabalho pretende satisfazer as necessidades de um sistema de interação homem-robô intuitivo mesmo para operadores que não estejam familiarizados com a robótica. Para simplificar a transferência de informação da tarefa a desempenhar pelo sistema robótico é usado um sistema de infravermelhos para delinear a operação a desempenhar, neste caso concreto uma operação de soldadura. O operador usa um apontador com marcadores, a posição destes marcadores é detetada usando duas câmaras para permitir o posicionamento tridimensional no espaço. As câmaras possuem filtros infravermelhos para separar o espectro de luz. Para o controlo do sistema e interface com o robô é usado um computador de baixos recursos computacionais e energéticos, e também de baixo custo. O sistema desenvolvido é portanto computacionalmente leve para poder ser executado neste computador.
This document presents particular description of work done during student’s internship in PR Metal company realized as ERASMUS PROJECT at ISEP. All information including company’s description and its structure, overview of the problems and analyzed cases, all stages of projects from concept to conclusion can be found here. Description of work done during the internship is divided here into two pieces. First part concerns one activities of the company which is robotic chefs (kitchen robot) production line. Work, that was done for development of this line involved several tasks, among them: creating a single-worker montage station for screwing robots housing’s parts, improve security system for laser welding chamber, what particularly consists in designing automatically closing door system with special surface, that protects against destructive action of laser beam, test station for examination of durability of heating connectors, solving problem with rotors vibrations. Second part tells about main task, realized in second half of internship and stands a complete description of machine development and design. The machine is a part of car handle latch cable production line and its tasks are: cutting cable to required length and hot-forming plastic cover for further assembly needs.
Despite the extensive literature in finding new models to replace the Markowitz model or trying to increase the accuracy of its input estimations, there is less studies about the impact on the results of using different optimization algorithms. This paper aims to add some research to this field by comparing the performance of two optimization algorithms in drawing the Markowitz Efficient Frontier and in real world investment strategies. Second order cone programming is a faster algorithm, appears to be more efficient, but is impossible to assert which algorithm is better. Quadratic Programming often shows superior performance in real investment strategies.