973 resultados para Retorno do Investimento


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The proper management of materials storage is essential to supply the needs of production and reduce the inventory costs. Moreover, an effective layout contributes to improve the productivity and reduce the operational costs of a warehouse. This way, the purpose of this study was: to propose an expansion project to the warehouse of a factory in the food sector, suggesting a layout that best fit their needs and to verify its economic feasibility. To achieve this goal, it was applied methods such as ABC curve, spaghetti diagram and concepts of economics engineering to the analysis of investment in the project. The results showed that the second layout model was better than the first, supporting the storage capacity required by the company and presenting an internal movement more efficient. However, with the investment analysis, it was found that it was not feasible, given the conditions of the company, investing in the expansion of the warehouse


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Esta pesquisa trata de um grande projeto hidrelétrico, Inambari, que estava se transformando em realidade como parte de acordos entre o governo do Brasil no segúndo período de Lula (2006-2010) e do governo peruano de Alan Garcia – AG (2006-2011). Inambari é um dos mais recentes projetos hidrelétricos peruanos feitos para exportar ao Brasil. Mas, apesar de formar parte de um acordo entre esses países, por agora está detido devido a protestos e mobilizações da população dos territ´porios de Inambari contra a política hegemônica de AG. Analogamente ao caso da estrada Interoceãnica Sul, a construção e operação da Usina Inambari pode ser entendida como um caso emblemático no cenário Latino Americano atual. Esta não seria apenas o maior projeto hidrelétrico da amazônia peruana, custando aproximadamente 4 bilhões de dolares e prometendo um potencial de geração de energia elétrica de cerca de 2.200 MW para exportar ao Brasil por ano, mas também concretizaria o vínculo energético estratégico entre estes dois países através de um complexo de usinas e linhas de transmissão interconectados. Para sua concretização se conta com o amparo financeiro e legislativo dos dois governos e suas instituições de fomento, além de instituições de internacionais de investimento (como o BID e o BM) e do capital internacional (este útlimo proveniente principalmente de empreiteiras brasileiras beneficiárias do modelo de concessões federais). Aqui se estudam os potenciais impactos na economia amazônica do modelo vigente de exploração de recursos naturais hídricos amazônicos através do caso INAMBARI. A conclusão aponta que inexistência de participação popular como o maior entrave ao desenvolvimento amazônico e tenta explicar a novaconfiguração dos movimentos sociais que buscam voz para os povos da Amazônia bem como o pioneirismo peruano em relação a lei de consulta prévia


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The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus has as main food source blood of medium and large sizes mammals, but sporadically is observed feeding on birds, causing occasionally excessive bleeding and economic losses. Due to this D. rotundus is one of the most studied species of bats in the Americas. Once known that the lunar clarity might influence the nocturnal activities of the common vampire bats, the present study was carried out to know the behavior and schedules of emergencies and returns of bats to the shelter, its social behavior at the shelter´s entrance, especially of the dominant male, and the size and composition of the colony in different moon phases. The colony was composed by 105 individuals (65 females and 40 males) harboring in a hollow-tree of Farm Edgardia in Botucatu Municipality, State of São Paulo. Through the eight filming sessions, two for each moon phase, it was possible to observe that the distribution of emergences and returns to the shelter thought the night followed a specific pattern for each moon phase. The greatest number of emerging bats occurred in periods in which the moon was not born yet and the largest number of returns just before moon has been reached its maximum level in the sky. Therefore, the time period that bats are staying outside the shelter seems to be directly influenced by lunar light. This factor can influence the social activity of the colony and, in particular, the dominant male, who remains still on tree’s trunk, near the entrance of the shelter with greater frequency during periods of low moon light


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With the increasing demand for electricity, the retraining of transmission lines is necessary despite environmental restrictions and crossings in densely populated areas to build new transmission and distribution lines. Solution is reuse the existent cables, replacing the old conductor cables for new cables with higher capacity power transmission, and control of sag installed. The increasing demand for electrical power has increased the electric current on the wires and therefore, it must bear out temperatures of 150°C or more, without the risk of the increasing sag beyond the established limits. In the case of long crossings or densely populated areas, sag is due to high weight of the cable on clearance. The cable type determines the weight, sag, height and the towers dimensions, which are the items that most influence the investment of the transmission line. Hence, to reduce both cost of investment and maintenance of the line, the use of a lighter cable can reduce both number and the height of the towers, with financial return on short and long term. Therefore, in order to increase the amount of transmitted energy and reduce the number of built towers and sag, is recommended in the current work substitute the current core material (steel or aluminium) for alternatives alloys or new materials, in this case a composite, which has low density, elevated stiffness (elasticity module), thus apply the pultruded carbon fiber with epoxy resin as matrix systems and perform the study of the kinetics of degradation by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), according to their respective standards


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As espécies estudadas neste projeto, Dendropsophus nanus e Dendropsophus sanborni, são pererecas de pequeno porte, morfologicamente semelhantes e ocupam nichos similares. O presente trabalho foi realizado na Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade, município de Rio Claro, estado de São Paulo e teve como objetivo obter informações acerca da biologia reprodutiva de ambas as espécies. Os principais resultados obtidos foram referentes à: (1) Relações de tamanho-fecundidade em fêmeas de D. nanus, sendo que foi significativa a correlação entre número de ovos e comprimento rostro-cloacal de fêmeas, o que não ocorreu para correlações entre tamanho dos ovos e CRC de fêmeas e entre tamanho e número de ovos, (2) Seleção do tamanho dos machos em D. nanus, com as fêmeas aparentemente acasalando com machos proporcionalmente mais leves e (3) Comportamento de desova de D. sanborni semelhante ao relatado para D. werneri, havendo dois tipos de interação parecidos: um envolvendo movimentos da cabeça e o outro das patas traseiras do macho, ambos descritos pela primeira vez para D. sanborni neste estudo.


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O objetivo do trabalho é tratar da questão do investimento e financiamento das empresas de capital aberto brasileiras no período de 1998 a 2008. Para tal, estabelecemos uma relação entre o desempenho destas com o desempenho da economia brasileira no período e com a contribuição teórica de autores que escreveram sobre o tema


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Steel industry is a sector heavily dependent on energy, both electrical and thermal. Since the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of finished products to customers, through mergers, casting, rolling, heat treatment, inspection, among others, high amounts of energy are demanded, generating very significant costs to the productive chain in its entirety . Therefore, any alternative that favors the reduction in energy consumption or barateie the cost of this is very welcome. Within this context, this paper aims to make a technical and economic analysis of installing a cogeneration plant in the field rolling in a non-integrated steel mill. Two configurations are proposed plants, with one being the use of heat from waste gases from furnaces existing in the area mentioned and another with the use of heat from waste gases from an internal combustion engine. Both proposals are evaluated technically and later is done the economic analysis, calculating the financial return (pay back) in relation to the investment required, operation and maintenance of the plant


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This paper discussed the model of Nash bargaining (NASH, 1950, 1953), which its arbitration function is invariant for the linear transformations. A more robust model was proposed with respect to the incommensurable effect. The result obtained by the optimization process was not influenced by the units or the amplitude values of these measures. The risk and the return is measured in portfolios of assets and defined a risk metric, return and a method to handle the risk and return. For this, we made a review on the main characteristics of Brazilian industry funds and their evolution over the past years, in addition to treating on the risk in the financial market, the importance of portfolio selection and the Markowitz Model. Are made closing remarks, an analysis of the results, some suggests, concerns and how such concerns can be improved and / or explored in future studies


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Over the years, water has become an increasingly valuable resource and scarce, this situation is attributed to factors such as population growth, poor distribution and increasing degradation of water resources as a result of indiscriminate human activities in the middle environment, making their dwindling availability and increasing its cost. I n this context , the use of rainwater for non-potable purposes begins to be stimulated in Brazil , as a measure to preserve this resource , while in countries such as Japan and Germany , this technique has already been used for a long time. The ability to capture rainwater reduces the demand for sanitation companies, also resulting in cost reduction with the water bill and the risk of flooding in the event of heavy rains. The stored water is used only for non-potable purposes, such as toilets, taps into the garden, for washing vehicles and clothing. This work was developed with the aim of presenting the importance of rational use of water, associated with viability constructive economic and consumption of the installation of rain water harvesting, and for that, considered four case studies. From this study, it was found that the implementation of this system has led to a reduction in costs of water and sewer consumption poses no hazard to the user and its installation does not require significant changes in building construction, however, in relation to the economy, should be made a detailed analysis in each case for investment to bring a suitable financial return within the lifetime of the system


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the productive and economic performance of Arabica coffee and macadamia nut intercropping, under rainfed and drip-irrigation conditions, as well as the financial viability of treatments in three coffee price scenarios. A completely randomized design was used, with six treatments (rainfed sole coffee, irrigated sole coffee, rainfed coffee-macadamia nut intercropping, irrigated coffee-macadamia nut intercropping, rainfed sole macadamia nut, and irrigated sole macadamia nut) and ten replicates. The productivity, the area equivalency index, and the economic outcomes of the treatments were evaluated in three coffee price scenarios. Drip irrigation and intercropping increased coffee and macadamia nut yields, in comparison to rainfed monocultures, and generally promoted the same productivity as the coffee irrigated monocultures, as well as higher productivity than the macadamia nut irrigated monocultures. The combined use of intercropping and drip irrigation promotes land-use efficiency 5-fold greater than the averages of rainfed monocultures. Irrigated intercropping promotes higher profitability and faster return on investment, making it a viable alternative, especially in periods of lower coffee prices.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA