932 resultados para Research data
Income decreasing strategies conducted by management could be harmful for various stakeholders. One example is big bath accounting, which could be accomplished in numer- ous ways. This study focus on big baths achieved by recognising impairments of goodwill. Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine patterns of association between big bath accounting and impairment of goodwill within the telecommunication service industry in Europe. Further, this study aim at contributing to the discussion regarding utilisation of big baths through impairments of goodwill, and takes the perspective of an external stakehold- er. Delimitations - The study is restricted to European telecommunication entities comprised in STOXX Europe 600 Index. Method - This study was conducted using a hybrid of qualitative and quantitative research strategy with a deductive approach. The five indicators used to identify various big bath behaviours were inspired and derived from theory and previous research. Data from 2009 to 2015 was collected from the companies’ annual reports and websites, and analysed by the help of codification of each fulfilled indicator where 2009 merely served as a compara- tive year for 2010. By the use of a scoreboard the collected data was summarised on an ag- gregated yearly basis as the industry, not the specific companies, were analysed. Empirical findings - The results of this study suggests that big baths are executed among tele- communication companies within Europe. These are conducted simultaneously as impair- ments of goodwill are present, facilitated by earning management. A possible explanation is considered to be the room for interpretation inherent in IAS 36, enabling goodwill impair- ments to be recognised on managers’ command. Thereby an impairment could be “saved” for better or worse circumstances, or recognised when there exist an opportunity to max- imise (the manager's) wealth in the future. This study reveal the co-occurrence of goodwill impairments and big bath-indications, however a review of causal relationships are not en- abled by the limitations of the chosen method.
Esta dissertação visa compreender a adição ao jogo online, através de duas perspetivas complementares que se congregam num estudo de caso. Analisamos o discurso de um jogador predominantemente de Blackjack online adicto a esta prática (F.) em processo de desabituação, e desenvolvemos a mesma metodologia junto da mãe deste, enquanto fonte complementar de informação, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Desta análise emergiram resultados que clarificam os fatores que funcionam como determinantes da adição, que a mantêm bem como elementos indispensáveis para compreender a decisão de paragem do jogo. Nesta dinâmica conjugamos a perspetiva de F e da sua mãe. A metodologia escolhida para análise dos dados de investigação foi a Grounded Analysis Theory, partindo das vozes dos dois participantes e tendo como objetivo a construção de uma narrativa alternativa e assim contribuir para uma melhor análise de compreensão dos dados obtidos. Através de um processo indutivo de produção de conhecimento organizado e obedecendo a uma sequência que busca uma maior complexidade de integração, tem como objetivo final gerar uma teoria sustentada nos dados recolhidos (Fernandes & Maia, 2001). Enquanto metodologia qualitativa permite-nos aceder aos significados múltiplos que emergiram da experiência destes dois participantes. O jogo online sustentado na sua fácil disponibilidade tem como consequência um maior isolamento do jogador, e uma vez que as recompensas financeiras são uma possibilidade alimenta o ciclo do comportamento aditivo. A observância de problemas físicos e psicológicos percebidos como graves, justificaram uma abordagem de tratamento multidisciplinar, envolvendo ajuda farmacológica, psicológica e social. Os estudos existentes sobre o jogo online são ainda muito escassos, justificandose o estudo qualitativo na construção do conhecimento, pela análise mais detalhada dos fatores que podem contribuir para uma melhor compreensão de todas as especificidades presentes, numa perturbação aditiva ao jogo online.
Although the benefits of mindfulness meditation practices have been widely documented, research data suggest that there are barriers to regularly engaging in meditation behavior. In order to explore research questions pertaining to meditation initiation and adherence, psychometrically valid scales to assess barriers to meditation practice are necessary. The aim of the present study was to explore the factor structure and construct validity of the Determinants of Meditation Practice Inventory (DMPI) (Williams et al., 2011), a perceived barriers to meditation scale. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses along with construct validity tests were performed on data obtained from two large, community samples. Results supported the DMPI as a valid scale assessing perceived barriers with four factors, Lack of Interest, Knowledge Concerns, Pragmatic Concerns and Sociocultural Beliefs. The present study offers a DMPI-revised scale that may be reliably used to assess attitudes and beliefs that might impede meditation behavior.
Im Kontext des Projekts „Entwicklung eines institutionellen Konzepts zum Forschungsdatenmanagement an der Leibniz Universität Hannover“ wurden 2015/16 eine universitätsinterne Online-Umfrage und ergänzende Interviews durchgeführt. Deren Ergebnisse ermöglichen einen Einblick in den derzeitigen Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und eine Abschätzung des Bedarfs an Beratung, Schulung und technischer Infrastruktur seitens des wissenschaftlichen Personals. In diesem Bericht werden die Daten präsentiert und ausgewertet.
Ao Médico Dentista cabe o diagnóstico e o tratamento de todas as perturbações que afetem a cavidade oral e estruturas anexas e, embora a cavidade oral seja uma zona de fácil visualização e acesso, as alterações que vão acontecendo passam muitas vezes despercebidas, ou não lhes é dado o devido valor fazendo com que, as patologias malignas sejam na maior parte das vezes, reconhecidas tardiamente não permitindo outro tipo de atuação senão paliativa. Uma das desordens que acontecem com recorrência é o Líquen Plano (LP). Tratando-se de uma patologia crónica, mucocutânea e autoimune, relativamente comum, que afeta maioritariamente as mulheres numa proporção de 3:2 para os homens, em idades compreendidas entre os 50 e 70 anos de vida. É uma dermatose caracterizada por ter potencial de recorrência, não sendo, contudo, contagiosa. O Líquen Plano poderá atingir a pele, couro cabeludo, unhas, mucosa genital e a cavidade oral. Na cavidade oral, designa-se como Líquen Plano Oral (LPO) e afeta a mucosa oral em 70% dos casos, sendo descrita pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), como sendo uma lesão prémaligna. Tendo em conta estes fatores, o objetivo deste trabalho é a análise da potencialidade de malignidade do LPO, uma vez que, existem distintas vertentes de entendimento e caracterização do mesmo. Para tal foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa de natureza bibliográfica com a aplicação de um conjunto de dados de pesquisa em websites, artigos de revistas e obras de índole cientifica, permitindo assim a realização de uma revisão bibliográfica.
Na senda do contexto legislativo de outros países, também Portugal criou uma conjuntura legislativa, no âmbito da Educação Especial, que consagrou a possibilidade de utilização de produtos de apoio, como um recurso ao serviço dos alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE). Entre outras iniciativas, o Ministério da Educação lançou, em 2007, uma rede constituída por 25 centros, designados por Centro de Recursos TIC para Educação Especial (CRTIC) que, entre outras missões, são responsáveis pela avaliação de alunos com NEE tendo em vista a implementação dos produtos de apoio na intervenção educativa junto deste tipo de discentes. É neste contexto que surge a proposta de, com o estudo aqui apresentado, investigar e compreender as práticas atualmente em curso nos CRTIC, nomeadamente no que respeita às estratégias e os modelos aplicados nas avaliações de alunos com NEE, para efeitos de atribuição de produtos de apoio. O referencial teórico que sustentou este estudo foi analisado considerando o contexto legislativo nacional e internacional, que enquadra a utilização deste tipo de recursos junto destes alunos. Considerámos ainda as classificações existentes que caracterizam a diversidade dos produtos de apoio disponíveis no mercado, tendo a presente investigação sido focada no âmbito do aconselhamento tipicamente realizado pelos CRTIC. Por último, fez-se uma reflexão acerca dos processos implicados na prestação de serviços, analisando alguns indicadores de qualidade de serviço aconselhados pela literatura da especialidade. Do ponto de vista metodológico, e atendendo à finalidade desta investigação, delineou-se uma estratégia que permitiu recolher dados provenientes de diferentes fontes, tendo-se desenvolvido um estudo do tipo survey, sustentado por um paradigma pluri-metodológico, cujo corpus de análise proveio da análise documental de relatórios oficiais e de inquéritos por entrevista e por questionário. Estes últimos foram aplicados a todo o universo dos CRTIC (25 centros), tendo-se obtido uma taxa de resposta de 100%. A análise dos dados obtidos revelou que o processo de avaliação desenvolvido por estes centros já tem em conta alguns dos aspetos destacados na literatura, tais como: equipas multidisciplinares; tomada de decisão colaborativa e observação dos fatores ambientais do aluno. Porém, verifica-se que são escassos os CRTIC que disponibilizam um apoio sistemático e continuo aos intervenientes educativos na fase de implementação/utilização dos produtos atribuídos. Sustentados na constatação deste facto, conceptualizámos e prototipámos uma proposta de uma plataforma de apoio à avaliação e monitorização dos produtos de apoio, designada por “Rede NEE”, que visa facilitar a comunicação entre os intervenientes. Esta proposta revela-se inovadora no modo como os pedidos podem ser realizados, contemplando ainda estratégias que poderão facilitar a monitorização dos produtos de apoio atribuídos.
The primary objective of the present thesis was to determine the extent of intertextual coherence and inter-filmic discourse retained in the Finnish DVD subtitles of the first twelve feature films set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and ten episodes of the first season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., a transmedia extension of the MCU. The cinematic world of Marvel was chosen as research data in this study for the inherence, abundance, and conspicuousness of its intertextuality. Two categories through which to retain intertextual coherence in translation were set as the premise of the study: 1) the consistent application of the same form of MCU-related proper names in translation and 2) the retention of MCU-related allusions in translation when the retention of the allusion is a strategic choice. The data was collected and analyzed primarily in this juxtaposition. The examination of the gathered data and the set research questions necessitated the division of audiovisual allusions into three categories: verbal visual allusions, secondary spoken allusions, and primary spoken allusions, the last of which was further divided into ambiguous and unambiguous types. Because of their qualitative inadequacies, unambiguous primary spoken allusions were not eligible as data in the present study. 33.3 percent of the proper names qualified as data were translated consistently in each installment they were referenced. In terms of allusions, 76.2 percent of the qualified source-text instances were retained in translation. The results indicate that intertextual elements are more easily identified and retained within the context of one narrative than when this requires the observation of multiple connected narratives as one interwoven universe.
This report is the second Ithaka S+R / Jisc / RLUK survey of UK academics. It asks of the UK research community their views on resource discovery, their use of these resources (online and digital), attitudes to research data management, and much more. It provides a powerful insight into how researchers view their own behaviour and the research environment within the UK today. It gives us pointers to how we can provide further support to researchers and first indications as to where resources should be best invested in the future.
O FEMACO – Festival Maranhense de Coros – teve durante a sua existência (1977-2012) um forte impacto sociocultural em São Luís, capital do Maranhão e contribuiu decisivamente para a formação de diretores corais e educadores musicais nesta região. A presente investigação constitui um levantamento histórico dos 36 anos de existência deste festival e uma reflexão sobre a sua contribuição para a música coral no Estado do Maranhão. Para chegar a estes objetivos foi realizado um levantamento dos materiais impressos que constam do arquivo do próprio Festival, existente na Universidade Federal do Maranhão, nomeadamente dos cartazes e brochuras com os programas do festival, e dos registos existentes nos jornais locais sobre o mesmo. Foram realizadas entrevistas com os autores do projeto FEMACO e foi ainda feito um inquérito, através de um questionário, a professores e regentes que participaram no festival. Sendo este o primeiro registo histórico sobre o FEMACO, um dos festivais de corais mais antigos da região Nordeste do Brasil, pretende-se realizar uma reflexão sobre a sua influência na música coral no Maranhão e fornecer dados que, esperamos, poderão servir como fonte de consulta para futuras investigações.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, sob orientação de Doutora Daniela Alexandra Ramos Gonçalves | Mestre Maria Ivone Couto Monforte das Neves
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à ESEPF para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Área de especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica
Several companies are trying to improve their operation efficiency by implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that makes it possible to control the resources of the company in real time. However, the success of the implementation project is not a foregone conclusion; a significant part of these projects end in a failure, one way or another. Therefore it is important to investigate ERP system implementation more closely in order to increase understanding about factors influencing ERP system success and to improve the probability of a successful ERP implementation project. Consequently, this study was initiated because a manufacturing case company wanted to review the success of their ERP implementation project. To be exact, the case company hoped to gain both information about the success of the project and insight for future implementation improvement. This study investigated ERP success specifically by examining factors that influence ERP key-user satisfaction. User satisfaction is one of the most commonly applied indicators of information system success. The research data was mainly collected by conducting theme interviews. The subjects of the interviews were six key-users of the newly implemented ERP system. The interviewees were closely involved in the implementation project. Furthermore, they act as representative users that utilize the new system in everyday business processes. The collected data was analyzed by thematizing. Both data collection and analysis were guided by a theoretical frame of reference. This frame was based on previous research on the subject. The results of the study aligned with the theoretical framework to large extent. The four principal factors influencing key-user satisfaction were change management, contractor service, key-user’s system knowledge and characteristics of the ERP product itself. One of the most significant contributions of the research is that it confirmed the existence of a connection between change management and ERP key-user satisfaction. Furthermore, it discovered two new sub-factors influencing contractor service related key-user satisfaction. In addition, the research findings indicated that in order to improve the current level of key-user satisfaction, the case company should pay special attention to system functionality improvement and enhancement of the key-users’ knowledge. During similar implementation projects in the future, it would be important to assure the success of change management and contractor service related processes.
Background: Depression is a major health problem worldwide and the majority of patients presenting with depressive symptoms are managed in primary care. Current approaches for assessing depressive symptoms in primary care are not accurate in predicting future clinical outcomes, which may potentially lead to over or under treatment. The Allostatic Load (AL) theory suggests that by measuring multi-system biomarker levels as a proxy of measuring multi-system physiological dysregulation, it is possible to identify individuals at risk of having adverse health outcomes at a prodromal stage. Allostatic Index (AI) score, calculated by applying statistical formulations to different multi-system biomarkers, have been associated with depressive symptoms. Aims and Objectives: To test the hypothesis, that a combination of allostatic load (AL) biomarkers will form a predictive algorithm in defining clinically meaningful outcomes in a population of patients presenting with depressive symptoms. The key objectives were: 1. To explore the relationship between various allostatic load biomarkers and prevalence of depressive symptoms in patients, especially in patients diagnosed with three common cardiometabolic diseases (Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Diabetes and Stroke). 2 To explore whether allostatic load biomarkers predict clinical outcomes in patients with depressive symptoms, especially in patients with three common cardiometabolic diseases (CHD, Diabetes and Stroke). 3 To develop a predictive tool to identify individuals with depressive symptoms at highest risk of adverse clinical outcomes. Methods: Datasets used: ‘DepChron’ was a dataset of 35,537 patients with existing cardiometabolic disease collected as a part of routine clinical practice. ‘Psobid’ was a research data source containing health related information from 666 participants recruited from the general population. The clinical outcomes for 3 both datasets were studied using electronic data linkage to hospital and mortality health records, undertaken by Information Services Division, Scotland. Cross-sectional associations between allostatic load biomarkers calculated at baseline, with clinical severity of depression assessed by a symptom score, were assessed using logistic and linear regression models in both datasets. Cox’s proportional hazards survival analysis models were used to assess the relationship of allostatic load biomarkers at baseline and the risk of adverse physical health outcomes at follow-up, in patients with depressive symptoms. The possibility of interaction between depressive symptoms and allostatic load biomarkers in risk prediction of adverse clinical outcomes was studied using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Finally, the value of constructing a risk scoring scale using patient demographics and allostatic load biomarkers for predicting adverse outcomes in depressed patients was investigated using clinical risk prediction modelling and Area Under Curve (AUC) statistics. Key Results: Literature Review Findings. The literature review showed that twelve blood based peripheral biomarkers were statistically significant in predicting six different clinical outcomes in participants with depressive symptoms. Outcomes related to both mental health (depressive symptoms) and physical health were statistically associated with pre-treatment levels of peripheral biomarkers; however only two studies investigated outcomes related to physical health. Cross-sectional Analysis Findings: In DepChron, dysregulation of individual allostatic biomarkers (mainly cardiometabolic) were found to have a non-linear association with increased probability of co-morbid depressive symptoms (as assessed by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score HADS-D≥8). A composite AI score constructed using five biomarkers did not lead to any improvement in the observed strength of the association. In Psobid, BMI was found to have a significant cross-sectional association with the probability of depressive symptoms (assessed by General Health Questionnaire GHQ-28≥5). BMI, triglycerides, highly sensitive C - reactive 4 protein (CRP) and High Density Lipoprotein-HDL cholesterol were found to have a significant cross-sectional relationship with the continuous measure of GHQ-28. A composite AI score constructed using 12 biomarkers did not show a significant association with depressive symptoms among Psobid participants. Longitudinal Analysis Findings: In DepChron, three clinical outcomes were studied over four years: all-cause death, all-cause hospital admissions and composite major adverse cardiovascular outcome-MACE (cardiovascular death or admission due to MI/stroke/HF). Presence of depressive symptoms and composite AI score calculated using mainly peripheral cardiometabolic biomarkers was found to have a significant association with all three clinical outcomes over the following four years in DepChron patients. There was no evidence of an interaction between AI score and presence of depressive symptoms in risk prediction of any of the three clinical outcomes. There was a statistically significant interaction noted between SBP and depressive symptoms in risk prediction of major adverse cardiovascular outcome, and also between HbA1c and depressive symptoms in risk prediction of all-cause mortality for patients with diabetes. In Psobid, depressive symptoms (assessed by GHQ-28≥5) did not have a statistically significant association with any of the four outcomes under study at seven years: all cause death, all cause hospital admission, MACE and incidence of new cancer. A composite AI score at baseline had a significant association with the risk of MACE at seven years, after adjusting for confounders. A continuous measure of IL-6 observed at baseline had a significant association with the risk of three clinical outcomes- all-cause mortality, all-cause hospital admissions and major adverse cardiovascular event. Raised total cholesterol at baseline was associated with lower risk of all-cause death at seven years while raised waist hip ratio- WHR at baseline was associated with higher risk of MACE at seven years among Psobid participants. There was no significant interaction between depressive symptoms and peripheral biomarkers (individual or combined) in risk prediction of any of the four clinical outcomes under consideration. Risk Scoring System Development: In the DepChron cohort, a scoring system was constructed based on eight baseline demographic and clinical variables to predict the risk of MACE over four years. The AUC value for the risk scoring system was modest at 56.7% (95% CI 55.6 to 57.5%). In Psobid, it was not possible to perform this analysis due to the low event rate observed for the clinical outcomes. Conclusion: Individual peripheral biomarkers were found to have a cross-sectional association with depressive symptoms both in patients with cardiometabolic disease and middle-aged participants recruited from the general population. AI score calculated with different statistical formulations was of no greater benefit in predicting concurrent depressive symptoms or clinical outcomes at follow-up, over and above its individual constituent biomarkers, in either patient cohort. SBP had a significant interaction with depressive symptoms in predicting cardiovascular events in patients with cardiometabolic disease; HbA1c had a significant interaction with depressive symptoms in predicting all-cause mortality in patients with diabetes. Peripheral biomarkers may have a role in predicting clinical outcomes in patients with depressive symptoms, especially for those with existing cardiometabolic disease, and this merits further investigation.
La mise en œuvre d’activités de prévention de la consommation de substances psychoactives (SPA) (tabac, alcool et cannabis) en milieu scolaire est une stratégie couramment utilisée pour rejoindre un grand nombre de jeunes. Ces activités s’inspirent, soit de programmes existant, soit d’innovations dictées par le contexte d’implantation ou l’existence de données de recherche. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, l’évaluation de ces programmes représente la meilleure voie pour mesurer leur efficacité et/ou connaître comment ceux-ci sont implantés. C’est cet impératif qui a motivé une commission scolaire du Québec a recommandé l’évaluation de l’Intervention en Réseau (IR), un programme développé en vue de retarder l’âge d’initiation et de réduire la consommation problématique de SPA chez les élèves. Ce programme adopte une approche novatrice avec pour principal animateur un intervenant pivot (IP) qui assure le suivi des élèves de la 5e année du primaire jusqu’en 3e secondaire. Inspiré des modèles en prévention de la santé et de l’Approche École en santé (AES), le rôle de l’IP ici se démarque de ceux-ci. Certes, il est l’interface entre les différents acteurs impliqués et les élèves mais dans le cadre du programme IR, l’IP est intégré dans les écoles primaires et secondaires qu’il dessert. C’est cet intervenant qui assure la mobilisation des autres acteurs pour la mise en œuvre des activités. Cette thèse vise à rendre compte de ce processus d’évaluation ainsi que des résultats obtenus. L’approche d’évaluation en est une de type participatif et collaboratif avec des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues, de groupes de discussion, d’un journal de bord et de notes de réunions. Les données ont été analysées dans le cadre de trois articles dont le premier concerne l’étude d’évaluabilité (ÉÉ) du programme. Les participants de cette ÉÉ sont des acteurs-clés du programme (N=13) rencontrés en entrevues. Une analyse documentaire (rapports et journal de bord) a également été effectuée. Cette ÉÉ a permis de clarifier les intentions des initiateurs du programme et les objectifs poursuivis par ces derniers. Elle a également permis de rendre la théorie du programme plus explicite et de développer le modèle logique, deux éléments qui ont facilité les opérations d’évaluation qui ont suivi. Le deuxième article porte sur l’évaluation des processus en utilisant la théorie de l’acteur-réseau (TAR) à travers ses quatre moments du processus de traduction des innovations (la problématisation, l’intéressement, l’enrôlement et la mobilisation des alliés), l’analyse des controverses et du rôle des acteurs humains et non-humains. Après l’analyse des données obtenues par entrevues auprès de 19 informateurs-clés, les résultats montrent que les phases d’implantation du programme passent effectivement par les quatre moments de la TAR, que la gestion des controverses par la négociation et le soutien était nécessaire pour la mobilisation de certains acteurs humains. Cette évaluation des processus a également permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des acteurs non-humains dans le processus d’implantation du programme. Le dernier article concerne une évaluation combinée des effets (volet quantitatif) et des processus (volet qualitatif) du programme. Pour le volet quantitatif, un devis quasi-expérimental a été adopté et les données ont été colligées de façon longitudinale par questionnaires auprès de 901 élèves de 5e et 6e année du primaire et leurs enseignants de 2010 à 2014. L’analyse des données ont montré que le programme n’a pas eu d’effets sur l’accessibilité et les risques perçus, l’usage problématique d’alcool et la polyconsommation (alcool et cannabis) chez les participants. Par contre, les résultats suggèrent que le programme pourrait favoriser la réduction du niveau de consommation et retarder l’âge d’initiation à l’alcool et au cannabis. Ils suggèrent également un effet potentiellement positif du programme sur l’intoxication à l’alcool chez les élèves. Quant au volet qualitatif, il a été réalisé à l’aide d’entrevues avec les intervenants (N=17), de groupes de discussion avec des élèves du secondaire (N=10) et d’une analyse documentaire. Les résultats montrent que le programme bénéficie d’un préjugé favorable de la part des différents acteurs ayant participé à l’évaluation et est bien acceptée par ces derniers. Cependant, le roulement fréquent de personnel et le grand nombre d’écoles à suivre peuvent constituer des obstacles à la bonne marche du programme. En revanche, le leadership et le soutien des directions d’écoles, la collaboration des enseignants, les qualités de l’IP et la flexibilité de la mise en œuvre sont identifiés comme des éléments ayant contribué au succès du programme. Les résultats et leur implication pour les programmes et l’évaluation sont discutés. Enfin, un plan de transfert des connaissances issues de la recherche évaluative est proposé.
The first few years in the teaching profession are usually demanding. Although initial teacher education forms an essential foundation for teachers’ work, it cannot fully prepare new teachers for the complexities of working life. This study focuses on investigating the need for professional development support among newly qualified teachers to determine what their professional learning needs are and how these needs differ among teachers from four different countries: Finland, the United Kingdom (England), Portugal and Belgium (Flanders). The research data was collected via a questionnaire from 314 teachers, each with less than five years of teaching experience, and both closed and open-ended questions were included. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and factor analysis to identify the latent variables associated with their needs. Answers to the open-ended questions were used to gain deeper insight into the newly qualified teachers’ situation. The results indicate that new teachers need support, especially regarding conflict situations and in differentiating their teaching. In addition, when analysing the profiles of eight support-need latent variables, all of the teachers in the different countries viewed supporting students’ holistic development as the most important area. Although the results of this study cannot be generalised, they provide an important overview of new teachers’ learning needs that should be taken into account when planning and organising support for them. (DIPF/Orig.)