964 resultados para Renal bone disease
La sténose de l'artère rénale (SAR) est souvent associée à une maladie athéromateuse diffuse et, en conséquence, à une morbidité et une mortalité cardiovasculaires accrues. Le nombre de revascularisations de l'artère rénale a considérablement augmenté ces dernières années. Mais les succès rapportés par cette procédure, par rapport à un traitement médical seul, semblent modestes tant sur le contrôle de la pression artérielle que sur la progression de l'insuffisance rénale. La mise en évidence d'une SAR ne représente pas systématiquement une indication à une revascularisation. Plusieurs critères doivent être pris en compte, dont la localisation de la sténose, son retentissement hémodynamique, la fonction rénale, la sévérité de l'hypertension artérielle et la facilité avec laquelle le traitement antihypertenseur parvient à normaliser la pression artérielle. Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis is often associated with diffuse atherosclerotic disease and consequently an increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Despite evidence of only moderate clinical benefit in comparison with medical treatment to control the blood pressure and to prevent renal failure, renal endovascular revascularisation has become more and more popular. The decision to treat an atherosclerotic renal stenosis by revascularisation should be taken only after a close examination of the hemodynamic impact of the stenosis, the renal function, the severity of hypertension and the quality of blood pressure control achieved by the medical treatment
BACKGROUND: A sensitive, feasible and reproducible marker for renal function is necessary to evaluate the clinical efficacy of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in Fabry nephropathy. Serum creatinine has some limitations and cystatin C has been proposed, in other nephropathies, as a useful marker of renal function. The use of cystatin C as a marker of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was investigated in Fabry patients receiving ERT. METHODS: Renal function was evaluated with serum creatinine, serum cystatin C and estimated GFR (through Modification of Diet in Renal Disease [MDRD], Cockcroft-Gault [C&G] and Hoek formulae) in 21 Fabry patients receiving ERT with agalsidase alfa for 3 years and in 13 Fabry patients receiving agalsidase alfa for 4 years. RESULTS: During years of ERT while serum creatinine remained stable, cystatin C values showed a significant, increasing trend right from the first year of ERT. CONCLUSIONS: In Fabry disease, cystatin C is a sensitive and reliable marker of renal function, and it should be taken into account when evaluating GFR trends during ERT.
AIM: Fabry disease is considered primarily as a progressive small vessel disease, with ischaemic degenerative lesions involving the kidneys, brain and heart. Macrovascular involvement in male patients includes an accelerated wall hypertrophy of the radial artery and a thickening of the intima-media of the common carotid artery. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence and severity of carotid artery atherosclerosis in hemizygous and heterozygous patients with Fabry disease, compared with a matched control population. METHODS: The common carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) of 53 patients with Fabry disease (24 men, 29 women) was measured by high-definition ultrasonography, and the presence or absence of atherosclerotic plaques reported. Results were compared with those of 120 age-matched healthy individuals (83 men, 37 women). RESULTS: The common carotid artery IMT was increased to the same extent in male and female patients with Fabry disease (706+/-211 microm and 749+/-395 microm, respectively) compared with that of the control population (614+/-113 microm). In the Fabry population, IMT did not correlate with either systolic blood pressure or with renal function (plasma creatinine). In the control population, only systolic blood pressure was positively and significantly correlated with IMT. Atherosclerotic plaques in the common carotid artery were not observed in any patient with Fabry disease, whereas 34% of the control population had carotid artery plaques, as evidenced by focal non-homogeneous intima-media thickening greater than 1.2 mm. CONCLUSION: This study presents evidence of a major increase in common carotid artery IMT, both in hemizygous and heterozygous patients with Fabry disease, in the absence of focal atherosclerotic plaques. These results suggest that the conduit arteries may be protected from atherosclerosis in Fabry disease.
Growth arrest-specific gene 6 (Gas6) is expressed in antigen-presenting cells and endothelial cells (ECs) but not in T cells. When wild-type (WT) or Gas6(-/-) mice received allogeneic non-T cell-depleted bone marrow cells, hepatic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) was alleviated in Gas6(-/-) recipients regardless of donor genotype, but not in WT recipients. T-cell infiltration was more prominent and diffuse in WT than in Gas6(-/-) recipients' liver. When mice received 0.5 x 10(6) allogeneic T cells with T cell-depleted allogeneic bone marrow, clinical signs indicated that GVHD was less severe in Gas6(-/-) than in WT recipients, as shown by a significant improvement of the survival and reduced liver GVHD. These data demonstrate that donor cells were not involved in the protection mechanism. In addition, lack of Gas6 in antigen-presenting cells did not affect WT or Gas6(-/-) T-cell proliferation. We therefore assessed the response of WT or Gas6(-/-) ECs to tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Lymphocyte transmigration was less extensive through Gas6(-/-) than WT ECs and was not accompanied by increases in adhesion molecule levels. Thus, the lack of Gas6 in ECs impaired donor T-cell transmigration into the liver, providing a rationale for considering Gas6 pathway as a potential nonimmunosuppressive target to minimize GVHD in patients receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
PURPOSE: To develop and assess the diagnostic performance of a three-dimensional (3D) whole-body T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging pulse sequence at 3.0 T for bone and node staging in patients with prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS This prospective study was approved by the institutional ethics committee; informed consent was obtained from all patients. Thirty patients with prostate cancer at high risk for metastases underwent whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging in addition to the routine MR imaging protocol for node and/or bone metastasis screening, which included coronal two-dimensional (2D) whole-body T1-weighted MR imaging, sagittal proton-density fat-saturated (PDFS) imaging of the spine, and whole-body diffusion-weighted MR imaging. Two observers read the 2D and 3D images separately in a blinded manner for bone and node screening. Images were read in random order. The consensus review of MR images and the findings at prospective clinical and MR imaging follow-up at 6 months were used as the standard of reference. The interobserver agreement and diagnostic performance of each sequence were assessed on per-patient and per-lesion bases. RESULTS: The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were significantly higher with whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging than with whole-body 2D T1-weighted imaging regardless of the reference region (bone or fat) and lesion location (bone or node) (P < .003 for all). For node metastasis, diagnostic performance (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve) was higher for whole-body 3D T1-weighted imaging (per-patient analysis; observer 1: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging; observer 2: P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P = .006 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging), as was sensitivity (per-lesion analysis; observer 1: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging; observer 2: P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging, P < .001 for 2D T1-weighted imaging + PDFS imaging vs 3D T1-weighted imaging). CONCLUSION: Whole-body MR imaging is feasible with a 3D T1-weighted sequence and provides better SNR and CNR compared with 2D sequences, with a diagnostic performance that is as good or better for the detection of bone metastases and better for the detection of lymph node metastases.
Criteria to decide which patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) should be examined by dual energy x ray absorptiometry (DXA) are currently not available. The rheumatologists from Amsterdam have proposed preliminary criteria based on clinical risk factors (age, disease activity, and functional status). These criteria are preliminary and not widely accepted but might be helpful in practice. The value of the proposal in a group of Spanish postmenopausal women with RA is analysed. METHODS DXA (lumbar spine and femoral neck) was performed in 128 patients recruited from a clinical setting, and the proposed criteria were applied. T and Z scores were established for a Spanish reference population. RESULTS The mean (SD) age of the patients was 61.3 (10.7) and mean duration of the postmenopausal period 14.5 (10.1) years. Mean duration of RA was 13.7 (7.7) years. Mean C reactive protein was 22 (21) mg/l; mean erythrocyte sedimentation rate 26 (18) mm/1st h; and mean Health Assessment Questionnaire score 1.25 (0.79). Ninety (70%) patients fulfilled the proposed criteria. Their sensitivity for the diagnosis of osteoporosis (T score ¿¿2.5 SD) was 86% and their specificity, 43%. Positive predictive value was 54% and negative predictive value, 79%. CONCLUSIONS The proposed criteria seem a good screening method for the selection of those patients with RA whose bone mineral density should be assessed as the sensitivity and negative predictive value are acceptable.
CD34/QBEND10 immunostaining has been assessed in 150 bone marrow biopsies (BMB) including 91 myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), 16 MDS-related AML, 25 reactive BMB, and 18 cases where RA could neither be established nor ruled out. All cases were reviewed and classified according to the clinical and morphological FAB criteria. The percentage of CD34-positive (CD34 +) hematopoietic cells and the number of clusters of CD34+ cells in 10 HPF were determined. In most cases the CD34+ cell count was similar to the blast percentage determined morphologically. In RA, however, not only typical blasts but also less immature hemopoietic cells lying morphologically between blasts and promyelocytes were stained with CD34. The CD34+ cell count and cluster values were significantly higher in RA than in BMB with reactive changes (p<0.0001 for both), in RAEB than in RA (p=0.0006 and p=0.0189, respectively), in RAEBt than in RAEB (p=0.0001 and p=0.0038), and in MDS-AML than in RAEBt (p<0.0001 and p=0.0007). Presence of CD34+ cell clusters in RA correlated with increased risk of progression of the disease. We conclude that CD34 immunostaining in BMB is a useful tool for distinguishing RA from other anemias, assessing blast percentage in MDS cases, classifying them according to FAB, and following their evolution.
Aim: Fabry disease is an X-linked genetic disorder due to deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme a-galactosidase A, which leads to the accumulation of neutral glycosphingolipids within the lysosomes of almost all tissues. Clinical manifestations usually include acroparaesthesia, renal insufficiency and cardiomyopathy. Recently, pulmonary manifestations consisting of progressive obstructive airway disease have been reported. The aim of this study was to analyse the cross-sectional prevalence of airflow obstruction in a Swiss cohort of patients, and in selected cases, to evaluate the impact of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with agalsidase alfa (ReplagalTM; TKT - 5S). Methods: Forty-four patients (27 men, 17 women) were included in the study and received pulmonary function testing. Fifteen patients underwent spirometry after ERT. Results: Twelve patients (nine men) had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease according to the Global Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) initiative criteria: forced expiratory volume (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) 50.7), but only one was an active smoker and one a previous smoker. FEV1/ FVC as percentage predicted was weakly correlated with age (r=0.42, p=0.005, calculated by Pearson product-moment correlation), demonstrating that airway obstruction occurs in the late stages of the disease. Median FEV1 in patients with obstruction was 67% of predicted (range, 45-90%). Reversibility of FEV1 after b2-agonist inhalation never exceeded 8% of predicted. Diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) was measured in 13 individuals with a median of 88% of predicted (range, 39-125%). After 15+9 months of ERT, spirometry measurements were recorded in 15 patients. Decline in FEV1 was -2+5% of predicted. (p40.05, measured by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Median change in DLCO was -10% of predicted (-40 to +25%, p40.05). High resolution computed tomography scans demonstrated a moderate thickening of the bronchial wall in affected individuals, without evidence of emphysema. Conclusion: We conclude that Fabry disease can be complicated by significant airway obstruction, particularly in patients in the advanced stages of the disease, and that in the period studied, ERT had no demonstrable impact on pulmonary function.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) reduces death and morbidity compared with open surgical repair for descending thoracic aortic disease. BACKGROUND: The role of TEVAR versus open surgery remains unclear. Metaregression can be used to maximally inform adoption of new technologies by utilizing evidence from existing trials. METHODS: Data from comparative studies of TEVAR versus open repair of the descending aorta were combined through meta-analysis. Metaregression was performed to account for baseline risk factor imbalances, study design, and thoracic pathology. Due to significant heterogeneity, registry data were analyzed separately from comparative studies. RESULTS: Forty-two nonrandomized studies involving 5,888 patients were included (38 comparative studies, 4 registries). Patient characteristics were balanced except for age, as TEVAR patients were usually older than open surgery patients (p = 0.001). Registry data suggested overall perioperative complications were reduced. In comparative studies, all-cause mortality at 30 days (odds ratio [OR]: 0.44, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.33 to 0.59) and paraplegia (OR: 0.42, 95% CI: 0.28 to 0.63) were reduced for TEVAR versus open surgery. In addition, cardiac complications, transfusions, reoperation for bleeding, renal dysfunction, pneumonia, and length of stay were reduced. There was no significant difference in stroke, myocardial infarction, aortic reintervention, and mortality beyond 1 year. Metaregression to adjust for age imbalance, study design, and pathology did not materially change the results. CONCLUSIONS: Current data from nonrandomized studies suggest that TEVAR may reduce early death, paraplegia, renal insufficiency, transfusions, reoperation for bleeding, cardiac complications, pneumonia, and length of stay compared with open surgery. Sustained benefits on survival have not been proven.
Amyloidosis is defined as the extracellular deposition of proteins that have the capacity to form beta-pleated sheets and become insoluble. More than 17 types of amyloidosis have been described. Systemic light chain amyloid (AL) and AA amyloid (secondary to chronic inflammatory process) are by far the most frequent forms of amyloidosis. In these systemic forms, organs involved are the kidneys, the heart and the gastrointestinal tract in AL amyloidosis. The diagnostic can be established only by tissue biopsy. Treatment of primary amyloidosis (AL) aims at suppressing the responsible clone whereas treatment of secondary amyloidosis relies on controlling the underlying inflammatory process. Prognosis is globally poor and depends on the extend of organs involvement particularly cardiac and renal. The prognosis is even worse in patients requiring dialysis.
BACKGROUND: Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) therapy is effective in treating some Crohn's disease (CD) patients and protects mice from colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) administration. However, its mechanisms of action remain elusive. We hypothesized that GM-CSF affects intestinal mucosal repair. METHODS: DSS colitic mice were treated with daily pegylated GM-CSF or saline and clinical, histological, and inflammatory parameters were kinetically evaluated. Further, the role of bone marrow-derived cells in the impact of GM-CSF therapy on DSS colitis was addressed using cell transfers. RESULTS: GM-CSF therapy reduced clinical signs of colitis and the release of inflammatory mediators. GM-CSF therapy improved mucosal repair, with faster ulcer reepithelialization, accelerated hyperproliferative response of epithelial cells in ulcer-adjacent crypts, and lower colonoscopic ulceration scores in GM-CSF-administered mice relative to untreated mice. We observed that GM-CSF-induced promotion of mucosal repair is timely associated with a reduction in neutrophil numbers and increased accumulation of CD11b(+) monocytic cells in colon tissues. Importantly, transfer of splenic GM-CSF-induced CD11b(+) myeloid cells into DSS-exposed mice improved colitis, and lethally irradiated GM-CSF receptor-deficient mice reconstituted with wildtype bone marrow cells were protected from DSS-induced colitis upon GM-CSF therapy. Lastly, GM-CSF-induced CD11b(+) myeloid cells were shown to promote in vitro wound repair. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that GM-CSF-dependent stimulation of bone marrow-derived cells during DSS-induced colitis accelerates colonic tissue repair. These data provide a putative mechanism for the observed beneficial effects of GM-CSF therapy in Crohn's disease.
BACKGROUND: Bone graft substitute such as calcium sulfate are frequently used as carrier material for local antimicrobial therapy in orthopedic surgery. This study aimed to assess the systemic absorption and disposition of tobramycin in patients treated with a tobramycin-laden bone graft substitute (Osteoset® T). METHODS: Nine blood samples were taken from 12 patients over 10 days after Osteoset® T surgical implantation. Tobramycin concentration was measured by fluorescence polarization. Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using NONMEM to assess the average value and variability (CV) of pharmacokinetic parameters. Bioavailability (F) was assessed by equating clearance (CL) with creatinine clearance (Cockcroft CLCr). Based on the final model, simulations with various doses and renal function levels were performed. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01938417). RESULTS: The patients were 52 +/- 20 years old, their mean body weight was 73 +/- 17 kg and their mean CLCr was 119 +/- 55 mL/min. Either 10 g or 20 g Osteoset® T with 4% tobramycin sulfate was implanted in various sites. Concentration profiles remained low and consistent with absorption rate-limited first-order release, while showing important variability. With CL equated to CLCr, mean absorption rate constant (ka) was 0.06 h-1, F was 63% or 32% (CV 74%) for 10 and 20 g Osteoset® T respectively, and volume of distribution (V) was 16.6 L (CV 89%). Simulations predicted sustained high, potentially toxic concentrations with 10 g, 30 g and 50 g Osteoset® T for CLCr values below 10, 20 and 30 mL/min, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Osteoset® T does not raise toxicity concerns in subjects without significant renal failure. The risk/benefit ratio might turn unfavorable in case of severe renal failure, even after standard dose implantation.
Enzyme replacement therapy has recently been introduced to treat Fabry disease, a rare X-linked lysosomal storage disorder. The disease occurs due to deficient activity of alpha-galactosidase A, leading to progressive accumulation of globotriaosylceramide in multiple organs and tissues. Renal, cardiac and cerebrovascular manifestations of the disease result in premature death in both hemizygous males and heterozygous females. This paper outlines the clinical signs, symptoms and diagnosis of Fabry disease, and the development of the two available enzyme replacement therapies -- agalsidase alfa and agalsidase beta. Agalsidase alfa and agalsidase beta are produced in a human cell line and in Chinese hamster ovary cells, respectively, resulting in products with the same amino acid sequence as the native human enzyme, but with different patterns of glycosylation. Correct post-translational glycosylation is important in terms of the pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, clinical efficacy and tolerability of genetically engineered protein therapeutics. Differences in glycosylation, which may affect immunogenicity and mannose-6-phosphate receptor-mediated cellular internalisation of administered enzyme, possibly account for the differences in dosing, clinical effects and safety profiles reported for agalsidase alfa and agalsidase beta.
Many cell types are currently being studied as potential sources of cardiomyocytes for cell transplantation therapy to repair and regenerate damaged myocardium. The question remains as to which progenitor cell represents the best candidate. Bone marrow-derived cells and endothelial progenitor cells have been tested in clinical studies. These cells are safe, but their cardiogenic potential is controversial. The functional benefits observed are probably due to enhanced angiogenesis, reduced ventricular remodeling, or to cytokine-mediated effects that promote the survival of endogenous cells. Human embryonic stem cells represent an unlimited source of cardiomyocytes due to their great differentiation potential, but each step of differentiation must be tightly controlled due to the high risk of teratoma formation. These cells, however, confront ethical barriers and there is a risk of graft rejection. These last two problems can be avoided by using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), which can be autologously derived, but the high risk of teratoma formation remains. Cardiac progenitor cells have the advantage of being cardiac committed, but important questions remain unanswered, such as what is the best marker to identify and isolate these cells? To date the different markers used to identify adult cardiac progenitor cells also recognize progenitor cells that are outside the heart. Thus, it cannot be determined whether the cardiac progenitor cells identified in the adult heart represent resident cells present since fetal life or extracardiac cells that colonized the heart after cardiac injury. Developmental studies have identified markers of multipotent progenitors, but it is unknown whether these markers are specific for adult progenitors when expressed in the adult myocardium. Cardiac regeneration is dependent on the stability of the cells transplanted into the host myocardium and on the electromechanical coupling with the endogenous cells. Finally, the promotion of endogenous regenerative processes by mobilizing endogenous progenitors represents a complementary approach to cell transplantation therapy.