905 resultados para Refus vaccinal parental


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Background: Portugal is among the European countriesmost severely hit by the economic recession and the fifth with the highest unemployment rate. Given that adolescents' development is highly influenced by their living contexts, monitoring the repercussions of the economic recession is essential for the evaluation and improvement of their current and future public health. Objective: To investigate youth perceived repercussions of the economic recession, its association with life satisfaction, as well as to assess differences across parental employment status and family perceived wealth. Methods: Data were drawn from the Portuguese 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged children survey, aWHO collaborative cross-national study, with a nationally representative sample of 2748 students (Mage = 14.7 years ± 1.2; 48% boys). Descriptive statistics and linear regression models were performed. Results: Levels of life satisfaction are lower when young people perceive that the economic recession generated negative lifestyle changes. Having unemployed parents was found to be significantly associated with perceiving such repercussions and family wealth to decrease the perception of repercussions of the recession. Conclusions: Findings enhance our understanding of how Portuguese youth are being affected by the socioeconomic conditions surrounding them. Such information contributes to improve future research and also allow some considerations about the policies aimed at protecting young people'swellbeing during a period of high unemployment and socioeconomic downturn.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário


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Abstract While Europe is slowly recovering from the economic recession, its effects on labour markets are still visible. The number of jobless families has increased and previous research has shown that unemployment can affect the wellbeing of both parents and their children. In this study we explored the links between parental unemployment and youth life satisfaction by considering the potential moderating roles played by satisfaction with family life and perceived family wealth. We used descriptive statistics, correlations, simple moderation and moderated moderation models of regression on data from a representative sample of 3937 Portuguese students (Mage = 13.9 years; SD ± 1.7; 48 % boys). Results showed that the negative effects of parental unemployment on youth life satisfaction were moderated by youth perceived satisfaction with family life but not by perceived wealth. This suggested that during family unemployment, young people satisfied with their family life are less vulnerable to the negative effects of parental unemployment on their life satisfaction. The relationship between parental unemployment and youth well-being requires further research, especially during periods of labour market crisis.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional


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Student involvement in the school and the perception of parental support are core variables in the context of studies on personal and school adjustment of children and adolescents and should be considered in the context of socio-educational intervention. In this study, we formulated the following objectives: i) to understand the differences in students’ involvement in school and the perception of parental support, according to several socio- demographic and school variables, ii) to analyse the relationship between involvement and the perception of parental support iii) to outline socio-educational intervention strategies in the contexts of children’s lives. This is a non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional study by means of a non-probabilistic convenience sample consisting of 150 children, aged between 10 and 16 years, attending the 2nd and 3rd cycles basic education [5th – 9th years of schooling] attending a school in the central region of Portugal. The data collection instruments were “Students’ Engagement in School: a Four-Dimensional Scale – SES-4DS” (Veiga 2013, 2016), the “Perceived Parental Support Scale” (Veiga, 2011) and a part with socio-demographic and school questions was added. We found significant differences in overall (and partial) amounts of student involvement and the perception of parental support, depending on the age, gender (in agency and behaviour subscales), school difficulties/retentions and methods of study (time, a place to study and a study schedule). We also found positive and significant relationships between student involvement and perception of parental support. The results are in line with the scientific literature in the field, which highlights the key role of the variables, student involvement and perception of parental support in the academic and psychosocial adjustment of young people. These should be considered in the context of socio-educational intervention. Given the above, we present areas and action strategies promoting parent and student involvement in the educational process.


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Research into families of children and young people with disability maintain that parents or caregivers seem to experience higher levels of global stress than parents of children without disabilities, thereby presenting a high risk of developing disorders in their health and quality of life. The aim of this study is to understand the differences in parental stress and social support among groups of parents whose children have different disabilities in the context of parental adjustment to disability. Considering that adjustment is related to the effectiveness with which the family uses its resources and the support of their social network, we intend to analyse the differences of stress and social support among groups of parents of children with different problems and to clarify the relationships between the variables under study in order to adapt family intervention strategies. For this purpose a comparative, descriptive-correlational study was undertaken. The convenience sample included 152 parents of children with different disabilities (82 with intellectual disability, 37 with motor problems and 33 with autism) supported by schools and institutions in Viseu. The instruments used were: a Portuguese version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995), the Social Support Questionnaire – short version (Pinheiro & Ferreira, 2001) and a Parental Questionnaire (demographic and family data). Data were collected in schools and institutions that support people with disabilities, located in the Municipality of Viseu (Portugal). The results revealed significant differences between groups of parents in the partial results of parental stress, specifically in the Hyperactivity/Distract (DI), Acceptability (AC) and Adaptability (AD), dimensions of the Child Domain subscale (CD stress) and the Role Restriction (RO), dimension of Parent Domain subscale (PD stress). With regard to social support dimensions, we found significant differences between parents in the extent and availability of the social support network (SSQN).


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Introduction: Resilience is a core variable in the context of studies on the psychosocial adjustment and school children and teenagers, and should be considered in the context of strategies to promote their well- being and quality of life. Objectives: To know the relationship between resilience, parental support and some sociodemographic variables; outline socio-educational intervention strategies in contexts of children’s lives. Methods: This is a non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional study, having used a non- probabilistic convenience sample consisting of 150 children, aged between 10 and 16 years old, attending the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Basic Education. The gathering instruments were the Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Inventory Measuring State and Child Resilience (Martins, 2005) and Perception Parental Support Scale (Veiga, 2011). Results: Results show that there are signiicant differences in the values of the current, past and overall resilience, between the age groups children, revealing that children aged between 10 and 11 years have higher results in resilience than young people aged between 14 and 16 years. We also observed signiicant differences in the current resilience, depending on the parents’ marital status (higher when parents are married). We also observed positive and signiicant correlations between resilience and perception of parental support. Conclusions: Results are in line with the scientiic literature in the ield that highlights the key role of resilience in school and psychosocial adjustment of children, and should be considered within the design of socio-educational intervention strategies. Keywords: Resilience. Parental support. Attachment


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The purpose of this research is to examine the utility of a theoretical model to predict parental involvement activities in children’s sport. Participants included 486 parents of young athletes of various sports, subdivided in two studies (n1 = 206, n2 = 280). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) conducted in Study 1 supported the proposed measurement model. All factors also show reliability, convergent and discriminant validity. In the Study 2, a structural equation model demonstrated that the parental role beliefs, parental self-efficacy, perceptions of child invitations, selfperceived time and energy, and knowledge and skills predicted parents’ home-based involvement. Perceptions of coach invitations were a significant negative predictor. These same constructs, with the exception of perceptions of knowledge and skills and perceptions of coach invitations, predicted parents’ club-based involvement. Multi-group analysis demonstrated the invariance of the model. Findings suggest that this model offers a useful framework to understand parents’ home and clubbased involvement.


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Au Québec, comme partout dans les pays développés, le vieillissement de la population oblige à repenser les méthodes d’intervention (Couturier et al., 2013). De plus, vieillir chez soi en conservant la meilleure qualité de vie possible est un souhait cher à la majorité des personnes aînées (Mauriat et al., 2009). Pour prendre en considération ce souhait, malgré la complexité de la situation biopsychosociale de plusieurs, le système de santé et de services sociaux offre un service de soutien à domicile dans lequel des coordonnateurs dédiés (ex. : gestionnaires de cas, travailleuses sociales pivots) coordonnent les différents services requis afin de répondre aux besoins des personnes vivant à domicile avec une autonomie fonctionnelle diminuée (Couturier et al., 2013). Plusieurs personnes aînées en situation biopsychosociale complexe refusent les services offerts (Corvol et al., 2012). Ce refus peut aller de la simple décision de ne pas prendre sa médication ou de ne pas accepter l’aide à la toilette à celle de refuser l’aide alimentaire ou des soins et services essentiels, et, ce faisant, d’encourir d’importants risques quant à leur sécurité, voire leur survie (Balard et Somme, 2011). Au Québec, sauf dans les cas d’exception prévus par la loi, la liberté de consentir ou non à des soins est un droit reconnu à chaque personne, consacrant ainsi les principes d’intégrité et d’inviolabilité de la personne (gouvernement du Québec, n.d.). Le cadre professionnel des travailleuses sociales, via leur formation et les lignes directrices de l’Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ), favorise également l’autonomie de la personne à travers des approches visant l’empowerment. Cependant, les mêmes cadres leur donnent également un rôle central à jouer lorsqu’il est question de reconnaître l’inaptitude des personnes à décider pour elles-mêmes, notamment à travers l’acte d’évaluation psychosociale dans un tel contexte. Plus largement, la société donne plus ou moins formellement un mandat de protection des personnes vulnérables aux travailleuses sociales. Ce mandat de protection est au cœur de leur métier, mais il ne fait pas l’objet d’une reconnaissance légale forte, comme c’est le cas pour l’objet aptitude/inaptitude. Pour la réalisation de ce mémoire, 10 entretiens semi-directifs furent menés auprès de travailleuses sociales en soutien à domicile afin de nous permettre de comprendre comment les travailleuses sociales prennent en compte le refus de services des personnes aînées. Pour ce faire, nous répondons à quatre objectifs. Premièrement, nous dégageons le sens qu’accordent les travailleuses sociales au refus de services et la façon dont elles le reçoivent. Deuxièmement, nous décrivons les stratégies d’adaptation au refus des travailleuses sociales. Troisièmement, nous tentons de comprendre les liens entre le sens donné au refus de services et les stratégies d’adaptation des travailleuses sociales. Finalement, nous explorons comment les relations de pouvoir expliquent en partie ces adaptations. Cette recherche nous a permis de montrer que dans de nombreux cas, les stratégies impliquant une prise de pouvoir lors de situations de refus n’étaient pas légitimées par une volonté de faire vivre la personne le plus longtemps possible en la protégeant, mais plutôt par le discours valorisant son autonomie. Nous croyons que ce discours, en constante évolution, pourrait prendre de plus en plus de place dans les prochaines années et qu’en conséquence, si nous souhaitons que les modèles de prise de décision partagée (par exemple l’usager-partenaire) soient appliqués de la bonne façon, il est essentiel d’outiller les travailleuses sociales pour éviter que les personnes résistant au discours de l’autonomie soient perçues comme de mauvais usagers.


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Tornar-se pai e mãe é uma das tarefas mais importantes do ciclo vital, e um dos papéis mais desafiadores na vida de uma mulher/homem. A transição para a Parentalidade, exige diferentes adaptações, para que haja eficácia no desempenho do papel parental. Promover programas de intervenção parental possibilita potenciar que os desafios sejam encarados de forma positiva e simultaneamente promover o empowerment da mãe/pai.


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Tornar-se pai e mãe é uma das tarefas mais importantes do ciclo vital, e um dos papéis mais desafiadores na vida de uma mulher/homem. A transição para a Parentalidade, exige diferentes adaptações, para que haja eficácia no desempenho do papel parental. Promover programas de intervenção parental possibilita potenciar que os desafios sejam encarados de forma positiva e simultaneamente promover o empowerment da mãe/pai.


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This study tested a prediction model of suicidality in a sample of young adults. Predictor variables included perceived parental rejection, self-criticism, neediness, and depression. Participants (N 5 165) responded to the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire,theInventoryforAssessingMemoriesofParentalRearingBehavior, theCenterforEpidemiologicalStudiesDepressionScale,andtheSuicideBehaviors Questionnaire—Revised. Perceived parental rejection, personality, and depression wereassessedinitiallyatTime1,anddepressionagainandsuicidalitywereassessed 5 months later at Time 2. The proposed structural equation model fit the observed data well in a sample of young adults. Parental rejection demonstrated direct and indirect relationships with suicidality, and self-criticism and neediness each had indirect associations with suicidality. Depression was directly related to suicidality. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.


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A presente investigação visa apurar se existem esquemas parentais (EPs) ou mal-adaptativos precoces (EMPs) que predisponham à escolha, por parte de mulheres vítimas de violência na intimidade, de parceiros potencialmente agressores. Adicionalmente pretende identificar como se manifesta a vitimação com os tipos de relacionamento amoroso de reparação narcísica. O estudo, de cariz quantitativo, recorre a três instrumentos (QEP, QE e ITRA) preenchidos por 27 mulheres com idades compreendidas entre os 23- 67 anos, das quais 10 sofreram algum tipo de violência numa relação de intimidade. Este estudo concluiu que existem EPs e EMPs que parecem predispor à escolha de parceiros amorosos abusivos. Estas escolhas amorosas parecem estar relacionadas com a tendência para enveredar por tipos de relacionamento amoroso mais patológico, nomeadamente, os tipos evitante-desnarcisante e eufórico-idealizante. Posto isto, criou-se um modelo que caracteriza vítimas e não-vítimas de violência nas relações de intimidade com uma precisão de 96,3% com base nos resultados dos instrumentos anteriores; When sorrow replaces love Violence in intimate relationships: Randomness or effects of parental heritage? Abstract: This research aims at determining whether there are schemas originated by parenting styles (PSs) or early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) that predispose women, who were victims of violence in their intimate relationships, to choose abusive romantic partners. Additionally it intends to identify how victimization reveals itself through romantic relationship types that are due to repair the Self narcissistic vulnerabilities. This quantitative study relies on three instruments (PSQ, SQ, ITRA) filled by 27 women with ages between 23-67, 10 of which were victims of violence in their intimate relationships. This study concludes that there are PSs and EMSs that seem to predispose to the choice of abusive romantic partners. These romantic choices seem to be related with the predisposition to more pathological romantic relationship types, namely, the avoidant-devaluate and euphoricidealizing types. Following this, a model was created to characterize individuals as victims or non-victims of violence in their intimate relationships with a precision of 96.3%, based on the results of the instruments above.


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The cultivation of hybrid rice is a technology that allows for an increase in grain yield of 30% relative to the grain yield of conventional cultivars. However, the main challenge for this technology is related to seed production, which has high production costs and low seed yields. Therefore, agronomic techniques that could enhance flowering synchrony of parental lines in the field are essential for an efficient production system of hybrid rice seeds. The objective of this work was to study the effects of sowing depth, plant density and fertilization with nitrogen or phosphorus as potential techniques to increase the pollen availability in the field and, consequently, the flowering synchrony between parental lines in the production of hybrid rice seeds. The experiments were conducted during two growing seasons in the Central Region of Brazil. All of the experiments were conducted as a randomized complete block in a split plot scheme; however, the experiment with P fertilization had a factorial design. Our research allow inferring that nitrogen fertilization technique applied to the soil or foliar at the time of panicle differentiation does not affect the time of onset of flowering of rice varieties INTA Puitá CL and L106R, which are potential R lines for the production of hybrid rice. Agronomic techniques of variation in sowing depth, seeding rate and the phosphate fertilization affect the time of onset of flowering from 10 to 19 degree-days, which could represent two days in the crop cycle, for the line L106R. Such techniques constitute potential alternatives for use in hybrid rice seed production systems and could be applied in alternated blocks of R lines in the field to obtain longer periods of pollen availability in the field.