940 resultados para Recurrent infections
L'endocardite infectieuse (EI) est une maladie potentiellement mortelle qui doit être prévenue dans toute la mesure du possible. Au cours de ces dernières 50 années, les recommandations Américaines et Européennes pour la prophylaxie de PEI proposaient aux patients à risques de prendre un antibiotique, préventif avant de subir une intervention médico-chirurgicale susceptible d'induire une bactériémie transitoire. Cependant, des études épidémiologiques récentes ont montré que la plupart des EI survenaient en dehors de tous actes médico-chirurgicaux, et indépendamment de la prise ou non de prophylaxie antibiotique . L'EI pourrait donc survenir suite à la cumulation de bactériémies spontanées de faibles intensités, associées à des activités de la vie courante telle que le brossage dentaire pour le streptocoques, ou à partir de tissus colonisés ou de cathéters infectés pour les staphylocoques. En conséquence, les recommandations internationales pour la prophylaxie de PEI ont été revues et proposent une diminution drastique de l'utilisation d'antibiotiques. Cependant, le risque d'EI représenté par le cumul de bactériémies de faibles intensités n'a pas été démontré expérimentalement. Nous avons développé un nouveau modèle d'EI expérimentale induite par une inoculation en continu d'une faible quantité de bactéries, simulant le cumul de bactériémies de faibles intensités chez l'homme, et comparé l'infection de Streptococcus gordonii et de Staphylococcus aureus dans ce modèle avec celle du modèle d'IE induite par une bactériémie brève, mais de forte intensité. Nous avons démontré, après injection d'une quantité égale de bactéries, que le nombre de végétations infectées était similaire dans les deux types d'inoculations. Ces résultats expérimentaux ont confirmé l'hypothèse qu'une exposition cumulée à des bactériémies de faibles intensités, en dehors d'une procédure médico-chirurgicale, représentait un risque pour le développement d'une El, comme le suggéraient les études épidémiologiques. En plus, ces résultats ont validé les nouvelles recommandations pour la prophylaxie de l'El, limitant drastiquement l'utilisation d'antibiotiques. Cependant, ces nouvelles recommandations laissent une grande partie (> 90%) de cas potentiels d'EI sans alternatives de préventions, et des nouvelles stratégies prophylactiques doivent être investiguées. Le nouveau modèle d'EI expérimentale représente un modèle réaliste pour étudier des nouvelles mesures prophylactiques potentielles appliquées à des expositions cumulées de bactériémies de faible nombre. Dans un contexte de bactériémies spontanées répétitives, les antibiotiques ne peuvent pas résoudre le problème de la prévention de l'EI. Nous avons donc étudié la une alternative de prévention par l'utilisation d'agents antiplaquettaires. La logique derrière cette approche était basée sur le fait que les plaquettes sont des composants clés dans la formation des végétations cardiaques, et le fait que les bactéries capables d'interagir avec les plaquettes sont plus enclines à induire une El. Les agents antiplaquettaires utilisés ont été l'aspirine (inhibiteur du COX1), la ticlopidine (inhibiteur du P2Y12, le récepteur de l'ADP), et l'eptifibatide et Pabciximab, deux inhibiteurs du GPIIb/IIIa, le récepteur plaquettaire pour le fibrinogène. Les anticoagulants étaient le dabigatran etexilate, inhibant lathrombine et l'acenocumarol, un antagoniste de la vitamine K. L'aspirine, la ticlopidine ou l'eptifibatide seuls n'ont pas permis de prévenir l'infection valvulaire (> 75% animaux infectés). En revanche, la combinaison d'aspirine et de ticlopidine, aussi bien que l'abciximab, ont protégé 45% - 88% des animaux de l'EI par S. gordonii et par S. aureus. L'antithrombotique dabigatran etexilate à protégé 75% des rats contre l'EI par S. aureus, mais pas (< 30% de protection) par S. gordonii. L'acenocoumarol n'a pas eu d'effet sur aucun des deux organismes. En général, ces résultats suggèrent un possible rôle pour les antiplaquettaires et du dabigatran etexilate dans la prophylaxie de l'EI dans un contexte de bactériémies récurrentes de faibles intensités. Cependant, l'effet bénéfique des antiplaquettaires doit être soupesé avec le risque d'hémorragie inhérent à ces molécules, et le fait que les plaquettes jouent un important rôle dans les défenses de l'hôte contre les infections endovasculaires. En plus, le double effet bénéfique du dabigatran etexilate devrait être revu chez les patients porteurs de valves prothétiques, qui ont besoin d'une anticoagulation à vie, et chez lesquels l'EI à S. aureus est associée avec une mortalité de près de 50%. Comme l'approche avec des antiplaquettaires et des antithrombotiques pourrait avoir des limites, une autre stratégie prophylactique pourrait être la vaccination contre des adhésines de surfaces des pathogènes. Chez S. aureus, la protéine de liaison au fibrinogène, ou dumping factor A (ClfA), et la protéine de liaison à la fibronectine (FnbpA) sont des facteurs de virulence nécessaires à l'initiation et l'évolution de PEI. Elles représentent donc des cibles potentielles pour le développement de vaccins contre cette infection. Récemment, des nombreuses publications ont décrit que la bactérie Lactococcus lactis pouvait être utilisée comme vecteur pour la diffusion d'antigènes bactériens in vivo, et que cette approche pourrait être une stratégie de vaccination contre les infections bactériennes. Nous avons exploré l'effet de l'immunisation par des recombinant de L. lactis exprimant le ClfA, la FnbpA, ou le ClfA ensemble avec et une forme tronquée de la FnbpA (Fnbp, comprenant seulement le domaine de liaison à la fibronectine mais sans le domaine A de liaison au fibrinogène [L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp]), dans la prophylaxie de PIE expérimentale à S. aureus. L. lactis ClfA a été utilisés comme agent d'immunisation contre la souche S. aureus Newman (qui a particularité de n'exprimer que le ClfA, mais pas la FnbpA). L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, et L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp, ont été utilisé comme agents d'immunisation contre une souche isolée d'une IE, S. aureus P8 (exprimant ClfA et FnbpA). L'immunisation avec L. lactis ClfA a généré des anticorps anti-ClfA fonctionnels, capables de bloquer la liaison de S. aureus Newman au fibrinogène in vitro et protéger 13/19 (69%) animaux d'une El due à S. aureus Newman (P < 0.05 comparée aux contrôles). L'immunisation avec L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, ou L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp, a généré des anticorps contre chacun de ces antigènes. Cependant, ils n'ont pas permis de bloquer l'adhésion de S. aureus P8 au fibrinogène et à la fibronectine in vitro. De plus, l'immunisation avec L. lactis ClfA ou L. lactis FnbpA s'est avérée inefficace in vivo (< 10% d'animaux protégés d'une El) et l'immunisation avec L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp a fourni une protection limitée de l'EI (8/23 animaux protégés; P < 0.05 comparée aux contrôles) après inoculation avec S. aureus P8. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats indiquent que L. lactis est un système efficace pour la présentation d'antigènes in vivo et potentiellement utile pour la prévention de PEI à S. aureus. Cependant, le répertoire de protéines de surface de S. aureus capable d'évoquer une panoplie d'anticorps efficace reste à déterminer.. En résumé, notre étude a démontré expérimentalement, pour la première fois, qu'une bactériémie répétée de faible intensité, simulant la bactériémie ayant lieu, par exemple, lors des activités de la vie quotidienne, est induire un taux d'EI expérimentale similaire à celle induite par une bactériémie de haute intensité suite à une intervention médicale. Dans ce contexte, où l'utilisation d'antibiotiques est pas raisonnable, nous avons aussi montré que d'autres mesures prophylactiques, comme l'utilisation d'agents antiplaquettaires ou antithrombotiques, ou la vaccination utilisant L. lactis comme vecteur d'antigènes bactériens, sont des alternatives prometteuses qui méritent d'être étudiées plus avant. Thesis Summary Infective endocarditis (IE) is a life-threatening disease that should be prevented whenever possible. Over the last 50 years, guidelines for IE prophylaxis proposed the use of antibiotics in patients undergoing dental or medico-surgical procedures that might induce high, but transient bacteremia. However, recent epidemiological studies indicate that IE occurs independently of medico-surgical procedures and the fact that patients had taken antibiotic prophylaxis or not, i.e., by cumulative exposure to random low-grade bacteremia, associated with daily activities (e.g. tooth brushing) in the case of oral streptococci, or with a colonized site or infected device in the case of staphylococci. Accordingly, the most recent American and European guidelines for IE prophylaxis were revisited and updated to drastically restrain antibiotic use. Nevertheless, the relative risk of IE represented by such cumulative low-grade bacteremia had never been demonstrated experimentally. We developed a new model of experimental IE due to continuous inoculation of low-grade bacteremia, mimicking repeated low-grade bacteremia in humans, and compared the infectivity of Streptococcus gordonii and Staphylococcus aureus in this model to that in the model producing brief, high-level bacteremia. We demonstrated that, after injection of identical bacterial numbers, the rate of infected vegetations was similar in both types of challenge. These experimental results support the hypothesis that cumulative exposure to low-grade bacteremia, outside the context of procedure-related bacteremia, represents a genuine risk of IE, as suggested by human epidemiological studies. In addition, they validate the newer guidelines for IE prophylaxis, which drastic limit the procedures in which antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated. Nevertheless, these refreshed guidelines leave the vast majority (> 90%) of potential IE cases without alternative propositions of prevention, and novel strategies must be considered to propose effective alternative and "global" measures to prevent IE initiation. The more realistic experimental model of IE induced by low-grade bacteremia provides an accurate experimental setting to study new preventive measures applying to cumulative exposure to low bacterial numbers. Since in a context of spontaneous low-grade bacteremia antibiotics are unlikely to solve the problem of IE prevention, we addressed the role of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents for the prophylaxis of experimental IE induced by S. gordonii and S. aureus. The logic of this approach was based on the fact that platelets are key players in vegetation formation and vegetation enlargement, and on the fact that bacteria capable of interacting with platelets are more prone to induce IE. Antiplatelet agents included the COX1 inhibitor aspirin, the inhibitor of the ADP receptor P2Y12 ticlopidine, and two inhibitors of the platelet fibrinogen receptor GPIIb/IIIa, eptifibatide and abciximab. Anticoagulants included the thrombin inhibitor dabigatran etexilate and the vitamin K antagonist acenocoumarol. Aspirin, ticlopidine or eptifibatide alone failed to prevent aortic infection (> 75% infected animals). In contrast, the combination of aspirin with ticlopidine, as well as abciximab, protected 45% to 88% of animals against IE due to S. gordonii and S. aureus. The antithrombin dabigatran etexilate protected 75% of rats against IE due to S. aureus, but failed (< 30% protection) against S. gordonii. Acenocoumarol had no effect against any bacteria. Overall, these results suggest a possible role for antiplatelet agents and dabigatran etexilate in the prophylaxis of IE in humans in a context of recurrent low- grade bacteremia. However, the potential beneficial effect of antiplatelet agents should be balanced against the risk of bleeding and the fact that platelets play an important role in the host defenses against intravascular infections. In addition, the potential dual benefit of dabigatran etexilate might be revisited in patients with prosthetic valves, who require life-long anticoagulation and in whom S. aureus IE is associated with high mortality rate. Because the antiplatelet and anticoagulant approach might be limited in the context of S. aureus bacteremia, other prophylactic strategies for the prevention of S. aureus IE, like vaccination with anti-adhesion proteins was tested. The S. aureus surface proteins fibrinogen-binding protein clumping-factor A (ClfA) and the fibronectin-binding protein A (FnbpA) are critical virulence factors for the initiation and development of IE. Thus, they represent key targets for vaccine development against this disease. Recently, numerous reports have described that the harmless bacteria Lactococcus lactis can be used as a bacterial vector for the efficient delivery of antigens in vivo, and that this approach is a promising vaccination strategy against bacterial infections. We therefore explored the immunization capacity of non- living recombinant L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, or L. lactis expressing ClfA together with Fnbp (a truncated form of FnbpA with only the fibronectin-binding domain but lacking the fibrinogen-binding domain A [L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp]), to protect against S. aureus experimental IE. L. lactis ClfA was used as immunization agent against the laboratory strain S. aureus Newman (expressing ClfA, but lacking FnbpA). L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA, as well as L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp, were used as immunization agents against the endocarditis isolate S. aureus P8 (expressing both ClfA and FnbpA). Immunization with L. lactis ClfA produced anti-ClfA functional antibodies, which were able to block the binding of S. aureus Newman to fibrinogen in vitro and protect 13/19 (69%) animals from IE due to S. aureus Newman (P < 0.05 compared to controls). Immunization with L. lactis ClfA, L. lactis FnbpA or L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp, produced antibodies against each antigen. However, they were not sufficient to block S. aureus P8 binding to fibrinogen and fibronectin in vitro. Moreover, immunization with L. lactis ClfA or L. lactis FnbpA was ineffective (< 10% protected animals) and immunization with L. lactis ClfA/Fnbp conferred limited protection from IE (8/23 protected animals; P < 0.05 compared to controls) after challenge with S. aureus P8. Together, these results indicate that L. lactis is an efficient delivering antigen system potentially useful for preventing S. aureus IE. They also demonstrate that expressing multiple antigens in L. lactis, yet to be elucidated, will be necessary to prevent IE due to clinical S. aureus strains fully equipped with virulence determinants. In summary, our study has demonstrated experimentally, for the first time, the hypothesis that low-grade bacteremia, mimicking bacteremia occurring outside of a clinical intervention, is equally prone to induce experimental IE as high-grade bacteremia following medico-surgical procedures. In this context, where the use of antibiotics for the prophylaxis of IE is limited, we showed that other prophylactic measures, like the use of antiplatelets, anticoagulants, or vaccination employing L. lactis as delivery vector of bacterial antigens, are reasonable alternatives that warrant to be further investigated.
The quality of the diagnostic process of urinary tract infections: from the indication to the result
BACKGROUND: Invasive fungal diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality. Clarity and uniformity in defining these infections are important factors in improving the quality of clinical studies. A standard set of definitions strengthens the consistency and reproducibility of such studies. METHODS: After the introduction of the original European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) Consensus Group definitions, advances in diagnostic technology and the recognition of areas in need of improvement led to a revision of this document. The revision process started with a meeting of participants in 2003, to decide on the process and to draft the proposal. This was followed by several rounds of consultation until a final draft was approved in 2005. This was made available for 6 months to allow public comment, and then the manuscript was prepared and approved. RESULTS: The revised definitions retain the original classifications of "proven," "probable," and "possible" invasive fungal disease, but the definition of "probable" has been expanded, whereas the scope of the category "possible" has been diminished. The category of proven invasive fungal disease can apply to any patient, regardless of whether the patient is immunocompromised, whereas the probable and possible categories are proposed for immunocompromised patients only. CONCLUSIONS: These revised definitions of invasive fungal disease are intended to advance clinical and epidemiological research and may serve as a useful model for defining other infections in high-risk patients.
Les progrès continus des connaissances réalisés dans le domaine de l'oncohématologie depuis quelques décennies ont permis une amélioration considérable du pronostic de la plupart des formes de cancer. Toutefois, la morbidité et la mortalité attribuables aux infections apparaissent actuellement comme les principaux facteurs limitant l'agressivité des traitements de la maladie cancéreuse, et un meilleur contrôle de ces dernières est devenu l'un des éléments essentiels de la prise en charge de ce type de patients. Une recherche clinique intense a permis d'en identifier les grands principes qui sont exposés dans cet article. Un algorithme thérapeutique susceptible de guider le clinicien face au développement d'un état fébrile, toujours suspect d'infection chez le patient cancéreux neutropénique, est ensuite proposé.
In a multicentre, open, randomised study, the efficacy and tolerability of intravenous meropenem (1 g every 8 h, infusion or bolus) was compared with that of intravenous imipenem/cilastatin (1 g every 8 h, infusion) in 232 hospitalised patients with moderate to severe intra-abdominal infections. At the end of therapy, a satisfactory clinical response (cure or improvement) was seen in 79/82 (96%) evaluable meropenem patients and 83/88 (94%) imipenem/cilastatin patients; this was still seen at follow-up (57/63; 90% and 58/66; 88%, respectively). A satisfactory bacteriological response (elimination or presumed elimination) was seen in 69/82 (84%) meropenem patients and 71/88 (81%) imipenem/cilastatin patients at the end of therapy and in 52/62 (84%) and 55/70 (79%), respectively, at follow-up, There was a high level of clinical cure or improvement(95% for both treatment groups) in the 120 patients (60 in each group) who had polymicrobial infections. <p>A similar incidence of adverse events was seen in each group: 45/116 patients in the meropenem group (72 events) and 42/116 patients in the imipenem/cilastatin group (65 events); the adverse event profiles were also similar, with injection site inflammation and elevated transaminases the most frequent in both groups. The results of this study indicate that monotherapy with meropenem was as effective and as well tolerated as the combination of imipenem/cilastatin in the treatment of moderate to severe intra-abdominal infections.
The concept of nosocomial infections (or healthcare-related infections) applies to the outpatients clinics. However, data are scarce and imprecise in this setting compared with hospitals. The choice of preventive measures is therefore difficult. A lower risk in the outpatient facilities does not justify the complete implementation of hospital precautions. The latter can nevertheless be adapted since infection may be acquired during an ambulatory consultation through the same mechanisms as in hospitals. We propose a preventive strategy derived from standard precautions to be applied in every case, transmission-based precautions that are more rarely needed, and asepsis in case of invasive procedure.
Rapport de synthèse : But: comparer les taux d'infections du site chirurgical (ISC) en fonction de la voie d'abord, ouverte ou laparoscopique, pour 3 procédures : l'appendicectomie, la cholécystectomie et la colectomie. Evaluer l'effet de la laparoscopie sur l'ISC pour ces trois interventions. Contexte : la laparoscopie est associée à de nombreux avantages par rapport à la chirurgie ouverte. Parmi ceux-ci, des taux inférieurs d'ISC ont été rapportés lors de laparoscopie. Ceci a été décrit en particulier lors de cholécystectomie. Mais des biais tels que le manque de suivi après la sortie de l'hôpital, et certains facteurs confondants, auraient pu contribuer à l'observation de différences entre ces deux techniques. Méthode : étude descriptive basée sur des données collectées entre mars 1998 et décembre 2004 de manière prospective dans le cadre d'un programme de surveillance des ISC dans 8 hôpitaux suisses. Ce programme comportait un suivi standardisé après le départ de l'hôpital. Les taux d'ISC ont été comparés après interventions faites par laparoscopie et chirurgie ouverte. Différents paramètres pouvant influencer la survenue d'une infection ont été identifiés en utilisant des modèles de régression logistiques. Résultats : les taux d'ISC après interventions par laparoscopie et par voie ouverte ont été respectivement de 59/1051 (5.6%) versus 117/1417 (8.3%) après appendicectomie (p = 0.01), 46/2606 (1.7%) versus 35/144 (7.9%) après cholécystectomie (p < 0.0001), et 35/311 (11.3%) versus 400/1781 (22.5%) après colectomie (p < 0,0001). Après ajustement, les interventions par laparoscopie étaient associées à un taux inférieur d'ISC : odds ratio = 0.61 (IC 95% : 0.43 - 0.87) pour l'appendicectomie, 0.27 (0.16 - 0.43) pour la cholécystectomie et 0.43 (0.29 - 0.63) pour la colectomie. Discussion et conclusion : bien que les patients aient quitté plus tôt l'hôpital après une intervention laparoscopique, leur suivi à un mois a été identique, ce qui a permis d'éviter une sous-estimation des ISC après chirurgie laparoscopique. De plus, l'analyse multivariée a inclus de nombreux facteurs potentiellement confondants, et l'utilisation de la laparoscopie était indépendamment et significativement liée à un effet protecteur à l'égard de l'ISC. La laparoscopie lors d'appendicectomie, cholécystectomie et colectomie semble diminuer le taux d'ISC en comparaison à la même chirurgie pratiquée par voie ouverte. Lorsqu'elle est faisable, cette voie d'abord minimalement invasive devrait être préférée à la chirurgie ouverte.
Routine screening of lung transplant recipients and hospital patients for respiratory virus infections allowed to identify human rhinovirus (HRV) in the upper and lower respiratory tracts, including immunocompromised hosts chronically infected with the same strain over weeks or months. Phylogenetic analysis of 144 HRV-positive samples showed no apparent correlation between a given viral genotype or species and their ability to invade the lower respiratory tract or lead to protracted infection. By contrast, protracted infections were found almost exclusively in immunocompromised patients, thus suggesting that host factors rather than the virus genotype modulate disease outcome, in particular the immune response. Complete genome sequencing of five chronic cases to study rhinovirus genome adaptation showed that the calculated mutation frequency was in the range observed during acute human infections. Analysis of mutation hot spot regions between specimens collected at different times or in different body sites revealed that non-synonymous changes were mostly concentrated in the viral capsid genes VP1, VP2 and VP3, independent of the HRV type. In an immunosuppressed lung transplant recipient infected with the same HRV strain for more than two years, both classical and ultra-deep sequencing of samples collected at different time points in the upper and lower respiratory tracts showed that these virus populations were phylogenetically indistinguishable over the course of infection, except for the last month. Specific signatures were found in the last two lower respiratory tract populations, including changes in the 5'UTR polypyrimidine tract and the VP2 immunogenic site 2. These results highlight for the first time the ability of a given rhinovirus to evolve in the course of a natural infection in immunocompromised patients and complement data obtained from previous experimental inoculation studies in immunocompetent volunteers.
The experimental and clinical values of amoxycillin/clavulanate in severe Staphylococcus aureus infections are reviewed. Experimentally, amoxycillin/clavulanate was highly effective in the treatment of acute endocarditis due to methicillin-sensitive isolates of S. aureus (MSSA) in rats. In addition, high doses of amoxycillin/clavulanate also cured experimental endocarditis due to methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus (MRSA) in the animal model. In the clinical setting, a review of 86 patients with either community- or hospital-acquired bacteraemia due to MSSA showed that intravenous treatment with amoxycillin/clavulanate was adequate for empirical (and apparently also long-term) therapy of such severe infections. However, the retrospective nature of the analysis did not allow assessment of the relative efficacy of amoxycillin/clavulanate as compared with standard anti-staphylococcal drugs, such as flucloxacillin or vancomycin. Further prospective studies are warranted to address this issue. Thus, amoxycillin/clavulanate appears to be a good candidate for empirical treatment of severe infections that may be caused by MSSA. Usage of amoxycillin/clavulanate against MRSA is, however, still experimental and is not currently advocated for the treatment of MRSA infections in humans.
INTRODUCTION: This is a single, level 1 trauma centre, prospective consecutive patient series with intramedullary infection in the presence of unstable tibial fracture treated using the Kirschner wire-reinforced, antibiotic cement nail. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 10 consecutive patients (eight males and two females) with a mean age of 42 years (range, 20-59) suffering from infection after intramedullary nailing for tibial fracture, admitted during a period of 4 years, were included. An antibiotic cement-coated nail, handmade at the time of surgery, was implanted in all patients. This was followed by a standardised 6-week treatment protocol, extraction of the nail and definitive fixation. RESULTS: At 6 years of follow-up, infection eradication and bony union were possible in all of the patients. No further infection treatment was necessary; however, all of our patients underwent additional procedures (mean: four additional procedures per patient) for cosmetic or other non-infectious reasons (bone grafting, muscle flaps, etc.). CONCLUSIONS: The antibiotic cement-coated nail seems to be an effective treatment for intramedullary infections of the fractured tibia.
Our objective was to describe the interventions aimed at preventing a recurrent hip fracture, and other injurious falls, which were provided during hospitalization for a first hip fracture and during the two following years. A secondary objective was to study some potential determinants of these preventive interventions. The design of the study was an observational, two-year follow-up of patients hospitalized for a first hip fracture at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland. The participants were 163 patients (median age 82 years, 83% women) hospitalized in 1991 for a first hip fracture, among 263 consecutively admitted patients (84 did not meet inclusion criteria, e.g., age>50, no cancer, no high energy trauma, and 16 refused to participate). Preventive interventions included: medical investigations performed during the first hospitalization and aimed at revealing modifiable pathologies that raise the risk of injurious falls; use of medications acting on the risk of falls and fractures; preventive recommendations given by medical staff; suppression of environmental hazards; and use of home assistance services. The information was obtained from a baseline questionnaire, the medical record filled during the index hospitalization, and an interview conducted 2 years after the fracture. Potential predictors of the use of preventive interventions were: age; gender; destination after discharge from hospital; comorbidity; cognitive functioning; and activities of daily living. Bi- and multivariate associations between the preventive interventions and the potential predictors were measured. In hospital investigations to rule out medical pathologies raising the risk of fracture were performed in only 20 patients (12%). Drugs raising the risk of falls were reduced in only 17 patients (16%). Preventive procedures not requiring active collaboration by the patient (e.g., modifications of the environment) were applied in 68 patients (42%), and home assistance was provided to 67 patients (85% of the patients living at home). Bivariate analyses indicated that prevention was less often provided to patients in poor general conditions, but no ascertainment of this association was found in multivariate analyses. In conclusion, this study indicates that, in the study setting, measures aimed at preventing recurrent falls and injuries were rarely provided to patients hospitalized for a first hip fracture at the time of the study. Tertiary prevention could be improved if a comprehensive geriatric assessment were systematically provided to the elderly patient hospitalized for a first hip fracture, and passive preventive measures implemented.
NovoTTF-100A (TTF) is a portable device delivering low-intensity, intermediate-frequency, alternating electric fields using noninvasive, disposable scalp electrodes. TTF interferes with tumor cell division, and it has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma (rGBM) based on data from a phase III trial. This presentation describes the updated survival data 2 years after completing recruitment. Adults with rGBM (KPS ≥ 70) were randomized (stratified by surgery and center) to either continuous TTF (20-24 h/day, 7 days/week) or efficacious chemotherapy based on best physician choice (BPC). The primary endpoint was overall survival (OS), and secondary endpoints were PFS6, 1-year survival, and QOL. Patients were randomized (28 US and European centers) to either TTF alone (n ¼ 120) or BPC (n ¼ 117). Patient characteristics were balanced, median age was 54 years (range, 23-80 years), and median KPS was 80 (range, 50-100). One quarter of the patients had debulking surgery, and over half of the patients were at their second or later recurrence. OS in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population was equivalent in TTF versus BPC patients (median OS, 6.6vs. 6.0 months; n ¼ 237; p ¼ 0.26; HR ¼ 0.86). With a median follow-up of 33.6 months, long-term survival in the TTF group was higher than that in the BPC group at 2, 3, and 4 years of follow-up (9.3% vs. 6.6%; 8.4% vs. 1.4%; 8.4% vs. 0.0%, respectively). Analysis of patients who received at least one treatment course demonstrated a survival benefit for TTF patients compared to BPC patients (median OS, 7.8 vs. 6.0 months; n ¼ 93 vs. n ¼ 117; p ¼ 0.012; HR ¼ 0.69). In this group, 1-year survival was 28% vs. 20%, and PFS6 was 26.2% vs. 15.2% (p ¼ 0.034). TTF, a noninvasive, novel cancer treatment modality shows significant therapeutic efficacy with promising long-term survival results. The impact of TTF was more pronounced when comparing only patients who received the minimal treatment course. A large-scale phase III trial in newly diagnosed GBM is ongoing.
BACKGROUND: Abiotrophia and Granulicatella species, previously referred to as nutritionally variant streptococci (NVS), are significant causative agents of endocarditis and bacteraemia. In this study, we reviewed the clinical manifestations of infections due to A. defectiva and Granulicatella species that occurred at our institution between 1998 and 2004. METHODS: The analysis included all strains of NVS that were isolated from blood cultures or vascular graft specimens. All strains were identified by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Patients' medical charts were reviewed for each case of infection. RESULTS: Eleven strains of NVS were isolated during the 6-year period. Identification of the strains by 16S rRNA showed 2 genogroups: Abiotrophia defectiva (3) and Granulicatella adiacens (6) or "para-adiacens" (2). The three A. defectiva strains were isolated from immunocompetent patients with endovascular infections, whereas 7 of 8 Granulicatella spp. strains were isolated from immunosuppressed patients, mainly febrile neutropenic patients. We report the first case of "G. para-adiacens" bacteraemia in the setting of febrile neutropenia. CONCLUSION: We propose that Granulicatella spp. be considered as a possible agent of bacteraemia in neutropenic patients.
Port-a-Cath© (PAC) are totally implantable devices that offer an easy and long term access to venous circulation. They have been extensively used for intravenous therapy administration and are particularly well suited for chemotherapy in oncologic patients. Previous comparative studies have shown that these devices have the lowest catheter-related bloodstream infection rates among all intravascular access systems. However, bloodstream infection (BSI) still remains a major issue of port use and epidemiology data for PAC-associated BSI (PABSI) rates differ strongly depending on studies. Also, current literature about PABSI risk factors is scarce and sometimes controversial. Such heterogeneity may depend on type of studied population and local factors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe local epidemiology and risk factors for PABSI in adult patients in our tertiary- care university hospital. We conducted a retrospective cohort study in order to describe local epidemiology. We also performed a nested case-control study to identify local risk factors of PABSI. We analyzed medical files of adult patients who had a PAC implanted between January 1st, 2008 and December 31st, 2009 and looked for PABSI occurrence before May 1st, 2011 to define cases. Thirty nine PABSI occurred in this population with an attack rate of 5.8%. We estimated an incidence rate of 0.08/1000 PAC-days using the case-control study. PABSI causative agents were mainly Gram positive cocci (62%). We identified three predictive factors of PABSI by multivariate statistical analysis: neutropenia on outcome date (Odds Ratio [OR]: 4.05; 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.05- 15.66; p=0.042), diabetes (OR: 11.53; 95% CI: 1.07-124.70; p=0.044) and having another infection than PABSI on outcome date (OR: 6.35; 95% CI: 1.50-26.86; p=0.012). Patients suffering from acute or renal failure (OR: 4.26; 95% CI: 0.94-19.21; p=0.059) or wearing another invasive device (OR: 2.99; 95%CI:0.96-9.31; p=0.059) did not have a statistically increased risk for developing a PABSI according to classical threshold (p<0.05) but nevertheless remained close to significance. Our study demonstrated that local epidemiology and microbiology of PABSI in our institution was similar to previous reports. A larger prospective study is required to confirm our results or to test preventive measures.