858 resultados para Reconhecimento de Faces
In the past, the accuracy of facial approximations has been assessed by resemblance ratings (i.e., the comparison of a facial approximation directly to a target individual) and recognition tests (e.g., the comparison of a facial approximation to a photo array of faces including foils and a target individual). Recently, several research studies have indicated that recognition tests hold major strengths in contrast to resemblance ratings. However, resemblance ratings remain popularly employed and/or are given weighting when judging facial approximations, thus indicating that no consensus has been reached. This study aims to further investigate the matter by comparing the results of resemblance ratings and recognition tests for two facial approximations which clearly differed in their morphological appearance. One facial approximation was constructed by an experienced practitioner privy to the appearance of the target individual (practitioner had direct access to an antemortem frontal photograph during face construction), while the other facial approximation was constructed by a novice under blind conditions. Both facial approximations, whilst clearly morphologically different, were given similar resemblance scores even though recognition test results produced vastly different results. One facial approximation was correctly recognized almost without exception while the other was not correctly recognized above chance rates. These results suggest that resemblance ratings are insensitive measures of the accuracy of facial approximations and lend further weight to the use of recognition tests in facial approximation assessment. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Because faces and bodies share some abstract perceptual features, we hypothesised that similar recognition processes might be used for both. We investigated whether similar caricature effects to those found in facial identity and expression recognition could be found in the recognition of individual bodies and socially meaningful body positions. Participants were trained to name four body positions (anger, fear, disgust, sadness) and four individuals (in a neutral position). We then tested their recognition of extremely caricatured, moderately caricatured, anticaricatured, and undistorted images of each stimulus. Consistent with caricature effects found in face recognition, moderately caricatured representations of individuals' bodies were recognised more accurately than undistorted and extremely caricatured representations. No significant difference was found between participants' recognition of extremely caricatured, moderately caricatured, or undistorted body position line-drawings. AU anti-caricatured representations were named significandy less accurately than the veridical stimuli. Similar mental representations may be used for both bodies and faces.
Este texto é resultado de uma pesquisa, do ponto de vista histórico e sociológico, sobre a política eclesiástica da Assembleia de Deus brasileira com respeito à formação teológico-pastoral. Buscou-se entender como se deu a mudança de postura da liderança assembleiana, que, de uma objeção inicial quanto à educação teológica formal, passou a reconhecê-la como requisito ao ministério pastoral. O marco cronológico que delimita o tema explica-se pelo fato de que, em 1943, ocorreram as primeiras discussões oficiais sobre o ensino teológico formal, ocasião em que a Assembleia de Deus rejeitou a criação dos seminários teológicos. A mudança ocorreu gradativamente, mediante uma série de acontecimentos, dentre eles, a diminuição de influência dos missionários suecos junto às Assembleias de Deus, a criação da Casa Publicadora, a chegada de missionários norte-americanos e à ascensão de pastores apoiadores de uma educação formal. Quarenta anos depois, em 1983, a Convenção Geral dos líderes assembleianos decidiu recomendar a qualificação teológica, como exigência ao ministério pastoral. A metodologia adotada foi de uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Visando um estudo explicativo, foi feito um levantamento de dados históricos a partir dos periódicos oficiais da AD, além de documentos que retratam o assunto proposto neste trabalho.
A sociedade é digital e vivencia as benesses, desafios e paradigmas dessa era. As mudanças estão aceleradas e o tempo de adaptação a elas mais curto a cada dia. As relações comunicativas do homem com as máquinas estão se alterando de maneira profunda, com destaque para a multiplicação de telas audiovisuais que permeiam a vida das pessoas, as quais hoje são assessoradas por meio de inúmeros Assistentes Digitais Pessoais (PDAs) e outros displays ubíquos que convergem de forma radical entre si. A profusão tecnológica e apropriação sensorial dos instrumentos contemporâneos são exemplos tangíveis disso. Com tal cenário em primeiro plano, nossa pesquisa propõe contextualizar, descrever e analisar as novas faces e interfaces da comunicação que se materializam nas atuais plataformas audiovisuais digitais, cada vez mais móveis, conectadas e velozes. Dessa forma, empreende-se uma pesquisa exploratória que se valerá prioritariamente de levantamento bibliográfico específico e análise de dados estatísticos. A pesquisa indicou que as múltiplas telas, de fato, estão modificando a dinâmica dos processos comunicativos, os quais precisam ser recompreendidos.
Perante a atual reforma da Contabilidade Pública em Portugal, foi aprovado, em setembro de 2015, o novo Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas (SNC-AP). Este trabalho tem por objetivos analisar o definido no POCAL e no SNC-AP quanto ao reconhecimento e à mensuração dos ativos fixos tangíveis (AFT). Este estudo permite concluir que o novo normativo evidencia um avanço face ao POCAL, definindo não só o conceito de ativo e de AFT, como também os critérios de reconhecimento que um elemento deve cumprir para que possa ser reconhecido como tal, permitindo assim uma maior consistência no reconhecimento destes elementos, por parte das diferentes entidades públicas. Por outro lado, no que respeita à mensuração, o SNC-AP segue de perto, com as devidas adaptações, os normativos internacionais, introduzindo dois momentos de mensuração dos AFT, e referindo o justo valor explicitamente enquanto critério de mensuração aplicável a situações concretas.
The aim of the present study was to establish if patients with major depression (MD) exhibit a memory bias for sad faces, relative to happy and neutral, when the affective element of the faces is not explicitly processed at encoding. To this end, 16 psychiatric out-patients with MD and 18 healthy, never-depressed controls (HC) were presented with a series of emotional faces and were required to identify the gender of the individuals featured in the photographs. Participants were subsequently given a recognition memory test for these faces. At encoding, patients with MD exhibited a non-significant tendency towards slower gender identification (GI) times, relative to HC, for happy faces. However, the GI times of the two groups did not differ for sad or neutral faces. At memory testing, patients with MD did not exhibit the expected memory bias for sad faces. Similarly, HC did not demonstrate enhanced memory for happy faces. Overall, patients with MD were impaired in their memory for the faces relative to the HC. The current findings are consistent with the proposal that mood-congruent memory biases are contingent upon explicit processing of the emotional element of the to-be-remembered material at encoding.
The ability to recognize individual faces is of crucial social importance for humans and evolutionarily necessary for survival. Consequently, faces may be “special” stimuli, for which we have developed unique modular perceptual and recognition processes. Some of the strongest evidence for face processing being modular comes from cases of prosopagnosia, where patients are unable to recognize faces whilst retaining the ability to recognize other objects. Here we present the case of an acquired prosopagnosic whose poor recognition was linked to a perceptual impairment in face processing. Despite this, she had intact object recognition, even at a subordinate level. She also showed a normal ability to learn and to generalize learning of nonfacial exemplars differing in the nature and arrangement of their parts, along with impaired learning and generalization of facial exemplars. The case provides evidence for modular perceptual processes for faces.
In the Thatcher illusion, a face with inverted eyes and mouth looks abnormal when upright but not when inverted. Behavioral studies have shown that thatcherization of an upright face disrupts perceptual processing of the local configuration. We recorded high-density EEG from normal observers to study ERP correlates of the illusion during the perception of faces and nonface objects, to determine whether inversion and thatcherization affect similar neural mechanisms. Observers viewed faces and houses in four conditions (upright vs. inverted, and normal vs. thatcherized) while detecting an oddball category (chairs). Thatcherization delayed the N170 component over occipito-temporal cortex to faces, but not to houses. This modulation matched the illusion as it was larger for upright than inverted faces. The P1 over medial occipital regions was delayed by face inversion but unaffected by thatcherization. Finally, face thatcherization delayed P2 over occipito-temporal but not over parietal regions, while inversion affected P2 across categories. All effects involving thatcherization were face-specific. These results indicate that effects of face inversion and feature inversion (in thatcherized faces) can be distinguished on a functional as well as neural level, and that they affect configural processing of faces in different time windows. © 2006 Elsevier Inc.
The majority of research on the pharmaceutical sector has focused on an overall micro economic, medical oriented welfare issues, whereas the marketing management role of the innovative drug manufacturer has to a large extent been disregarded. Using the case of Turkey, through a series of in-depth interviews with highly innovative companies, other marketing management possibilities to develop pricing strategies and plan for profit are explored based on broader definitions of value and transparency. Our results suggest that pharmaceutical companies as well as governments might have a too narrow focus of value and underestimate the potential long term benefits of a broader approach to marketing management and long term relationships between the various stakeholders.
In the "Thatcher illusion" a face, in which the eyes and mouth are inverted relative to the rest of the face, looks grotesque when shown upright but not when inverted. In four experiments we investigated the contribution of local and global processing to this illusion in normal observers. We examined inversion effects (i.e., better performance for upright than for inverted faces) in a task requiring discrimination of whether faces were or were not "thatcherized". Observers made same/different judgements to isolated face parts (Experiments 1-2) and to whole faces (Experiments 3-4). Face pairs had the same or different identity, allowing for different processing strategies using feature-based or configural information, respectively. In Experiment 1, feature-based matching of same-person face parts yielded only a small inversion effect for normal face parts. However, when feature-based matching was prevented by using the face parts of different people on all trials (Experiment 2) an inversion effect occurred for normal but not for thatcherized parts. In Experiments 3 and 4, inversion effects occurred with normal but not with thatcherized whole faces, on both same- and different-person matching tasks. This suggests that a common configural strategy was used with whole (normal) faces. Face context facilitated attention to misoriented parts in same-person but not in different-person matching. The results indicate that (1) face inversion disrupts local configural processing, but not the processing of image features, and (2) thatcherization disrupts local configural processing in upright faces.