983 resultados para Raul Velloso
Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos dos níveis de cálcio nas rações sobre o desempenho e a qualidade de ovos de poedeiras comerciais. Foram utilizadas 216 poedeiras da linhagem Lohmann Brown no período de 39 a 55 semanas de idade. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, composto de seis níveis de cálcio (3,0; 3,4; 3,8; 4,2; 4,6; 5,0%) e seis repetições de seis aves por parcela. Os níveis de cálcio avaliados não influenciaram os parâmetros produtivos, mas afetaram significativamente as porcentagens de albúmen e casca do ovo. O aumento do cálcio na dieta promove incremento na qualidade da casca do ovo em relação aos demais componentes do ovo. Recomenda-se nível de 4,3% de cálcio em dietas para poedeiras semipesadas após o pico de postura.
Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da frequência no fornecimento de volumoso e concentrado e/ou da categoria animal sobre o comportamento ingestivo de bovinos. Foram utilizadas 16 novilhas e 16 vacas com idade média inicial de 20 e 66 meses e peso médio inicial de 338 e 432 kg, respectivamente. Os tratamentos foram representados pelas frequências de fornecimento do volumoso e do concentrado: 2 V/C - volumoso e concentrado duas vezes ao dia; 1 V/C - volumoso e concentrado uma vez ao dia; 1 V/2 C - volumoso uma vez ao dia e concentrado duas vezes ao dia; 1 V/3 C - volumoso uma vez ao dia e concentrado três vezes ao dia, ofertadas às categorias vacas e novilhas. A dieta foi composta de 60% de silagem de milho e 40% de concentrado com base na matéria seca (MS). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 × 2 (frequências × categorias). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias, comparadas pelo teste t. A interação frequência de fornecimento e categoria animal foi significativa para as características tempo de ruminação e ócio, eficiência de ruminação da matéria seca e da fibra detergente neutro, número de bolos diário e tempo diário de mastigação. em relação às vacas, as novilhas apresentaram maiores tempos de ócio e mastigação quando receberam a alimentação uma vez ao dia. A frequência de fornecimento da dieta não influenciou o tempo de consumo. As vacas apresentaram maior tempo consumindo alimento e taxa de ingestão em comparação às novilhas (4,38 vs 4,09 horas e 2,91 vs 2,35 kg de MS/hora de consumo, respectivamente). O aumento na frequência da alimentação estimula os animais a maior ingestão de alimento no momento do fornecimento.
Quatro búfalos com cânulas ruminais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em quadrado latino 4 x 4, compreendendo quatro rações com feno de capim-coastcross (Cynodon dactylon) (50% MS) e níveis crescentes de polpa cítrica peletizada em substituição ao milho em grão moído no concentrado (0, 33, 66 e 100% MS). Foram avaliadas a degradabilidade dos nutrientes e a população de protozoários no rúmen. Houve efeito quadrático da fração solúvel dos nutrientes entre os tratamentos, com valores maiores nos dois extremos. A taxa de degradação da PB do feno e da MS da polpa cítrica apresentou-se linear com aumento da polpa cítrica na ração. As rações contendo polpa cítrica promoveram menores concentrações de Entodinium e número total de ciliados/mL que a dieta só com milho. Houve predominância dos Entodinium nas dietas contendo somente milho ou somente polpa cítrica, enquanto em mistura predominaram os ciliados da subfamília Diplodiniinae. Observou-se efeito de interação da polpa cítrica com o milho, promovendo modificações no metabolismo ruminal, especialmente na solubilidade dos nutrientes, na curva do pH e na composição da fauna.
Brazil is a wide country with huge contrasts. Its peculiarities can highlight environmental factors that could influence the frequencies of different cancers. The standard treatment and results achieved from several different areas of the country may not be found in others. The establishment of a national cooperative group has the potential to improve outcomes. The The Brazilian Cooperative Group on Pediatric Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (BCG-MDS-PED) was first organized in January 1997 as a working group of hematologists, pediatric oncologists, pediatric-hematologists, molecular biologists and other professionals in order to study pediatric (age < 18 years) MDS. Six distinct subcommittees constituted with members from several universities: cytology, histopathology, clinical, cytogenetics, molecular biology and epidemiology. The goals of the BCG-MDS-PED were: (i) to offer support for diagnosis and orientation for treatment; (ii) educational Support for the colleagues all over the country and (iii) research on pathogenesis and new approaches for pediatric MDS patients. There are socio-economical differences among the five regions of the country. The BCG-MDS-PED believes that it is absolutely necessary to Study the clinical, cellular, molecular and epidemiological aspects of MDS, taking in account these peculiar differences among populations and regions. Since 1997, 114 pediatric cases were referred to the BCG-MDS-PED from 21 centres. Seven Brazilian states have sent cases to the group, 31 patients were referred from universities, 73 patients from pediatric oncology units (foundations) and 10 patients came from private clinics. Some of these patients have been followed up and/or treated by the physician who referred them to the BCG-MDS-PED for confirmation of the initial diagnosis. The majority of these physicians have required orientation on diagnostic and treatment issues, as well as to complete cytogenetic and molecular studies. From these 114 patients, 64 patients were confirmed as MDS. We believe that, the more numerous the MDS-studied cases, the more experienced will be the referee group on clinical and laboratory features on childhood MDS in Brazil. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
Background: Therapy strategies for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) vary considerably. Objective: To review the treatment of Brazilian children who were diagnosed with MDS or JMML in the past decade and reported to the Brazilian Cooperative Group on Pediatric Myelodysplastic syndromes (BCG-MDS-PED). Results: of 173 children reported to the BCG-MDS-PED from January 1997 to January 2003 with a suspected diagnosis of MDS or JMML, 91 had the diagnosis confirmed after central review of the bone marrow aspirate and biopsy. Information on previous treatments was available for 78 MDS/JMML patients. Treatment varied from different schedules of low-dose (14%) and standard-dose chemotherapy (50%), granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF 7%), interferon (5%), steroids (2%) and erythropoietin (2%) to allogeneic stem-cell transplantation (SCT) (14%). No survival advantage could be demonstrated based on Hasle's classification or based on treatment. Conclusion: This report reflects the current practice in treating Brazilian children with MDS/JMML without specific Cooperative Group guidelines. Treatment modalities were very heterogeneous. The strategies for implementing a national protocol should consider international guidelines and focus on local experience and available resources. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The antimicrobial activity of a commercial probiotic culture, Lactobacillus acidophilus (La5), was tested against two foodborne pathogens, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The antagonistic effect of the probiotic culture in vitro was performed by applying both Multilayer Agar Plate and Agar Well Diffusion methods. The results indicated that the inhibitory substance present on 72 hours culture broth supernatant was extracellular and diffusible. The incubation period of the lactic acid bacteria on MRS Broth, at 3 7 degrees C in aerobic conditions, for the highest lactic acid production (1,08 g/%) was 72 hours, which gave a minimum pH value of the supernatant (3,90) and the best inhibition results by the Well Diffusion Agar Assay, showing inhibition zone diameters of 14,75mm and 15,0mm for E. coli and S. aureus, respectively. The inhibitor compound was not sensitive to proteolytic enzyme and freezing, but was totally inactivated when the supernatant was neutralized with NaOH 1 N solution. The results suggest that the inhibitory activity was due to the lactic acid concentration and the low pH of the probiotic culture broth.
Short-term cold exposure of homeothermic animals leads to higher thermogenesis and food consumption accompanied by weight loss. An analysis of cDNA-macroarray was employed to identify candidate mRNA species that encode proteins involved in thermogenic adaptation to cold. A cDNA-macroarray analysis, confirmed by RT-PCR, immunoblot, and RIA, revealed that the hypothalamic expression of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is enhanced by exposure of rats to cold environment. The blockade of hypothalamic MCH expression by antisense MCH oligonucleotide in cold-exposed rats promoted no changes in feeding behavior and body temperature. However, MCH blockade led to a significant drop in body weight, which was accompanied by decreased liver glycogen, increased relative body fat, increased absolute and relative interscapular brown adipose tissue mass, increased uncoupling protein 1 expression in brown adipose tissue, and increased consumption of lean body mass. Thus, increased hypothalamic MCH expression in rats exposed to cold may participate in the process that allows for efficient use of energy for heat production during thermogenic adaptation to cold.
This paper offers a geographical perspective on the way in which health regions have been defined and established in São Paulo as part of overall Brazilian health policy. To accomplish this, I first situate the Brazilian case in the international debate over the regionalization of health services. Second, I examine health regionalization in the case of São Paulo and show how the process is dynamic and complex, involving geographical scales that go well beyond the administrative boundaries of Brazilian municipalities.
The presence of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins was studied in cultured rat pancreatic islets, Immunoblotting performed with total extracts of islets cultured in the presence of 1.8 or 5.6 mM glucose revealed at least three distinct tyrosine-phosphorylated bands (25 kDa, 95 kDa and 165-185 kDa). After 12 h incubation in medium containing 1.8 mM glucose, a pulse exposition to 11 or 22 mM glucose or to 10(-7) M insulin led to a substantial increase in the phosphorylation of all three bands, with no appearance of novel bands. Immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies demonstrated that the signal detected at 95 kDa corresponds to the beta subunit of the insulin receptor (IR) while the band at 165-185 kDa corresponds to the early substrates of the insulin receptor, IRS-1 and IRS-2. Immunoprecipitation with IRS-I or IRS-2 antisera detected their association with the lipid metabolizing enzyme phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), Thus, this is the first demonstration that elements involved in the insulin-signalling pathway of traditional target tissues are also present in pancreatic islets and are potentially involved in auto- and paracrine-signalling in this organ.
Occurrence of adults and biological aspects of Geniates borelli Camerano (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Due to the importance of Geniates borelli Camerano as a pest in many crops, studies were developed at Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS). Aquidauana campus, MS, Brazil. Adults were collected with a light trap from January 2006 to December 2007. 3,320 adults were collected, and the highest quantities were obtained in October 2006 and November 2007, with 1,548 and 802 adults recorded, respectively. Collected adults were kept in plastic containers with soil and Brachiaria decumbens seedlings for oviposition. 535 eggs measuring 2.30 x 1.60 mm were obtained. As the embryonic development progressed, eggs increased in size to 3.00 x 2.70 mm, and this change occurred between 6 and 10 days after oviposit ion. The embryonic period lasted 17.9 days. The first, second, and third instars lasted 37.6, 49.7, and 74 days, respectively The prepupal stage lasted 65.9 days and the pupal stage lasted an average of 18.5 days. The biological cycle is completed in 315.8 days, which characterizes the species as univoltine. The average longevity of females was 35.4 days and 28.5 days for males.
Trypanosoma vivax outbreaks in beef cattle in the Pantanal region of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, causes relevant economical impact due to weight loss, abortion and mortality. Cattle moved from the Pantanal to adjacent areas of this ecosystem for breeding and fattening is a common feature. Therefore an epidemiological study on breeding cows in the transition area between Pantanal lowland and adjacent highlands of Mato Grosso do Sul was performed to determine the T. vivax infection dynamics and outbreak risk. Three experimental groups were formed: Group 1 consisted of cows parasitologically negative by the Woo test and in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for T. vivax antibody detection (Tv-ELISA-Ab); Group 2 parasitologically negative and positive in the Tv-ELISA-Ab; and in Group 3 cows were parasitologically positive and with positive reactions in the Tv-ELISA-Ab. During 24 months, the cows' dislodgment between the above established groups was monitored by Woo test and Tv-ELISA-Ab exams. The tabanid population was also monitored and the highest number occurred during the rainy season. Although parasitemias were detected only in the first four samplings of the experimental period, the cows could be considered as trypanotolerant, because no clinical signs were observed. Despite the higher T. vivax incidence during the dry season, no disease symptoms were seen. Even though T. vivax epidemiological situation in the herd was characterized as endemic with seasonal variation, the probability of outbreaks was null within the conditions of the study.