978 resultados para Railroads, Atmospheric.
The role of the binary nucleation of sulfuric acid in aerosol formation and its implications for global warming is one of the fundamental unsettled questions in atmospheric chemistry. We have investigated the thermodynamics of sulfuric acid hydration using ab initio quantum mechanical methods. For H2SO4(H2O)n where n = 1–6, we used a scheme combining molecular dynamics configurational sampling with high-level ab initio calculations to locate the global and many low lying local minima for each cluster size. For each isomer, we extrapolated the Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) energies to their complete basis set (CBS) limit and added finite temperature corrections within the rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator (RRHO) model using scaled harmonic vibrational frequencies. We found that ionic pair (HSO4–·H3O+)(H2O)n−1 clusters are competitive with the neutral (H2SO4)(H2O)n clusters for n ≥ 3 and are more stable than neutral clusters for n ≥ 4 depending on the temperature. The Boltzmann averaged Gibbs free energies for the formation of H2SO4(H2O)n clusters are favorable in colder regions of the troposphere (T = 216.65–273.15 K) for n = 1–6, but the formation of clusters with n ≥ 5 is not favorable at higher (T > 273.15 K) temperatures. Our results suggest the critical cluster of a binary H2SO4–H2O system must contain more than one H2SO4 and are in concert with recent findings(1) that the role of binary nucleation is small at ambient conditions, but significant at colder regions of the troposphere. Overall, the results support the idea that binary nucleation of sulfuric acid and water cannot account for nucleation of sulfuric acid in the lower troposphere.
We present an analysis of daily extreme precipitation events for the extended winter season (October–March) at 20 Mediterranean coastal sites covering the period 1950–2006. The heavy tailed behaviour of precipitation extremes and estimated return levels, including associated uncertainties, are derived applying a procedure based on the Generalized Pareto Distribution, in combination with recently developed methods. Precipitation extremes have an important contribution to make seasonal totals (approximately 60% for all series). Three stations (one in the western Mediterranean and the others in the eastern basin) have a 5-year return level above 100 mm, while the lowest value (estimated for two Italian series) is equal to 58 mm. As for the 50-year return level, an Italian station (Genoa) has the highest value of 264 mm, while the other values range from 82 to 200 mm. Furthermore, six series (from stations located in France, Italy, Greece, and Cyprus) show a significant negative tendency in the probability of observing an extreme event. The relationship between extreme precipitation events and the large scale atmospheric circulation at the upper, mid and low troposphere is investigated by using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. A 2-step classification procedure identifies three significant anomaly patterns both for the western-central and eastern part of the Mediterranean basin. In the western Mediterranean, the anomalous southwesterly surface to mid-tropospheric flow is connected with enhanced moisture transport from the Atlantic. During ≥5-year return level events, the subtropical jet stream axis is aligned with the African coastline and interacts with the eddy-driven jet stream. This is connected with enhanced large scale ascending motions, instability and leads to the development of severe precipitation events. For the eastern Mediterranean extreme precipitation events, the identified anomaly patterns suggest warm air advection connected with anomalous ascent motions and an increase of the low- to mid-tropospheric moisture. Furthermore, the jet stream position (during ≥5-year return level events) supports the eastern basin being in a divergence area, where ascent motions are favoured. Our results contribute to an improved understanding of daily precipitation extremes in the cold season and associated large scale atmospheric features.
Using molecular dynamics configurational sampling combined with ab initio energy calculations, we determined the low energy isomers of the bisulfate hydrates. We calculated the CCSD(T) complete basis set (CBS) binding electronic and Gibbs free energies for 53 low energy isomers of HSO4–(H2O)n=1–6 and derived the thermodynamics of adding waters sequentially to the bisulfate ion and its hydrates. Comparing the HSO4–/H2O system to the neutral H2SO4/H2O cluster, water binds more strongly to the anion than it does to the neutral molecules. The difference in the binding thermodynamics of HSO4–/H2O and H2SO4/H2O systems decreases with increasing number of waters. The thermodynamics for the formation of HSO4–(H2O)n=1–5 is favorable at 298.15 K, and that of HSO4–(H2O)n=1–6 is favorable for T < 273.15 K. The HSO4– ion is almost always hydrated at temperatures and relative humidity values encountered in the troposphere. Because the bisulfate ion binds more strongly to sulfuric acid than it does to water, it is expected to play a role in ion-induced nucleation by forming a strong complex with sulfuric acid and water, thus facilitating the formation of a critical nucleus.
A mixed molecular dynamics/quantum mechanics model has been applied to the ammonium/water clustering system. The use of the high level MP2 calculation method and correlated basis sets, such as aug-cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVTZ, lends confidence in the accuracy of the extrapolated energies. These calculations provide electronic and free energies for the formation of clusters of ammonium and 1−10 water molecules at two different temperatures. Structures and thermodynamic values are in good agreement with previous experimental and theoretical results. The estimated concentration of these clusters in the troposphere was calculated using atmospheric amounts of ammonium and water. Results show the favorability of forming these clusters and implications for ion-induced nucleation in the atmosphere.
The role of the binary nucleation of sulfuric acid in aerosol formation and its implications for global warming is one of the fundamental unsettled questions in atmospheric chemistry. We have investigated the thermodynamics of sulfuric acid hydration using ab initio quantum mechanical methods. For H2SO4(H2O)n where n = 1–6, we used a scheme combining molecular dynamics configurational sampling with high-level ab initio calculations to locate the global and many low lying local minima for each cluster size. For each isomer, we extrapolated the Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) energies to their complete basis set (CBS) limit and added finite temperature corrections within the rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator (RRHO) model using scaled harmonic vibrational frequencies. We found that ionic pair (HSO4–·H3O+)(H2O)n−1clusters are competitive with the neutral (H2SO4)(H2O)n clusters for n ≥ 3 and are more stable than neutral clusters for n ≥ 4 depending on the temperature. The Boltzmann averaged Gibbs free energies for the formation of H2SO4(H2O)n clusters are favorable in colder regions of the troposphere (T = 216.65–273.15 K) for n = 1–6, but the formation of clusters with n ≥ 5 is not favorable at higher (T > 273.15 K) temperatures. Our results suggest the critical cluster of a binary H2SO4–H2O system must contain more than one H2SO4 and are in concert with recent findings(1) that the role of binary nucleation is small at ambient conditions, but significant at colder regions of the troposphere. Overall, the results support the idea that binary nucleation of sulfuric acid and water cannot account for nucleation of sulfuric acid in the lower troposphere.
A new liquid-fuel injector was designed for use in the atmospheric-pressure, model gas turbine combustor in Bucknell University’s Combustion Research Laboratory during alternative fuel testing. The current liquid-fuel injector requires a higher-than-desired pressure drop and volumetric flow rate to provide proper atomization of liquid fuels. An air-blast atomizer type of fuel injector was chosen and an experiment utilizing water as the working fluid was performed on a variable-geometry prototype. Visualization of the spray pattern was achieved through photography and the pressure drop was measured as a function of the required operating parameters. Experimental correlations were used to estimate droplet sizes over flow conditions similar to that which would be experienced in the actual combustor. The results of this experiment were used to select the desired geometric parameters for the proposed final injector design and a CAD model was generated. Eventually, the new injector will be fabricated and tested to provide final validation of the design prior to use in the combustion test apparatus.
An atmospheric combustion apparatus was designed through several iterations for Bucknell University's combustion laboratory. The final design required extensive fine-tuning of the fuel and air systems and repeated tests to arrive at a satisfactory procedure to transfer from gaseous to liquid fuel operation. Measurement of exhaust emissions were obtained under tests of gaseous methane and liquid heptane were operation in order to validate the functionality of the combustion apparatus, the fuel transition procedure, and emissions analyzer systems. The emission concentrations of CO, CO2, NOx, 02, S02, and unburned hydrocarbons from a multianalyzer and HFID analyzer were obtained for a range of equivalence ratios. The results verify the potential for future alternative fuel tests and illuminate necessary alterations for further liquid fuel studies.
In this study, we present middle atmospheric water vapor (H2O) and ozone (O3) measurements obtained by ground-based microwave radiometers at three European locations in Bern (47° N), Onsala (57° N) and Sodankylä (67° N) during Northern winter 2009/2010. In January 2010, a major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) occurred in the Northern Hemisphere whose signatures are evident in the ground-based observations of H2O and O3. The observed anomalies in H2O and O3 are mostly explained by the relative location of the polar vortex with respect to the measurement locations. The SSW started on 26 January 2010 and was most pronounced by the end of January. The zonal mean temperature in the middle stratosphere (10 hPa) increased by approximately 25 Kelvin within a few days. The stratospheric vortex weakened during the SSW and shifted towards Europe. In the mesosphere, the vortex broke down, which lead to large scale mixing of polar and midlatitudinal air. After the warming, the polar vortex in the stratosphere split into two weaker vortices and in the mesosphere, a new, pole-centered vortex formed with maximum wind speed of 70 m s−1 at approximately 40° N. The shift of the stratospheric vortex towards Europe was observed in Bern as an increase in stratospheric H2O and a decrease in O3. The breakdown of the mesospheric vortex during the SSW was observed at Onsala and Sodankylä as a sudden increase in mesospheric H2O. The following large-scale descent inside the newly formed mesospheric vortex was well captured by the H2O observations in Sodankylä. In order to combine the H2O observations from the three different locations, we applied the trajectory mapping technique on our H2O observations to derive synoptic scale maps of the H2O distribution. Based on our observations and the 3-D wind field, this method allows determining the approximate development of the stratospheric and mesospheric polar vortex and demonstrates the potential of a network of ground-based instruments.