963 resultados para Radar precipitation


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A study of the potential role of aerosols in modifying clouds and precipitation is presented using a numerical atmospheric model. Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and cloud size distribution properties taken in the southwestern Amazon region during the transition from dry to wet seasons were used as guidelines to define the microphysical parameters for the simulations. Numerical simulations were carried out using the Brazilian Development on Regional Atmospheric Modeling System, and the results presented considerable sensitivity to changes in these parameters. High CCN concentrations, typical of polluted days, were found to result in increases or decreases in total precipitation, depending on the level of pollution used as a reference, showing a complexity that parallels the aerosol-precipitation interaction. Our results show that on the grids evaluated, higher CCN concentrations reduced low-to-moderate rainfall rates and increased high rainfall rates. The principal consequence of the increased pollution was a change from a warm to a cold rain process, which affected the maximum and overall mean accumulated precipitation. Under polluted conditions, cloud cover diminished, allowing greater amounts of solar radiation to reach the surface. Aerosol absorption of radiation in the lower layers of the atmosphere delayed convective evolution but produced higher maximum rainfall rates due to increased instability. In addition, the intensity of the surface sensible heat flux, as well as that of the latent heat flux, was reduced by the lower temperature difference between surface and air, producing greater energy stores at the surface.


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The State of Sao Paulo is the richest in Brazil, responsible for over 30% of the Brazilian gross rate. It has a population of around 30 million and its economy is based on agriculture and industrial products. Any change in climate can have a profound influence on the socio-economics of the State. In order to determine changes in total and extreme rainfall over Sao Paulo State, climate change indices derived from daily precipitation data were calculated using specially designed software. Maps of trends for a subset of 59 rain gauge stations were analysed for the period 1950-1999 and also for a subset of this period, 1990-1999, representing more recent climate. A non-parametric Mann-Kendall test was applied to the time series. Maps of trends for six annual precipitation indices (annual total precipitation (PRCPTOT), very heavy precipitation days (R20mm), events greater than the 95th percentile (R95p), maximum five days precipitation total (RX5day), the length of the largest wet spell (CWD) and the length of the largest dry spell (CDD)) were analysed for the entire period. These exhibited statistically significant trends associated with a wetter climate. A significant increase in PRCPTOT, associated with very heavy precipitation days, were observed at more than 45% of the rain gauge stations. The Mann-Kendall test identified that the positive trend in PRCPTOT is possibly related to the increase in the R95p and R20mm indices. Therefore, the results suggest that there has been a change in precipitation intensity. In contrast, the indices for the more recent shorter time series are significantly different to the longer term indices. The results indicate that intense precipitation is becoming concentrated in a few days and spread over the period when the CDD and R20mm indices show positive trends, while negative ones are seen in the RX5day index. The trends found could be related to many anthropogenic aspects such as biomass burning aerosols and land use.


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1. Litter decomposition recycles nutrients and causes large fluxes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is typically assumed that climate, litter quality and decomposer communities determine litter decay rates, yet few comparative studies have examined their relative contributions in tropical forests. 2. We used a short-term litterbag experiment to quantify the effects of litter quality, placement and mesofaunal exclusion on decomposition in 23 tropical forests in 14 countries. Annual precipitation varied among sites (760-5797 mm). At each site, two standard substrates (Raphia farinifera and Laurus nobilis) were decomposed in fine- and coarse-mesh litterbags both above and below ground for approximately 1 year. 3. Decomposition was rapid, with >95% mass loss within a year at most sites. Litter quality, placement and mesofaunal exclusion all independently affected decomposition, but the magnitude depended upon site. Both the average decomposition rate at each site and the ratio of above- to below-ground decay increased linearly with annual precipitation, explaining 60-65% of among-site variation. Excluding mesofauna had the largest impact on decomposition, reducing decomposition rates by half on average, but the magnitude of decrease was largely independent of climate. This suggests that the decomposer community might play an important role in explaining patterns of decomposition among sites. Which litter type decomposed fastest varied by site, but was not related to climate. 4. Synthesis. A key goal of ecology is to identify general patterns across ecological communities, as well as relevant site-specific details to understand local dynamics. Our pan-tropical study shows that certain aspects of decomposition, including average decomposition rates and the ratio of above- to below-ground decomposition are highly correlated with a simple climatic index: mean annual precipitation. However, we found no relationship between precipitation and effects of mesofaunal exclusion or litter type, suggesting that site-specific details may also be required to understand how these factors affect decomposition at local scales.


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The Amazon is one of the few continental regions where atmospheric aerosol particles and their effects on climate are not dominated by anthropogenic sources. During the wet season, the ambient conditions approach those of the pristine pre-industrial era. We show that the fine submicrometer particles accounting for most cloud condensation nuclei are predominantly composed of secondary organic material formed by oxidation of gaseous biogenic precursors. Supermicrometer particles, which are relevant as ice nuclei, consist mostly of primary biological material directly released from rainforest biota. The Amazon Basin appears to be a biogeochemical reactor, in which the biosphere and atmospheric photochemistry produce nuclei for clouds and precipitation sustaining the hydrological cycle. The prevailing regime of aerosol-cloud interactions in this natural environment is distinctly different from polluted regions.


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The variations of tropical precipitation are antiphased between the hemispheres on orbital timescales. This antiphasing arises through the alternating strength of incoming solar radiation in the two hemispheres, which affects monsoon intensity and hence the position of the meridional atmospheric circulation of the Hadley cells(1-4). Here we compare an oxygen isotopic record recovered from a speleothem from northeast Brazil for the past 26,000 years with existing reconstructions of precipitation in tropical South America(5-8). During the Holocene, we identify a similar, but zonally oriented, antiphasing of precipitation within the same hemisphere: northeast Brazil experiences humid conditions during low summer insolation and aridity when summer insolation is high, whereas the rest of southern tropical South America shows opposite characteristics. Simulations with a general circulation model that incorporates isotopic variations support this pattern as well as the link to insolation-driven monsoon activity. Our results suggest that convective heating over tropical South America and associated adjustments in large-scale subsidence over northeast Brazil lead to a remote forcing of the South American monsoon, which determines most of the precipitation changes in the region on orbital timescales.


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This article is dedicated to harmonic wavelet Galerkin methods for the solution of partial differential equations. Several variants of the method are proposed and analyzed, using the Burgers equation as a test model. The computational complexity can be reduced when the localization properties of the wavelets and restricted interactions between different scales are exploited. The resulting variants of the method have computational complexities ranging from O(N(3)) to O(N) (N being the space dimension) per time step. A pseudo-spectral wavelet scheme is also described and compared to the methods based on connection coefficients. The harmonic wavelet Galerkin scheme is applied to a nonlinear model for the propagation of precipitation fronts, with the front locations being exposed in the sizes of the localized wavelet coefficients. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this present work a method for the determination of Ca, Fe, Ga, Na, Si and Zn in alumina (Al(2)O(3)) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) with axial viewing is presented. Preliminary studies revealed intense aluminum spectral interference over the majority of elements and reaction between aluminum and quartz to form aluminosilicate, reducing drastically the lifetime of the torch. To overcome these problems alumina samples (250 mg) were dissolved with 5 mL HCl + 1.5 mLH(2)SO(4) + 1.5 mL H(2)O in a microwave oven. After complete dissolution the volume was completed to 20 mL and aluminum was precipitated as Al(OH)(3) with NH(3) (by bubbling NH(3) into the solution up to a pH similar to 8, for 10 min). The use of internal standards (Fe/Be, Ga/Dy, Zn/In and Na/Sc) was essential to obtain precise and accurate results. The reliability of the proposed method was checked by analysis of alumina certified reference material (Alumina Reduction Grade-699, NIST). The found concentrations (0.037%w(-1) CaO, 0.013% w w(-1) Fe(2)O(3), 0.012%w w(-1)Ga(2)O(3), 0.49% w w(-1) Na(2)O, 0.014% w w(-1) SiO(2) and 0.013% w w(-1) ZnO) presented no statistical differences compared to the certified values at a 95% confidence level. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titanium dioxide with and without the addition of neodymium ions was prepared using sol-gel and precipitation methods. The resulting catalysts were characterized by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and BET specific surface area. Neodymium addition exerted a remarkable influence on the phase transition temperature and the surface properties of the TiO(2) matrix. TiO(2) samples synthesized by precipitation exhibit an exothermic event related from the amorphous to anatase phase transition at 510 degrees C, whereas in Nd-doped TiO(2) this transition occurred at 527 degrees C. A similar effect was observed in samples obtained using sol-gel method. The photocatalytic reactivity of the catalysts was evaluated by photodegradation of Remazol Black B (RB) under ultraviolet irradiation. Nd-doped TiO(2) showed enhanced photodegradation ability compared to undoped TiO(2) samples, independent of the method of synthesis. In samples obtained by sol-gel, RB decoloration was enhanced by 16% for TiO(2) doped with 0.5% neodymium ions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using a physically based model, the microstructural evolution of Nb microalloyed steels during rolling in SSAB Tunnplåt’s hot strip mill was modeled. The model describes the evolution of dislocation density, the creation and diffusion of vacancies, dynamic and static recovery through climb and glide, subgrain formation and growth, dynamic and static recrystallization and grain growth. Also, the model describes the dissolution and precipitation of particles. The impeding effect on grain growth and recrystallization due to solute drag and particles is accounted for. During hot strip rolling of Nb steels, Nb in solid solution retards recrystallization due to solute drag and at lower temperatures strain-induced precipitation of Nb(C,N) may occur which effectively retard recrystallization. The flow stress behavior during hot rolling was calculated where the mean flow stress values were calculated using both the model and measured mill data. The model showed that solute drag has an essential effect on recrystallization during hot rolling of Nb steels.


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Allvac 718 Plus and Haynes 282 are relatively new precipitation hardening nickel based superalloys with good high temperature mechanical properties. In addition, the weldability of these superalloys enhances easy fabrication. The combination of high temperature capabilities and superior weldability is unmatched by other precipitation hardening superalloys and linked to the amount of the γ’ hardening precipitates in the materials. Hence, it is these properties that make Allvac 718 Plus and Haynes 282 desirable in the manufacture of hot sections of aero engine components. Studies show that cast products are less weldable than wrought products. Segregation of elements in the cast results in inhomogeneous composition which consequently diminishes weldability. Segregation during solidification of the cast products results in dendritic microstructure with the segregating elements occupying interdendritic regions. These segregating elements are trapped in secondary phases present alongside γ matrix. Studies show that in Allvac 718Plus, the segregating phase is Laves while in Haynes 282 the segregating phase is not yet fully determined. Thus, the present study investigated the effects of homogenization heat treatments in eliminating segregation in cast Allvac 718 Plus and Haynes 282. Paramount to the study was the effect of different homogenization temperatures and dwell time in the removal of the segregating phases. Experimental methods used to both qualify and quantify the segregating phases included SEM, EDX analysis, manual point count and macro Vickers hardness tests. Main results show that there is a reduction in the segregating phases in both materials as homogenization proceeds hence a disappearance of the dendritic structure. In Allvac 718 Plus, plate like structures is observed to be closely associated with the Laves phase at low temperatures and dwell times. In addition, Nb is found to be segregating in the interdendritic areas. The expected trend of increase in Laves as a result of the dissolution of the plate like structures at the initial stage of homogenization is only detectable for few cases. In Haynes 282, white and grey phases are clearly distinguished and Mo is observed to be segregating in interdendritic areas.


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The accurate measurement of a vehicle’s velocity is an essential feature in adaptive vehicle activated sign systems. Since the velocities of the vehicles are acquired from a continuous wave Doppler radar, the data collection becomes challenging. Data accuracy is sensitive to the calibration of the radar on the road. However, clear methodologies for in-field calibration have not been carefully established. The signs are often installed by subjective judgment which results in measurement errors. This paper develops a calibration method based on mining the data collected and matching individual vehicles travelling between two radars. The data was cleaned and prepared in two ways: cleaning and reconstructing. The results showed that the proposed correction factor derived from the cleaned data corresponded well with the experimental factor done on site. In addition, this proposed factor showed superior performance to the one derived from the reconstructed data.


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Jakarta is vulnerable to flooding mainly caused by prolonged and heavy rainfall and thus a robust hydrological modeling is called for. A good quality of spatial precipitation data is therefore desired so that a good hydrological model could be achieved. Two types of rainfall sources are available: satellite and gauge station observations. At-site rainfall is considered to be a reliable and accurate source of rainfall. However, the limited number of stations makes the spatial interpolation not very much appealing. On the other hand, the gridded rainfall nowadays has high spatial resolution and improved accuracy, but still, relatively less accurate than its counterpart. To achieve a better precipitation data set, the study proposes cokriging method, a blending algorithm, to yield the blended satellite-gauge gridded rainfall at approximately 10-km resolution. The Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP, 0.1⁰×0.1⁰) and daily rainfall observations from gauge stations are used. The blended product is compared with satellite data by cross-validation method. The newly-yield blended product is then utilized to re-calibrate the hydrological model. Several scenarios are simulated by the hydrological models calibrated by gauge observations alone and blended product. The performance of two calibrated hydrological models is then assessed and compared based on simulated and observed runoff.


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Dois temas centrais foram selecionados para discussão na Rio+20, e serão abordados nesta publicação: a transição para uma Economia Verde no contexto da preservação do meio ambiente e biodiversidade e com a perspectiva de erradicação da pobreza e de desigualdades e oquadro institucional (instrumentos de governança) para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável.