700 resultados para RABBIT SKELETAL-MUSCLE
Lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissue and muscle is modulated by changes in the pattern of food intake. We have measured total lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissue and muscle of male Wistar rats (N = 6-10), weighing 200-250 g (~12 weeks), during the refeeding/fasting state following 24 h of fasting. Lipoprotein lipase activity in tissue homogenates was evaluated using a [³H]-triolein-containing substrate, and released [³H]-free fatty acids were extracted and quantified by liquid scintillation. Adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity did not completely recover within 2 h of refeeding (60% of refed ad libitum values). Cardiac lipoprotein lipase activity remained increased even 2 h after refeeding (100% of refed ad libitum values), whereas no significant changes were observed in the soleus and diaphragm muscles. Adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activities were consistently higher than the highest skeletal muscle or heart values. It is therefore likely that adipose tissue, rather than muscle makes the major contribution to triacylglycerol clearance. There was concomitant relatively high lipoprotein lipase activity in both adipose tissue and cardiac muscle during the first few hours of refeeding, therefore cardiac muscle may contribute significantly to triacylglycerol clearance during this period. The results suggest that during fasting, increased lipoprotein lipase activity provides a complementary source of free fatty acids from circulating triacylglycerol, allowing the heart to maintain its continuous, high-energy expenditure.
Desmin is the intermediate filament (IF) protein occurring exclusively in muscle and endothelial cells. There are other IF proteins in muscle such as nestin, peripherin, and vimentin, besides the ubiquitous lamins, but they are not unique to muscle. Desmin was purified in 1977, the desmin gene was characterized in 1989, and knock-out animals were generated in 1996. Several isoforms have been described. Desmin IFs are present throughout smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, but can be more concentrated in some particular structures, such as dense bodies, around the nuclei, around the Z-line or in costameres. Desmin is up-regulated in muscle-derived cellular adaptations, including conductive fibers in the heart, electric organs, some myopathies, and experimental treatments with drugs that induce muscle degeneration, like phorbol esters. Many molecules have been reported to associate with desmin, such as other IF proteins (including members of the membrane dystroglycan complex), nebulin, the actin and tubulin binding protein plectin, the molecular motor dynein, the gene regulatory protein MyoD, DNA, the chaperone alphaB-crystallin, and proteases such as calpain and caspase. Desmin has an important medical role, since it is used as a marker of tumors' origin. More recently, several myopathies have been described, with accumulation of desmin deposits. Yet, after almost 30 years since its identification, the function of desmin is still unclear. Suggested functions include myofibrillogenesis, mechanical support for the muscle, mitochondrial localization, gene expression regulation, and intracellular signaling. This review focuses on the biochemical interactions of desmin, with a discussion of its putative functions.
The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of stretching applied every 3 days to the soleus muscle immobilized in the shortened position on muscle fiber morphology. Eighteen 16-week-old Wistar rats were used and divided into three groups of 6 animals each: a) the left soleus muscle was immobilized in the shortened position for 3 weeks; b) during immobilization, the soleus was stretched for 40 min every 3 days; c) the non-immobilized soleus was only stretched. Left and right soleus muscles were examined. One portion of the soleus was frozen for histology and muscle fiber area evaluation, while the other portion was used to identify the number and length of serial sarcomeres. Immobilized muscles (group A) showed a significant decrease in weight (44 ± 6%), length (19 ± 7%), serial sarcomere number (23 ± 15%), and fiber area (37 ± 31%) compared to the contralateral muscles (P < 0.05, paired Student t-test). The immobilized and stretched soleus (group B) showed a similar reduction but milder muscle fiber atrophy compared to the only immobilized group (22 ± 40 vs 37 ± 31%, respectively; P < 0.001, ANOVA test). Muscles submitted only to stretching (group C) significantly increased the length (5 ± 2%), serial sarcomere number (4 ± 4%), and fiber area (16 ± 44%) compared to the contralateral muscles (P < 0.05, paired Student t-test). In conclusion, stretching applied every 3 days to immobilized muscles did not prevent the muscle shortening, but reduced muscle atrophy. Stretching sessions induced hypertrophic effects in the control muscles. These results support the use of muscle stretching in sports and rehabilitation.
The objective of the present investigation was to perform a 14-day time-course study of treatment with salbutamol, a ß2 adrenoceptor agonist, on rat soleus muscle in order to assess fiber type selectivity in the hypertrophic response and fiber type composition. Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control (N = 10), treated with salbutamol (N = 30), denervated (N = 30), and treated with salbutamol after denervation (N = 30). Salbutamol was injected intraperitoneally in the rats of the 2nd and 4th groups at a concentration of 0.3 mg/kg twice a day for 2 weeks. The muscles were denervated using the crush method with pean. The animals were sacrificed 3, 6, 9, 12, and 14 days after treatment. Frozen cross-sections of soleus muscle were stained for myosin ATPase, pH 9.4. Cross-sectional area and percent of muscle fibers were analyzed morphometrically by computerized image analysis. Treatment with salbutamol induced hypertrophy of all fiber types and a higher percentage of type II fibers (21%) in the healthy rat soleus muscle. Denervation caused marked atrophy of all fibers and conversion from type I to type II muscle fibers. Denervated muscles treated with salbutamol showed a significantly larger cross-sectional area of type I muscle fibers, 28.2% compared to the denervated untreated muscle. Moreover, the number of type I fibers was increased. These results indicate that administration of salbutamol is able to induce changes in cross-sectional area and fiber type distribution in the early phase of treatment. Since denervation-induced atrophy and conversion from type I to type II fibers were improved by salbutamol treatment we propose that salbutamol, like other ß2 adrenoceptor agonists, may have a therapeutic potential in improving the condition of skeletal muscle after denervation.
Exercise-induced vessel changes modulate arterial pressure (AP) in male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is important for angiogenesis of skeletal muscle. The present study evaluated the time course of VEGF and angiogenesis after short- and long-term exercise training of female SHR and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats, 8-9 weeks (200-250 g). Rats were allocated to daily training or remained sedentary for 3 days (N = 23) or 13 weeks (N = 23). After training, the carotid artery was catheterized for AP measurements. Locomotor (tibialis anterior and gracilis) and non-locomotor skeletal muscles (temporalis) were harvested and prepared for histologic and protein expression analyses. Training increased treadmill performance by all groups (SHR = 28%, WKY = 64%, 3 days) and (SHR = 141%, WKY = 122%, 13 weeks). SHR had higher values of AP than WKY (174 ± 4 vs 111 ± 2 mmHg) that were not altered by training. Three days of running increased VEGF expression (SHR = 28%, WKY = 36%) simultaneously with an increase in capillary-to-fiber ratio in gracilis muscle (SHR = 19%, WKY = 15%). In contrast, 13 weeks of training increased gracilis capillary-to-fiber ratio (SHR = 18%, WKY = 19%), without simultaneous changes in VEGF expression. Training did not change VEGF expression and capillarity of temporalis muscle. We conclude that training stimulates time- and tissue-dependent VEGF protein expression, independent of pressure levels. VEGF triggers angiogenesis in locomotor skeletal muscle shortly after the exercise starts, but is not involved in the maintenance of capillarity after long-term exercise in female rats.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of joint immobilization on morphometric parameters and glycogen content of soleus muscle treated with clenbuterol. Male Wistar (3-4 months old) rats were divided into 4 groups (N = 6 for each group): control, clenbuterol, immobilized, and immobilized treated with clenbuterol. Immobilization was performed with acrylic resin orthoses and 10 µg/kg body weight clenbuterol was administered subcutaneously for 7 days. The following parameters were measured the next day on soleus muscle: weight, glycogen content, cross-sectional area, and connective tissue content. The clenbuterol group showed an increase in glycogen (81.6%, 0.38 ± 0.09 vs 0.69 ± 0.06 mg/100 g; P < 0.05) without alteration in weight, cross-sectional area or connective tissue compared with the control group. The immobilized group showed a reduction in muscle weight (34.2%, 123.5 ± 5.3 vs 81.3 ± 4.6 mg; P < 0.05), glycogen content (31.6%, 0.38 ± 0.09 vs 0.26 ± 0.05 mg/100 mg; P < 0.05) and cross-sectional area (44.1%, 2574.9 ± 560.2 vs 1438.1 ± 352.2 µm²; P < 0.05) and an increase in connective tissue (216.5%, 8.82 ± 3.55 vs 27.92 ± 5.36%; P < 0.05). However, the immobilized + clenbuterol group showed an increase in weight (15.9%; 81.3 ± 4.6 vs 94.2 ± 4.3 mg; P < 0.05), glycogen content (92.3%, 0.26 ± 0.05 vs 0.50 ± 0.17 mg/100 mg; P < 0.05), and cross-sectional area (19.9%, 1438.1 ± 352.2 vs 1724.8 ± 365.5 µm²; P < 0.05) and a reduction in connective tissue (52.2%, 27.92 ± 5.36 vs 13.34 ± 6.86%; P < 0.05). Statistical analysis was performed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and homoscedasticity tests. For the muscle weight and muscle glycogen content, two-way ANOVA and the Tukey test were used. For the cross-sectional area and connective tissue content, Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey tests were used. This study emphasizes the importance of anabolic pharmacological protection during immobilization to minimize skeletal muscle alterations resulting from disuse.
Skeletal muscle force production following repetitive contractions is preferentially reduced when muscle is evaluated with low-frequency stimulation. This selective impairment in force generation is called low-frequency fatigue (LFF) and could be dependent on the contraction type. The purpose of this study was to compare LFF after concentric and eccentric maximal and submaximal contractions of knee extensor muscles. Ten healthy male subjects (age: 23.6 ± 4.2 years; weight: 73.8 ± 7.7 kg; height: 1.79 ± 0.05 m) executed maximal voluntary contractions that were measured before a fatigue test (pre-exercise), immediately after (after-exercise) and after 1 h of recovery (after-recovery). The fatigue test consisted of 60 maximal (100%) or submaximal (40%) dynamic concentric or eccentric knee extensions at an angular velocity of 60°/s. The isometric torque produced by low- (20 Hz) and high- (100 Hz) frequency stimulation was also measured at these times and the 20:100 Hz ratio was calculated to assess LFF. One-way ANOVA for repeated measures followed by the Newman-Keuls post hoc test was used to determine significant (P < 0.05) differences. LFF was evident after-recovery in all trials except following submaximal eccentric contractions. LFF was not evident after-exercise, regardless of exercise intensity or contraction type. Our results suggest that low-frequency fatigue was evident after submaximal concentric but not submaximal eccentric contractions and was more pronounced after 1-h of recovery.
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of intermittent passive manual stretching on various proteins involved in force transmission in skeletal muscle. Female Wistar weanling rats were randomly assigned to 5 groups: 2 control groups containing 21- and 30-day-old rats that received neither immobilization nor stretching, and 3 test groups that received 1) passive stretching over 3 days, 2) immobilization for 7 days and then passive stretching over 3 days, or 3) immobilization for 7 days. Maximal plantar flexion in the right hind limb was imposed, and the stretching protocol of 10 repetitions of 30 s stretches was applied. The soleus muscles were harvested and processed for HE and picrosirius staining; immunohistochemical analysis of collagen types I, III, IV, desmin, and vimentin; and immunofluorescence labeling of dystrophin and CD68. The numbers of desmin- and vimentin-positive cells were significantly decreased compared with those in the control following immobilization, regardless of whether stretching was applied (P<0.05). In addition, the semi-quantitative analysis showed that collagen type I was increased and type IV was decreased in the immobilized animals, regardless of whether the stretching protocol was applied. In conclusion, the largest changes in response to stretching were observed in muscles that had been previously immobilized, and the stretching protocol applied here did not mitigate the immobilization-induced muscle changes. Muscle disuse adversely affected several proteins involved in the transmission of forces between the intracellular and extracellular compartments. Thus, the 3-day rehabilitation period tested here did not provide sufficient time for the muscles to recover from the disuse maladaptations in animals undergoing postnatal development.
The primary purpose of the current investigation was to develop an elevated muscle fluid level using a human in-vivo model. The secondary purpose was to determine if an increased muscle fluid content could alter the acute muscle damage response following a bout of eccentric exercise. Eight healthy, recreationally active males participated in a cross-over design involving two randomly assigned trials. A hydration trial (HYD) consisting of a two hour infusion of a hypotonic (0.45%) saline at a rate of 20mL/minVl .73m"^ and a control trial (CON), separated by four weeks. Following the infusion (HYD) or rest period (CON), participants completed a single leg isokinetic eccentric exercise protocol of the quadriceps, consisting of 10 sets of 10 repetitions with a one minute rest between each set. Muscle biopsies were collected prior to the exercise, immediately following and at three hours post exercise. Muscle analysis included determination of wet-dry ratios and quantification of muscle damage using toluidine blue staining and light microscopy. Blood samples were collected prior to, immediately post, three and 24 hours post exercise to determine changes in creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LD), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Creactive protein (CRP) levels. Results demonstrated an increased muscle fluid volume in the HYD condition following the infusion when compared to the CON condition. Isometric peak torque was significantly reduced following the exercise in both the HYD and CON conditions. There were no significant differences in the number of areas of muscle damage at any of the time points in either condition, with no differences between conditions. CK levels were significantly greater 24hour post exercise compared to pre, immediately and three hours post similarly in both conditions. LD in the HYD condition followed a similar trend as CK with 24 hour levels higher than pre, immediately post and three hours post and LD levels were significantly greater 24 hours post compared to pre levels in the CON condition, with no differences between conditions. A significant main effect for time was observed for CRP (p<0.05) for time, such that CRP levels increased consistently at each subsequent time point. However, CRP and IL-6 levels were not different at any of the measured time points when comparing the two conditions. Although the current investigation was able to successfully increase muscle fluid volume and an increased CK, LD and CRP were observed, no muscle damage was observed following the eccentric exercise protocol in the CON or HYD conditions. Therefore, the hypotonic infusion used in the HYD condition proved to be a viable method to acutely increase muscle fluid content in in-vivo human skeletal muscle.
Membrane lipid composition, which includes phospholipid (PL) headgroup, and fatty acid (FA) saturation, has been shown to affect cellular function. The sarcolemma (SL) membrane is integral to skeletal muscle function and health. Previous studies assessing SL lipid composition are limited as they have 1) restricted analysis to a PL level and neglected FA composition and 2) relied on aggressive membrane isolation procedures resulting in t-tubule and sarcoplasmic reticulum contamination and unknown levels of nuclear and mitochondrial contamination. Thus, to overcome these limitations, this study assessed a method of individually skinned skeletal muscle fibres as an alternative to analyze complete sarcolemmal membrane lipid composition. The major findings of this study were 1) complete SL lipid composition can be obtained 2) the SL had higher sphingomyelin content than previous studies and 3) the SL membrane had minimal nuclear and mitochondrial contamination and was void of contamination from sarcoplasmic reticulum and t-tubules.
Activated by elevations in myoplasmic calcium concentration, myosin light chain kinase (skMLCK) phosphorylates the regulatory light chains (RLCs) of fast muscle myosin. This covalent modification potentiates force production, but requires an investment of ATP. Our objective was to investigate the effect of RLC phosphorylation on the contractile economy (mechanical output:metabolic input) of fast twitch skeletal muscle. Extensor digitorum longus muscles isolated from Wildtype and skMLCK-/- mice mounted in vitro (25°C) were subjected to repetitive low-frequency stimulation (10Hz,15s) known to cause activation of skMLCK, and staircase potentiation of force. With a 3-fold increase in RLC phosphate content, Wildtype generated 44% more force than skMLCK-/- muscles over the stimulation period (P = .002), without an accompanied increase in energy cost (P = .449). Overall, the contractile economy of Wildtype muscles, with an intact RLC phosphorylation mechanism, was 73% greater than skMLCK /- muscles (P = .043), demonstrating an important physiological function of skMLCK during repetitive contractile activity.
Regulatory light chain (RLC) phosphorylation in fast twitch muscle is catalyzed by skeletal myosin light chain kinase (skMLCK), a reaction known to increase muscle force, work, and power. The purpose of this study was to explore the contribution of RLC phosphorylation on the power of mouse fast muscle during high frequency (100 Hz) concentric contractions. To determine peak power shortening ramps (1.05 to 0.90 Lo) were applied to Wildtype (WT) and skMLCK knockout (skMLCK-/-) EDL muscles at a range of shortening velocities between 0.05-0.65 of maximal shortening velocity (Vmax), before and after a conditioning stimulus (CS). As a result, mean power was increased to 1.28 ± 0.05 and 1.11 ± .05 of pre-CS values, when collapsed for shortening velocity in WT and skMLCK-/-, respectively (n = 10). In addition, fitting each data set to a second order polynomial revealed that WT mice had significantly higher peak power output (27.67 ± 1.12 W/ kg-1) than skMLCK-/- (25.97 ± 1.02 W/ kg-1), (p < .05). No significant differences in optimal velocity for peak power were found between conditions and genotypes (p > .05). Analysis with Urea Glycerol PAGE determined that RLC phosphate content had been elevated in WT muscles from 8 to 63 % while minimal changes were observed in skMLCK-/- muscles: 3 and 8 %, respectively. Therefore, the lack of stimulation induced increase in RLC phosphate content resulted in a ~40 % smaller enhancement of mean power in skMLCK-/-. The increase in power output in WT mice suggests that RLC phosphorylation is a major potentiating component required for achieving peak muscle performance during brief high frequency concentric contractions.
At the end of the last century, a model to explain clinical observations related to the mandibular growth was developed. According to it, the lateral pterigoid muscle (LPM) was one of the main modulators of the differentiation of mesenquimal cells inside the condyle to condroblasts or osteoblasts, and therefore of the growth of the mandibular condilar cartilage (CCM). The main components of the model were the humoral and the mechanical. Nowadays, the humoral would include growth factors such as IGF-I, FGF-2 and VEGF, which seem to be involved in mandibular growth. Since skeletal muscle can secrete these growth factors, there is a possibility that LPM modulates the growth of CCM by a paracrine or endocrine mechanism. The mechanical component derived from the observations that both the blood flow inside the temporomandibular joint (ATM) and the action of the retrodiscal pad on the growth of the CCM, depend, in part, on the contractile activity of the LPM. Despite the fact that there are some results suggesting hat LPM is activated under conditions of mandibular protrusion, there is no full agreement on whether this can stimulate the growth of CCM. In this review, the contributions and limitations of the works related to mandibular growth are discussed and a model which integrates the available information to explain the role of the LPM in the growth of the CCM is proposed.
Myostatin, a member of the TGF-beta family, has been identified as a powerful inhibitor of muscle growth. Absence or blockade of myostatin induces massive skeletal muscle hypertrophy that is widely attributed to proliferation of the population of muscle fiber-associated satellite cells that have been identified as the principle source of new muscle tissue during growth and regeneration. Postnatal blockade of myostatin has been proposed as a basis for therapeutic strategies to combat muscle loss in genetic and acquired myopathies. But this approach, according to the accepted mechanism, would raise the threat of premature exhaustion of the pool of satellite cells and eventual failure of muscle regeneration. Here, we show that hypertrophy in the absence of myostatin involves little or no input from satellite cells. Hypertrophic fibers contain no more myonuclei or satellite cells and myostatin had no significant effect on satellite cell proliferation in vitro, while expression of myostatin receptors dropped to the limits of detectability in postnatal satellite cells. Moreover, hypertrophy of dystrophic muscle arising from myostatin blockade was achieved without any apparent enhancement of contribution of myonuclei from satellite cells. These findings contradict the accepted model of myostatin-based control of size of postnatal muscle and reorient fundamental investigations away from the mechanisms that control satellite cell proliferation and toward those that increase myonuclear domain, by modulating synthesis and turnover of structural muscle fiber proteins. It predicts too that any benefits of myostatin blockade in chronic myopathies are unlikely to impose any extra stress on the satellite cells.
Most current research into therapeutic approaches to muscle diseases involves the use of the mouse as an experimental model. Furthermore, a major strategy to alleviate myopathic symptoms through enhancing muscle growth and regeneration is to inhibit the action of myostatin (Mstn), a transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family member that inhibits muscle growth. Presently, however, no study has expanded the morphological analysis of mouse skeletal muscle beyond a few individual muscles of the distal hindlimb, through which broad conclusions have been based. Therefore, we have initially undertaken an expansive analysis of the skeletal musculature of the mouse forelimb and highlighted the species-specific differences between equivalent muscles of the rat, another prominently used experimental model. Subsequently, we examined the musculature of the forelimb in both young and old adult wild-type (mstn(+/+)) and myostatin null (mstn(-/-)) mice and assessed the potential beneficial and detrimental effects of myostatin deletion on muscle morphology and composition during the aging process. We showed that: (1) the forelimb muscles of the mouse display a more glycolytic phenotype than those of the rat; (2) in the absence of myostatin, the induced myofiber hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and glycolytic conversion all occur in a muscle-specific manner; and, importantly, (3) the loss of myostatin significantly alters the dynamics of postnatal muscle growth and impairs age-related oxidative myofiber conversion.