979 resultados para RA-228


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A tanulmány a pénzügyi termékek árának fogalmát vizsgálja, s amellett érvel, hogy a fogalom átgondolatlan használata félrevezető, így az egyes piaci termékek olcsóságának vagy éppen drágaságának megalapozott vizsgálata érdekében mindenképpen pontosítást igényel. E gyakorlati szempontból rendkívül fontos kérdéskörnek a hagyományos pénzügyi témájú egyetemi tankönyvek feltűnően kevés figyelmet szentelnek. A nemzetközi és hazai szabályozás tömör ismertetését követően a cikk a fogalmi zavar tisztázása érdekében átfogóan ismerteti és elemzi a terméktípusonkénti árfogalmakat, amelyek sikerrel alkalmazhatók a pénzügyi fogyasztóvédelem területén a transzparencia és az ügyfél-elégedettség növelése érdekében. A tanulmány - a csomagolt lakossági befektetési termékekre vonatkozó EU-irányelv példáján új megvilágításba helyezve a kérdést - hozzá kíván járulni a pénzügyi termékek egységes költségmutatójának megalkotásához.


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Il lavoro di tesi consiste nella caratterizzazione, nell’analisi a ritroso e di stabilità attuale di un fenomeno franoso avvenuto a Casola Valsenio, in provincia di Ravenna. La caratterizzazione è comprensiva di analisi geomorfologica dell’area, indagine sismo-stratigrafica e indagine geotecnica di laboratorio. Quindi è stato definito il meccanismo di rottura della frana e sono stati cartografati gli elementi morfologici costituenti l’area di frana. L’indagine geofisica si basa su tecniche ad onde di superficie e include misure tromografiche di rumore sismico ambientale e misure attive multicanale. Queste forniscono, rispettivamente, le curve H/V e gli spettri di velocità di fase e di gruppo, dalle quali è possibile ricavare informazioni di carattere stratigrafico. La caratterizzazione fisico meccanica del materiale pelitico marnoso, prelevato sul piano di scorrimento basale, include analisi granulometrica, determinazione dei limiti di consistenza e test di taglio anulare per ottenere il valore di angolo di attrito residuo. Le informazioni ottenute dalle indagini hanno consentito di definire il modello geologico tecnico del fenomeno, che viene rappresentato rispetto a quattro sezioni, tre relative alla situazione attuale e una relativa al versante prefrana. Sulla base di questi sono state condotte delle analisi a ritroso, che hanno consentito di ricavare le condizioni idrauliche del versante al momento della rottura, per differenti combinazioni di geometria del cuneo e diagramma di spinta dell’acqua. Grazie ai risultati ottenuti in modalità backward, sono state effettuate le analisi di stabilità della scarpata attuale, aventi lo scopo di determinare la distanza orizzontale tra scarpata e frattura di trazione che determinerebbe una situazione di instabilità. Infine sono state condotte analisi di sensitività rispetto ai parametri geometrici del cuneo, di resistenza del materiale e di riempimento idraulico della frattura dii trazione.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Dissolved seawater neodymium isotopes, radium isotopes and rare earth element concentrations measured in coastal waters around Oahu and at HOT-ALOHA. Data from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1107 supplement by data from Kilo Moana cruises KM1215 (Hoe-Dylan V), KM1219 (Hoe-Dylan IX), KM1309 (Hoe-Phor I) and KM1316 (Hoe-Phor II).


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The surface water in the Transpolar Drift in the Arctic Ocean has a strong signature of 228Ra. In an earlier study of 228Ra in the open Arctic we showed that the major 228Ra source had to be in the Siberian shelf seas, but only a single shelf station was published so far. Here we investigate the sources of this signal on the Siberian shelves by measurements of 228Ra and 226Ra in surface waters of the Kara and Laptev Sea, including the Ob, Yenisey and Lena estuaries. In the Ob and Lena rivers we found an indication for a very strong and unexpected removal of both isotopes in the early stage of estuarine mixing, presumably related to flocculation of organic-rich material. Whereas 226Ra behaves conservatively on the shelf, the distribution of 228Ra is governed by large inputs on the shelves, although sources are highly variable. In the Kara Sea the maximum activity was found in the Baydaratskaya Bay, where tidal resonance and low freshwater supply favour 228Ra accumulation. The Laptev Sea is a stronger source for 228Ra than the Kara Sea. Since a large part of Kara Sea water flows through the Laptev Sea, the 228Ra signal in the Transpolar Drift can be described as originating on the Laptev shelf. The combined freshwater inputs from the Eurasian shelves thus produce a common radium signature with a 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio of 4.0 at 20% river water. The radium signals of the individual Siberian rivers and shelves cannot be separated, but their signal is significantly different from the signal produced on the Canadian shelf (Smith et al., in press). In this respect, the radium tracers add to the information given by Barium. Moreover, with the 5.8 year half-life of 228Ra, they have the potential to serve as a tracer for the age of a water mass since its contact with the shelves.


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Here we show the use of the 210Pb-226Ra excess method to determine the growth rate of corals from one of the world's largest known cold-water coral reef, the Røst Reef off Norway. Two large branching framework-forming cold-water coral specimens, one Lophelia pertusa and one Madrepora oculata were collected alive at 350 m water depth from the Røst Reef at ~67° N and ~9° E. Pb and Ra isotopes were measured along the major growth axis of both specimens using low level alpha and gamma spectrometry and the corals trace element compositions were studied using ICP-QMS. Due to the different chemical behaviors of Pb and Ra in the marine environment, 210Pb and 226Ra were not incorporated the same way into the aragonite skeleton of those two cold-water corals. Thus to assess of the growth rates of both specimens we have here taken in consideration the exponential decrease of initially incorporated 210Pb as well as the ingrowth of 210Pb from the decay of 226Ra. Moreover a~post-depositional 210Pb incorporation is found in relation to the Mn-Fe coatings that could not be entirely removed from the oldest parts of the skeletons. The 226Ra activities in both corals were fairly constant, then assuming constant uptake of 210Pb through time the 210Pb-226Ra chronology can be applied to calculate linear growth rate. The 45.5 cm long branch of M. oculata reveals an age of 31 yr and a~linear growth rate of 14.4 ± 1.1 mm yr-1, i.e. 2.6 polyps per year. However, a correction regarding a remaining post-depositional Mn-Fe oxide coating is needed for the base of the specimen. The corrected age tend to confirm the radiocarbon derived basal age of 40 yr (using 14C bomb peak) with a mean growth rate of 2 polyps yr-1. This rate is similar to the one obtained in Aquaria experiments under optimal growth conditions. For the 80 cm-long specimen of L. pertusa a remaining contamination of metal-oxides is observed for the middle and basal part of the coral skeleton, inhibiting similar accurate age and growth rate estimates. However, the youngest branch was free of Mn enrichment and this 15 cm section reveals a growth rate of 8 mm yr-1 (~1 polyp every two to three years). However, the 210Pb growth rate estimate is within the lowermost ranges of previous growth rate estimates and may thus reflect that the coral was not developing at optimal growth conditions. Overall, 210Pb-226Ra dating can be successfully applied to determine the age and growth rate of framework-forming cold-water corals, however, removal of post-depositional Mn-Fe oxide deposits is a prerequisite. If successful, large branching M. oculata and L. pertusa coral skeletons provide unique oceanographic archive for studies of intermediate water environmentals with an up to annual time resolution and spanning over many decades.


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Tidal and wind influences on the velocity field in the Ría de Vigo were assessed using atmospheric data from two meteorological stations located at Bouzas port and on an oceanic buoy off Silleiro Cape along with oceanic data from an ADCP moored in the Ría for a 72-day period. A two-layer circulation pattern was observed. Near-surface and near-bottom currents are primarily influenced by wind (especially remote winds), separated by an intermediate layer dominated by tidal variability. At subtidal frequencies, residual currents are well correlated with wind variability. Remote wind forcing exhibited a markedly high correlation with surface layer currents, indicating the major role played by wind in the long-term upwelling-modulated circulation of the Ría.


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Tidal and wind influences on the velocity field in the Ría de Vigo were assessed using atmospheric data from two meteorological stations located at Bouzas port and on an oceanic buoy off Silleiro Cape along with oceanic data from an ADCP moored in the Ría for a 72-day period. A two-layer circulation pattern was observed. Near-surface and near-bottom currents are primarily influenced by wind (especially remote winds), separated by an intermediate layer dominated by tidal variability. At subtidal frequencies, residual currents are well correlated with wind variability. Remote wind forcing exhibited a markedly high correlation with surface layer currents, indicating the major role played by wind in the long-term upwelling-modulated circulation of the Ría.


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El reactor multipropósito RA-10 que se construirá en Ezeiza tiene como objetivo principal aumentar la producción de radioisótopos destinados al diagnóstico de enfermedades; adicionalmente el proyecto RA-10 permitirá ofrecer al sistema científico-tecnológico oportunidades de investigación, desarrollo y producción. Entre ellas se contará con una facilidad de dopaje de silicio a través de transmutación neutrónica para producir material semiconductor. La principal ventaja de esta técnica de fabricación es que se obtiene el semiconductor más homogéneamente dopado del mercado. Esto se logra irradiando a la pieza con un flujo neutrónico axialmente uniforme. La uniformidad axial se obtiene diseñando un aplanador de flujo que consiste en un conjunto de anillos de acero de diferentes espesores para lograr aplanar el perfil de flujo neutrónico que irradia al silicio. El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar e implementar un algoritmo que permita calcular los espesores óptimos de acero de forma tal de modificar el perfil de flujo neutrónico que se genera en el núcleo para uniformizarlo lo más posible. Se proponen y evalúan mejoras para incrementar el valor del flujo neutrónico al cual se uniformiza. Posteriormente se evalúan los tiempos necesarios para obtener diferentes resistividades objetivo y se realizan cálculos de activación neutrónica para determinar los tiempos de decaimiento necesarios para cumplir los límites de actividad requeridos. Se realizan además cálculos de calentamiento para determinar la potencia que se debe disipar para refrigerar la facilidad.


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El reactor multipropósito RA-10 que se construirá en Ezeiza tiene como objetivo principal aumentar la producción de radioisótopos destinados al diagnóstico de enfermedades; adicionalmente el proyecto RA-10 permitirá ofrecer al sistema científico-tecnológico oportunidades de investigación, desarrollo y producción. Entre ellas se contará con una facilidad de dopaje de silicio a través de transmutación neutrónica para producir material semiconductor. La principal ventaja de esta técnica de fabricación es que se obtiene el semiconductor más homogéneamente dopado del mercado. Esto se logra irradiando a la pieza con un flujo neutrónico axialmente uniforme. La uniformidad axial se obtiene diseñando un aplanador de flujo que consiste en un conjunto de anillos de acero de diferentes espesores para lograr aplanar el perfil de flujo neutrónico que irradia al silicio. El objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar e implementar un algoritmo que permita calcular los espesores óptimos de acero de forma tal de modificar el perfil de flujo neutrónico que se genera en el núcleo para uniformizarlo lo más posible. Se proponen y evalúan mejoras para incrementar el valor del flujo neutrónico al cual se uniformiza. Posteriormente se evalúan los tiempos necesarios para obtener diferentes resistividades objetivo y se realizan cálculos de activación neutrónica para determinar los tiempos de decaimiento necesarios para cumplir los límites de actividad requeridos. Se realizan además cálculos de calentamiento para determinar la potencia que se debe disipar para refrigerar la facilidad.