996 resultados para Quijano, Alonso
Genetic basis of adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana: local adaptation at the seed dormancy QTL DOG1.
Local adaptation provides an opportunity to study the genetic basis of adaptation and investigate the allelic architecture of adaptive genes. We study delay of germination 1 (DOG1), a gene controlling natural variation in seed dormancy in Arabidopsis thaliana and investigate evolution of dormancy in 41 populations distributed in four regions separated by natural barriers. Using F(ST) and Q(ST) comparisons, we compare variation at DOG1 with neutral markers and quantitative variation in seed dormancy. Patterns of genetic differentiation among populations suggest that the gene DOG1 contributes to local adaptation. Although Q(ST) for seed dormancy is not different from F(ST) for neutral markers, a correlation with variation in summer precipitation supports that seed dormancy is adaptive. We characterize dormancy variation in several F(2) -populations and show that a series of functionally distinct alleles segregate at the DOG1 locus. Theoretical models have shown that the number and effect of alleles segregatin at quantitative trait loci (QTL) have important consequences for adaptation. Our results provide support to models postulating a large number of alleles at quantitative trait loci involved in adaptation.
A 49-year-old woman, without known cardiovascular risk factors. Hoarseness of voice caused by a paralysis of left vocal cord. She was admitted to hospital because of acute coronary syndrome, associated to resuscitated cardiac arrest (asystolia documented) without later neurology sequels. Physical examination was anodyne. Echocardiographic study demonstrated a compatible image with a large left sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) (Panel A) and mild aortic regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization confirmed the presence of left SVA (Panel B) that produced extrinsic compression of the left main coronary artery (Panels C and D). Repair surgery was made by means of closing the aneurysmal orifice with a patch of dacron. Intra-operatory echocardiographic control study found severe aortic regurgitation, so valvular replacement with 19 mm mechanical prosthesis and extension of the valve annulus with patch of dacron was performed, associated with bypass with safena vein graft to left coronary artery. SVA is a very infrequent cardiac anomaly, generally with silent clinical course until it ruptures. Myocardial ischaemia caused by coronary artery compression is unusual. We described the case of a patient diagnosed of left SVA, whose initial clinical manifestation was the appearance of resuscitated sudden cardiac death in the context of an acute coronary syndrome.
G17+1 está integrado por: Elena Primo (Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud), Verónica Juan (BV Andalucía), Montserrat Salas (BV Aragón), Mercedes Corrales y Raquel Lavandera (BV Asturias), Virgili Paéz (BV Baleares), Beatriz Duque (BV Canarias), Fanny Ribes (BV Cantabria), Marisa Alonso (BV Castilla-La Mancha), Pilar Díaz Ruiz (BV Castilla y León), Pilar Roqué (BV Cataluña), Francisco Javier Moreno (BV Extremadura), Teresa Mejuto (BV Galicia), Mayra García Berges y José Manuel Estrada (BV Madrid), Enrique Aguinaga y Juan Antonio Sánchez Sánchez (BV Murcia), Idoia Gaminde (BV Navarra) y Ricardo Aróstegui y Mª Asunción García Martín (BV País Vasco).
BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESIS Although prodromal angina occurring shortly before an acute myocardial infarction (MI) has protective effects against in-hospital complications, this effect has not been well documented after initial hospitalization, especially in older or diabetic patients. We examined whether angina 1 week before a first MI provides protection in these patients. METHODS A total of 290 consecutive patients, 143 elderly (>64 years of age) and 147 adults (<65 years of age), 68 of whom were diabetic (23.4%) and 222 nondiabetic (76.6%), were examined to assess the effect of preceding angina on long-term prognosis (56 months) after initial hospitalization for a first MI. RESULTS No significant differences were found in long-term complications after initial hospitalization in these adult and elderly patients according to whether or not they had prodromal angina (44.4% with angina vs 45.4% without in adults; 45.5% vs 58% in elderly, P < 0.2). Nor were differences found according to their diabetic status (61.5% with angina vs 72.7% without in diabetics; 37.3% vs 38.3% in nondiabetics; P = 0.4). CONCLUSION The occurrence of angina 1 week before a first MI does not confer long-term protection against cardiovascular complications after initial hospitalization in adult or elderly patients, whether or not they have diabetes.
The occurrence of angina in the week preceding myocardial infarction is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular complications in the acute phase. However, little is known about it relationship with prognosis after hospitalization (e.g., cardiovascular death and the development of heart failure or ischemic cardiomyopathy). The study included 290 consecutive patients admitted for a first myocardial infarction: 107 (36.9%) had preceding angina while 183 did not. Those with a history of ischemic cardiomyopathy of more than 1 week or structural cardiopathy were excluded. There was no difference in baseline characteristics between the two groups. Moreover, there was no difference in the rates of cardiovascular complications after hospital discharge: cardiovascular death (7% vs. 12.6%; P=.3), heart failure (7.4% vs. 11.6%; P=.2), and myocardial ischemia, including myocardial infarction and unstable angina, requiring hospitalization (41.2% vs. 31.3%; P=.3). The occurrence of angina in the week before a first myocardial infarction did not influence cardiovascular complications after hospital discharge (odds ratio = 0.75 [0.51-1.11]; P=.15).
Dada la fuerte presión por parte de los pacientes a la hora de conseguir buenos resultados visuales tras la cirugía de cataratas, se considera de gran importancia la correcta evaluación del fondo de ojo para el diagnóstico de posibles maculopatías que puedan ensombrecer el pronóstico postoperatorio. Por ello, con este trabajo se pretende valorar si la tomografía de coherencia óptica macular es un método diagnóstico más fiable y eficiente que la tradicional exploración funduscópica realizada por el propio oftalmólogo, y si debe convertirse en una prueba complementaria imprescindible en las visitas preoperatorias.
Exercise is known to reduce cardiovascular risk. However, its role on atherosclerotic plaque stabilization is unknown. Apolipoprotein E(-/-) mice with vulnerable (2-kidney, 1-clip: angiotensin [Ang] II-dependent hypertension model) or stable atherosclerotic plaques (1-kidney, 1-clip: Ang II-independent hypertension model and normotensive shams) were used for experiments. Mice swam regularly for 5 weeks and were compared with sedentary controls. Exercised 2-kidney, 1-clip mice developed significantly more stable plaques (thinner fibrous cap, decreased media degeneration, layering, macrophage content, and increased smooth muscle cells) than sedentary controls. Exercise did not affect blood pressure. Conversely, swimming significantly reduced aortic Ang II type 1 receptor mRNA levels, whereas Ang II type 2 receptor expression remained unaffected. Sympathetic tone also significantly diminished in exercised 2-kidney, 1-clip mice compared with sedentary ones; renin and aldosterone levels tended to increase. Ang II type 1 downregulation was not accompanied by improved endothelial function, and no difference in balance among T-helper 1, T-helper 2, and T regulatory cells was observed between sedentary and exercised mice. These results show for the first time, in a mouse model of Ang II-mediated vulnerable plaques, that swimming prevents atherosclerosis progression and plaque vulnerability. This benefit is likely mediated by downregulating aortic Ang II type 1 receptor expression independent from any hemodynamic change. Ang II type 1 downregulation may protect the vessel wall from the Ang II proatherogenic effects. Moreover, data presented herein further emphasize the pivotal and blood pressure-independent role of Ang II in atherogenesis.
BACKGROUND Lung cancer remains one of the most prevalent forms of cancer. Radiotherapy, with or without other therapeutic modalities, is an effective treatment. Our objective was to report on the use of radiotherapy for lung cancer, its variability in our region, and to compare our results with the previous study done in 2004 (VARA-I) in our region and with other published data. METHODS We reviewed the clinical records and radiotherapy treatment sheets of all patients undergoing radiotherapy for lung cancer during 2007 in the 12 public hospitals in Andalusia, an autonomous region of Spain. Data were gathered on hospital, patient type and histological type, radiotherapy treatment characteristics, and tumor stage. RESULTS 610 patients underwent initial radiotherapy. 37% of cases had stage III squamous cell lung cancer and were treated with radical therapy. 81% of patients with non-small and small cell lung cancer were treated with concomitant chemo-radiotherapy and the administered total dose was ≥60 Gy and ≥45 Gy respectively. The most common regimen for patients treated with palliative intent (44.6%) was 30 Gy. The total irradiation rate was 19.6% with significant differences among provinces (range, 8.5-25.6%; p<0.001). These differences were significantly correlated with the geographical distribution of radiation oncologists (r=0.78; p=0.02). Our results were similar to other published data and previous study VARA-I. CONCLUSIONS Our results shows no differences according to the other published data and data gathered in the study VARA-I. There is still wide variability in the application of radiotherapy for lung cancer in our setting that significantly correlates with the geographical distribution of radiation oncologists.
Early studies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) reported increased incidence of tuberculosis. The tuberculin skin test (TST) is the technique of choice to detect latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) but has several limitations. OBJECTIVES We compared TST and the newer T.SPOT.TB test to diagnose LTBI in SLE patients. METHODS In this observational cohort study conducted between August 2009 and February 2012, we recruited 92 patients from those attending the SLE clinic of our university hospital. Data recorded were epidemiological and sociodemographic characteristics. Laboratory analyses included TST and T.SPOT.TB tests. RESULTS Of the patients studied, 92% were women with an average age of 42.7 years. Overall, the degree of correlation between the two tests was low (Kappa index = 0.324) but was better in patients not receiving corticosteroids (CTC)/immunosuppressive (IS) therapy (Kappa = 0.436) and in those receiving hydroxychloroquine (Kappa = 0.473). While TST results were adversely affected by those receiving CTC and/or IS drugs (P = 0.021), the T.SPOT.TB results were not. CONCLUSION Although the TST test remains a useful tool for diagnosing LTBI in SLE patients, the T.SPOT.TB test is perhaps better employed when the patient is receiving CTC and/or IS drugs.
AUTORES Informe Uruguay DPTO. DE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA Y SOCIAL UDELAR Prof. Dra. Marisa Buglioli Prof. Agda. Dra. Ima León Prof. Adj. Dra. Cecilia Severi Asist. Dr. Miguel Alegretti Asist. Dr. Mario Romero Doc. Colaboradora: Dra. Lucia Alonso Informe Argentina UNIVERSIDAD ISALUD Prof. Martín Langsam Informe Paraguay Prof. Natalia Meza Prof. María Noce Prof. Julia Pineda Informe Brasil UNIVERSIDADE SÃO PAULO FACULTADE SAÚDE PUBLICA CEPEDOC Prof. Daniele Sacardo Nigro Prof. Juan Carlos Aneiros Fernandez Introducción a la Salud Internacional Prof. Martin Langsam Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública COORDINACIÓN Prof. Luis Andrés López Fernández Prof. Juan Ignacio Martínez Millán ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA Y LOGÍSTICA Elisabeth María Ilidio Paulo
Coordinación Autonómica de Trasplantes
We present the case of a patient with an infection by Nocardia which manifested itself with monocular endophthalmitis. Nocardia infection is not common and ocular involvement is one of the most uncommon presentations. In these cases it is very important to make an early diagnosis and intensive treatment to prevent the visual prognosis.
In recent years, a growing number of studies suggests that increases in air pollution levels may have short-term impact on human health, even at pollution levels similar to or lower than those which have been considered to be safe to date. The different methodological approaches and the varying analysis techniques employed have made it difficult to make a direct comparison among all of the findings, preventing any clear conclusions from being drawn. This has led to multicenter projects such as the APHEA (Short-Term Impact of Air Pollution on Health. A European Approach) within a European Scope. The EMECAM Project falls within the context of the aforesaid multicenter studies and has a wide-ranging projection nationwide within Spain. Fourteen (14) cities throughout Spain were included in this Project (Barcelona, Metropolitan Area of Bilbao, Cartagena, Castellón, Gijón, Huelva, Madrid, Pamplona, Seville, Oviedo, Valencia, Vigo, Vitoria and Saragossa) representing different sociodemographic, climate and environmental situations, adding up to a total of nearly nine million inhabitants. The objective of the EMECAM project is that to asses the short-term impact of air pollution throughout all of the participating cities on the mortality for all causes, on the population and on individuals over age 70, for respiratory and cardiovascular design causes. For this purpose, with an ecological, the time series data analyzed taking the daily deaths, pollutants, temperature data and other factors taken from records kept by public institutions. The period of time throughout which this study was conducted, although not exactly the same for all of the cities involved, runs in all cases from 1990 to 1996. The degree of relationship measured by means of an autoregressive Poisson regression. In the future, the results of each city will be combined by means of a meta-analysis.
BACKGROUND Although the painful shoulder is one of the most common dysfunctions of the locomotor apparatus, and is frequently treated both at primary healthcare centres and by specialists, little evidence has been reported to support or refute the effectiveness of the treatments most commonly applied. According to the bibliography reviewed, physiotherapy, which is the most common action taken to alleviate this problem, has not yet been proven to be effective, because of the small size of sample groups and the lack of methodological rigor in the papers published on the subject. No reviews have been made to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating this complaint, but in recent years controlled randomised studies have been made and these demonstrate an increasing use of acupuncture to treat pathologies of the soft tissues of the shoulder. In this study, we seek to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy applied jointly with acupuncture, compared with physiotherapy applied with a TENS-placebo, in the treatment of painful shoulder caused by subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). METHODS/DESIGN Randomised controlled multicentre study with blind evaluation by an independent observer and blind, independent analysis. A study will be made of 465 patients referred to the rehabilitation services at participating healthcare centres, belonging to the regional public health systems of Andalusia and Murcia, these patients presenting symptoms of painful shoulder and a diagnosis of subacromial syndrome (rotator cuff tendinitis and subacromial bursitis). The patients will be randomised into two groups: 1) experimental (acupuncture + physiotherapy); 2) control (TENS-placebo + physiotherapy); the administration of rescue medication will also be allowed. The treatment period will have a duration of three weeks. The main result variable will be the change produced on Constant's Shoulder Function Assessment (SFA) Scale; as secondary variables, we will record the changes in diurnal pain intensity on a visual analogue scale (VAS), nocturnal pain intensity on the VAS, doses of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken during the study period, credibility scale for the treatment, degree of improvement perceived by the patient and degree of improvement perceived by the evaluator. A follow up examination will be made at 3, 6 and 12 months after the study period has ended. Two types of population will be considered for analysis: per protocol and per intention to treat. DISCUSSION The discussion will take into account the limitations of the study, together with considerations such as the choice of a simple, safe method to treat this shoulder complaint, the choice of the control group, and the blinding of the patients, evaluators and those responsible for carrying out the final analysis.
BACKGROUND Based on the mechanism of action, combining somatostatin analogues (SSAs) with mTOR inhibitors or antiangiogenic agents may provide synergistic effects for the treatment of patients with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs). Herein, we investigate the use of these treatment combinations in clinical practice. METHODS This retrospective cross-sectional analysis of patients with NETs treated with the SSA lanreotide and targeted therapies at 35 Spanish hospitals evaluated the efficacy and safety of lanreotide treatment combinations in clinical practice. The data of 159 treatment combinations with lanreotide in 133 patients was retrospectively collected. RESULTS Of the 133 patients, with a median age of 59.4 (16-83) years, 70 (52.6 %) patients were male, 64 (48.1 %) had pancreatic NET, 23 (17.3 %) had ECOG PS ≥2, 41 (30.8 %) had functioning tumours, 63 (47.7 %) underwent surgery of the primary tumour, 45 (33.8 %) had received prior chemotherapy, and 115 (86.5 %) had received prior SSAs. 115 patients received 1 lanreotide treatment combination and 18 patients received between 2 and 5 combinations. Lanreotide was mainly administered in combination with everolimus (73 combinations) or sunitinib (61 combinations). The probability of being progression-free was 78.5 % (6 months), 68.6 % (12 months) and 57.0 % (18 months) for patients who only received everolimus plus lanreotide (n = 57) and 89.3 % (6 months), 73.0 % (12 months), and 67.4 % (18 months) for patients who only received sunitinib and lanreotide (n = 50). In patients who only received everolimus plus lanreotide the median time-to-progression from the initiation of lanreotide combination treatment was 25.8 months (95 % CI, 11.3, 40.3) and it had not yet been reached among the subgroup of patients only receiving sunitinib plus lanreotide. The safety profile of the combination treatment was comparable to that of the targeted agent alone. CONCLUSIONS The combination of lanreotide and targeted therapies, mainly everolimus and sunitinib, is widely used in clinical practice without unexpected toxicities and suggests efficacy that should be explored in randomized prospective clinical trials.