1000 resultados para Química de los suelos
En los países industrializados, la contaminación de suelos y aguas subterráneas por el vertido incontrolado de residuos industriales es uno de los problemas más preocupantes que se plantean, ya que su eliminación no es fácil ni barata de realizar, y sus efectos persisten durante muchos años. En España este problema es especialmente notorio a causa de una gestión inadecuada derivada de la descoordinación existente entre los diferentes sectores involucrados: administración, empresas, técnicos y científicos. La ausencia de instalaciones suficientes para su tratamiento, ha llevado a la práctica de vertidos en los cauces de ríos y en el subsuelo o a su almacenamiento en vertederos incontrolados...
[spa] Los fitólitos son microrestos síliceos que reproducen el tejido celular de las plantas. Su identificación y cuantificación en un yacimiento arqueológico permiten obtener información sobre el tipo de plantas utilizadas en un contexto determinado así como su distribución. Fueron realizados análisis de fitolitos en diversos niveles correspondientes a diferentes períodos cronológicos del abrigo de Son Gallard-Son Marroig. Los resultados obtenidos señalan una deposición de carácter «antrópico» de materia vegetal en dos de los niveles analizados (TB3 y UE5), aunque sin una selección aparente del tipo de plantas depositadas. Por otro lado las muestras analizadas de la Covacha Este parecen indicar que se trata del suelo de hábitat del abrigo sin una deposición intencionada de materia vegetal, mas allá de la derivada por el uso continuado del abrigo. [eng] Phytoliths are silica microremains that reproduce the cellular tissue of plants. The identification and quantification of phytoliths in archaeological sediments, allows for a better understanding of the utilised plants in a pecific area as well as the distribution of the plants used. Phytolith analyses were performed on different levels from different periods in Son Gallard-Son Marroig rockshelter. The results obtained show an «anthropological» deposition of plants in two of the studied levels (TB3 and UE5), without apparent selection of plants. On the other hand, the samples analyzed from the Covacha Este seem to indicate the presence of vegetal remains product of the continued use of the soils with no intentional deposition.
Con motivo de un estudio técnico edafobotánico realizado para la Confederación Hidrográfica del Pirineo Oriental se han recogido numerosos datos sobre suelos y vegetación del delta del Llobregat, algunos de los cuales presentamos en esta publicación.
El proyecto GEOCISTEM intentó hallar un substituto vítreo alcalino natural, económico y viable industrialmente, a los reactivos químicos empleados en un cemento silicatado patentado. Se realizó una completa prospección de los recursos consistentes en rocas volcánicas vítreas ricas en álcalis (Na2O+K2O > 10 %, K>>Na), preferentemente fragmentarias (piroclásticas) en diferentes regiones volcánicas europeas (Italia, Grecia, España). Unas 100 muestras fueron analizadas (elementos mayores mediante FRX; caracterización, petrográfica y mediante DRX) y 10 fueron empleadas en la fabricación (en laboratorio y escala semiindustrial) del cemento silicatado. Se obtuvo toda una familia de cementos (diez) con alta resistencia a la compresión (50-60 MPa a los 28 días), resistentes a la corrosión y que no desarrollan reacción alcalina-agregados, muy adecuados para el encapsulado de residuos especiales; todo ello con una notable reducción del consumo de energía en el proceso de fabricación y en el consumo de silicato de K (hasta 1/3-1/4 del requerido en la patente original). El estudio químico-mineralógico desarrollado demuestra que la formulación original del cemento era excesivamente restrictiva, y que la mineralogía producida en los procesos de desvitrificación naturales controla estrictamente el rendimiento de estos nuevos recursos durante el proceso de fabricación del cemento. Las rocas anhidras con feldespatos alcalinos y fases silíceas cristalinas predominantes obtenidas a temperaturas inferiores a las magmáticas (desvitrificación) son más interesantes que las zeolitizadas naturalmente, ya que no requieren calcinación previa con el consiguiente ahorro energético.
En este artículo se presenta una investigación educativa sobre una experiencia de innovación llevada a cabo durante tres cursos escolares, en la que el alumnado del Ciclo Formativo de Química Ambiental ha producido, en grupos cooperativos, material hipermedia sobre el tema de 'iones en agua' utilizando un editor HTML gratuito y con el soporte informático de una plataforma de espacios compartidos de trabajo, igualmente gratuita. El alumnado, mediante una encuesta, ha mostrado un alto grado de aceptación hacia la producción de materiales hipermedia y al trabajo en grupos cooperativos.
In this work we intend to eliminate the idea that laboratory exercises seem like cookbooks. That is, exercises shall be presented as a problematic situation. Based on observation and experimentation, the students should determine the E-Z configuration of maleic and fumaric acids. The basis of this laboratory exercise is the acid-catalyzed isomerization of maleic acid to fumaric acid. Students are given the starting material, reagents and the experimental procedure. They are told that the starting material is a dicarboxylic acid containing a C=C double bond of formula C4H4O4. Students determine melting points, solubilities, acidity and chromatographic patterns for both the starting material and the product, so that a configuration of each acid can be proposed. This type of experiment yields excellent results, because the students are left to deduce that maleic acid is less stable than fumaric acid. Additionally, they conclude that maleic acid is the "Z" isomer and fumaric acid is the "E" isomer. Finally, this laboratory exercise allows the students to develop simultaneously their critical-thinking skills with the respective laboratory techniques and not to see chemistry as recipes to be followed.
Este proyecto, tiene como objetivo proporcionar los pilares de la selección e implementación de un ERP en una PYME destinada a la industria química. Se analizan todos los pasos previos necesarios para la correcta elección del sistema de gestión deseado. De cara al cliente, se realiza un estudio del funcionamiento y necesidades de la empresa, con una posterior propuesta de ERP según sus necesidades. Esta, ya aceptada, se encuentra en proceso de instalación. Personalmente, me ha ofrecido la posibilidad de entender todo el entramado de una empresa y como puede ser potenciado de una manera sencilla y efectiva mediante software.
The void structure of zeolites MCM-22, MCM-36 and ITQ-2 were discussed on the bases of catalytic reaction tests. The hydromerization of n-decane on bifunctional Pt/Zeolite Catalysts have been used as model reactions. Beta and ZSM-5 zeolites were used for comparison. It is concluded that all materials show features of 10MR zeolites and have also pores bigger than 12MR in this order MCM-22
This paper shows the applicability of the carbon paste electrode-mineral (CPE-mineral) to study the dissolution mechanisms of minerals in powder form and in flotation concentrates. A potentiodynamic strategy to find the dissolution mechanism of galena (PbS) is presented. In this way, minerals less studied such as orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (As2S2) are investigated. The electrochemical activity of a more complicated mineral such as sphalerite (ZnS), containing 12.3 and 0.43% of iron in solid solution, is discussed. The mechanism of a complex zinc concentrate (containing 63.4% ZnS, 20.1% FeS2, 5% CuFeS2, 0.33% PbS, 0.45% Cu12Sb4S13 and 0.4% FeAsS) is described. Finally, an electrochemical method for the detection of the different leachable and refractory silver phases (contained in two mineral concentrates) is presented. This paper reviews the power of the use of CPE-mineral coupled to electrochemical techniques in hydrometallurgy.
Glucose-oxidase (GOD), suffers conformational change during freeze-drying. In order to determine the protection level granted by amorphous matrices (AM) of saccharose, maltose, trehalose and their combinations, the thermal inactivation constants (K D) of GOD trapped in these systems were determined. For its evaluation, GOD samples were balanced at different water activities and heated up to 30, 50 and 70 ºC. The best AM found for GOD stability was saccharose-trehalose (5/10% p/v). The K D values (K D.10-4) at a w = 0.0 were 3 at 30 ºC and 6 at 70 ºC. For non-protected GOD under the same conditions these values were 48 at 30 ºC and 257 at 70 ºC.
The aim of this paper is to study the family of halobenzenes for characterizing their intrinsic reactivity and in this way to establish a rational order of the intrinsic reactivity of this family of molecules in the electrophilic aromatic substitution. This study was carried out in the framework of Density Functional Theory which provides a global and local index that can be used in the characterization of the reactivity. This index is related to some concept derivatives of experimental chemistry, being a good approach to the characterization of halobenzenes.
Periodically, during petroleum shortage, fatty acids and their derivatives have been used as alternative fuels to those derived from petroleum. Different approaches have been proposed, including the use of neat fats and oils or their derivatives. Indeed, the utilization of biodiesel produced by alcoholysis of triacilglycerides or esterification of fatty acids, or hydrocarbons obtained from cracking of fatty materials were studied and used in several countries. Increasing concerns about energy security and climate changes have lead several countries, including Brazil, to start up biofuels programs. Different technologies are currently being developed in order to produce biofuels with economical feasibility. In this work are discussed alternative fatty raw-materials and processing technologies that are currently being studied in order to produce fuels suitable to sustainable substitute diesel fuel.
Intralaboratorial and interlaboratorial variabilities can be obtained by conducting an specially designed interlaboratory program. Using the analysis of variance technique one can calculate the r (repeatability) and R (reproducibility) indexes that can help participant laboratories to monitor their routine quality control procedures. An example is described using data obtained from an interlaboratory program where twelve laboratories determined total iron content in silicon metal sample by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
Copper toxicity in soil was evaluated using biomarkers of oxidative stress (catalase enzyme activity, superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxidation) in the earthworm Eisenia foetida. Agricultural topsoils from mining areas of the Aconcagua river basin were collected. Total copper concentrations were in the range of 94-959 mg kg-1, while the exchangeable copper concentrations were in the range of 46-2225 µg kg-1. Earthworms exposed to soil with exchangeable copper concentrations above 32 µg kg-1 showed an increase in catalase activity. Parameters of antioxidant activity were more sensitive than the weight change and thus can be used as appropriate biomarkers in Eisenia foetida.
The Problem Based Learning (PBL) can be used as a strategy for methodological change in conventional learning environments. In this paper, the integration of laboratory work in PBL grounded activities during an introductory organic chemistry course is described. The most decisive issues of their implementation are discussed. The results show how this methodology favours the laboratory work contextualization in subject-matter and promotes the Science-Technology-Society-Environment relationships. Besides, it contributes to competence development like planning and organization skills, information search and selection, cooperative work, etc., the same way as the tutorial action improvement.