997 resultados para Propellerhead Reason (Computer file)
L’objectiu del projecte consisteix en l’estudi, simulació i implantació d’un conjunt d’aplicacions que permeten tenir un control sobre possibles problemes que puguin succeir a la nostra xarxa. Aquest projecte és la solució als problemes de detecció d’errors en el funcionament de les infraestructures de networking de les que disposen els nostres clients.
El sector sanitari és un dels més importants i sensibles dintre de l’economia espanyola, ja que és un element clau del benestar social. Per aquest motiu, el sector de la sanitat s’enfronta a nombrosos reptes, i les Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions (TIC) obren un ampli ventall de possibilitats de renovació i millora. És per això que Hewlett-Packard està desenvolupant una aplicació informàtica per a hospitals, anomenada HCIS (Health Care Information System). El projecte que es presenta en aquesta memòria és el desenvolupament del mòdul d’HCIS per a gestionar l’Arxiu d’Històries Clíniques d’un hospital, i la seva implantació a la Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí de Sabadell.
The CIPA programme is a collaborative project including two entomologists from France and seven South and Central America countries. Its objective is the development of an expert system for computer aided identification of phlebotomine sandflies from the Americas. It also includes the formation of data bases for bibliographic, taxonomic and biogeographic data. Participant consensus on taxonomic prerequisites, standardization in bibliographic data collections and selection of descriptive variables for the final programme has been established through continous communication among participants and annual meetings. The adopted check-list of American sandflies presented here includes 386 specific taxa, ordered into genera and 28 sub-genera or species groups.
Concerns on the clustering of retail industries and professional services in main streets had traditionally been the public interest rationale for supporting distance regulations. Although many geographic restrictions have been suppressed, deregulation has hinged mostly upon the theory results on the natural tendency of outlets to differentiate spatially. Empirical evidence has so far offered mixed results. Using the case of deregulation of pharmacy establishment in a region of Spain, we empirically show how pharmacy locations scatter, and that there is not rationale for distance regulation apart from the underlying private interest of very few incumbents.
S’ha dissenyat un Laboratori Virtual d’Equips Electrònics per múltiples aplicacions específiques com a reforç docent en l’àrea de l’electrònica VERiLAB (Virtual ElectRonic LABoratory) i, a més, s’han dissenyat un conjunt de 9 pràctiques guiades per treure el màxim rendiment al laboratori virtual. El laboratori Virtual és una potent eina de treball per aplicacions docents com a programari d’iniciació a la utilització d’equips electrònics bàsics que podem trobar a qualsevol laboratori d’electrònica. Aquesta eina permet augmentar el nombre d’hores de treball pràctic fora del laboratori. La primera versió d’aquest programari es va dissenyar a l’any 2004 a la Universitat de Barcelona amb el software LabVIEW_7, el qual permet obtenir un fitxer executable amb el qual els alumnes poden treballar fora del laboratori. D’aquesta forma els alumnes únicament necessiten un ordinador per a poder fer les pràctiques. La primera versió del laboratori disposava d’un generador de funcions, un oscil·loscopi i un analitzador d’espectres com a equips electrònics, i a més a més incorporava un mòdul de filtres i un motor DC per treballar amb els equips. La versió 2 del Laboratori Virtual es va desenvolupar amb aquest projecte MQD i es va introduir una font d’alimentació, un multímetre de sobre taula i un portàtil com a equips electrònics. Es van crear també diferents mòduls de sistemes electrònics: filtres analògics, configuracions bàsiques basades en l’amplificador operacional, l’amplificador operacional no ideal i un circuit de rectificació d’ona completa. Aquests mòduls han premés ampliar el camp d’aplicació del Laboratori Virtual a diferents assignatures de l’àrea de l’electrònica.
What abortion laws a liberal political community ought to have? Much has been said about the moral problem of abortion, but there has not been yet (to my knowledge) a fully articulate account of the bearing of the competing answers to this ethical problem on liberal public reason. The first part of my project consists in a critical review of the different attempts to solve the various philosophical puzzles, both metaphysical and moral, posed by the abortion problem. Why is it wrong to kill beings like you and me? By answering this question we shall gain a better insight into those properties we have that give us such strong reasons against killing beings like us. Here we face a tremendous philosophical diffuculty, for it is not possible to determine what the robustest account of the wrongness of killing is without dealing with deeper metaethical and metaphysical problems. Indeed, consequentialist and nonconsequentialist moral theories differ in what it is that makes an action morally wrong -is it just the outcome of the action as compared with the outcomes of its alternatives? Or is it something else? Also, what are we essentially? Is the foetus merely our precursor? Then killing a foetus is relevantly similar to contraception. Or is the foetus one of us? If so, when we kill it, are we depriving it of a future as valuable as ours? Perhaps the relation of identity (the fact that it is its future as opposed to someone else's) doesn't matter. That may be because the foetus is an aggregate of biological and psychological facts and perhaps aggregates are not substances. Or maybe it is a substance but only psychological realtions matter, not personal identity. The second part of my project has to do with the different status these metaphisical and ethical positions ought to have in liberal public reason. Though this is the part in which most research is still needed, my own intuition is that, given the depth of the philosphical views in competition, restrictive abortion laws ought to be considered unrespectful to citizens' autonomy.
Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are probabilistic models that are well adapted to many tasks in bioinformatics, for example, for predicting the occurrence of specific motifs in biological sequences. MAMOT is a command-line program for Unix-like operating systems, including MacOS X, that we developed to allow scientists to apply HMMs more easily in their research. One can define the architecture and initial parameters of the model in a text file and then use MAMOT for parameter optimization on example data, decoding (like predicting motif occurrence in sequences) and the production of stochastic sequences generated according to the probabilistic model. Two examples for which models are provided are coiled-coil domains in protein sequences and protein binding sites in DNA. A wealth of useful features include the use of pseudocounts, state tying and fixing of selected parameters in learning, and the inclusion of prior probabilities in decoding. AVAILABILITY: MAMOT is implemented in C++, and is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). The software, documentation, and example model files can be found at http://bcf.isb-sib.ch/mamot
Aplicación para trabajar en un entorno colaborativo con el fin de compartir ficheros xml. Dicho entorno colaborativo se basa en una red peer to peer.
Donada la naturalesa de la informació que conté un expedient mèdic, és de vital importància que tant l'accés a les dades, com l'emmagatzemament d'aquestes, es porti a terme amb la major seguretat possible.
Aquest treball mira de donar una visió global de la problemàtica de la facilitat d'accés web. El producte que provoca o pot provocar la problemàtica és una pàgina web i els afectats són les persones amb alguna discapacitat. Per això, en aquest treball s'estudia la facilitat d'ús d'una pàgina web orientada a uns usuaris especials i, per tant, es revisa la facilitat d'accés d'una pàgina.
Accidents and SafetyAlthough the number of deaths caused by accidents has fallen by 37% across all age groups in Ireland over the past twenty years, accidents and falls continue to be relatively common causes of death and injury among older people, often resulting in serious longterm difficulties and even premature death. Consequently, the reduction of accidents in the older population is considered to be an important factor in promoting the general well-being of older people. The 1998 Health Promotion Strategy for Older People, Adding years to life, life to years, which was formulated by the National Council on Ageing and OlderPeople in co-operation with the Department of Health and Children, set a target to reduce the death rate from all accidents and their adverse effects in people aged 65 and over by at least 17% in the year 2005. It also set a target of reducing hospital admissions due to falls in people aged 65 and over by at least 17% in the same year.����