950 resultados para Product life cycle - Evaluation


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Elinkaariarviointi on menetelmä, missä tuotejärjestelmän aikaiset syötteet ja tuotteet koostetaan yhteen ja tuloksena saadaan sen ympäristökuormitus. Elinkaariarviointi on päätöksentekoa tukeva työkalu. Jätelain kokonaisuudistuksen myötä elinkaariarvioinnin käyttö tullee lisääntymään kuntavastuullisessa jätehuollossa. Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut -kuntayhtymä HSY:n jätehuollon tavoitteena on rakentaa elinkaarimalli, jonka avulla voidaan selvittää koko toiminnan aiheuttama ympäristökuormitus ja taloudelliset vaikutukset. HSY:n jätehuolto on päättänyt toteuttaa elinkaarimallin rakentamisen konsulttityönä. Työn tavoitteena on ollut laatia toimintaohjeisto HSY:n jätehuollon elinkaarimallinnuspalveluiden hankkimiseksi. Elinkaarimalli voidaan tehdä kaupallista ohjelmistoa käyttämällä. Tähän selvitykseen on valittu arvioitavaksi kolme elinkaariarvioinnin työkalua: EASEWASTE, WRATE ja GaBi 4.4. Ohjelmistojen ominaisuuksia on arvioitu kirjallisuuden ja haastattelun perusteella. Työssä on laadittu kriteeristö näiden ohjelmistojen arviointiin. Kirjallisuuden perusteella on selvitetty elinkaariarvioinnin soveltamiskohteet kuntavastuullisessa jätehuollossa. HSY:n jätehuollon elinkaariarvioinnin soveltamiskohteet ja mallinnustarpeet on tunnistettu haastattelemalla HSY:n jätehuollon asiantuntijoita. HSY:n jätehuollolle rakennettavan mallin päivittämistä, käyttöä ja kehittämistä tulisi hallita HSY:n jätehuollon toimesta. Kaikki työssä arvioidut ohjelmistot soveltuvat HSY:n jätehuollon tunnistamien mallinnustarpeiden laskentaan. Elinkaarimallinnuspalveluiden toimintaohjeistolla pyritään varmistamaan HSY:n jätehuollon tarpeisiin soveltuvan mallin hankinta ja jatkotoimenpiteiden suunnittelu.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ollut arvioida ja kehittää tuotelaadunhallintamalli taajuusmuuttajien elinkaaripalveluja tarjoavassa ABB Oy, Drives, Drives Service liiketoimintayksikössä. ABB:n valmistamat taajuusmuuttajat säätävät asiakkaiden prosesseja ympäri maailman useissa erityyppisissä sovelluksissa. Vanhimmat varaosatuen piirissä olevat asennukset ovat 1980-luvulta. Aluksi työssä tarkastellaan niitä elementtejä, joista laatu muodostuu eli kokemusperäisiä elementtejä sekä kvantitatiivisia attribuutteja. Yhteistä molemmille on, että niitä voidaan aktiivisesti monitoroida ja hallita. Laadun hallitsemiseksi verkostoituneessa toimintaympäristössä tarvitaan ymmärrystä liiketoimintaverkostoista ja erilaisien komponenttitoimittajien ja jakeluverkostojen markkinakentästä. Laatua ja liiketoimintaverkostoja käsittelevien osuuksien jälkeen pureudutaan kunnossapitoon ja sen lainalaisuuksiin. Lopuksi muodostetaan varaosaliiketoimintaa tukeva tuotelaadunhallintamalli, joka pyrkii peilaamaan erilaisien viitekehysten avulla tarkoituksen mukaista toimintamallia varaosatoimitusten tuotelaadun vaalimiseksi.


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Meeting the needs of both present and future generations forms the foundation of sustainable development. Concern about food demand is increasing alongside the continuously growing population. In the pursuit of food security preventing food waste is one solution avoiding the negative environmental impacts that result from producing food unnecessarily. Packages offer one answer to preventing food waste, as they 1) preserve and protect food, 2) introduce the user to the correct way to handle and use the food and package and 3) allow the user to consume the food in its entirety. This thesis aims to enhance the sustainability of food packages by giving special emphasis to preventing food waste. The focus of this thesis is to assist the packaging designer in being able to take into account the requirements for the sustainability of food packages and to be able to integrate these requirements into the product development process. In addition, life cycle methods that can be used as a tool in the packaging design process or in assessing the sustainability of finished food-packaging combinations are evaluated. The methods of life cycle costing (LCC) and life cycle working environment (LCWE) are briefly discussed. The method of life cycle assessment (LCA) is examined more thoroughly through the lens of the literature review of food-package LCA case studies published in the 21st century in three relevant journals. Based on this review and on experiences learned from conducting LCAs, recommendations are given as to how the LCA practitioner should conduct a food packaging study to make most of the results. Two case studies are presented in this thesis. The first case study relates the results of a life cycle assessment conducted for three food items (cold cut (ham), sliced dark bread (rye) and Soygurt drink) and the alternative packaging options of each. Results of this study show that the packaging constitutes only 1–12 % of the total environmental impacts of the food-packaging combination. The greatest effect is derived from the food itself and the wasted food. Even just a small percentage of wasted food causes more environmental impacts than does the packaging. The second case study presents the results of LCC and LCWE analysis done for fruit and vegetable transport packages. In this thesis, the specific results of the study itself are not the focus, but rather the study methods and scope are analysed based on how these complement the sustainability assessment of food packages. This thesis presents reasons why prevention of food waste should be more thoroughly taken into account in food packaging design. In addition, the task of the packaging designer is facilitated by the requirements of sustainable food packaging, by the methods and step-by-step guidance on how to integrate sustainability issues into the design process, and by the recommendations on how to assess the sustainability of food packages. The intention of this thesis is to express the issues that are important in the field of the food packaging industry. Having recognised and implemented these issues, businesses can better manage the risks that could follow from neglecting these sustainability aspects.


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More discussion is required on how and which types of biomass should be used to achieve a significant reduction in the carbon load released into the atmosphere in the short term. The energy sector is one of the largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters and thus its role in climate change mitigation is important. Replacing fossil fuels with biomass has been a simple way to reduce carbon emissions because the carbon bonded to biomass is considered as carbon neutral. With this in mind, this thesis has the following objectives: (1) to study the significance of the different GHG emission sources related to energy production from peat and biomass, (2) to explore opportunities to develop more climate friendly biomass energy options and (3) to discuss the importance of biogenic emissions of biomass systems. The discussion on biogenic carbon and other GHG emissions comprises four case studies of which two consider peat utilization, one forest biomass and one cultivated biomasses. Various different biomass types (peat, pine logs and forest residues, palm oil, rapeseed oil and jatropha oil) are used as examples to demonstrate the importance of biogenic carbon to life cycle GHG emissions. The biogenic carbon emissions of biomass are defined as the difference in the carbon stock between the utilization and the non-utilization scenarios of biomass. Forestry-drained peatlands were studied by using the high emission values of the peatland types in question to discuss the emission reduction potential of the peatlands. The results are presented in terms of global warming potential (GWP) values. Based on the results, the climate impact of the peat production can be reduced by selecting high-emission-level peatlands for peat production. The comparison of the two different types of forest biomass in integrated ethanol production in pulp mill shows that the type of forest biomass impacts the biogenic carbon emissions of biofuel production. The assessment of cultivated biomasses demonstrates that several selections made in the production chain significantly affect the GHG emissions of biofuels. The emissions caused by biofuel can exceed the emissions from fossil-based fuels in the short term if biomass is in part consumed in the process itself and does not end up in the final product. Including biogenic carbon and other land use carbon emissions into the carbon footprint calculations of biofuel reveals the importance of the time frame and of the efficiency of biomass carbon content utilization. As regards the climate impact of biomass energy use, the net impact on carbon stocks (in organic matter of soils and biomass), compared to the impact of the replaced energy source, is the key issue. Promoting renewable biomass regardless of biogenic GHG emissions can increase GHG emissions in the short term and also possibly in the long term.


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Työn päätavoitteena on analysoida Konecranesin nosturiohjaamoperheitä ja tehdä analyysin pohjalta ehdotuksia liiketoimintayksiköiden käyttämän ohjaamovalikoiman ja modulaarisen tuoterakenteen keventämisestä. Ohjaamovalikoiman ja ohjaamojen tuoterakenteen keventämiselle on tarvetta koska laajan ohjaamovalikoiman ja monimutkaisen tuoterakenteen myötä tuotehallinta on vaikeutunut hankaloittaen myyntiprosessia ja lisäten samalla myös tuotteen tilaus-toimitusprosessin virhealttiutta ja kustannuksia. Suuren valikoiman ja monimutkaisen tuoterakenteen takia tuotekonfiguroinnissa tarvittavia teknisiä lausekkeita ei voida myöskään soveltaa kaikkiin ohjaamomalleihin ja ne ovatkin sen takia jääneet vajaakäyttöön Työn tuloksena ehdotetaan elinkaarensa päähän tulleiden ja/tai duplikaateiksi luokiteltavien mallien poistamista valikoimasta ja vain vähäistä myyntipotentiaalia omaavien tuotteiden siirtämistä erikoistuotteiden valikoimaan tarjottavaksi suunnittelua vaativina, projektiluonteisina tuotteina. Työn tuloksena ehdotetaan myös ohjaamoperheiden tuoterakenteen yhtenäistämistä ja tuotealustojen vari-oituvuuden vähentämisestä siirtämällä pienen myyntipotentiaalin omaavia alustoja projektituotteiksi.


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Understanding how firms create, communicate, and deliver value to customers is a key factor when firms seek to differentiate in increasingly competitive and commoditized business markets. As product and price have become less important differentiators in many industries, suppliers are increasingly seeking ways to differentiate themselves based on delivered customer value. Therefore, to gain a holistic understanding on what their offerings are worth to the customer, suppliers need to conduct customer value assessment, which quantifies the impact of a supplier´s offering to customers’ costs and returns. However, from a managerial perspective, customer value assessment is the single most critical challenge for firms in business markets. Consequently, developing holistic frameworks for customer value assessment is seen as one of the most important research priorities for marketing research. The purpose of this study is to explore the process of customer value assessment in business markets. Business markets represent a context where an increasing number of industrial firms are transitioning from basic product offerings towards service-based and solution-oriented hybrid offerings, which emphasize value co-creation and realization in the long term, thus making it difficult to quantify their monetary value. This study employs exploratory and qualitative research design by applying inductive and discovery-oriented grounded theory and multiple case research methods. The empirical data comprise interviews with 61 managers from 12 industrial firms, including seven best practice firms in customer value assessment. The findings of this study show that customer value assessment is essentially a crossfunctional process, which involves several organizational functions. The process begins well before and continues long after the actual delivery, often until the end of a supplier´s offering’s life-cycle. Furthermore, the findings shed light on alternative strategies that firms in business markets can adopt to implement the customer value assessment process. Overall, the findings contribute to customer value research, the sales and organizational management literature, the service marketing and solutions business literature, and suggest several managerial implications on how firms in business markets can adopt a holistic approach to assess value created for customers.


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The aim of this work is to perform an in-depth overview on the sustainability of several major commercialized technologies for water desalination and to identify the challenges and propose suggestions for the development of water desalination technologies. The overview of those technologies mainly focuses on the sustainability from the viewpoint of total capital investment, total product cost, energy consumption and global warming index. Additionally, a systematic sustainability assessment methodology has been introduced to validate the assessment process. Conclusions are:1) Reverse osmosis desalination (RO) plants are better than multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) desalination plants and multiple-effect distillation (MED) desalination plants from the viewpoint of energy consumption, global warming index and total production cost; 2)Though energy intensive, MSF plants and MED plants secure their advantages over RO plants by lower total capital investment, wider applicability and purer water desalted and they are still likely to flourish in energy-rich area;3) Water production stage and wastewater disposal stage are the two stages during which most pollutant gases are emitted. The water production stage alone contributes approximately 80~90% of the total pollutant gases emission during its life cycle; 4)The total capital cost per m3 desalted water decreases remarkably with the increasing of plant capacity. The differences between the capital cost per m3 desalted water of RO and other desalination plants will decrease as the capacity increases; 5) It is found that utilities costs serve as the major part of the total product cost, and they account for 91.16%, 85.55% and 71.26% of the total product cost for MSF, MED and RO plants, respectively; 6) The absolute superiority of given technology depends on the actual social-economic situation (energy prices, social policies, technology advancements).


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Hanke tähtää Lappeenrannan julkisen rakennuskannan energiatehokkuuden ja kokonaistaloudellisuuden parantamiseen. Energiatehokkuutta ja kokonaistaloudellisuutta kunnallisessa rakentamisessa kannustavat mm. kansainvälisten ja kansallisten sopimusten energiansäästötavoitteet, sekä kuntien tiukka budjettitilanne. Hankkeen yhteydessä on laadittu arviointikriteeristö rakennusinvestoinneista vastaavien viranomaisten käyttöön, mikä helpottaa tunnistamaan energiatehokkaita, kokonaistaloudellisia sekä laadukasta sisäilmastoa tukevia rakennusinvestointien toteutuskäytäntöjä. Kriteeristö on suunniteltu erityisesti kasvatus- ja opetustarkoituksiin suunnattuja rakennuksia varten. Jotta kokonaistaloudellisuustavoitteet täyttyisivät, työssä käytettiin hyväksi elinkaariajattelutapaa. Kriteerit laadittiin rakennuksen kolmelle tavoitteiden toteutumisen kannalta merkittävälle elinkaaren vaiheelle, eli suunnittelu-, toteutus- ja käyttövaiheelle. Kriteeristö on laadittu kirjallisuuden ja ammattilaisten haastattelujen tarjoaman tiedon pohjalta. Laadittua kriteeristöä koekäytettiin Myllymäen päiväkoti -hankkeen yhteydessä, jotta voitaisiin tunnistaa kriteeristön kehitystarpeita. Koekäytön yhteydessä toteutettiin myös mielipidekysely, jonka avulla kerättiin kriteeristön kehitysehdotuksia rakennushankkeen eri osapuolilta. Koekäytön tarjoaman tiedon nojalla kriteeristöä jatkokehitettiin vastaamaan paremmin käytännön tarpeita. Koekäyttö kohdistui kohteen suunnitteluvaiheeseen. Hankkeessa saavutettiin asetetut tavoitteet. Voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että kriteeristön jatkokehittämistä on syytä jatkaa. Koekäytön ulottaminen toteutus ja käyttövaiheeseen on tärkeää. Kriteeristön käsittelyalueen laajentamiselle korjausrakentamiseen sekä alueellisen tarkastelutavan käyttöönotolle olisi myös tarvetta.


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The steel industry produces, besides steel, also solid mineral by-products or slags, while it emits large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2). Slags consist of various silicates and oxides which are formed in chemical reactions between the iron ore and the fluxing agents during the high temperature processing at the steel plant. Currently, these materials are recycled in the ironmaking processes, used as aggregates in construction, or landfilled as waste. The utilization rate of the steel slags can be increased by selectively extracting components from the mineral matrix. As an example, aqueous solutions of ammonium salts such as ammonium acetate, chloride and nitrate extract calcium quite selectively already at ambient temperature and pressure conditions. After the residual solids have been separated from the solution, calcium carbonate can be precipitated by feeding a CO2 flow through the solution. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is used in different applications as a filler material. Its largest consumer is the papermaking industry, which utilizes PCC because it enhances the optical properties of paper at a relatively low cost. Traditionally, PCC is manufactured from limestone, which is first calcined to calcium oxide, then slaked with water to calcium hydroxide and finally carbonated to PCC. This process emits large amounts of CO2, mainly because of the energy-intensive calcination step. This thesis presents research work on the scale-up of the above-mentioned ammonium salt based calcium extraction and carbonation method, named Slag2PCC. Extending the scope of the earlier studies, it is now shown that the parameters which mainly affect the calcium utilization efficiency are the solid-to-liquid ratio of steel slag and the ammonium salt solvent solution during extraction, the mean diameter of the slag particles, and the slag composition, especially the fractions of total calcium, silicon, vanadium and iron as well as the fraction of free calcium oxide. Regarding extraction kinetics, slag particle size, solid-to-liquid ratio and molar concentration of the solvent solution have the largest effect on the reaction rate. Solvent solution concentrations above 1 mol/L NH4Cl cause leaching of other elements besides calcium. Some of these such as iron and manganese result in solution coloring, which can be disadvantageous for the quality of the PCC product. Based on chemical composition analysis of the produced PCC samples, however, the product quality is mainly similar as in commercial products. Increasing the novelty of the work, other important parameters related to assessment of the PCC quality, such as particle size distribution and crystal morphology are studied as well. As in traditional PCC precipitation process, the ratio of calcium and carbonate ions controls the particle shape; a higher value for [Ca2+]/[CO32-] prefers precipitation of calcite polymorph, while vaterite forms when carbon species are present in excess. The third main polymorph, aragonite, is only formed at elevated temperatures, above 40-50 °C. In general, longer precipitation times cause transformation of vaterite to calcite or aragonite, but also result in particle agglomeration. The chemical equilibrium of ammonium and calcium ions and dissolved ammonia controlling the solution pH affects the particle sizes, too. Initial pH of 12-13 during the carbonation favors nonagglomerated particles with a diameter of 1 μm and smaller, while pH values of 9-10 generate more agglomerates of 10-20 μm. As a part of the research work, these findings are implemented in demonstrationscale experimental process setups. For the first time, the Slag2PCC technology is tested in scale of ~70 liters instead of laboratory scale only. Additionally, design of a setup of several hundreds of liters is discussed. For these purposes various process units such as inclined settlers and filters for solids separation, pumps and stirrers for material transfer and mixing as well as gas feeding equipment are dimensioned and developed. Overall emissions reduction of the current industrial processes and good product quality as the main targets, based on the performed partial life cycle assessment (LCA), it is most beneficial to utilize low concentration ammonium salt solutions for the Slag2PCC process. In this manner the post-treatment of the products does not require extensive use of washing and drying equipment, otherwise increasing the CO2 emissions of the process. The low solvent concentration Slag2PCC process causes negative CO2 emissions; thus, it can be seen as a carbon capture and utilization (CCU) method, which actually reduces the anthropogenic CO2 emissions compared to the alternative of not using the technology. Even if the amount of steel slag is too small for any substantial mitigation of global warming, the process can have both financial and environmental significance for individual steel manufacturers as a means to reduce the amounts of emitted CO2 and landfilled steel slag. Alternatively, it is possible to introduce the carbon dioxide directly into the mixture of steel slag and ammonium salt solution. The process would generate a 60-75% pure calcium carbonate mixture, the remaining 25-40% consisting of the residual steel slag. This calcium-rich material could be re-used in ironmaking as a fluxing agent instead of natural limestone. Even though this process option would require less process equipment compared to the Slag2PCC process, it still needs further studies regarding the practical usefulness of the products. Nevertheless, compared to several other CO2 emission reduction methods studied around the world, the within this thesis developed and studied processes have the advantage of existing markets for the produced materials, thus giving also a financial incentive for applying the technology in practice.


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Työn tavoitteena oli arvioida tuotteen ympäristöjalanjälki –menetelmän (PEF) käytettävyyttä ympäristöviestintään. PEF-metodologiaa vertailtiin muihin ympäristötehokkuuden laskenta- ja viestintätyökaluihin, jotta löydettäisiin PEF:n epäkohtia ja vaihtoehtoja menetelmäpäätösten toimivammaksi muuttamiseen. Työssä tehtiin myös haastattelututkimus yhden tuoteryhmäsääntöjen (PEFCR) laadintaprojektin toimijoille, jotta löydettäisiin PEFCR:ien laadinnan epäkohtia. Työssä arviointiin myös testattavaksi ehdotetun PEF-merkinnän käytettävyyttä ympäristöviestintään. Työssä todettiin, että PEF-metodologiassa on epäkohtia, joiden todellinen merkitys ja vaikutus selviävät vasta pilottivaiheen jälkeen. PEF:ssä on annettu vähemmän vapauksia menetelmäpäätösten tekoon kuin nykyisissä menetelmissä, mutta se mahdollistaa paremmat lähtökohdat halvemmille ja vertailukelpoisemmille selvityksille. Ympäristöviestinnän kannalta erityisesti PEFCR:ien toimivaksi saaminen on hyvin tärkeää, jotta työkalulla on edellytykset käyttöönotolle. Lähtökohdat PEFCR:ien toimivaksi saamiseksi ovat kunnossa, mutta projektin tiukka aikataulu yhdessä PEF:n ja PEFCR:ien kyseenalaisten menetelmäpäätösten kanssa saattavat aiheuttaa ongelmia. Menetelmän käyttöönoton onnistumiseen vaikuttavat myös työkalusta riippumattomat asiat, kuten nykyiset ympäristömerkintäjärjestelmät sekä kuluttajakäytöksen muuttamiseen ja yritysmaailman integrointiin PEF:n käyttäjiksi liittyvät haasteet.


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Objective of the thesis is to create a value based pricing model for marine engines and study the feasibility of implementing such model in the sales organization of a specific segment in the case company’s marine division. Different pricing strategies, concept of “value”, and how perceptions of value can be influenced through value based marketing are presented as theoretical background for the value based pricing model. Forbis and Mehta’s Economic Value to Customer (EVC) was selected as framework to create the value based pricing model for marine engines. The EVC model is based on calculating and comparing life-cycle costs of the reference product and competing products, thus showing the quantifiable value of the company’s own product compared to competition. In the applied part of the thesis, the components of the EVC model are identified for a marine diesel engine, the components are explained, and an example calculation created in Excel is presented. When examining the possibilities to implement in practice a value based pricing strategy based on the EVC model, it was found that the lack of precise information on competing products is the single biggest obstacle to use EVC exactly as presented in the literature. It was also found that sometimes necessary communication channels are missing and that there is simply a lack of interest from some clients and product end-users part to spend time on studying the life-cycle costs of the product. Information on the company’s own products is however sufficient and the sales force is capable to communicate to sufficiently high executive levels in the client organizations. Therefore it is suggested to focus on quantifying and communicating the company’s own value proposition. The dynamic nature of the business environment (variance in applications in which engines are installed, different clients, competition, end-clients etc.) means also that each project should be created its own EVC calculation. This is demanding in terms of resources needed, thus it is suggested to concentrate on selected projects and buyers, and to clients where the necessary communication channels to right levels in the customer organization are available. Finally, it should be highlighted that as literature suggests, implementing a value based pricing strategy is not possible unless the whole business approach is value based.


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This study discusses how audiovisual content can influence brand quality perceptions. The purpose of this study is to explore how audiovisual content creation can increase brand quality perceptions. This research problem is addressed with three sub questions, which aim at clarifying the role of emotions between content marketing and brand quality perception, explaining how different functions of audiovisual content can increase brand quality perception, and by identifying and comparing the key differences in content creation in business-to-consumer and business-to-businesscontexts. The theoretical background of the study is in brand personality, consumer emotions, consumerbrand relationships, content marketing and B2B branding literature. The empirical research part includes a single-case study. The case company was a Swiss startup that wished to build a highquality brand for both B2C and B2B segments. The empirical data was collected in September 2014. Eight interviews were conducted; seven with target segment representatives and one with an existing customer of the case company. The empirical findings were analyzed with thematic analysis and finally a 5-stage framework was created based on the findings of the research, offering a guideline for high-quality content creation. This study finds that emotions play an important role in brand quality perceptions. Psychological processes, emotion, cognition and conation, influence the engagement process of the target segment which ultimately can lead to activation and electronic word-of-mouth. Brand quality perception is the result of the overall emotion of the brand. The overall emotion derives from brand personality, brand concept, product attributes and utilitarian benefits of the brand. The entertaining and educational functions of the audiovisual content can target and evoke these emotional processes, and result in increased quality perceptions. In the B2B context, emotions are found to play a relatively smaller role in the quality perception processes. However, the significance of emotions cannot be ignored, since they can emphasize the value for the buying organization, and build on the trust and loyalty among the potential customers. The final framework presents five stages of content creation that ultimately improve brand quality perceptions. These stages help marketers to design and implement their content and evoke positive emotions in their target segment as part of a quality-based marketing strategy. Further research is warranted to quantitatively test the generalizability of the framework. Further research is also suggested to make the framework adaptable to different stages of the brand life cycle.


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This report introduces the ENPI project called “EMIR - Exploitation of Municipal and Industrial Residues” which was executed in a co-operation between Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (SPbSUE), Saint Petersburg State Technical University of Plant Polymers (SPbSTUPP) and industrial partners from both Leningrad Region (LR), Russia and Finland. The main targets of the research were to identify the possibilities for deinking sludge management scenarios in co-operation with partner companies, to compare the sustainability of the alternatives, and to provide recommendations for the companies in the Leningrad Region on how to best manage deinking sludge. During the literature review, 24 deinking sludge utilization possibilities were identified, the majority falling under material recovery. Furthermore, 11 potential utilizers of deinking sludge were found within the search area determined by the transportation cost. Each potential utilizer was directly contacted in order to establish cooperation for deinking sludge utilization. Finally, four companies, namely, “Finnsementti” – a cement plant in Finland (S1), “St.Gobian Weber” – a light-weight aggregate plant in Finland (S2), “LSR-Cement” – a cement plant in LR (S3), and “Rockwool” – a stone wool plant in LR (S4) were seen as the most promising partners and were included in the economic and environmental assessments. Economic assessment using cost-benefit analysis (CBA) indicated that substitution of heavy fuel oil with dry deinking sludge in S2 was the most feasible option with a benefit/cost ratio (BCR) of 3.6 when all the sludge was utilized. At the same time, the use of 15% of the total sludge amount (the amount that could potentially be treated in the scenario) resulted in a BCR of only 0.16. The use of dry deinking sludge in the production of cement (S3) is a slightly more feasible option with a BCR of 1.1. The use of sludge in stone wool production is feasible only when all the deinking sludge is used and burned in an existing incineration plant. The least economically feasible utilization possibility is the use of sludge in cement production in Finland (S1) due to the high gate fee charged. Environmental assessment was performed applying internationally recognized life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies: ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. The results of a consequential LCA stated that only S1 and S2 lead to a reduction of all environmental impacts within the impact categories chosen compared to the baseline scenario where deinking sludge is landfilled. Considering S1, the largest reduction of 13% was achieved for the global warming potential (GWP), whereas for S2, the largest decrease of abiotic depletion potential (ADP) was by 1.7%, the eutrophication potential (EP) by 1.8%, and a GWP of 2.1% was documented. In S3, the most notable increase of ADP and acidification potential (AP) by 2.6 and 1.5% was indicated, while the GWP was reduced by 12%, the largest out of all the impact categories. In S4, ADP and AP increased by 2.3 and 2.1% respectively, whereas ODP was reduced by 25%. During LCA, it was noticed that substitution of fuels causes a greater reduction of environmental impact (S1 and S2) than substitution of raw materials (S3 and S4). Despite a number of economically and environmentally acceptable deinking sludge utilization methods being assessed in the research, evaluation of bottlenecks and communications with companies’ representatives uncovered the fact that the availability of the raw materials consumed, and the risks associated with technological problems resulting from the sludge utilization, limited the willingness of industrial partners to start deinking sludge utilization. The research results are of high value for decision-makers at already existing paper mills since the result provide insights regarding alternatives to the deinking sludge utilization possibilities already applied. Thus, the research results support the maximum economic and environmental value recovery from waste paper utilization.


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Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is a syndrome that often results in immunodeficiency coupled with pancytopenia. Hemopoietic tissue requires a high nutrient supply and the proliferation, differentiation and maturation of cells occur in a constant and balanced manner, sensitive to the demands of specific cell lineages and dependent on the stem cell population. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of PEM on some aspects of hemopoiesis, analyzing the cell cycle of bone marrow cells and the percentage of progenitor cells in the bone marrow. Two-month-old male Swiss mice (N = 7-9 per group) were submitted to PEM with a low-protein diet (4%) or were fed a control diet (20% protein) ad libitum. When the experimental group had lost about 20% of their original body weight after 14 days, we collected blood and bone marrow cells to determine the percentage of progenitor cells and the number of cells in each phase of the cell cycle. Animals of both groups were stimulated with 5-fluorouracil. Blood analysis, bone marrow cell composition and cell cycle evaluation was performed after 10 days. Malnourished animals presented anemia, reticulocytopenia and leukopenia. Their bone marrow was hypocellular and depleted of progenitor cells. Malnourished animals also presented more cells than normal in phases G0 and G1 of the cell cycle. Thus, we conclude that PEM leads to the depletion of progenitor hemopoietic populations and changes in cellular development. We suggest that these changes are some of the primary causes of pancytopenia in cases of PEM.


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Software quality has become an important research subject, not only in the Information and Communication Technology spheres, but also in other industries at large where software is applied. Software quality is not a happenstance; it is defined, planned and created into the software product throughout the Software Development Life Cycle. The research objective of this study is to investigate the roles of human and organizational factors that influence software quality construction. The study employs the Straussian grounded theory. The empirical data has been collected from 13 software companies, and the data includes 40 interviews. The results of the study suggest that tools, infrastructure and other resources have a positive impact on software quality, but human factors involved in the software development processes will determine the quality of the products developed. On the other hand, methods of development were found to bring little effect on software quality. The research suggests that software quality is an information-intensive process whereby organizational structures, mode of operation, and information flow within the company variably affect software quality. The results also suggest that software development managers influence the productivity of developers and the quality of the software products. Several challenges of software testing that affect software quality are also brought to light. The findings of this research are expected to benefit the academic community and software practitioners by providing an insight into the issues pertaining to software quality construction undertakings.