883 resultados para Pre-clinical tests


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos de seis meses de intervenção de um programa de atividade física sobre os distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos e o desempenho nas atividades instrumentais da vida diária de idosos com Doença de Alzheimer (DA). MÉTODOS: Foram recrutados 20 pacientes nos estágios entre leve e moderado da DA. Segundo o escore clínico de demência (CDR), foram distribuídos em dois grupos: o grupo treinamento (GT), composto por dez mulheres que participaram de um program de exercícios físicos por um período de seis meses, e o grupo controle (GC), composto por dez outras participantes que não realizaram nenhum tipo de intervenção motora estruturada durante o mesmo período. Todas as participantes foram avaliadas por meio do Miniexame do Estado Mental, para obtenção da caracterização cognitiva; Inventário Neuropsiquiátrico, para identificação dos distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos mais prevalentes e Questionário de Atividades Instrumentais de Pfeffer, para verificação do grau de comprometimento funcional. RESULTADOS: Os participantes do GC mostraram uma deterioração tanto no desempenho das atividades instrumentais quanto na intensificação dos distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos, quando comparados os momentos pré e pós-intervenção. CONCLUSÃO: O GT demonstrou uma atenuação da intensificação dos distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos e do desempenho funcional em relação ao grupo sedentário.


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CONTEXTO: A desnutrição protéico-energética constitui causa previsível para o desenvolvimento de complicações pós-operatórias e pior prognóstico de pacientes cirúrgicos. OBJETIVO: Estudar a associação de indicadores de estado nutricional com estádio da doença e as principais complicações e mortalidade pós-operatória de pacientes com câncer de esôfago. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente 100 prontuários de pacientes com câncer de esôfago (38-81 anos) de ambos os sexos (85% masculino e 15% feminino) submetidos a esofagectomia (n = 25) e gastrojejunostomia (n = 75), no período de 1995 a 2004. Os dados coletados foram: história clínica, exame endoscópico, estádio (TNM-UICC), estado nutricional (índice de massa corporal, percentual de perda de peso - %PP, albuminemia e contagem de linfócitos total) e evolução clínica pós-operatória. Houve composição dos grupos de acordo com o porte da cirurgia (grande x pequeno). Foi realizada a associação entre as complicações pós-operatórias e a mortalidade (após pós-operatório de 30 dias). As comparações entre médias dos dois grupos foram feitas pelo teste t de Student e a existência de associações entre variáveis testadas pelos testes de χ2 ou exato de Fisher com P = 0,05. RESULTADOS: Houve predomínio dos tumores avançados (estádio III e IV), com a presença de disfagia em 95% dos pacientes e perda ponderal >10%, anterior ao diagnóstico, em 78%. A obstrução esofágica, presente em 77 pacientes, foi associada (P = 0,0021) com o baixo índice de massa corporal (desnutrição protéico-energética). A %PP e a hipoalbuminemia associaram-se estatisticamente (P<0,05) com o estádio avançado da doença. As complicações pós-operatórias precoces ocorreram em 69,2% e 30,7% dos pacientes submetidos a esofagectomia e ostomias, respectivamente, com predomínio das infecciosas nas ostomias (80%) e as pleuropulmonares nas esofagectomias (61%). A albuminemia foi menor nos pacientes submetidos as ostomias, tendo sido a hipoalbuminemia associada (P<0,05) com a ocorrência de complicações pós-operatórias e mortalidade. A %PP e a contagem de linfócitos total associaram-se com as complicações pós-operatórias precoces e infeccionas nas ostomias e a contagem de linfócitos total, com a mortalidade operatória nas esofagectomias. CONCLUSÕES: O estado de DPE esteve associado às complicações pós-operatórias apenas nos pacientes submetidos a ostomias, sem presença destas associações nas esofagectomias.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar através de infusão contínua de xilazina ou medetomidina associada à metotrimeprazina e buprenorfina, cetamina e midazolam, o grau de hipnose, miorrelaxamento e qualidade anestésica e a viabilidade cirúrgica, avaliando eventuais alterações paramétricas e qualidade de recuperação. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 20 cães fêmeas, adultas, hígidas (3 a 5 anos de idade) com peso corporal entre 7 e 15 quilos, escolhidas e distribuídas aleatoriamente de forma homogênea em 2 grupos de 10 animais cada, (n=10) sendo estes designados por Grupo 1 (G1), e Grupo 2 (G 2). em G1, os animais foram submetidos a um pré-tratamento com metotrimeprazina na dose de 1,0 mg/kg e buprenorfina na dose de 0,003mg/kg ou 3 µg/kg intravenoso. Decorridos 15 minutos, administrou-se cetamina na dose de 5,0 mg/kg e midazolam na dose de 0,2 mg/kg intravenoso. Imediatamente após a indução iniciou-se administração contínua, por um período de 30 minutos, da associação anestésica de midazolam 0,4 mg/kg/h, cetamina 20mg/kg/h e xilazina 1,0 mg/kg/h IV. em G 2 utilizou-se a mesma técnica empregada em G1 substituindo-se, a xilazina pela medetomidina na dose de 30µg/kg/h. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se em G1 bloqueio átrio-ventricular de primeiro e segundo grau, período de recuperação mais longo além de menor qualidade. em G 2 observou-se bloqueio átrio-ventricular de primeiro grau isolado e de ação fugaz. CONCLUSÕES: Ao se aplicar o método de infusão contínua, além da redução dos fármacos aplicados, evitaram-se efeitos colaterais permitindo uma recuperação mais tranqüila e isenta de excitações, ambos os protocolos permitiram a realização do ato cirúrgico (ovário-salpingo-histerectomia), causando uma redução da hipnose e um miorrelaxamento acentuado. A xilazina e a medetomidina apresentam um comportamento farmacodinâmico semelhante, porém com aspectos clínicos diferentes, as alterações eletrocardiográficas observadas em G 2 e em menor grau em G1 devem ser melhor estudadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: investigar a pré-fragilidade e os fatores associados a essa condição, considerando as medidas de velocidade da marcha dos idosos. MÉTODO: a seleção dos participantes ocorreu por meio de critérios de inclusão/exclusão e teste de rastreamento cognitivo. A amostra foi calculada com base na estimativa da proporção populacional e constituída por 195 idosos, usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Curitiba, PR. Os dados foram coletados mediante questionário sociodemográfico/clínico e teste de velocidade da marcha. RESULTADOS: a pré-fragilidade para velocidade da marcha possui moderada prevalência (27,3%) e associou-se à faixa etária entre 60 e 69 anos, baixa escolaridade, não se sentir solitário, utilizar anti-hipertensivo, apresentar doença cardiovascular e sobrepeso. CONCLUSÃO: considera-se relevante identificar os idosos na condição de pré-fragilidade, pois, dessa maneira, existe a possibilidade de intervenção imediata com a finalidade de estacionamento do quadro. É significativo o déficit de estudos sobre a síndrome da fragilidade em idosos brasileiros, principalmente aqueles que se referem a um componente isolado. Visto que a enfermagem gerontológica se encontra nos primeiros passos referentes à temática, entende-se que a identificação da prevalência deve ser o ponto primordial das pesquisas sobre o tema.


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A sample of 471 pre-school children who frequented schools and creches in a poor district of Manaus (Amazonas), Brazil, were randomly submitted to faecal parasitological tests. Two-hundred-and-forty children from both sexes between the ages of 3 and 7 years with Ascaris lumbricoides and/or Giardia lamblia were selected. The objective of the study was to determine the possible influence of these two intestinal parasites and vitamin A and/or zinc supplementation on the serum retinol levels of primary school children. The children were submitted to clinical and anthropometric examinations, dietary interviews and biochemical examinations of retinol and carotene in the serum and of zinc in the hair. The parasitic incidence was 85.0% and about 54% of the children were polyparasitic. During the pretreatment phase, the retinol and carotene serum levels were 36% and 57%, respectively, below the normal levels. Using the Waterlow classification, the anthropometric analyses revealed that 88% of the children showed normal growth. A significant effect was observed of the anti-parasitic medicine on the serum retinol levels.


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We evaluated the effect of a mouth-rinse prepared using Lippia sidoides essential oil (EO) in dogs with marginal gingivitis. German Shepherd dogs were distributed in two groups: control (control mouth-rinse) and EO (EO mouth-rinse). Both mouth-rinses were applied on the dogs' teeth every 2 days for 2 weeks. At day 0 and day 15, the scores for plaque-bacteria (P), calculus (C), gingivitis (G) and the inflammatory infiltrate (INF) were evaluated blindly. The results were analyzed by the Wilcoxon signed-rank and Mann-Whitney tests (P less than or equal to 0.05). P, C, G, and INF did not show any alteration in the control group, while in the EO group there were significant reductions in these scores. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The authors studied the Mitsuda reaction in 37 leprosy patients (18 reactional tuberculoid, 19 reactional borderline cases) and compared the results with clinical findings, histopathology and bacilloscopy. Evaluation of the Mitsuda reaction was carried out on days 30, 60, 90 and 120. Most of the reactional tuberculoid patients showed a Mitsuda reaction of +++ in opposition to the reactional borderline patients who showed only +. Bacilloscopic analysis revealed that in 75% of the reactional tuberculoid cases there were rare or no bacilli; bacilli were present in 95% of the reactional borderline cases. The authors conclude that reactional tuberculoid cases have a greater ability to clear bacilli than reactional borderline cases, and that the Mitsuda reaction is a useful tool for the differentiation between these two types of leprosy.


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The in vitro activity of cefepime was compared to that of ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, and cefotaxime in a multicenter study involving 10 clinical microbiology laboratories and clinical isolates from 18 Brazilian hospitals from 7 cities (4 states). A total of 982 isolates consecutively collected between December 1995 and March 1996 were susceptibility tested by using Etest and following the NCCLS procedures for agar diffusion tests. The cefepime spectrum was broader than that of the other broad-spectrum cephalosporins against both Gram-negative rods and Gram-positive cocci. Cefepime tons particularly move active against Enterobacter sp. (MIC90, 2 mu g/ml), Serratia sp. (MIC90, 2 mu g/ml) and oxacillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MIC90, 3 mu g/ml). Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, cefepime (MIC90 16 mu g/ml) was slightly more active than ceftazidime (MIC90 32 mu g/ml) and 8- to 16-fold more active than ceftriaxone or cefotaxime (MIC90 >256 mu g/ml). Our results show that nosocomial bacteria, especially Gram-negative rods, have a high rate of cephalosporin resistance in Brazil. However, part of these resistant bacteria remains susceptible to cefepime. The Etest was shown to be an excellent method for multicenter studies of the in vitro evaluation of new antimicrobial agents. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.


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Objective To evaluate the pre-emptive analgesic effect of pre-incisional epidural ketamine.Study Design A blinded, randomized experimental study.Animals Sixteen mixed breed mares, 17.6 +/- 2.8 years old, weighing 352 +/- 32 kg.Methods In a pilot study, an incision was made on one lateral thigh using a lidocaine block and no further analgesics, and it was verified that the nociceptive threshold was lower on the incised side than nonincised side (p < 0.05), and that von Frey filaments evoked a pain response. The 16 animals were divided into group A (ketamine, n = 9) and B (saline, n = 7). An epidural catheter was inserted 24 hours before the trials, the thigh was shaved bilaterally, and the right side was blocked (incised side) using lidocaine. Twenty-five minutes later, ketamine (A) or saline (B) was administered epidurally. Five minutes later, a 10-cm. skin incision was made on the right side, and then sutured. Nociceptive threshold was determined with von Frey filaments at 1, 3, and 5 cm. around the incision at 15-minute intervals for 2 hours, then at 4, 6, and 8 hours. Behavioral alterations, heart and respiratory rates were recorded. Nociceptive thresholds from these points were averaged to obtain mean values at each time, converted to a logarithmic scale, and submitted to a nonparametric analysis (Mann-Whitney and one-way repeated measures anova test,p less than or equal to 0.05).Results After 8 hours, the global range score revealed reduced hyperalgesia (p < 0.01) around the incision in 92% (4.65-4.27) of evaluated intervals in group A (ketamine). There were no significant changes in behavior, heart and respiratory rates,Conclusions It was concluded that pre-emptive epidural ketamine reduced post-incisional pain in the horse, and that von Frey filaments were able to quantify cutaneous sensitivity after tissue damage.Clinical relevance Epidural ketamine injection can reduce post-incisional sensitivity in the horse.


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An understanding of isoniazid (INH) drug resistance mechanism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis should provide significant insight for the development of newer anti-tubercular agents able to control INH-resistant tuberculosis (TB). The inhA-encoded 2-trans enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase enzyme (InhA) has been shown through biochemical and genetic studies to be the primary target for INH. In agreement with these results, mutations in the inhA structural gene have been found in INH-resistant clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB. In addition, the InhA mutants were shown to have higher dissociation constant values for NADH and lower values for the apparent first-order rate constant for INH inactivation as compared to wild-type InhA. Here, in trying to identify structural changes between wild-type and INH-resistant InhA enzymes, we have solved the crystal structures of wild-type and of S94A, I47T and I21V InhA proteins in complex with NADH to resolutions of, respectively, 2.3 angstrom, 2.2 angstrom, 2.0 angstrom, and 1.9 angstrom. The more prominent structural differences are located in, and appear to indirectly affect, the dinucleotide binding loop structure. Moreover, studies on pre-steady-state kinetics of NADH binding have been carried out. The results showed that the limiting rate constant values for NADH dissociation from the InhA-NADH binary complexes (k(off)) were eleven, five, and tenfold higher for, respectively, I21V, I47T and S94A INH-resistant mutants of InhA as compared to INH-sensitive wildtype InhA. Accordingly, these results are proposed to be able to account for the reduction in affinity for NADH for the INH-resistant InhA enzymes. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In greenhouse trials, copper hydroxide, pyraclostrobin, and famoxadone were applied to actively crowing young citrus seedlings to determine the duration of protection of young leaves provided by these fungicides against melanose, caused by Diaporthe citri, citrus scab, caused by Elsinoe fawcettii, and Alternaria brown spot, caused by Alternaria alternata. Fungicides were applied to different sets of potted plants of grapefruit for control of melanose, of rough lemon for control of scab, and of Dancy tangerine for control of Afternaria brown spot 1 to 6 days prior to inoculation. as well as on the day of inoculation. Leaf area of treated shoots was estimated on the day of fungicide application and the day of inoculation and disease severity evaluated subsequently. In most cases. copper hydroxide and famoxadone provided at least 50% control of all three diseases for only about 2 days after application. Generally, there was little or no disease control when the products were applied 4 or more days before inoculation. In contrast, pyraclostrobin usually provided a high level of control of all three diseases when applied up to 5 days prior to inoculation. The level of disease control decreased as the interval between a fungicide application and inoculation increased and the relationship between disease control and leaf expansion best fit a quadratic equation. Effective disease control was observed with copper hydroxide and famoxadone until leaf area had increased by 100 to 200%, whereas control with pyraclostrobin was observed up to 400 to 500% increase in leaf area. In postinoculation tests with scab and melanose, pyraclostrobin provided high levels of disease control (>75%) when applied up to 2 days after inoculation. whereas copper hydroxide and famoxadone had minimal postinoculation activity. Applications of pyraclostrobin to the spring flush growth of citrus trees are much more likely to provide control of melanose, scab, and Alternaria brown spot than those of famoxadone or copper hydroxide.


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In order to study laboratorial aspects of beef cow mortality, a syndrome popularly known as ''doenca da vaca caida'', examens were made of blood, cerebrospinal fluid, serum, bone and liver samples from 32 naturally affected 4 to 9 year old cows, 27 belonging to the Nellore breed and 5 were crossbred Nellore, all originating from farms located in municipalities near Botucatu, State of São Paulo. Laboratory determinations were analysed by descriptive statistics and included hematological values, total plasma protein, plasma fibrinogen, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and concentration measurements of serum calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, total protein, albumin, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, gama-glutamyltransferase and creatine kinase activities, included bone ash percentage and concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, and also hepatic levels of copper, zinc, iron, manganese and cobalt. In addition, mouse bioassays and complement micro-fixation tests were performed to detect botulinum toxins in liver samples. The results indicated leukocytosis (13,3+/-3,9 x10(3)/mm(3)) with neutrophilia (8,9+/-3,2 x10(3)/mm(3)), hypocalcemia (7,8+/-1,7mg/dl), hypophosphatemia (3,6+/-1,6mg/dl), hypoalbuminemia (2,9+/-0,9g/dl), increased creatine kinase activity (691,0+/-829,7 UI/1), and reduced ash percentage (60,3+/-1,9%) and low phosphorus (17,2+/-0,4%) in bone. The other values were ail within normal limits. The diagnosis of botulism, involving type C and D toxins, was confirmed as the cause of the mortality in the region of study, what is strongly consistent with the other laboratorial findings.


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Cherubism is a rare hereditary fibro-osseous childhood disease characterized by bone degradation and fibrous tissue replacement at the angles of the mandible and at the tuberosity areas of the maxilla that leads to prominence of the lower face and an appearance reminiscent of the cherub's portrayal in Renaissance art. This disease has an autosomal dominant hereditary characteristic. The purpose of this report is to analyse laboratory tests, clinicopathological and radiographic features of cherubism and its intraoral manifestations in a patient during 4-years of follow-up, correlating the features observed in this case with those of the literature. Also discussed is the atypical and aggressive behaviour of this case during puberty.