972 resultados para Post operative pain
Scopo del progetto di dottorato è stato quello di mettere a punto l’utilizzo di una tecnica alternativa, rispetto a quelle riportate in letteratura, per la risoluzione dell’ernia perineale nel cane. Tale tecnica si propone di risolvere il difetto mediante l’ausilio di una rete protesica in polipropilene in supporto all’erniorrafia perineale tradizionale, mediante sutura a punti staccati dei muscoli che costituiscono il diaframma pelvico. Questa procedura risulta meno invasiva per l’animale rispetto alla tecnica che in letteratura viene definita il gold standard, ovvero la trasposizione del muscolo otturatore interno (Shaughnessy and Monnet, 2015), ed altre tecniche traspositive, quali la trasposizione del muscolo semitendinoso (Morello et al., 2015) e del gluteo superficiale (Bellenger & Canfield, 2002), con tempi di recupero postoperatori più rapidi e una gestione più semplice da parte del proprietario, pur mantenendo eccellenti outcomes. La messa a punto di questa procedura nasce dalla necessità di trovare una tecnica semplice da eseguire, che determini una chiusura del diaframma pelvico tale da evitare la comparsa di recidive e minimizzare le complicazioni post-operatorie. L’intento del progetto è stato di combinare l’erniorrafia perineale tradizionale con l’utilizzo di reti protesiche così da ricostruire il diaframma pelvico con i muscoli deputati a svolgere tale compito e fornire, tramite la rete, un maggiore supporto alla rafia, evitando le trasposizioni muscolari che comporterebbero un intervento più demolitivo e un recupero più lento da parte del paziente. Sono stati inclusi nello studio 30 cani portatori di ernia perineale, per un totale di 50 ernie, trattati con l’intervento proposto dal progetto. Di ogni caso sono stati raccolti il segnalamento, l’anamnesi, le indagini diagnostiche e i successivi follow up post-operatori considerando le eventuali complicazioni o la comparsa di recidiva dell’ernia.
Objective: The aims of this thesis were to analyze the application mode of the universal adhesives (UA) and to give instructions for clinical procedures. The etching mode of UA on the bond strength to dentin and on the risk of retention, marginal discoloration, marginal adaptation and post-operative sensitivity (POS) was analyzed by two systematic reviews. Three in vitro studies were conducted: 1) evaporation mode of a UA on coronal dentin; 2) cementation approach on radicular dentin; 3) adhesion of metal brackets to enamel. Materials and methods: Two systematic review were conducted firstly, then in vitro study to investigate the evaporation mode in presence or not of pulpal pressure by means of μTBS, and the enzymatic activity using in situ zymography, at T0 and T6. The cementation of a fiber into radicular dentin with different resin-cements was studied, by push-out bond strength evaluation. Orthodontic brackets were cemented according to 4 adhesive protocols and shear bond strength test was conducted. Two adhesive removal techniques were evaluated, and spectrophotometry was used. Results: The probability of POS occurrence was less in SE. SEE approach seems to perform better than SE. Air-drying resulted in higher μTBS. Suction-evaporation, aging and ER mode increased MMPs activity. Differences in NL expression were present at T0 for fiber post study, and the aging produced an increase in marginal infiltration. Brackets cemented with new universal cement with previous etchant application showed good μTBS values. Conclusion: SEE performed better than SE and TE with UA in terms of uTBS. Evaporating with air-drying is better for UA in terms of uTBS and enzymatic activity. Aging and choice of resin cement for cementation of fiber posts influenced the PBS. Brackets cementation with a new resin- cement seems to offer the highest bond strength and leaves more cement remnants after the bracket removal.
Premessa: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) riduce le complicanze e accorcia il recupero nei pazienti sottoposti a chirurgia per tumore del colon-retto. I pazienti più anziani sono spesso esclusi dai programmi ERAS a causa della difficoltà nell'applicazione dei protocolli stabiliti. Lo scopo dello studio è stato valutare i benefici di ERAS nei pazienti anziani sottoposti a chirurgia colorettale elettiva e valutare i risultati a breve termine. Metodi: studio monocentrico osservazionale prospettico condotto da febbraio 2021 a luglio 2022. Sono stati inclusi tutti i pazienti di età ≥ 70 anni sottoposti a chirurgia colorettale elettiva. I risultati e le complicanze postoperatorie dei pazienti trattati secondo il nostro protocollo ERAS sono stati confrontati con un gruppo di pazienti < 70 anni sottoposti a intervento chirurgico per cancro del colon-retto nello stesso periodo. Risultati: abbiamo incluso un totale di 186 pazienti (104 ≥ 70 anni vs. 82 < 70 anni). Un terzo dei pazienti di entrambi i gruppi non ha sviluppato complicanze perioperatorie (65,4% vs. 67,0%, p = 0,880). Ugualmente non sono state osservate differenze nell’incidenza di complicanze di grado I-II (31,7% vs. 28,0%) né digrado III-IV (1,9% vs. 4,9%) secondo Dindo-Clavien tra i due gruppi (p = 0,389). Il tasso di leak anastomotico e il reintervento non sono risultati statisticamente differenti tra i due gruppi: 3,8% vs. 4,9% (p = 0,733) e 1,0% vs. 3,6% (p = 0,322) rispettivamente pazienti ≥ 70 anni vs. < 70 anni. I temi di degenza media sono stati di 5.1±4.3 vs. 4.6±4.2, (p = 0.427), mentre i tassi di riammissione sono rimasti inalterati. La mortalità a 90 giorni è risultata del 2,8% vs. 0% (p = 0,256). Conclusioni: nella nostra esperienza i pazienti ≥ 70 anni affetti da tumore del colon-retto dovrebbero seguire routinariamente un programma ERAS prevedendo gli stessi benefici degli altri gruppi di età.
INTRODUCTION: Labour is considered to be one of the most painful and significant experiences in a woman's life. The aim of this study was to examine whether women's attachment style is a predictor of the pain experienced throughout labour and post-delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Thirty-two pregnant women were assessed during the third trimester of pregnancy and during labour. Adult attachment was assessed with the Adult Attachment Scale ' Revised. The perceived intensity of labour pain was measured using a visual analogue scale for pain in the early stage of labour, throughout labour and post-delivery. RESULTS:Women with an insecure attachment style reported more pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation (p < 0.05), before the administration of analgesia (p < 0.01) and post-delivery (p < 0.05) than those securely attached. In multivariate models, attachment style was a significant predictor of labour pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation and before the first administration of analgesia but not of the perceived pain post-delivery. DISCUSSION: These findings confirm that labour pain is influenced by relevant psychological factors and suggest that a woman's attachment style may be a risk factor for greater pain during labour. CONCLUSION:Future studies in the context of obstetric pain may consider the attachment style as an indicator of individual differences in the pain response during labour. This may have important implications in anaesthesiology and to promote a relevant shift in institutional practices and therapeutic procedures.
In the peripheral sensory nervous system the neuronal expression of voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) is very important for the transmission of nociceptive information since they give rise to the upstroke of the action potential (AP). Navs are composed of nine different isoforms with distinct biophysical properties. Studying the mutations associated with the increase or absence of pain sensitivity in humans, as well as other expression studies, have highlighted Nav1.7, Nav1.8, and Nav1.9 as being the most important contributors to the control of nociceptive neuronal electrogenesis. Modulating their expression and/or function can impact the shape of the AP and consequently modify nociceptive transmission, a process that is observed in persistent pain conditions. Post-translational modification (PTM) of Navs is a well-known process that modifies their expression and function. In chronic pain syndromes, the release of inflammatory molecules into the direct environment of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) sensory neurons leads to an abnormal activation of enzymes that induce Navs PTM. The addition of small molecules, i.e., peptides, phosphoryl groups, ubiquitin moieties and/or carbohydrates, can modify the function of Navs in two different ways: via direct physical interference with Nav gating, or via the control of Nav trafficking. Both mechanisms have a profound impact on neuronal excitability. In this review we will discuss the role of Protein Kinase A, B, and C, Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases and Ca++/Calmodulin-dependent Kinase II in peripheral chronic pain syndromes. We will also discuss more recent findings that the ubiquitination of Nav1.7 by Nedd4-2 and the effect of methylglyoxal on Nav1.8 are also implicated in the development of experimental neuropathic pain. We will address the potential roles of other PTMs in chronic pain and highlight the need for further investigation of PTMs of Navs in order to develop new pharmacological tools to alleviate pain.
The amplification of pain long after the initial stimulus may be avoided if the treatment of pain is introduced before its initiation. However, conflicting evidence exists about the efficacy of such preemptive analgesia for the management of postoperative pain. This study compares the efficacy of intraplantar administration of indomethacin (a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase) and MK886 (an inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein), separately or in combination to produce preemptive analgesia in a model of surgical incisional pain in male Wistar rats. All incised rats (5 to 6 rats per group) had allodynia at 2, 6, and 24 h after surgery as evaluated using von Frey filaments. MK886, but not indomethacin (50 to 200 µg/paw), reduced the allodynia when injected either 1 h before or 1 h after surgery. The effect of preoperative MK886 (160 µg/paw) against incisional allodynia had a magnitude apparently similar to that produced by postoperative MK886. Pre-, but not postoperative MK886 (80 µg/paw) reduced the allodynia but the effect was seen only at 6 h after surgery. In contrast, MK886 (40 µg/paw) intensified the allodynia observed 2 h after the incision either injected before or after surgery. MK886 or indomethacin alone did not provide preemptive analgesia in the model of incisional pain. In contrast, the combination of MK886 with indomethacin reduced the allodynia more effectively when used before than after surgery, thus fulfilling the criteria for preemptive analgesia. In conclusion, preoperative inhibition of the local generation of both prostaglandins and leukotrienes by surgical incision may be an alternative to provide preemptive analgesia.
The aim of this study was to refine a multi-dimensional scale based on physiological and behavioural parameters, known as the post abdominal surgery pain assessment scale (PASPAS), to quantify pain after laparotomy in horses. After a short introduction, eight observers used the scale to assess eight horses at multiple time points after laparotomy. In addition, a single observer was used to test the correlation of each parameter with the total pain index in 34 patients, and the effect of general anaesthesia on PASPAS was investigated in a control group of eight horses. Inter-observer variability was low (coefficient of variation 0.3), which indicated good reliability of PASPAS. The correlation of individual parameters with the total pain index differed between parameters. PASPAS, which was not influenced by general anaesthesia, was a useful tool to evaluate pain in horses after abdominal surgery and may also be useful to investigate analgesic protocols or for teaching purposes.
BACKGROUND We report on the design and implementation of a study protocol entitled Acupuncture randomised trial for post anaesthetic recovery and postoperative pain - a pilot study (ACUARP) designed to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy performed in the perioperative period on post anaesthetic recovery and postoperative pain. METHODS/DESIGN The study is designed as a randomised controlled pilot trial with three arms and partial double blinding. We will compare (a) press needle acupuncture, (b) no treatment and (c) press plaster acupressure in a standardised anaesthetic setting. Seventy-five patients scheduled for laparoscopic surgery to the uterus or ovaries will be allocated randomly to one of the three trial arms. The total observation period will begin one day before surgery and end on the second postoperative day. Twelve press needles and press plasters are to be administered preoperatively at seven acupuncture points. The primary outcome measure will be time from extubation to 'ready for discharge' from the post anaesthesia care unit (in minutes). The 'ready for discharge' end point will be assessed using three different scores: the Aldrete score, the Post Anaesthetic Discharge Scoring System and an In-House score. Secondary outcome measures will comprise pre-, intra- and postoperative variables (which are anxiety, pain, nausea and vomiting, concomitant medication). DISCUSSION The results of this study will provide information on whether acupuncture may improve patient post anaesthetic recovery. Comparing acupuncture with acupressure will provide insight into potential therapeutic differences between invasive and non-invasive acupuncture techniques. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT01816386 (First received: 28 October 2012).
In the peripheral sensory nervous system the neuronal expression of voltage-gated sodium channels (Navs) is very important for the transmission of nociceptive information since they give rise to the upstroke of the action potential (AP). Navs are composed of nine different isoforms with distinct biophysical properties. Studying the mutations associated with the increase or absence of pain sensitivity in humans, as well as other expression studies, have highlighted Nav1.7, Nav1.8, and Nav1.9 as being the most important contributors to the control of nociceptive neuronal electrogenesis. Modulating their expression and/or function can impact the shape of the AP and consequently modify nociceptive transmission, a process that is observed in persistent pain conditions. Post-translational modification (PTM) of Navs is a well-known process that modifies their expression and function. In chronic pain syndromes, the release of inflammatory molecules into the direct environment of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) sensory neurons leads to an abnormal activation of enzymes that induce Navs PTM. The addition of small molecules, i.e., peptides, phosphoryl groups, ubiquitin moieties and/or carbohydrates, can modify the function of Navs in two different ways: via direct physical interference with Nav gating, or via the control of Nav trafficking. Both mechanisms have a profound impact on neuronal excitability. In this review we will discuss the role of Protein Kinase A, B, and C, Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases and Ca++/Calmodulin-dependent Kinase II in peripheral chronic pain syndromes. We will also discuss more recent findings that the ubiquitination of Nav1.7 by Nedd4-2 and the effect of methylglyoxal on Nav1.8 are also implicated in the development of experimental neuropathic pain. We will address the potential roles of other PTMs in chronic pain and highlight the need for further investigation of PTMs of Navs in order to develop new pharmacological tools to alleviate pain.
Poster apresentado no Congresso O Norte da Anestesia, 19-21 Novembro 2015, Hotel Ipanema Park, Porto, Portugal.
Abimbola Ayorinde’s PhD funded by the Medical Research Council. This study was funded by the British Pain Society (Mildred Clulow Award) and preparatory work by National Health Service Grampian.
Pain is a common complaint in women with endometriosis and can be influenced by many variables, including sleep disorders; however, no data are available on the sleep quality of women with endometriosis or on the correlation between sleep quality and pain. The 510 volunteers included in this study were divided into two groups: 257 women with a laparoscopic and histopathological diagnosis of endometriosis and 253 women with no history of endometriosis and no endometriosis-related symptoms. The volunteers answered two questionnaires: the Post-Sleep Inventory to evaluate sleep quality and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire to assess their level of physical activity. Pain was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and women were also submitted to a physical examination, during which their pain threshold was assessed at 20 different body sites. Sleep quality was significantly poorer in women with endometriosis compared to women without the disease. The pain threshold was significantly lower in the greater trochanter and abdomen in women with endometriosis when compared to women without the disease; however, there was no difference in VAS pain score between the groups. The higher the VAS pain score, the lower the Post-Sleep Inventory score. Additionally, there was a significant positive correlation between the pain threshold at some body sites and sleep quality. Sleep quality was poorer and the pain threshold at certain body sites was lower in the group of women with endometriosis.
Chronic pain has been often associated with myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), which is determined by myofascial trigger points (MTrP). New features have been tested for MTrP diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate two-dimensional ultrasonography (2D US) and ultrasound elastography (UE) images and elastograms of upper trapezius MTrP during electroacupuncture (EA) and acupuncture (AC) treatment. 24 women participated, aged between 20 and 40 years (M ± SD = 27.33 ± 5.05) with a body mass index ranging from 18.03 to 27.59 kg/m2 (22.59 ± 3.11), a regular menstrual cycle, at least one active MTrP at both right (RTPz) and left trapezius (LTPz) and local or referred pain for up to six months. Subjects were randomized into EA and AC treatment groups and the control sham AC (SHAM) group. Intensity of pain was assessed by visual analogue scale; MTrP mean area and strain ratio (SR) by 2D US and UE. A significant decrease of intensity in general, RTPz, and LTPz pain was observed in the EA group (p = 0.027; p < 0.001; p = 0.005, respectively) and in general pain in the AC group (p < 0.001). Decreased MTrP area in RTPz and LTPz were observed in AC (p < 0.001) and EA groups (RTPz, p = 0.003; LTPz, p = 0.005). Post-treatment SR in RTPz and LTPz was lower than pre-treatment in both treatment groups. 2D US and UE effectively characterized MTrP and surrounding tissue, pointing to the possibility of objective confirmation of subjective EA and AC treatment effects.
Nerve injury leads to a neuropathic pain state that results from central sensitization. This phenomenom is mediated by NMDA receptors and may involve the production of nitric oxide (NO). In this study, we investigated the expression of the neuronal isoform of NO synthase (nNOS) in the spinal cord of 3-month-old male, Wistar rats after sciatic nerve transection (SNT). Our attention was focused on the dorsal part of L3-L5 segments receiving sensory inputs from the sciatic nerve. SNT resulted in the development of neuropathic pain symptoms confirmed by evaluating mechanical hyperalgesia (Randall and Selitto test) and allodynia (von Frey hair test). Control animals did not present any alteration (sham-animals). The selective inhibitor of nNOS, 7-nitroindazole (0.2 and 2 µg in 50 µL), blocked hyperalgesia and allodynia induced by SNT. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that nNOS was increased (48% by day 30) in the lumbar spinal cord after SNT. This increase was observed near the central canal (Rexed’s lamina X) and also in lamina I-IV of the dorsal horn. Real-time PCR results indicated an increase of nNOS mRNA detected from 1 to 30 days after SNT, with the highest increase observed 1 day after injury (1469%). Immunoblotting confirmed the increase of nNOS in the spinal cord between 1 and 15 days post-lesion (20%), reaching the greatest increase (60%) 30 days after surgery. The present findings demonstrate an increase of nNOS after peripheral nerve injury that may contribute to the increase of NO production observed after peripheral neuropathy.