971 resultados para Portrait prints
"The purpose of this study is to reveal the work of Cephas Thompson in the context of the American Portrait Tradition as it existed in America from 1775 to 1856. European historic and artistic background serves as the foundation. A critical analysis of the most relevant American portraitists from the seventeenth to the midnineteenth centuries is provided to relate them aesthetically and ideologically with the work of Cephas Thompson and to provide insight into the artistic trends prevalent in Europe and America"
"In Mexico, the first two days of November are set aside each year for the commemoration of the dead. This fete, called All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, is observed throughout the world; however, in Mexico, it is celebrated in a manner peculiar to that country and to the various localities within that country . This holiday is sanctioned by both government and church; and is celebrated by practically all Mexicans, whether they be Catholic, pagan, relilious or irreligious. These are the two days when that contrast which is the essence of Mexico becomes obvious: the "triste~alegria" (sad-happiness). During these days , art objects are abundant and arresting ; and religious ceremonies, rites and fiestas blossom forth! Urban and folk arts, in every field, find full expression at this time. The religious, social, political, and artistic manifestations of the holiday are not only stimulating in themselves, but are exciting as subjects for painting, drawings, prints, and any other form of artistic expression!"
The genre of historical women's biography has a moderately short history, and has evolved into the twenty-first century as women's studies. Simultaneously, biography has become a multifaceted genre that keeps a close relationship between biography, history, women's studies, and cultural studies. The biography of Josephine Evans embraces the genre as a vehicle to enlighten broader historical issues, as the life of an ordinary woman and her position in an historic Colorado family is revealed. Her story contributes to the history of women's roles and rights in the late nineteenth and twentieth century as her life story is representative of the time period. This biography of Josephine Evans is an illustration of a biography written from personal letters, diaries, and recollections.
Contains seven photographic prints elevations and floor plans of Harvard College used in an article on "Old College" by Samuel E. Morison. Includes first, second, and third floor plans; north, south, and east elevations; and one overhead perspective of the structure.
The floor plan details all three floors of Harvard Hall, including its cellars, kitchen, chapel, and library. The items in this folder were reproduced from "The Burning of Harvard Hall, 1764, and its consequences," presented by F. Apthorp Foster at the April 1911 meeting of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, and published in the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Volume XIV. The floor plan and exterior views were created by Pierre Eugène du Simitière in circa 1764. The original drawings are held in the Pierre Eugène du Simitière collection in the Ridgeway Branch of the Library Company of Philadelphia.
Portrait des difficultés des élèves du secondaire relativement à l’orthographe des formes homophones
Cette recherche descriptive vise à établir un portrait des principales difficultés rencontrées par les élèves du secondaire relativement à l’orthographe des homophones et cela à travers différents angles d’analyse. Nous avons d’abord fait ressortir l’importance des difficultés orthographiques chez les élèves du secondaire québécois et mis en relief la proportion de ces erreurs attribuée à l’orthographe des homophones. À partir des données recueillies par le groupe de recherche Projet grammaire-écriture qui s’est donné comme objectif, dans un premier temps, de recueillir de nombreuses données à travers deux instruments de collecte (une dictée et une production écrite), nous avons tout d’abord relevé les erreurs d’homophonie commises le plus fréquemment par les élèves pour ensuite analyser chacune des formes homophones problématiques en fonction de critères variés tels que leur fréquence lexicale dans la langue française, leur appartenance à une catégorie grammaticale particulière ou encore la structure syntaxique qui les sous-tend. Les erreurs les plus importantes ont fait l’objet d’une observation plus poussée : nous avons établi le pourcentage de graphies correctes versus erronées dans tous les textes des élèves. Finalement, nous avons aussi comparé nos résultats à ceux obtenus par McNicoll et Roy (1984) auprès d’une population de niveau primaire. Les résultats révélés par notre analyse montrent que ce sont principalement les finales verbales en /E/ qui posent problème aux élèves du secondaire, suivies par les formes homophones s’est/c’est/ces/ses et se/ce.