967 resultados para Portland cement mortar


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In the near future, geopolymers or alkali-activated cementitious materials will be used as new high-performance construction materials of low environmental impact with a reasonable cost. This material is a good candidate to partially replace ordinary portland cement (OPC) in concrete as a major construction material that plays an outstanding role in the construction industry of different structures. Geopolymer materials are inorganic polymers based on alumina and silica units; they are synthesized from a wide range of dehydroxylated alumina-silicate powders condensed with alkaline silicate in a highly alkaline environment. Geopolymeric materials can be produced from a wide range of alumina-silica, including natural products--such as natural pozzolan and metakaolin--or coproducts--such as fly ash (coal and lignite), oil fuel ash, blast furnace or steel slag, and silica fume--and provide a route toward sustainable development. Using lesser amounts of calcium-based raw materials, lower manufacturing temperature, and lower amounts of fuel result in reduced carbon emissions for geopolymer cement manufacture up to 22 to 72% in comparison with portland cement. A study has been done by the authors to investigate the intrinsic nature of different types of Iranian natural pozzolans to determine the activators and methods that could be used to produce a geopolymer concrete based on alkali-activated natural pozzolan (AANP) and optimize mixture design. The mechanical behavior and durability of these types of geopolymer concrete were investigated and compared with normal OPC concrete mixtures cast by the authors and also reported in the literature. This paper summarizes the main conclusions of the research regarding pozzolanic activity, activator properties, engineering and durability properties, applications and evaluation of carbon footprint, and cost for AANP concrete.


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Internal curing is a relatively new technique being used to promote hydration of Portland cement concretes. The fundamental concept is to provide reservoirs of water within the matrix such that the water does not increase the initial water/cementitious materials ratio to the mixture, but is available to help continue hydration once the system starts to dry out. The reservoirs used in the US are typically in the form of lightweight fine aggregate (LWFA) that is saturated prior to batching. Considerable work has been conducted both in the laboratory and in the field to confirm that this approach is fundamentally sound and yet practical for construction purposes. A number of bridge decks have been successfully constructed around the US, including one in Iowa in 2013. It is reported that inclusion of about 20% to 30% LWFA will not only improve strength development and potential durability, but, more importantly, will significantly reduce shrinking, thus reducing cracking risk. The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of such an approach in a bridge deck.


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This study had three objectives: (1) to develop a comprehensive truck simulation that executes rapidly, has a modular program construction to allow variation of vehicle characteristics, and is able to realistically predict vehicle motion and the tire-road surface interaction forces; (2) to develop a model of doweled portland cement concrete pavement that can be used to determine slab deflection and stress at predetermined nodes, and that allows for the variation of traditional thickness design factors; and (3) to implement these two models on a work station with suitable menu driven modules so that both existing and proposed pavements can be evaluated with respect to design life, given specific characteristics of the heavy vehicles that will be using the facility. This report summarizes the work that has been performed during the first year of the study. Briefly, the following has been accomplished: A two dimensional model of a typical 3-S2 tractor-trailer combination was created. A finite element structural analysis program, ANSYS, was used to model the pavement. Computer runs have been performed varying the parameters defining both vehicle and road elements. The resulting time specific displacements for each node are plotted, and the displacement basin is generated for defined vehicles. Relative damage to the pavement can then be estimated. A damage function resulting from load replications must be assumed that will be reflected by further pavement deterioration. Comparison with actual damage on Interstate 80 will eventually allow verification of these procedures.


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This report is submitted pursuant to a contract dated August 30, 1967, between the Iowa State Highway Commission and Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, Consulting Engineers, in connection with studies determining (11,A) alternate pavement designs, and (11,B) criteria for geometric design studies. Included herein is that portion of the report covering Paragraph 11,A, comprising preparation of alternate type pavement designs (Portland Cement and Asphaltic Concrete) for the Cedar Valley Freeway and proposed US-518 from 1-80 to US-30. These alternate pavement designs consider quality and availability of aggregates, soil conditions and traffic information, to determine details and dimensions of pavement design. Comparative cost studies were prepared from alternate design data and recommendations as to pavement type are presented for Commission review.


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Presented in this report is an investigation of the use of "sand-lightweight" concrete in prestressed concrete structures. The sand-lightweight concrete consists of 100% sand substitution for fines, along with Idealite coarse and medium lightweight aggregate and Type I Portland Cement.


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Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement undergoes repeated environmental load-related deflection resulting from temperature and moisture variations across the pavement depth. This phenomenon, referred to as PCC pavement curling and warping, has been known and studied since the mid-1920s. Slab curvature can be further magnified under repeated traffic loads and may ultimately lead to fatigue failures, including top-down and bottom-up transverse, longitudinal, and corner cracking. It is therefore important to measure the “true” degree of curling and warping in PCC pavements, not only for quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) purposes, but also to achieve a better understanding of its relationship to long-term pavement performance. In order to better understand the curling and warping behavior of PCC pavements in Iowa and provide recommendations to mitigate curling and warping deflections, field investigations were performed at six existing sites during the late fall of 2015. These sites included PCC pavements with various ages, slab shapes, mix design aspects, and environmental conditions during construction. A stationary light detection and ranging (LiDAR) device was used to scan the slab surfaces. The degree of curling and warping along the longitudinal, transverse, and diagonal directions was calculated for the selected slabs based on the point clouds acquired using LiDAR. The results and findings are correlated to variations in pavement performance, mix design, pavement design, and construction details at each site. Recommendations regarding how to minimize curling and warping are provided based on a literature review and this field study. Some examples of using point cloud data to build three-dimensional (3D) models of the overall curvature of the slab shape are presented to show the feasibility of using this 3D analysis method for curling and warping analysis.


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Com o passar dos anos, as obras mais sublimes, começam a mostrar marcas subtis ou profundas de deterioração, como por exemplo: fissurações e defeitos associados à humidade. Estes são reflexo de fatores externos, como fungos, a própria atmosfera reativa, mudanças climatéricas e, até mesmo, a ação do homem. Neste seguimento pretende-se estudar as principais argamassas utilizadas na reabilitação de edifícios antigos, principalmente, as argamassas utilizadas no decorrer das obras ao longo do estágio, com o objetivo de comparar as suas caraterísticas, sendo estas argamassas tradicionais e pré-fabricadas. Foram feitos vários ensaios para determinar as suas resistências mecânicas, nomeadamente, o ensaio de resistência à flexão e compressão em diferentes idades após a confeção das argamassas, e ensaios para determinar a sua durabilidade como o ensaio de absorção da água por capilaridade; ensaio de absorção de água por imersão às 48horas (pressão atmosférica); ensaio para determinação do teor de água às 48horas e o ensaio de arrancamento (pull-off). A análise dos resultados mostrou que as argamassas adquirem mais resistência com o passar do tempo após a sua confeção, e que as argamassas dos provetes obtidos de forma tradicional, constituídos por argamassa de cal Hidráulica (HL5) e argamassa de cimento, apresentam melhores resultados do que a argamassa pré-fabricada (weber.cal classic).


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Oil well cementing materials consist of slurries of Special class Portland cement dispersed in water. Admixtures can be used to provide the necessary fluidity, so the material can be efficiently pumped down as well as penetrate porous rocks with controlled filter loss. Construction admixtures can be used to modify the properties of oil well cements provided they can withstand and hold their properties at the higher than ambient temperatures usually encountered in oil fields. In civil construction, superplasticizer play the role of dispersants that reduce the facto r of water cement improve mechanical properties and fluidity of the cement, whereas anti-segregation agents improve the workability of the slurry. In the present study, oil well cement slurries were produced adding both a dispersant and an anti-segregation agent conventionally used in Portland CPII-Z-32 RS cement aiming at materials for primary cementing and squeeze operations. Three basic aspects were evaluated: fluidity, filter loss and the synergetic effect of the admixtures at two temperatures, i.e., 27°C and 56°C, following API RP 10B practical recommendations. The slurries were prepared using admixture concentrations varying from 2.60 Kgf/m3 (0.02 gallft3) to 5.82 Kgf/m3 (0.045 galJft3) BWOC. The density of the slurries was set to 1.89 g/cm3 (15.8 Ib/gal). 0.30 to 0.60% BWOC of a CMC-based anti-segregation agent was added to the cement to control the filter loss. The results showed that the addition of anti-segregation at concentrations above 0.55% by weight of cement resulted in the increased viscosity of the folders in temperatures evaluated. The increasing the temperature of the tests led to a reduction in the performance of anti-segregation. At concentrations of 5.20 kgf/m3 (0,040 gallft3) and 5.82 Kgf/m3 (0,045 gal/ft 3) observed a better performance of the properties evaluated in the proposed system. At low temperature was observed instability in the readings of rheology for all concentrations of anti-segregation. Contents that increasing the concentration of anti¬-segregation is limited concentrations greater than 0.55 % BWOC of the CMC in temperature analyzed. The use of the system with CMC promoted a good performance against the properties evaluated. The principal function of anti¬-segregation was optimized with increasing concentration of superplasticizer, at temperatures above the 2rC. The study of the behaviour of systemic additives, resulting in slurries of cement, which can be optimized face studies of other intrinsic properties in oil fields


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Several problems related to the loss of hydraulic seal in oilwells, causing gas migration and/or contamination of the production zone by water, have been reported. The loss of the hydraulic seal is a consequence of cracks which can be occasioned either by the invasion of gas during the wait on cement or by the expansion of the casing causing the fracture of the cement sheath. In case of the pressure of the formation is higher than the pressure in the annulus, gas can migrate into the slurry and form microannulus, which are channels where gas migrates after the cement is set. Cracks can be also occasioned by the fracture of the cement sheath when it does not withstand the thermal and dynamic loads. In reservoirs where the oil is heavy, steam water injection operation is required in order to get the oil flowing. This operation increases the temperature of the casing, and then it expands and causes the fracture of the cement sheath in the annulus. When the failures on the cement are detected, remedial cementing is required, which raise costs caused by the interventions. Once the use of cement in the construction civil sector is older than its use in the petroleum sector, it is common to bring technologies and solutions from the civil construction and apply them on the petroleum area. In this context, vermiculite, a mineral-clay widely encountered in Brazil, has been used, on its exfoliated form, in the civil construction, especially on the manufacture of lights and fireproof concretes with excellent thermal and acoustical properties. It has already been reported in scientific journals, studies of the addition of exfoliated vermiculite in Portland cements revealing good properties related to oilwell cementing operations. Thus, this study aimed to study the rheological behavior, thickening time, stability and compressive strength of the slurries made of Portland cement and exfoliated vermiculite in 5 different compositions, at room temperature and heated. The results showed that the compressive strength decreased with the addition of exfoliated vermiculite, however the values are still allowed for oiwell cementing operations. The thickening time of the slurry with no exfoliated vermiculite was 120 min and the thickening time of the slurry with 12 % of exfoliated vermiculite was 98 min. The stability and the rheological behavior of the slurries revealed that the exfoliated vermiculite absorbed water and therefore increased the viscosity of the slurries, even though increasing the factor cement-water. The stability experiment carried out at 133 ºF showed that, there was neither sedimentation nor reduction of the volume of the cement for the slurry with 12 % of exfoliated vermiculite. Thus, the addition of exfoliated vermiculite accelerates the set time of the cement and gives it a small shrinkage during the wait on cement, which are important to prevent gas migration


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The low tenacity presented by the Portland cement pastes used in the oil wells cementation has been motivating several researches with attention focused on alternative materials. Additives have been developed to generate flexible pastes with mechanical resistance capable to support the expansions and retractions of the metallic covering of the wells that submit to the steam injection, technique very used to increase the recovery factor in oil reservoirs with high viscosity. A fresh paste with inadequate rheological behavior may commit the cementation process seriously, involving flaws that affect the performance of the paste substantially in the hardened state. This work proposes the elaboration and the rheological analysis of Portland cement pastes with addition of residues of rubber tire in several proportions, with the aim of minimizing the damages provoked in the hem cementing of these wells. By thermogravimetric analysis, the particles of eraser that go by the sieve of 0,5mm (35 mesh) opening and treated superficially with NaOH solution of 1 mol/L presented appropriate thermal resistance for wells that submit to thermal cyclic. The evaluation of the study based on the results of the rheological analysis of the pastes, complemented by the mechanical analysis, thickening, stability, tenor of free water and filtrate loss, being used as parameter a paste reference, without rubber addition. The results showed satisfactory rheology, passive of few corrections; considerable loss of mechanical resistance (traction and compression), compensated by earnings of tenacity, however with established limits for its application in oil wells; satisfactory stability, free water and thickening time


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Cement hydration is a very complex process in which crystalline phases are dissolving in water and after supersaturation hydrated crystalline and amorphous phases precipitate. Great efforts are being made to develop analytical tools to accurately quantify these processes and X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) combined with Rietveld methodology is a suitable tool to quantify these complex mixtures and their time evolutions. However, some problems/drawbacks should be overcome to fully apply it to cement pastes characterization in order to get accurate phase analyses. In order to tackle this issue, a comparison of the Rietveld quantitative phase analyses (RQPA) obtained using Cu-Kα1, Mo-Kα1, and synchrotron strictly monochromatic radiations of three set of mixtures with increasing amounts of a given phase (spiking-method) is presented. The main aim is to test a simple hypothesis: high energy Mo-radiation, combined with high resolution laboratory X-ray powder diffraction optics, could yield more accurate RQPA, for challenging samples, than well-established Cu-radiation procedure(s). Firstly, a series of crystalline inorganic phase mixtures with increasing amounts of an analyte was studied in order to determine if Mo-Kα1 methodology is as robust as the well-established Cu-Kα1 one. Secondly, a series of crystalline organic phase mixtures with increasing amounts of an organic compound was analyzed. This type of mixture can result in transparency problems in reflection and inhomogeneous loading in narrow capillaries for transmission studies. Finally, a third series with variable amorphous content was studied. Limit of detection in Cu-patterns, ~0.2 wt%, are slightly lower than those derived from Mo-patterns, ~0.3 wt%, for similar recording times and limit of quantification for a well crystallized inorganic phase using laboratory powder diffraction was established ~0.10 wt%. From the obtained results it is inferred that RQPA from Mo-Kα1 radiation have slightly better accuracies than those obtained from Cu-Kα1. The results obtained in the previous comparison have been taken into account to obtain accurate RQPA, including the amorphous component with internal standard methodology, of hydrating cement pastes. The final goal of this second study was understanding the early-stage hydration mechanisms of a variety of cementing systems (Ordinary Portland Cement or Belite Alite Ye’elimite cement) as a function of water content, superplasticizer additives and type and content of sulfate source. In order to do so, X-ray powder diffraction data were taken in-situ with the humidity chamber coupled to the Mo-Kα1 powder diffractometer. Some results of this ongoing investigation will be reported and discussed.


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The present work is to study the characteristics and technological properties of soil-cement bricks made from binary and ternary mixtures of Portland cement, sand, water, with or without addition of gravel from the drilling of oil wells, which could be used by industry, aiming to improve its performance and reduce cost by using the residue and, consequently, increasing its useful life. The soil-cement bricks are one of the alternatives to masonry construction. These elements, after a short curing period, provide compressive strength similar to that of solid bricks and ceramic blocks, and the higher the resistance the higher the amount of cement used. We used the soil from the city of São José do Mipibu / RN, the banks of the River Baldun, cement CPIIZ-32 and residue of drill cuttings from oil wells drilling onshore wells in the town of Mossley, RN, provided Petrobras. To determine the optimum mix, we studied the inclusion of different residues (100%, 80%, 70%, 60% and 50%) where 15 bodies were made of the test piece. The assessment was made of bricks made from simple compression tests, mass loss by immersion and water absorption. The experimental results proved the efficiency and high utilization of the waste from the drilling of oil wells, making the brick-cement-soil residue with a higher strength and lower water absorption. The best result in terms of mechanical strength and water absorption for the ternary mixture was 10% soil, 14% cement and 80% residue. In terms of binary mixtures, we obtained the best result for the mix-cement residue, which was 14% cement incorporated in the residue


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The corrosive phenomenon on reinforced concrete structures is one of the most founded pathologies on the coastal area. With the objective to prevent the process development, or even, retard its beginning, it was studied the application of inorganic covering over concrete surfaces, after its cure, as well as, evaluate the efficiency of the covering applied on the concrete in reducing its porosity of concrete preventing the entrance of aggressive agents to preserve the integrity of the existing armor inside it, comparing the result obtained with the body-of-proof reference, that didn´t receive covering protection. On the concrete production it was used Portland Cement CP II 32, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and water from the local distributive. Two types of covering were used, one resin based of silicon and solvent and other white cement based, selected sands and acrylic resin. The concrete mixture adopted was 1:1,5:2,5 (cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate) and 0.50 water/cement ratio. With the concrete on fresh state was made the experiment test to determinate the workability. On the hardened state was made the concrete resistance experiment, absorption of water and electrochemical experiments, through polarization curves. Also was held optical microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy experiments to analyze the layer of the covering applied to the concrete surface and the interface between the concrete and the layer. The obtained results shows that the covering applied to the concrete surface didn´t affect the resistance towards compression. On the absorption of water occurred a diminution of the percentage absorbed, improving the concrete development by making it more impermeable towards the entrance of aggressive agents. The electrochemical experiment results confirmed the water absorption results; the body-of-proof covered presented larger protection towards the development of corrosives process and retarded the evolution of the corrosive phenomenon


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This work addresses the production of lightweight concrete building elements, such as plates, prefabricated slabs for pre-molded and panels of fencing, presenting a singular concrete: the Lightweight Concrete, with special properties such low density and good strength, by means of the joint use of industrial waste of thermosetting unsaturated polyesters and biodegradable foaming agent, named Polymeric Lightweight Concrete. This study covered various features of the materials used in the composition of the Polymeric Lightweight Concrete, using a planning of factorial design 23, aiming at studying of the strength, production, dosage processes, characterization of mechanical properties and microstructural analysis of the transition zone between the light artificial aggregate and the matrix of cement. The results of the mechanical strength tests were analyzed using a computational statistics tool (Statistica software) to understand the behavior and obtain the ideal quantity of each material used in the formula of the Polymeric Lightweight Concrete. The definition of the ideal formula has the purpose of obtaining a material with the lowest possible dry density and resistance to compression in accordance with NBR 12.646/92 (≥ 2.5 MPa after 28 days). In the microstructural characterization by scanning electron microscopy it was observed an influence of the materials in the process of cement hydration, showing good interaction between the wrinkled face of the residue of unsaturated polyesters thermosetting and putty and, consequently, the final strength. The attaining of an ideal formula, given the Brazilian standards, the experimental results obtained in the characterization and comparison of these results with conventional materials, confirmed that the developed Polymeric Lightweight Concrete is suitable for the production of building elements that are advantageous for construction