967 resultados para Poetry in the feminine
We have shown that higher-dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter black holes are gravitationally unstable for large values of the electric charge and cosmological constant in D >= 7 space-time dimensions. We have found the shape of the slightly perturbed black hole at the threshold point of instability.
In this work, we study the emission of tensor-type gravitational degrees of freedom from a higher-dimensional, simply rotating black hole in the bulk. The decoupled radial part of the corresponding field equation is first solved analytically in the limit of low-energy emitted particles and low-angular momentum of the black hole in order to derive the absorption probability. Both the angular and radial equations are then solved numerically, and the comparison of the analytical and numerical results shows a very good agreement in the low and intermediate energy regimes. By using our exact, numerical results we compute the energy and angular-momentum emission rates and their dependence on the spacetime parameters such as the number of additional spacelike dimensions and the angular momentum of the black hole. Particular care is given to the convergence of our results in terms of the number of modes taken into account in the calculation and the multiplicity of graviton tensor modes that correspond to the same angular-momentum numbers.
Isospin symmetry breaking has been investigated in mass A = 67 mirror nuclei through the experimental determination of the E1 strengths of analog electromagnetic transitions. Lifetimes of excited states have been measured in (67)Se and (67)As with the centroid shift method. Through the comparison of the B(E1) strengths of the mirror 9/2(+) -> 7/2(-) transitions, the isovector and the isoscalar components of the electromagnetic transition amplitude were extracted. The presence of a large isoscalar component provides evidence for coherent contributions to isospin mixing, probably involving the isovector giant monopole resonance.
We show that bifurcations in chaotic scattering manifest themselves through the appearance of an infinitely fine-scale structure of singularities in the cross section. These ""rainbow singularities"" are created in a cascade, which is closely related to the bifurcation cascade undergone by the set of trapped orbits (the chaotic saddle). This cascade provides a signature in the differential cross section of the complex pattern of bifurcations of orbits underlying the transition to chaotic scattering. We show that there is a power law with a universal coefficient governing the sequence of births of rainbow singularities and we verify this prediction by numerical simulations.
High-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements were performed on single crystalline and powder samples of BiMn(2)O(5). A linear temperature dependence of the unit cell volume was found between T(N)=38 and 100 K, suggesting that a low-energy lattice excitation may be responsible for the lattice expansion in this temperature range. Between T(*)similar to 65 K and T(N), all lattice parameters showed incipient magnetoelastic effects, due to short-range spin correlations. An anisotropic strain along the a direction was also observed below T(*). Below T(N), a relatively large contraction of the a parameter following the square of the average sublattice magnetization of Mn was found, indicating that a second-order spin Hamiltonian accounts for the magnetic interactions along this direction. On the other hand, the more complex behaviors found for b and c suggest additional magnetic transitions below T(N) and perhaps higher-order terms in the spin Hamiltonian. Polycrystalline samples grown by distinct routes and with nearly homogeneous crystal structure above T(N) presented structural phase coexistence below T(N), indicating a close competition amongst distinct magnetostructural states in this compound.
In this work we study the dynamical generation of mass in the massless N = 1 Wess-Zumino model in a three-dimensional spacetime. Using the tadpole method to compute the effective potential, we observe that supersymmetry is dynamically broken together with the discrete symmetry A(x) -> A(x). We show that this model, different from nonsupersymmetric scalar models, exhibits a consistent perturbative dynamical generation of mass after two-loop corrections to the effective potential.
Neutrino telescopes with cubic kilometer volumes have the potential to discover new particles. Among them are next to lightest supersymmetric (NLSPs) and next to lightest Kaluza-Klein (NLKPs) particles. Two NLSPs or NLKPs will transverse the detector simultaneously producing parallel charged tracks. The track separation inside the detector can be a few hundred meters. As these particles might propagate a few thousand kilometers before reaching the detector, multiple scattering could enhance the pair separation at the detector. We find that the multiple scattering will alter the separation distribution enough to increase the number of NLKP pairs separated by more than 100 meters (a reasonable experimental cut) by up to 46% depending on the NLKP mass. Vertical upcoming NLSPs will have their separation increased by 24% due to multiple scattering.
We report a study of dynamic effects detected in the time-resolved emission from quantum dot ensembles. Experimental procedures were developed to search for common behaviors found in quantum dot systems independently of their composition: three quantum dot samples were experimentally characterized. Systems with contrasting interdot coupling are compared and their sensitivity to the excitation energy is analyzed. Our experimental results are compared and contrasted with other results available in literature. The optical recombination time dependence on system parameters is derived and compared to the experimental findings. We discuss the effects of occupation of the ground state in both valence and conduction bands of semiconductor quantum dots in the dynamics of the system relaxation as well as the nonlinear effects.
In this work we investigate knowledge acquisition as performed by multiple agents interacting as they infer, under the presence of observation errors, respective models of a complex system. We focus the specific case in which, at each time step, each agent takes into account its current observation as well as the average of the models of its neighbors. The agents are connected by a network of interaction of Erdos-Renyi or Barabasi-Albert type. First, we investigate situations in which one of the agents has a different probability of observation error (higher or lower). It is shown that the influence of this special agent over the quality of the models inferred by the rest of the network can be substantial, varying linearly with the respective degree of the agent with different estimation error. In case the degree of this agent is taken as a respective fitness parameter, the effect of the different estimation error is even more pronounced, becoming superlinear. To complement our analysis, we provide the analytical solution of the overall performance of the system. We also investigate the knowledge acquisition dynamic when the agents are grouped into communities. We verify that the inclusion of edges between agents (within a community) having higher probability of observation error promotes the loss of quality in the estimation of the agents in the other communities.
Cooperative scattering of light by an extended object such as an atomic ensemble or a dielectric sphere is fundamentally different from scattering from many pointlike scatterers such as single atoms. Homogeneous distributions tend to scatter cooperatively, whereas fluctuations of the density distribution increase the disorder and suppress cooperativity. In an atomic cloud, the amount of disorder can be tuned via the optical thickness, and its role can be studied via the radiation force exerted by the light on the atomic cloud. Monitoring cold (87)Rb atoms released from a magneto-optical trap, we present the first experimental signatures of radiation force reduction due to cooperative scattering. The results are in agreement with an analytical expression interpolating between the disorder and the cooperativity-dominated regimes.
In this paper, electron paramagnetic resonance, photoluminescence (PL) emission, and quantum mechanical calculations were used to observe and understand the structural order-disorder of CaTiO(3), paying special attention to the role of oxygen vacancy. The PL phenomenon at room temperature of CaTiO(3) is directly influenced by the presence of oxygen vacancies that yield structural order-disorder. These oxygen vacancies bonded at Ti and/or Ca induce new electronic states inside the band gap. Ordered and disordered CaTiO(3) was obtained by the polymeric precursor method. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3190524]
In this work, we study the role of the ac Stark effects on the excitation of nS(1/2) cold Rydberg atoms produced in a rubidium magneto-optical trap. We have observed an atomic population in the nP(3/2) state after excitation of nS(1/2) for 29 <= n <= 37. Such an observation is normally attributed to binary collisions; however, the interaction between Rb nS(1/2) atoms is repulsive. To explain our results, the dipole-dipole interaction and ac Stark shifts from the excitation laser must be considered. We find that the Rydberg-atom-pair state asymptotically correlating to nP(3/2)+(n-1)P(3/2) is excited directly.
The influence of interlayer coupling on the formation of the quantized Hall phase at the filling factor nu=2 was studied in multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. The disorder broadened Gaussian photoluminescence line due to localized electrons was found in the quantized Hall phase of the isolated multi-quanturn-well structure. On the other hand, the quantized Hall phase of weakly coupled multilayers emitted an unexpected asymmetrical line similar to that observed in metallic electron systems. We demonstrated that the observed asymmetry is caused by the partial population of extended electron states formed in the insulating quantized Hall phase due to spin-assisted interlayer percolation. A sharp decrease in the single-particle scattering time associated with these extended states was observed for the filling factor nu=2. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2978194]
Lead fluoroborate glasses were prepared by the melt-quenching technique and characterized in terms of (micro)structural and electrical properties. The study was conducted on as prepared as well as temperature- and/or electric field-treated glass samples. The results show that, in the as-prepared glassy-state materials, electrical conductivity improved with increasing the PbF(2) glass content. This result involves both an increase of the fluoride charge carrier density and, especially, a decrease of the activation energy from a glass structure expansion improving charge carrier mobility. Moreover, for the electric field-treated glass samples, surface crystallization was observed even below the glass transition temperature. As previously proposed in literature, and shown here, the occurrence of this phenomenon arose from an electrochemically induced redox reaction at the electrodes, followed by crystallite nucleation. Once nucleated, growth of beta-PbF(2) crystallites, with the indication of incorporating reduced lead ions (Pb(+)), was both (micro)structurally and electrically detectable and analyzed. The overall crystallization-associated features observed here adapt well with the floppy-rigid model that has been proposed to further complete the original continuous-random-network model by Zachariasen for closely addressing not only glasses' structure but also crystallization mechanism. Finally, the crystallization-modified kinetic picture of the glasses' electrical properties, through application of polarization/depolarization measurements originally combined with impedance spectroscopy, was extensively explored. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Using nonequilibrium Green's functions we calculate the spin-polarized current and shot noise in a ferromagnet-quantum-dot-ferromagnet system. Both parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) magnetic configurations are considered. Coulomb interaction and coherent spin flip (similar to a transverse magnetic field) are taken into account within the dot. We find that the interplay between Coulomb interaction and spin accumulation in the dot can result in a bias-dependent current polarization p. In particular, p can be suppressed in the P alignment and enhanced in the AP case depending on the bias voltage. The coherent spin flip can also result in a switch of the current polarization from the emitter to the collector lead. Interestingly, for a particular set of parameters it is possible to have a polarized current in the collector and an unpolarized current in the emitter lead. We also found a suppression of the Fano factor to values well below 0.5.