909 resultados para Poços de petroleo - Perfuração
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O cavalo, dado o seu meio ambiente, está sujeito a afecções frequentes da córnea e da conjuntiva, tecidos oculares bastante expostos a bactérias e fungos, principalmente Aspergillus spp. e Fusarium spp. As ceratites ulcerativas bacterianas e fúngicas, bem como as ceratites fúngicas não ulcerativas, caracterizadas principalmente pelo abscesso estromal, são frequentes nessa espécie. Ocorrida a lesão inicial, perpetua-se um ciclo vicioso, com liberação de citocinas inflamatórias, que desencadeiam uma rápida e severa infiltração corneal por células polimorfonucleares. A córnea torna-se sujeita à destruição por enzimas proteolíticas liberadas pelos micro-organismos e por células inflamatórias, capazes de desencadear a dissolução estromal e a perfuração do bulbo ocular. O tratamento clínico para a resolução da doença corneal e o controle da uveíte reflexa deve ser agressivo e associado, muitas das vezes, à terapia cirúrgica. Este artigo discorre sobre a fisiopatologia e o tratamento da ceratomicose em equinos.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a ocorrência de Staphylococcus aureus em uma amostra de queijo tipo Minas frescal comercializado na cidade de Poços de Caldas, MG, de modo a obter subsídios que permitam avaliar o risco potencial que este produto pode representar para a saúde da população consumidora. MÉTODOS: Foi investigada a presença e o número de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus em 80 amostras de queijo tipo Minas frescal produzido artesanalmente e comercializado na cidade de Poços de Caldas, MG, Brasil. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram a presença de S. aureus em 40 (50,0%) amostras, cujas contagens revelaram valores médios em torno de 10(5)/g. CONCLUSÕES: Tais achados parecem ser extremamente preocupantes, pois além de se situarem acima do limite máximo de 10³/g estabelecido pelo Ministério da Saúde, estes valores mostraram-se muito próximos dos requeridos para a produção de enterotoxinas em quantidades suficientes para a ocorrência de surtos de intoxicação alimentar estafilocócica.
Foram avaliados três métodos de enxertia e cinco porta-enxertos para melão rendilhado 'Bônus nº 2' em condições de ambiente protegido na UNESP em Botucatu (SP). Utilizaram-se 15 tratamentos distribuídos em blocos ao acaso com 3 repetições. A taxa de sobrevivência após as enxertias, peso médio, dimensões e teor de sólidos solúveis totais dos frutos produzidos em plantas enxertadas foram avaliadas. Dentre os métodos de enxertia e porta-enxertos avaliados, os melhores resultados para melão rendilhado 'Bônus nº 2' foram obtidos utilizando-se os métodos fenda cheia e perfuração lateral combinado ao porta-enxerto 'Shelper'.
It is a descriptive-exploratory research, with a quantitative approach, aiming to characterize typical occupational accident suffered by the professionals from nursery group, in the Intensive Care Units and Emergency in a hospital in Natal-RN, trying to identify the factors that contribute to those accidents; to identify some information taken by those professionals related to the accident risks; to know the procedures taken after each accident. This sample is composed by 176 professionals that are 44 nurses and 132 nursing technicians/auxiliaries, collected from March to April 2010. The results related to the personal characterization of the nursery group showed that 31 (18.61%) are between the 36-40 years of age; 148 (84.09%) females and 96 (55.68%) had finished High School. Related to the professional characterization, 53 (30.11%) are nurses, and 123 (69.88%) nursing technicians and auxiliaries; 44 (25.00%) are working as nurses, and 132 (75.00%) as nursing technicians and auxiliaries; 45 (25.56%) are working in the nursery area between 15 to 20 years and 11 months; 53 (30.11%) are in this institution between 10 to 14 years and 11 months; 79 (44.88%) work in the ICU; 55 (31.25%) are working in this area from 1 to 4 years and 11 months; 110 (62.50%) like to work in this area; 161 (91.47%) work 30 to 40 hours per week; 90 (51,13%) have another employment. Related to knowledge about typical occupational accident, 167 (94.88%) said they know about it; 96 (54.54%) know the accident rules; 103 (58.52%) think it is important to talk about this subject in the nursery courses; 92 (52.27%) said this subject is important to be discussed in the work and 372 (87.73%) think education is necessary to reduce accident. Related to the data about accidents, 104 (59.09%) have suffered typical occupational accident, among them 69 (39.20%) have suffered it once; 47 (36.19%) did not register any accident; 60 (57.69%) were caring some patient during the accident; 47 (45.19%) of them occurred in the ICU; 50 (48.07%) professionals were working during the night period; 69 (66.34%) have suffered perforation; 86 (82.69%) had upper limbs affected; 64 (61.53%) were affected by needle; about the reason of the accident, 89 (60.54%) said it occurred due to carelessness. Related to the accident evolution, 88 (85.57%) did not need to remain off work after accident; 13 (81.25%) remained off work during 15 days; 87 (83.65%) had no sequelae and for 101 (97.11%) it was not necessary rehabilitation. We conclude that typical occupational accident can occur with young workers who admit a knowledge about the subject, however they do almost nothing to prevent it. We believe this research has contributed to the characterization of this kind of accident suffered by the nursery group of a public hospital in Natal, and it can stimulate the creation and reformulation of personal protection against typical occupational accident suffered by nursery professionals
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de salinidade de água de irrigação no uso consultivo na fase reprodutiva da bananeira e evolução da salinidade do solo. Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas, totalizando oito tratamentos com quatro repetições por tratamento. Os níveis de salinidade foram obtidos a partir de águas naturais de poços dos aquíferos arenito e calcário e foram misturadas em tanques de alvenaria para a obtenção das concentrações de salinidade desejada. Verificou-se que a área do bulbo com umidade superior a 8% representa aproximadamente 50% do volume do solo. A evapotranspiração da cultura diminuiu com o aumento da salinidade entre os tratamentos, o kc médio no período variou de 1,01 a 1,09 em águas de salinidade extremas. Comparando os perfis da salinidade do solo, verificou-se que a concentração de sais foi superior na camada superficial aos 440 dias após plantio.
Foram ajustadas 7239 curvas de lactação de vacas Caracu, controladas semanalmente entre os anos de 1978 a 1988, pertencentes à Fazenda Chiqueirão, Poços de Caldas, MG. As funções utilizadas foram a linear hiperbólica (FLH), a quadrática logarítmica (FQL), a gama incompleta (FGI) e a polinomial inversa (FPI). Os parâmetros foram estimados por meio de regressões não lineares, usando-se processos iterativos. A verificação da qualidade do ajuste baseou-se no coeficiente de determinação ajustado (R²A), no teste de Durbin-Watson (DW) e nas médias e desvios-padrão estimados para os parâmetros e funções dos parâmetros dos modelos. Para a curva média, os R²A foram superiores a 0,90 para todas as funções. Bons ajustes, baseados nos R²A>0,80 foram obtidos, respectivamente, por 25,2%, 39,1%, 31,1% e 28,4% das lactações ajustadas pelas funções FLH, FQL, FGI e FPI. de acordo com o teste de DW, bons ajustes foram proporcionados para 29,4% das lactações ajustadas pela FLH, 54,9% pela FQL, 34,9% pela FGI e 29,6% pela FPI. Para ambos os critérios, a FQL foi superior às demais funções, indicando grande variação nas formas das curvas de lactação geradas pelos ajustes individuais. Curvas atípicas foram estimadas pelas funções, com picos ocorrendo antes do parto e algumas vezes após o término da lactação. Todas as funções apresentaram problemas quando ajustaram dados individuais.
The present work presents an algorithm proposal, which aims for controlling and improving idle time to be applied in oil production wells equipped with beam pump. The algorithm was totally designed based on existing papers and data acquired from two Potiguar Basin pilot wells. Oil engineering concepts such as submergence, pump off, Basic Sediments and Water (BSW), Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR), reservo ir pressure, inflow pressure, among others, were included into the algorithm through a mathematical treatment developed from a typical well and then extended to the general cases. The optimization will increase the well production potential maximum utilization having the smallest number of pumping unit cycles directly reflecting on operational cost and electricity consumption reduction
The purpose of this study was to develop a pilot plant which the main goal is to emulate a flow peak pressure in a separation vessel. Effect similar that is caused by the production in a slug flow in production wells equipped with the artificial lift method plunger lift. The motivation for its development was the need to test in a plant on a smaller scale, a new technique developed to estimate the gas flow in production wells equipped with plunger lift. To develop it, studies about multiphase flow effects, operation methods of artificial lift in plunger lift wells, industrial instrumentation elements, control valves, vessel sizing separators and measurement systems were done. The methodology used was the definition of process flowcharts, its parameters and how the effects needed would be generated for the success of the experiments. Therefore, control valves, the design and construction of vessels and the acquisition of other equipment used were defined. One of the vessels works as a tank of compressed air that is connected to the separation vessel and generates pulses of gas controlled by a on/off valve. With the emulator system ready, several control experiments were made, being the control of peak flow pressure generation and the flow meter the main experiments, this way, it was confirmed the efficiency of the plant usage in the problem that motivated it. It was concluded that the system is capable of generate effects of flow with peak pressure in a primary separation vessel. Studies such as the estimation of gas flow at the exit of the vessel and several academic studies can be done and tested on a smaller scale and then applied in real plants, avoiding waste of time and money.
The Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) has been one of the most appropriate solutions for lifting method in onshore and offshore applications. The typical features for this application are adverse temperature, viscosity fluids and gas environments. The difficulties in equipments maintenance and setup contributing to increasing costs of oil production in deep water, therefore, the optimization through automation can be a excellent approach for decrease costs and failures in subsurface equipment. This work describe a computer simulation related with the artificial lifting method ESP. This tool support the dynamic behavior of ESP approach, considering the source and electric energy transmission model for the motor, the electric motor model (including the thermal calculation), flow tubbing simulation, centrifugal pump behavior simulation with liquid nature effects and reservoir requirements. In addition, there are tri-dimensional animation for each ESP subsytem (transformer, motor, pump, seal, gas separator, command unit). This computer simulation propose a improvement for monitoring oil wells for maximization of well production. Currenty, the proprietaries simulators are based on specific equipments manufactures. Therefore, it is not possible simulation equipments of another manufactures. In the propose approach there are support for diverse kinds of manufactures equipments
In this work, a performance analysis of transmission schemes employing turbo trellis coded modulation. In general, the performance analysis of such schemes is guided by evaluating the error probability of these schemes. The exact evaluation of this probability is very complex and inefficient from the computational point of view, a widely used alternative is the use of union bound of error probability, because of its easy implementation and computational produce bounds that converge quickly. Since it is the union bound, it should use to expurge some elements of distance spectrum to obtain a tight bound. The main contribution of this work is that the listing proposal is carried out from the puncturing at the level of symbol rather than bit-level as in most works of literature. The main reason for using the symbol level puncturing lies in the fact that the enummerating function of the turbo scheme is obtained directly from complex sequences of signals through the trellis and not indirectly from the binary sequences that require further binary to complex mapping, as proposed by previous works. Thus, algorithms can be applied through matrix from the adjacency matrix, which is obtained by calculating the distances of the complex sequences of the trellis. This work also presents two matrix algorithms for state reduction and the evaluation of the transfer function of this. The results presented in comparisons of the bounds obtained using the proposed technique with some turbo codes of the literature corroborate the proposition of this paper that the expurgated bounds obtained are quite tight and matrix algorithms are easily implemented in any programming software language
The method of artificial lift of progressing cavity pump is very efficient in the production of oils with high viscosity and oils that carry a great amount of sand. This characteristic converted this lift method into the second most useful one in oil fields production. As it grows the number of its applications it also increases the necessity to dominate its work in a way to define it the best operational set point. To contribute to the knowledge of the operational method of artificial lift of progressing cavity pump, this work intends to develop a computational simulator for oil wells equipped with an artificial lift system. The computational simulator of the system will be able to represent its dynamic behavior when submitted to the various operational conditions. The system was divided into five subsystems: induction motor, multiphase flows into production tubing, rod string, progressing cavity pump and annular tubing-casing. The modeling and simulation of each subsystem permitted to evaluate the dynamic characteristics that defined the criteria connections. With the connections of the subsystems it was possible to obtain the dynamic characteristics of the most important arrays belonging to the system, such as: pressure discharge, pressure intake, pumping rate, rod string rotation and torque applied to polish string. The shown results added to a friendly graphical interface converted the PCP simulator in a great potential tool with a didactic characteristic in serving the technical capability for the system operators and also permitting the production engineering to achieve a more detail analysis of the dynamic operational oil wells equipped with the progressing cavity pump
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The using of supervision systems has become more and more essential in accessing, managing and obtaining data of industrial processes, because of constant and frequent developments in industrial automation. These supervisory systems (SCADA) have been widely used in many industrial environments to store process data and to control the processes in accordance with some adopted strategy. The SCADA s control hardware is the set of equipments that execute this work. The SCADA s supervision software accesses process data through the control hardware and shows them to the users. Currently, many industrial systems adopt supervision softwares developed by the same manufacturer of the control hardware. Usually, these softwares cannot be used with other equipments made by distinct manufacturers. This work proposes an approach for developing supervisory systems able to access process information through different control hardwares. An architecture for supervisory systems is first defined, in order to guarantee efficiency in communication and data exchange. Then, the architecture is applied in a supervisory system to monitor oil wells that use distinct control hardwares. The implementation was modeled and verified by using the formal method of the Petri networks. Finally, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solution
Thermal recovery methods, especially steam injection, have been used to produce heavy oils. However, these methods imply that the metallic casing-cement sheath interface is submitted to thermal cycling. As a consequence, cracking may develop due to the thermal expansion mismatch of such materials, which allows the flow of oil and gas through the cement sheath, with environmental and economical consequences. It is therefore important to anticipate interfacial discontinuities that may arise upon Thermal recovery. The present study reports a simple alternative method to measure the shear strength of casing-sheath interfaces using pushthrough geometry, applied to polymer-containing hardened cement slurries. Polyurethane and recycled tire rubber were added to Portland-bases slurries to improve the fracture energy of intrinsically brittle cement. Samples consisting of metallic casing sections surrounded by hardened polymer-cement composites were prepared and mechanically tested. The effect of thermal cycles was investigated to simulate temperature conditions encountered in steam injection recovery. The results showed that the addition of polyurethane significantly improved the shear strength of the casing-sheath interface. The strength values obtained adding 10% BWOC of polyurethane to a Portland-base slurry more than doubled with respect to that of polyurethane-free slurries. Therefore, the use of polyurethane significantly contributes to reduce the damage caused by thermal cycling to cement sheath, improving the safety conditions of oil wells and the recovery of heavy oils