976 resultados para Pneumonia necrotizante


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Mechanically ventilated patients in hospitals are subjected to an increased risk of acquiring nosocomial pneumonia that sometimes has a lethal outcome. One way to minimize the risk could be to make the surfaces on endotracheal tubes antibacterial. In this study, bacterial growth was inhibited or completely prevented by silver ions wet chemically and deposited onto the tube surface. Through the wet chemical treatment developed here, a surface precipitate was formed containing silver chloride and a silver stearate salt. The identity and morphology of the surface precipitate was studied using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and x-ray powder diffraction. Leaching of silver ions into solution was examined, and bacterial growth on the treated surfaces was assayed using Pseudomonas aeruginosa wild type (PAO1) bacteria. Furthermore, the minimum inhibitory concentration of silver ions was determined in liquid- and solid-rich growth medium as 23 and 18 microM, respectively, for P. aeruginosa.


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The symptomatic phases of many inflammatory diseases are characterized by migration of large numbers of neutrophils (PMN) across a polarized epithelium and accumulation within a lumen. For example, acute PMN influx is common in diseases of the gastrointestinal system (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, bacterial enterocolitis, gastritis), hepatobiliary system (cholangitis, acute cholecystitis), respiratory tract (bronchial pneumonia, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis), and urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis). Despite these observations, the molecular basis of leukocyte interactions with epithelial cells is incompletely understood. In vitro models of PMN transepithelial migration typically use N-formylated bacterial peptides such as fMLP in isolation to drive human PMNs across epithelial monolayers. However, other microbial products such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are major constituents of the intestinal lumen and have potent effects on the immune system. In the absence of LPS, we have shown that transepithelial migration requires sequential adhesive interactions between the PMN beta2 integrin CD11b/CD18 and JAM protein family members. Other epithelial ligands appear to be abundantly represented as fucosylated proteoglycans. Further studies indicate that the rate of PMN migration across mucosal surfaces can be regulated by the ubiquitously expressed transmembrane protein CD47 and microbial-derived factors, although many of the details remain unclear. Current data suggests that Toll-like receptors (TLR), which recognize specific pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), are differentially expressed on both leukocytes and mucosal epithelial cells while serving to modulate leukocyte-epithelial interactions. Exposure of epithelial TLRs to microbial ligands has been shown to result in transcriptional upregulation of inflammatory mediators whereas ligation of leukocyte TLRs modulate specific antimicrobial responses. A better understanding of these events will hopefully provide new insights into the mechanisms of epithelial responses to microorganisms and ideas for therapies aimed at inhibiting the deleterious consequences of mucosal inflammation.


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The PHA�coordinated Northern Ireland's participation in ECDC's National Prevalence Survey on�Hospital-Acquired Infections & on Antimicrobial Use. Hospitals in Northern Ireland participated in data collection between May and June 2012.This report provides a snapshot of the levels of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and levels of antimicrobial use (AMU) in hospitals in Northern Ireland during 2012.There have been three previous HAI PPS surveys and the last survey was carried out in 2006. It is difficult to compare each survey as the data was collected in a different way. However, after making allowances, there was an overall drop in HAI prevalence of 18% from 2006 to 2012.The PPS data collection was undertaken by hospital teams between May and June 2012 (one hospital deferred data collection until September 2012 because of a move to a new hospital); 16 hospitals surveyed 3,992 eligible patients. The median age of all patients was 66 years. A total of 383 (10 per cent) children under 16 years of age were surveyed.�Key results from this year's survey:The prevalence of HAI was 4.2%. A total of 166 patients were diagnosed with an active HAI with 3 patients having more than one infection.When comparing ward specialties, HAI prevalence was highest for patients in adult intensive care units (ICUs) at 9.1 per cent, followed by care of the elderly wards at 5.7%.The most common types of HCAI were respiratory infections (including pneumonia and infections of the lower respiratory tract) (27.9 per cent of all infections), surgical site infections (18.9 per cent) and urinary tract infections (UTI) (11.8 per cent).Since the last PPS in 2006 there has been a reduction in MRSA infections - from 0.9 per cent �of the hospital population to less than 0.1 per cent in patients; and a five-fold reduction in C. difficile infections (from 1.1 per cent to 0.2 per cent).The prevalence of antimicrobial use was 29.5%.Most antibiotic use (60 per cent) in hospitals was in patients receiving treatment for infections which commenced in the community. Eleven percent of surgical prophylaxis was prescribed for greater than one day.��


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One of the main difficulties in studying dengue virus infection in humans and in developing a vaccine is the absence of a suitable animal model which develops the full spectrum of dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock syndrome. It is our proposal to present morphological aspects of an animal model which shows many similarities with the dengue infection in humans. BALB/c mice were intraperitoneally infected with non-neuroadapted dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV-2). Histopathological and morphometrical analyses of liver tissue revealed focal alterations along the infection, reaching wide-ranging portal and centrolobular veins congestion and sinusoidal cell death. Additional ultrastructural observations demonstrated multifocal endothelial injury, platelet recruitment, and alterated hepatocytes. Dengue virus antigen was detected in hepatocytes and in the capillar endothelium of the central lobular vein area. Liver function tests showed high levels of aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase enzyme activity. Lung tissue showed interstitial pneumonia and mononuclear cells, interseptal oedema, hyperplasia, and hypertrophy of the bronchiolar epithelial cells. DENV-2 led to a transient inflammatory process, but caused focal alterations of the blood-exchange barrier. Viremia was observed from 2nd to 11th day p.i. by isolation of DENV-2 in C6/36 mosquito cell line inoculated with the supernatant of macerated liver, lung, kidney, and cerebellum tissues of the infected mice.


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Purpose/Objective: Histone deacetylases (HDACs) deacetylate histones and transcriptional regulators thereby affecting numerous biological functions. Seven mammalian sirtuins (SIRT1-7) constitute the NAD-dependent class III subfamily of HDACs. Sirtuins are the center of great interest due to their regulatory role in the control of metabolism, ageing and age-related diseases. Up to now, little is known about the influence of sirtuins on immune responses, and nothing about the role of SIRT2. The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of SIRT2 knockout on immune cell development and innate immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Materials and methods: SIRT2 germline knockout were produced on a C57BL/6J background. The cellularity of thymus and spleen was assessed by flow cytometry (n = 3). Bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) and dendritic cells (BMDCs) and splenocytes were stimulated with LPS, Pam3CSK4 lipopeptide, CpG ODN, E. coli, S. aureus, TSST-1, SEB, anti-CD3+ CD28 and concanavalin A (n = 3_8). TNF, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12p40 and IFNc production, SIRT1_7 and CD40 expression, and proliferation were quantified by real time-PCR, ELISA, flow cytometry and H3-thymidine incorporation. Mice (n = 6_16) were challenged with LPS, TNF/D-galactosamine, E. coli and K. pneumonia titrated to cause either mild or severe infections or shock. Blood was collected to quantify cytokines and bacteria. Mortality was checked regularly. Results: SIRT2 is the most expressed sirtuin in macrophages and myeloid DCs. To test whether SIRT2 impacts on innate immune responses, we generated SIRT2 germline knockout mice. SIRT2-/- mice born at the expected Mendelian ratio and develop normally. The proportions and absolute numbers of DN1-4, DP and SP thymocytes, and of T-cells (DN and SP, naı¨ve and memory), B-cells (immature and mature), DCs (cDCs and pDCs) and granulocytes in the spleen are similar in SIRT2+/+ and SIRT2-/- mice. SIRT2+/+ and SIRT2-/- BMDMs, BMDCs and splenocytes produce cytokines (RNA and protein), upregulate CD40, and proliferate to the same extent. SIRT2+/+ and SIRT2-/- mice respond similarly (cytokine blood levels, bacterial counts and mortality) to non-severe and lethal endotoxemia, E. coli peritonitis, K. pneumonia pneumonia and TNF-induced shock. Conclusions: SIRT2 knockout has no dramatic impact on the development of immune cells and on innate immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Considering that SIRT2 may participate to control metabolic homeostasis, we are currently assessing the impact of SIRT2 deficiency on innate immune responses under metabolic stress.


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Histological and ultrastructural alterations in lung tissue of BALB/c mice infected with dengue virus serotype 2 (non-neuroadapted), by intraperitoneal and intravenous routes were analyzed. Lung tissues were processed following the standard techniques for photonic and electron transmission microscopies. Histopathological and ultrastructural studies showed interstitial pneumonia, characterized by the presence of mononuclear cells. In the mouse model, the dengue virus serotype 2 seems to led to a transient inflammatory process without extensive damage to the interalveolar septa, but caused focal alterations of the blood-exchange barrier. Endothelial cells of blood capillaries exhibited phyllopodia suggesting activation by presence of dengue virus. Morphometrical analysis of mast cells showed an expressive increase of the number of these cells in peribronchiolar spaces and adjacent areas to the interalveolar septa. Alveolar macrophages showed particles dengue virus-like inside rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex, suggesting viral replication. The tissue alterations observed in our experimental model were similar to the observed in human cases of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Our results show that BALB/c mice are permissive host for dengue virus serotype 2 replication and therefore provides an useful model to study of morphological aspects of dengue virus infection.


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Introduction: CD22 is expressed on most B-non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL); inotuzumab ozogamicin (INO) is an anti-CD22 antibody conjugated to calicheamicin. This study evaluated the safety and tolerability of INO plus R-CVP in patients (pts) with relapsed/refractory CD22+ B-NHL. Efficacy data were also collected. Methods: Part 1 of this open-label study identified a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of INO 0.8mg/m,2 on day 2 plus R-CVP (rituximab 375mg/m,2 cyclophosphamide 750mg/m,2 and vincristine 1.4mg/m,2 on day 1; prednisone 40mg/m,2 on days 1-5) every 21 days. Subsequently, pts were enrolled in the MTD confirmation cohort (part 2, n = 10), which required a dose-limiting toxicity rate of <33% in cycle 1 and <4 pts discontinuing prior to cycle 3 due to an adverse event (AE) in the MTD expansion cohort (part 3, n = 22), which explored preliminary activity. Results: Parts 2 and 3 enrolled 32 pts: 16 pts with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, 15 with follicular lymphoma and one with mantle cell lymphoma. Median age was 64.5 years (range 44-81 years); 34% of pts had 1 prior regimen, 34% had 2, 28% had ≥3 and 3% had none (median 2; range 0-6).Median treatment duration was five cycles (range 1-6). Part 2 confirmed the MTD as standard dose R-CVP plus INO 0.8mg/m,2; 2/10 pts had a dose-limiting toxicity (grade 3 increased ALT/AST, grade 4 neutropenia requiring G-CSF). One pt discontinued because of an AE prior to cycle 3. Common treatment-related AEs were thrombocytopenia (78%), neutropenia (66%), fatigue (50%), leukopenia (50%), nausea (41%) and lymphopenia (38%); common grade 3/4 AEs were neutropenia (63%), thrombocytopenia (53%), leukopenia (38%) and lymphopenia (31%). There was one case of treatment-related fatal pneumonia with grade 4 neutropenia. Ten pts discontinued treatment due to AEs; thrombocytopenia/delayed platelet recovery was the leading cause (grade 1/2, n = 6; grade 3/4, n = 3). Objective response rate (ORR) was 77% (n = 24/31 evaluable pts), including 26% (n=8/31) with complete response (CR); three pts had stable disease. Of the pts with follicular lymphoma, ORR was 100% (n = 15/15), including seven pts with CR. Of the pts with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, ORR was 60% (n = 9/16), including one pt with CR. Conclusions: Results suggest that INOplus R-CVP has acceptable toxicity and promising activity in relapsed/refractory CD22+ B-NHL. The most common grade 3/4 AEs were hematologic. Follow-up for progression-free and overall survival is ongoing.


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Introduction : Population aging leads to a considerable increase in the prevalence of specific diseases. We aimed to assess if those changes were already reflected in an Internal Medicine ward. Methods : Anonymous data was obtained from the administrative database of the department of internal medicine of the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). All hospitalizations of adult (>=18 years) patients occurring between 2003 and 2011 were included. Infections, cancers and diseases according to body system (heart, lung...) were defined by the first letter of the ICD-10 code for the main cause of hospitalization. Specific diseases (myocardial infarction, heart failure...) were defined by the first three letters of the ICD-10 codes for the main cause of hospitalization. Results : Data from 32,741 hospitalizations occurring between 2003 and 2011 was analyzed. Cardiovascular (ICD-10 code I) and respiratory (ICD-10 code J) diseases ranked first and second, respectively, and their ranks did not change during the study period (figure). Digestive and endocrine diseases decreased while psychiatric diseases increased from rank 9 in 2003 to rank 6 in 2011 (figure). Among specific diseases, pneumonia (organism unspecified, code J18) ranked first in 2003 and second in 2011. Acute myocardial infarction (code I21) ranked second in 2003 and third in 2011. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection (code J44) ranked third in 2003 and decreased to rank 8 in 2011. Conversely, heart failure (code I50) increased from rank 8 in 2003 to rank 1 in 2011 and delirium (not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances, code F05) increased from below rank 20 in 2003 to rank 4 in 2011. For more details, see table. Conclusion : In less than 10 years, considerable changes occurred in the presentation of patients attending an Internal Medicine ward. The changes in diseases call for adaptations in hospital staff and logistics.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is well recognized as the most important pathogen causing acute respiratory disease in infants and young children, mainly in the form of bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Two major antigenic groups, A and B, have been identified; however, there is disagreement about the severity of the diseases caused by these two types. This study investigated a possible association between RSV groups and severity of disease. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to characterize 128 RSV nasopharyngeal specimens from children less than five years old experiencing acute respiratory disease. A total of 82 of 128 samples (64.1%) could be typed, and, of these, 78% were group A, and 22% were group B. Severity was measured by clinical evaluation associated with demographic factors: for RSV A-infected patients, 53.1% were hospitalized, whereas for RSV B patients, 27.8% were hospitalized (p = 0.07). Around 35.0% of the patients presented risk factors for severity (e.g., prematurity). For those without risk factors, the hospitalization occurred in 47.6% of patients infected with RSV A and in 18.2% infected with RSV B. There was a trend for RSV B infections to be milder than those of RSV A. Even though RSV A-infected patients, including cases without underlying condition and prematurity, were more likely to require hospitalization than those infected by RSV B, the disease severity could not to be attributed to the RSV groups.


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Corticosteroids are widely used to treat a diversity of pathological conditions including allergic, autoimmune and some infectious diseases. These drugs have complex mechanisms of action involving both genomic and non-genomic mechanisms and interfere with different signal transduction pathways in the cell. The use of corticosteroids to treat critically ill patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and severe infections, such as sepsis and pneumonia, is still a matter of intense debate in the scientific and medical community with evidence both for and against its use in these patients. Here, we review the basic molecular mechanisms important for corticosteroid action as well as current evidence for their use, or not, in septic patients. We also present an analysis of the reasons why this is still such a controversial point in the literature.


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Abstract : This thesis investigates the pathogenicity and biology of Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and other obligate intracellular bacteria related to chlamydiae. All these Chlamydia-like organisms replicate in amoebae. Some evolved to resist to macrophages and represent possible new agents of respiratory tract infection. Using serological and molecular approaches, we showed that Parachlamydia acanthameobae likely plays a role as an etiological agent of pneumonia [1,2]. We also showed that Parachlamydia was able to enter and survive within pneumocytes and lung fibroblasts [3]. Moreover, we developed an animal model of lung infection in mice, which fulfilled the third and fourth Koch postulate [4]. Given the likely role of Parachlamydia in pneumonia, we studied its antibiotic susceptibility. We showed that Chlamydia-related organisms were resistant to quinolones, mainly due to mutations in the QRDR of gyrA [5]. To have tools to investigate the role of other Chlamydia-related bacteria in pneumonia, we developed immunofluorescence assays and assessed the rate of serological cross-reactivity between all these Chlamydia-related bacteria [6]. We also developed new diagnostic specific PCRs [2,7] and sequenced additional genes that are useful for both taxonomic and diagnostic purposes [8]. Then, we applied these serological and molecular approaches to patients with and without respiratory tract infections. This led to the identification of a possible role of Protochlamydia naegleriophila [7] and of Waddlia chondrophila in pneumonia [1]. A significant part of the thesis also investigated interactions of Parachlamydia with macrophages [9] and the host range of Chlamydia-related bacteria [10]. In conclusion, there are growing body of evidence supporting the role of Chlamydia-like organisms as agents of pneumonia. Further studies are needed to precise their pathogenic role in this setting. The diagnostic tools developed during this thesis will be useful to investigate the role of these strict intracellular bacteria in other diseases in both humans and animals [11,12]. Résumé : Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer le rôle pathogène de Parachlamydia et des bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia ainsi que d'étudier leur biologie. Parachlamydia acanthamoebae est une bactérie intracellulaire apparentée aux Chlamydia, et qui est résistante non seulement aux amibes mais aussi aux macrophages. Par une approche sérologique et moléculaire, nous avons montré que les bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia jouent probablement un rôle comme agent de pneumonie [1,2]. De plus, nous avons démontré que P. acanthameobae est capable d'entrer et de survivre dans les pneumocytes et fibroblastes pulmonaires [3]. Nous avons ensuite développé un modèle animal remplissant les troisième et quatrième postulats de Koch [4]. Nous avons aussi démontré que les bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia sont résistantes aux quinolones, en raison de mutations dans la région QRDR de gyrA [5]. Afin de mieux déterminer le rôle pathogène de ces bactéries, nous avons mis au point des techniques d' immunofluorescence et déterminé la cross-réaction sérologique entre les différentes bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia [6]. Différentes PCR diagnostiques ont aussi été développées [2,7] et des gènes supplémentaires ont été séquencés, qui seront utiles à la taxonomie ainsi qu'au développement de nouvelles méthodes diagnostiques [8]. Ces méthodes ont été appliquées à des échantillons provenant de patient avec ou sans pneumonie et ont permis l'identification du possible rôle pathogène de Protochlamydia naegleriophila [7] et de Waddlia chondrophila [1]. L'interaction de Parachlamydia avec les macrophages [9] et la permissivité de différentes cellules aux bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia [10] ont également été étudiés dans le cadre de cette thèse. En conclusion, plusieurs nouveaux éléments viennent renforcer l'hypothèse que les bactéries apparentées aux Chlamydia sont des agents de pneumonies. Cependant, d'autres études doivent être menées pour confirmer leur rôle dans cette maladie. Les méthodes diagnostiques développées ici seront très utiles pour déterminer le rôle pathogène de ces bactéries chez les humains et animaux [11,12]


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Imaging plays a key role in lung infections. A CT scan must be carried out when there is a strong clinical suspicion of pneumonia that is accompanied by normal, ambiguous, or nonspecific radiography, a scenario that occurs most commonly in immunocompromised patients. CT allows clinicians to detect associated abnormalities or an underlying condition and it can guide bronchoalveolar lavage or a percutaneous or transbronchial lung biopsy. An organism can vary in how it is expressed depending on the extent to which the patient is immunocompromised. This is seen in tuberculosis in patients with AIDS. The infective agents vary with the type of immune deficiency and some infections can quickly become life-threatening. Clinicians should be aware of the complex radiological spectrum of pulmonary aspergillosis, given that this diagnosis must be considered in specific settings.


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Acute schistosomiasis is a systemic hypersensitivity reaction against the migrating schistosomula and eggs. A variety of clinical manifestations appear during the migration of schistosomes in humans: cercarial dermatitis, fever, pneumonia, diarrhoea, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, skin lesions, liver abscesses, brain tumours and myeloradiculopathy. Hypereosinophilia is common and aids diagnosis. The disease has been overlooked, misdiagnosed, underestimated and underreported in endemic areas, but risk groups are well known, including military recruits, some religious congregations, rural tourists and people practicing recreational water sports. Serology may help in diagnosis, but the finding of necrotic-exudative granulomata in a liver biopsy specimen is pathognomonic. Differentials include malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, kala-azar, prolonged Salmonella bacteraemia, lymphoma, toxocariasis, liver abscesses and fever of undetermined origin. For symptomatic hospitalised patients, treatment with steroids and schistosomicides is recommended. Treatment is curative in those timely diagnosed.


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BACKGROUND: Many countries have introduced legislations for public smoking bans to reduce the harmful effects of exposure to tobacco smoke. Smoking bans cause significant reductions in admissions for acute coronary syndromes but their impact on respiratory diseases is unclear. In Geneva, Switzerland, two popular votes led to a stepwise implementation of a state smoking ban in public places, with a temporary suspension. This study evaluated the effect of this smoking ban on hospitalisations for acute respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. METHODS: This before and after intervention study was conducted at the University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland, across 4 periods with different smoking legislations. It included 5,345 patients with a first hospitalisation for acute coronary syndrome, ischemic stroke, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia and acute asthma. The main outcomes were the incidence rate ratios (IRR) of admissions for each diagnosis after the final ban compared to the pre-ban period and adjusted for age, gender, season, influenza epidemic and secular trend. RESULTS: Hospitalisations for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease significantly decreased over the 4 periods and were lowest after the final ban (IRR = 0.54 [95%CI: 0.42-0.68]). We observed a trend in reduced admissions for acute coronary syndromes (IRR = 0.90 [95%CI: 0.80-1.00]). Admissions for ischemic stroke, asthma and pneumonia did not significantly change. CONCLUSIONS: A legislative smoking ban was followed by a strong decrease in hospitalisations for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a trend for reduced admissions for acute coronary syndrome. Smoking bans are likely to be very beneficial for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


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Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a minimally invasive procedure used to characterize the status of the alveolar space. Standardization of the procedure and the analysis of samples taken is essential for their proper interpretation. In nonresolving or ventilator-associated pneumonia, BAL contributes to the detection of resistant pathogens and noninfectious etiologies. In immunocompromised hosts with radiological infiltrates, BAL should be performed early during work-up since outcome is significantly modified in this population group. In cases of interstitial lung disease, BAL can exclude infectious or neoplastic causes. Associated with a clinical and radiological evaluation, it provides valuables additional diagnostic information.