941 resultados para Plasmodium knowlesii


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This thesis was undertaken to explore possible applications of high gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) for the separation of RBCs infected with Plasmodium falciparum, with the dual aim of establishing a novel and superior method for isolating late-stage infected cells, and of obtaining synchronized cell cultures.rnThe presented work presents protocols for HGMS of parasitized RBCs that fulfil these aims. Late-stage parasitized cell can be isolated essentially devoid of contamination with non-infected and ring-stage infected cells. Such an easy method for a highly quantitative and qualitative purification has not yet been reported. Synchronous cultures can be obtained both following depletion of late-stage infected cells, and following isolation of the latter. The quality of synchronization cultures matches that of sorbitol lysis, the current standard method for malaria culture synchronization. An advantage of HGMS is the avoidance of osmotic stress for RBCs. The new methods further have the appeal of high reproducibility, cost-effectiveness, and simple protocol.rnIt should be possible to take the methods beyond Plasmodium infected RBCs. Most magnetic separation techniques in the sector of biomedical research employ columns with a hydrophilic polymer-coated matrix. Our procedure employs an optimized buffer system. Polymer coating becomes unnecessary and uncoated columns are available at a fraction of the cost.


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The protozoan parasite Plasmodium is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes and undergoes obligatory development within a parasitophorous vacuole in hepatocytes before it is released into the bloodstream. The transition to the blood stage was previously shown to involve the packaging of exoerythrocytic merozoites into membrane-surrounded vesicles, called merosomes, which are delivered directly into liver sinusoids. However, it was unclear whether the membrane of these merosomes was derived from the parasite membrane, the parasitophorous vacuole membrane or the host cell membrane. This knowledge is required to determine how phagocytes will be directed against merosomes. Here, we fluorescently label the candidate membranes and use live cell imaging to show that the merosome membrane derives from the host cell membrane. We also demonstrate that proteins in the host cell membrane are lost during merozoite liberation from the parasitophorous vacuole. Immediately after the breakdown of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane, the host cell mitochondria begin to degenerate and protein biosynthesis arrests. The intact host cell plasma membrane surrounding merosomes allows Plasmodium to mask itself from the host immune system and bypass the numerous Kupffer cells on its way into the bloodstream. This represents an effective strategy for evading host defenses before establishing a blood stage infection.


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Protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium are the causative agents of malaria. Despite more than 100 years of research, the complex life cycle of the parasite still bears many surprises and it is safe to say that understanding the biology of the pathogen will keep scientists busy for many years to come. Malaria research has mainly concentrated on the pathological blood stage of Plasmodium parasites, leaving us with many questions concerning parasite development within the mosquito and during the exo-erythrocytic stage in the vertebrate host. After the discovery of the Plasmodium liver stage in the middle of the last century, it remained understudied for many years but the realization that it represents a promising target for vaccination approaches has brought it back into focus. The last decade saw many new and exciting discoveries concerning the exo-erythrocytic stage and in this review we will discuss the highlights of the latest developments in the field.


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Plasmodium cysteine proteases are essential for host-cell invasion and egress, hemoglobin degradation, and intracellular development of the parasite. The temporal, site-specific regulation of cysteine-protease activity is a prerequisite for survival and propagation of Plasmodium. Recently, a new family of inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICPs) with homologs in at least eight Plasmodium species has been identified. Here, we report the 2.6 A X-ray crystal structure of the C-terminal, inhibitory domain of ICP from P. berghei (PbICP-C) in a 1:1 complex with falcipain-2, an important hemoglobinase of Plasmodium. The structure establishes Plasmodium ICP as a member of the I42 class of chagasin-like protease inhibitors but with large insertions and differences in the binding mode relative to other family members. Furthermore, the PbICP-C structure explains why host-cell cathepsin B-like proteases and, most likely, also the protease-like domain of Plasmodium SERA5 (serine-repeat antigen 5) are no targets for ICP.


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The malaria parasite Plasmodium depends on the tight control of cysteine-protease activity throughout its life cycle. Recently, the characterization of a new class of potent inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICPs) secreted by Plasmodium has been reported. Here, the recombinant production, purification and crystallization of the inhibitory C-terminal domain of ICP from P. berghei in complex with the P. falciparum haemoglobinase falcipain-2 is described. The 1:1 complex was crystallized in space group P4(3), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 71.15, c = 120.09 A. A complete diffraction data set was collected to a resolution of 2.6 A.


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Knowledge of the dynamic features of the processes driven by malaria parasites in the spleen is lacking. To gain insight into the function and structure of the spleen in malaria, we have implemented intravital microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging of the mouse spleen in experimental infections with non-lethal (17X) and lethal (17XL) Plasmodium yoelii strains. Noticeably, there was higher parasite accumulation, reduced motility, loss of directionality, increased residence time and altered magnetic resonance only in the spleens of mice infected with 17X. Moreover, these differences were associated with the formation of a strain-specific induced spleen tissue barrier of fibroblastic origin, with red pulp macrophage-clearance evasion and with adherence of infected red blood cells to this barrier. Our data suggest that in this reticulocyte-prone non-lethal rodent malaria model, passage through the spleen is different from what is known in other Plasmodium species and open new avenues for functional/structural studies of this lymphoid organ in malaria.


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The liver stage of the Plasmodium parasite remains one of the most promising targets for intervention against malaria as it is clinically silent, precedes the symptomatic blood stage and represents a bottleneck in the parasite life cycle. However, many aspects of the development of the parasite during this stage are far from understood. During the liver stage, the parasite undergoes extensive replication, forming tens of thousands of infectious merozoites from each invading sporozoite. This implies a very efficient and accurate process of cytokinesis and thus also of organelle development and segregation. We have generated for the first time Plasmodium berghei double-fluorescent parasite lines, allowing visualization of the apicoplast, mitochondria and nuclei in live liver stage parasites. Using these we have seen that in parallel with nuclear division, the apicoplast and mitochondrion become two extensively branched and intertwining structures. The organelles then undergo impressive morphological and positional changes prior to cell division. To form merozoites, the parasite undergoes cytokinesis and the complex process of organelle development and segregation into the forming daughter merozoites could be analysed in detail using the newly generated transgenic parasites.


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Clinical immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria develops after repeated exposure to the parasite. At least 2 P. falciparum variant antigens encoded by multicopy gene families (var and rif) are targets of this adaptive antibody-mediated immunity. A third multigene family of variant antigens comprises the stevor genes. Here, 4 different stevor sequences were selected for cloning and expression in Escherichia coli and His6-tagged fusion proteins were used for assessing the development of immunity. In a cross-sectional analysis of clinically immune adults living in a malaria endemic area in Ghana, high levels of anti-STEVOR IgG antibody titres were determined in ELISA. A cross-sectional study of 90 nine-month-old Ghanaian infants using 1 recombinant STEVOR showed that the antibody responses correlated positively with the number of parasitaemia episodes. In a longitudinal investigation of 17 immunologically naïve 9-month-old infants, 3 different patterns of anti-STEVOR antibody responses could be distinguished (high, transient and low). Children with high anti-STEVOR-antibody levels exhibited an elevated risk for developing parasitaemia episodes. Overall, a protective effect could not be attributed to antibodies against the STEVOR proteins chosen for the study presented here.


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The membranes from normal and Plasmodium knowlesi-infected rhemsus monkey erythrocytes (90 to 95 percent infected with early ring stage) were analyzed for transbilayer distribution of phosphatidylcholine (PC). hosphatidylethanolamine (PE). and hosphatidylserine (PS). by means of chemical and enzymatic probes. The external monolayer of the normal red cell membrane contained at least 68 to 72 percent of the total phosphatidylcholine and 15 to 20 percent of the total phosphati dylethanolamine. In the infected cell, the transmembrane phosphatidylcholine distribution appeared to be reversed, with only 20 to 30 percent of it being externally localized, whereas roughly equal amounts of phosphatidylethanolamine were present in the outer and'inner surfaces. However, total pho.~phatid)'lserine in both the infected and normal red cells was exc/usi~'ely internal. Unlike that in the normal intact cell, external phosphatidylethanolamine in the parasitized cell was readily accessible to phospholipase A2. These results indicate that significant changes in molecular architecture of the host cell membrane are the result of varasitization.


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Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) regulate key signaling events in eukaryotic cells. In the genomes of protozoan Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, two genes encoding kinases with significant homology to other eukaryotic MAPKs have been identified (mapk1, mapk2). In this work, we show that both genes are transcribed during Plasmodium berghei liver stage development, and analyze expression and subcellular localization of the PbMAPK1 protein in liver stage parasites. Live cell imaging of transgenic parasites expressing GFP-tagged PbMAPK1 revealed a nuclear localization of PbMAPK1 in the early schizont stage mediated by nuclear localization signals in the C-terminal domain. In contrast, a distinct localization of PbMAPK1 in comma/ring-shaped structures in proximity to the parasite's nuclei and the invaginating parasite membrane was observed during the cytomere stage of parasite development as well as in immature blood stage schizonts. The PbMAPK1 localization was found to be independent of integrity of a motif putatively involved in ATP binding, integrity of the putative activation motif and the presence of a predicted coiled-coil domain in the C-terminal domain. Although PbMAPK1 knock out parasites showed normal liver stage development, the kinase may still fulfill a dual function in both schizogony and merogony of liver stage parasites regulated by its dynamic and stage-dependent subcellular localization.


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Recently it has been shown in rodent malaria models that immunisation with genetically attenuated Plasmodium parasites can confer sterile protection against challenge with virulent parasites. For the mass production of live attenuated Plasmodium parasites for vaccination, safety is a prerequisite. Knockout of a single gene is not sufficient for such a strategy since the parasite can likely compensate for such a genetic modification and a single surviving parasite is sufficient to kill an immunised individual. Parasites must therefore be at least double-attenuated when generating a safe vaccine strain. Genetic double-attenuation can be achieved by knocking out two essential genes or by combining a single gene knockout with the expression of a protein toxic for the parasite. We generated a double-attenuated Plasmodium berghei strain that is deficient in fatty acid synthesis by the knockout of the pdh-e1α gene, introducing a second attenuation by the liver stage-specific expression of the pore-forming bacterial toxin perfringolysin O. With this double genetically attenuated parasite strain, a superior attenuation was indeed achieved compared with single-attenuated strains that were either deficient in pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)-E1 or expressed perfringolysin O. In vivo, both single-attenuated strains resulted in breakthrough infections even if low to moderate doses of sporozoites (2,000-5,000) were administered. In contrast, the double genetically attenuated parasite strain, given at moderate doses of 5,000 sporozoites, did not result in blood stage infection and even when administered at 5- to 20-fold higher doses, only single and delayed breakthrough infections were observed. Prime booster immunisation with the double genetically attenuated parasite strain completely protected a susceptible mouse strain from malaria and even a single immunisation conferred protection in some cases and lead to a markedly delayed onset of blood stage infection in others. Importantly, premature rupture of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane by liver stage-specific perfringolysin O expression did not induce host cell death and soluble parasite proteins, which are released into the host cell cytoplasm, have the potential to be processed and presented via MHC class I molecules. This, in turn, might support immunological responses against Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes.