928 resultados para Places-València
Over the last two centuries many major cities have undergone large-scale modernisation that has led to the growing sense of homogenisation associated with such locales across the globe. The fractal logic that is at the heart of so many urban settings, where the whole system is made up of parts that are identical to the whole, seems to serve in making anonymous everyday experiences. Public transport and its corresponding street furniture, if thoughtfully designed and planned, has the potential to form an integral element in the promotion of a sense of identity, interconnectedness and flow within a city. Furthermore, bus stops, benches, litter bins, curb-sides, posts and pavements, to mention a few, offer interesting cases to consider how people truly engage with contemporary urban spaces. These objects—part of routine and made familiar—are elements of daily lives that are ingredients towards visual and multi-modal experiences. In addition, these are places where individuals encounter sociality and materiality in ordinary and sometimes extraordinary ways. This paper uses a visual ethnographic approach towards exploring the human traces of routine activities that have an impact on the cityscape. An Investigation of these details found within the urban landscape lead us towards understanding how we engage with and navigate cities. This is essentially an urban archaeological study that looks to reveal how non-designed phenomenon in urban places can contribute to our image of a city, providing a reflection on homogeneity within the built environment. Our visual ethnography focuses on six major cities: two each in Britain, Europe and North America. The findings of this work illustrate through visual analyses three key characteristics: first, how urban spaces are transformed intentionally and unintentionally; second, how transformations are practical, functional, beautiful and sometimes ridiculous; third, how transformations reveal values around visual and multi-modal experiences inherent to people.
The important sedimentation of the Bay of Cam-Ranh rivers Suȏi Hai, Truong Suȏi, Suȏi Ca, Suȏi Tra Duc, Sȏng Can, Sȏng Trau from the Annamite Chain, provides hydrophilic vegetation (mangroves and swampy meadows) with a favorable habitat.
Physical places are given contextual meaning by the objects and people that make up the space. Presence in physical places can be utilised to support mobile interaction by making access to media and notifications on a smartphone easier and more visible to other people. Smartphone interfaces can be extended into the physical world in a meaningful way by anchoring digital content to artefacts, and interactions situated around physical artefacts can provide contextual meaning to private manipulations with a mobile device. Additionally, places themselves are designed to support a set of tasks, and the logical structure of places can be used to organise content on the smartphone. Menus that adapt the functionality of a smartphone can support the user by presenting the tools most likely to be needed just-in-time, so that information needs can be satisfied quickly and with little cognitive effort. Furthermore, places are often shared with people whom the user knows, and the smartphone can facilitate social situations by providing access to content that stimulates conversation. However, the smartphone can disrupt a collaborative environment, by alerting the user with unimportant notifications, or sucking the user in to the digital world with attractive content that is only shown on a private screen. Sharing smartphone content on a situated display creates an inclusive and unobtrusive user experience, and can increase focus on a primary task by allowing content to be read at a glance. Mobile interaction situated around artefacts of personal places is investigated as a way to support users to access content from their smartphone while managing their physical presence. A menu that adapts to personal places is evaluated to reduce the time and effort of app navigation, and coordinating smartphone content on a situated display is found to support social engagement and the negotiation of notifications. Improving the sensing of smartphone users in places is a challenge that is out-with the scope of this thesis. Instead, interaction designers and developers should be provided with low-cost positioning tools that utilise presence in places, and enable quantitative and qualitative data to be collected in user evaluations. Two lightweight positioning tools are developed with the low-cost sensors that are currently available: The Microsoft Kinect depth sensor allows movements of a smartphone user to be tracked in a limited area of a place, and Bluetooth beacons enable the larger context of a place to be detected. Positioning experiments with each sensor are performed to highlight the capabilities and limitations of current sensing techniques for designing interactions with a smartphone. Both tools enable prototypes to be built with a rapid prototyping approach, and mobile interactions can be tested with more advanced sensing techniques as they become available. Sensing technologies are becoming pervasive, and it will soon be possible to perform reliable place detection in-the-wild. Novel interactions that utilise presence in places can support smartphone users by making access to useful functionality easy and more visible to the people who matter most in everyday life.
Shows subways, elevated lines, and streetcar lines in Manhattan south of 120th Street.
Scale ca. 1:250,000.
Title from caption.
Pretende-se elaborar um modelo de apoio psicossocial dada a necessidade organizacional e da gestão dos recursos humanos afetos a esta resposta, demonstrando preocupação pela qualidade de vida dos indivíduos que lidam com vulnerabilidades indutoras de stress - visto que o presente estudo se desenvolve para a Sociedade Nacional da Cruz Vermelha: organização com cariz iminentemente social, estando na primeira linha da intervenção em incidentes geradores de stress, nas vítimas e nos profissionais que intervêm. Analisar-se-á o estado da arte dos modelos de intervenção psicossocial em incidentes e elaborarse-á proposta de modelo teórico a aplicar na CVP - considerando que a estrutura trabalha com e para pessoas, e que todos podem enfrentar fatores de vulnerabilidade. Recorreu-se à metodologia da entrevista sarni-diretiva da amostra relevante para o estudo; efetuou-se pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória; elaborou-se revisão da literatura multidisciplinar e crítica, viabilizando a construção do modelo de apoio psicossocial que pode aplicar-se à intervenção da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. ABSTRACT: lntend to elaborate model of psychosocial support given the need for organizational and management of human resources dedicated to this response, showing concern for the quality of life of individuals who deal with vulnerabilities that induce stress - because the present study develops for the National Society of the Red Cross organization eminently social nature, being the first line of intervention in incidents generating stress on the victims and the professionals involved. Analyze will be state of the art models of psychosocial intervention in incidents and draw will be proposed a theoretical model applied in the CVP - considering that the structure works with and for people, and that all may experience vulnerability factors. Resorted to the methodology of semi-directive interview sample relevant to the study, was carried out bibliographical research; elaborated multidisciplinary review of the literature and criticism, making the construction of the model of psychosocial support that may apply to the intervention of Portuguese Red Cross.
The cemeterial units, are places of social practices of everyday life and worship and the tomb where nostalgia can be externalized and the memory of the deceased revered. In Western societies we can find a category of artifacts meant to evoke the memory or honor the dead. In this paper we we mention three examples of products that enabled a reflection on the concepts that gave rise to their ways, and that risks to fit them into a new "material culture", in that it may have created a break with the traditional system codes and standards shared by companies, and its manifestations in relation to the physical creation of this category of products. This work offers a reflection on the Design Products.What probably makes it special is the field where it is located: the design of products in one post mortem memory. Usually made of granite rock or marble, have the form of plate or tablet, open book or rolled sheet. On one side have a photograph of the person who intend to honor and inscriptions. The thought of inherent design of this work put on one side the intricate set of emotions that this type of product can generate, and other components more affordable, and concerning the form, function and object interactions with users and with use environments. In the definition of the problem it was regarded as mandatory requirements: differentiation, added value and durability as key objectives.The first two should be manifested in the various components / product attributes. The aesthetic and material/structural durability of product necessarily imply the introduction of qualifying terms and quantitative weights, which positively influence the generation and evaluation of concepts based on the set of 10 principles for the project that originated a matrix as a tool to aid designing products. The concrete definition of a target audience was equally important. At this stage, the collaboration of other experts in the fields of psychology and sociology as disciplines with particular ability to understand individuals and social phenomena respectively was crucial. It was concluded that a product design to honor someone post mortem, should abandon the more traditional habits and customs to focus on identifying new audiences. Although at present it can be considered a niche market, it is believed that in the future may grow as well as their interest in this type of products.
Within this booklet, teachers will find instructional resources covering a wide array of genres, including, dance, choral music, general music, instrumental music, media arts, theatre, and the visual arts. These lesson plans are explicitly designed to integrate artistic expression and comprehension with other academic disciplines, such as English, History, and Social Studies. Each submission highlights the grade level, artistic genre, sources, learning objectives, instructional plans, and modes of evaluation. This Arts Integration Supplement to the Teacher’s Guide to African American Historic Places in South Carolina outlines 22 lesson plans that meet the 2010 Visual and Performing Arts Standards of South Carolina and integrates the arts into classroom instruction. Where applicable, other standards, such as those for math and social studies, are listed with each lesson plan. The teaching activities in this supplement are provided to aid in the development of lesson plans or to complement existing lessons. Teaching activities are the simplest means of integrating art in classroom instruction.
La littérature démontre qu'entre le cinquième et les trois quarts des enfants placés se déplacent d'un milieu d'hébergement à un autre au fil de leur parcours de placements. Cette accumulation de déplacements devient une pente glissante vers l'instabilité et risque de compromettre leur bien-être. L'objectif général de cette thèse par article est de mieux décrire et comprendre l'instabilité des parcours de placements et ses liens avec les comportements, cognitions et émotions chez les adolescentes placées en contexte de réadaptation. Le premier article vise à identifier les parcours de placements des adolescentes placées en centres de réadaptation, et ce, depuis leur tout premier placement. Trois parcours de placements ont été identifiés chez les 315 adolescentes qui composent l'échantillon : un parcours à faible cumul de changements, un parcours à cumul de changements relationnels et un parcours à cumul de changements physiques. Le parcours à faible cumul de changements est emprunté par quatre adolescentes sur cinq (80,65 %) et a été qualifié ainsi puisque l'ensemble des indicateurs pour ce profil se situe sous la moyenne de l'échantillon. Les deux parcours de placements qui cumulent le plus de changements représentent quant à eux une adolescente sur cinq. D'abord, le parcours à cumul de changements relationnels (13%) se qualifie ainsi par l'ampleur du nombre d'intervenants qui ont été, tour à tour, responsables du dossier des adolescentes de ce profil. Celles-ci cumulent en moyenne 10 intervenants responsables, les plaçant bien au-dessus de la moyenne de l'échantillon. Enfin, le parcours à cumul de changements physiques (6,35 %) se caractérise par l'ampleur du nombre de déplacements cumulés (placements et sorties infructueuses de placement). En tout, près de 20 déplacements ont été cumulés chez les adolescentes de ces parcours, les situant très au-dessus de la moyenne de l'échantillon. Le deuxième article a pour but d'évaluer les liens d’association entre les parcours de placements et les problèmes de comportement des adolescentes. Nous avons étudié plusieurs problèmes de comportement spécifiques, soient l'agression, les vols, la consommation de substances psychoactives, la fréquentation de membres de gang et la prostitution. Cet article établit une association entre le fait d'avoir emprunté un parcours de cumul de changements physiques et la fréquence de l'engagement dans la prostitution (B = .648; p = 0.001) sur une période de 18 mois, et ce, peu importe l'âge des adolescentes. Le troisième article de cette thèse vise à comprendre le sens accordé au parcours de placements et à l'instabilité chez 15 jeunes femmes quelques années après leur sortie de placement. Les résultats pointent vers trois manières d'expérimenter l'instabilité en placement selon le niveau de pouvoir d'agir perçu au fil du parcours. Ainsi, alors que certaines jeunes femmes expliquent avoir surtout observé l'instabilité en placement, d'autres affirment l'avoir subie, et d'autres précisent l'avoir provoquée, surtout à travers leurs nombreuses fugues. Les bouleversements psychologiques, soient cognitifs et émotionnels qui ressortent de ces diverses perceptions de l'instabilité diffèrent et soulignent l'importance de la notion du pouvoir d'agir dans l'expérience de l'instabilité en placement. En somme, cette thèse suggère qu’une description plus holistique des parcours de placements exige d’aller au-delà de la mesure de ce seul indicateur en prenant en compte les placements dans leur globalité. Elle propose également de décloisonner la mesure de problèmes de comportement pour mesurer des comportements spécifiques plutôt que la propension générale aux problèmes de comportement. Enfin, la multiplication des points de vue à travers notre étude qualitative permet de mieux comprendre le sens que prend l'instabilité en placement chez les jeunes ainsi que ses répercussions cognitives et émotionnelles.