557 resultados para Pinch Grip


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Com uma Sociedade cada vez mais complexa e evolutiva, vários são os desafios a que somos postos à prova. Com isto, a população apesar das suas dependências e comodismos, tende a procurar novos meios de lazer que se envolvam com a natureza e com a prática desportiva. Deste modo, o Cicloturismo vai ao encontro destas práticas, tornando-se um mercado em evolução, cuja a aderência do número de pessoas tem vindo a crescer, sendo um tipo de turismo que acarreta resultados positivos, tais como um estilo de vida saudável, bem como a utilização de um meio de transporte de baixo custo e com uma pegada ecológica. Na mesma linha de pensamento, o presente documento aborda todo o processo de execução de um Quadriciclo. O objetivo geral do mesmo, incide em satisfazer as necessidades dos praticantes de cicloturismo e incentivar as pessoas para o uso da bicicleta como meio de transporte. Para tal, os participantes envolvidos foram utilizadores assíduos do uso da bicicleta, não só procurando-a para o lazer, mas sim para a prática do Cicloturismo. Assim, os utilizadores do veiculo projetado têm o privilégio de ter como painel de fundo das suas viagens, o coração da natureza, disfrutando do conforto e da segurança que este proporciona, e ainda como resultado das mesmas, um estilo de vida mais saudável. De forma sequencial e organizada, utilizando como base a Metodologia de Ulrich e Eppinger, são notáveis os passos que foram dados para obter o produto final. Para além dos fortes conceitos de conforto, estabilidade, engenharia e ergonomia, é primordial salientar toda a importância do Design, uma vez que influenciou a disposição do veículo de quatro rodas, do início ao fim.


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Background: For the diagnosis of frailty exhaustion is a criteria currently measured by self-reported questionnaires, which are subjective and dependent on individual perception. The FR test has been developed as a bed side objective evaluation of muscle fatigue. The test was validated for the VM. However, the JD is frequently used to measure the grip strength. So the comparison of these devices is required to understand if FR is similar when measured with both devices. Methods: Fifty-four (29 female and 25 male; mean age: 39.98 ± 18.09) community-dwelling people were tested for muscle function. The Fatigue resistance (FR), which is the time during that grip strength drops to 50% of its maximum, was recorded with each device and simultaneous sEMG of the forearm muscles was obtained. The (co-)activation of agonist and antagonist muscles was calculated and compared with the differences between the performances with each device (controlling for gender and age). Results: FR was significantly better when measured with VM compared to JD. At all phases of the FR-test the antagonist muscle co-activation was significantly higher for VM compared to JD. In contrast, the agonist muscle activation level was significantly higher in JD compared to VM. When performing the FR-test with VM, both the agonist muscle activation and antagonist muscle co-activation decreased significantly (p<0.05). Whereas when using the JD, only a significant decrease in the antagonist muscle co-activation was observed. The difference in antagonist muscle activation between VM and JD was significantly related to the difference in FR between both devices. Conclusion: The results suggest that the FR-test when using the VM induces a more prominent muscle exhaustion than when using the JD, which makes the VM more suitable for measuring muscle fatigue resistance. However, these findings must be confirmed in a larger study population.


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Antecedentes y Objetivos. Para obtener los mejores resultados en mastoplastia de aumento con implantes, independientemente del volumen y la forma de los mismos, es necesaria la correcta elección del bolsillo de colocación. Para definir el plano apropiado, hasta ahora, nosotros usábamos el clásico test del pellizco (pinch test) siguiendo la corriente bibliográfica mundial. Material y Método. El hecho de que esta medición puede resultar subjetiva y variable debido a las diferentes presiones ejercidas al ser realizado por distintos cirujanos, sumado a que no permite ver lo que realmente estamos pinzando, nos ha llevado a desarrollar la idea de medirlo fiel y objetivamente por medio de un estudio ecográfico preoperatorio al que denominamos ecotest del polo superior. Resultados. Con ésta nueva herramienta diagnóstica hemos evaluado a 95 pacientes, con un seguimiento mínimo de 6 meses de postoperatorio. Conclusiones. De este modo comprobamos la mejoría en nuestros resultados estéticos.


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7 RESUME/ABSTRACT Au Sénégal, il existe des pratiques culturelles et cultuelles, séculaires que l’on retrouve au niveau de toutes les composantes ethnolinguistiques. Une donnée qui nous interpelle, chacun en ce qui nous concerne, et nous invite à repenser le devenir de nos spécificités et particularités culturelles face aux assauts répétés et multiformes de la modernité. La caractéristique qui entoure les rites et rituels est le plus souvent sujette à plusieurs formes d’interprétations fantaisistes et parfois dévalorisantes. Force est de reconnaître que le recours à la médecine moderne ne saurait pleinement répondre à ce besoin de tranquillité et de sérénité mystique qui habite chaque africain en général et chaque sénégalais en particulier. Il s’agit ici, pour l’africain et en ce qui nous concerne le sénégalais, de trouver une tranquillité psychologique et une assurance symbolique propres à créer les conditions d’une guérison physique et/ou morale. En ce sens que l’emprise du modernise ne peut aucunement influer totalement sur cette croyance ancestrale que bon nombre de sénégalais, et pas des moindres, ont en l’endroit de ces pratiques. Une prédisposition culturelle sous-tendue par des préoccupations cultuelles qui font l’objet d’une communion agissante entre les différents membres des communautés. Une prise de conscience qui se manifeste à travers des cérémonies ponctuellement organisées et présidées par des prêtres et prêtresses. Notre présente étude participe de la recherche d’un juste équilibre spirituel et temporel apte à offrir une possibilité de concilier les aspects traditionnels des spécificités culturelles de nos composantes ethnolinguistiques avec ce qui constitue les contraintes et exigences de la modernité. Il reste certes évident que cette opposition a généré une sorte de fracture culturelle en véhiculant une autre manière de voir, mais surtout de percevoir nos traditions et coutumes. Cependant à l’heure d’un redimensionnement et d’une adaptation contextuelle de ce qui constitue nos valeurs identitaires, il nous revient de procéder à une démarche de sensibilisation et d’explication pour conférer plus de lisibilité à nos expressions culturelles. La mise en place d’un écomusée des pratiques divinatoires et curatives, est un moyen moderne et pratique de sauvegarde et de valorisation des savoirs et connaissances thérapeutiques endogènes. Outre la création d’emplois et de revenus, cette infrastructure sera une vitrine du patrimoine local qui favorisera le développement d’un tourisme culturel source de devises et vecteur de développement local; ABSTRACT: In Senegal, there are cultural and religious practices, ancient that we find in all the ethno-linguistic components. A given that challenges us, each in our case, and invites us to rethink the future of our cultural specificities and characteristics and multifaceted face of repeated assaults of modernity. The characteristic surrounding the rites and rituals is usually subject to various forms of demeaning and sometimes fanciful interpretations. We must recognize that the use of modern medicine can not fully meet this need of tranquility and mystical serenity that inhabits every African in general and Senegal in particular each. This is, for Africa and for us Senegalese, find a psychological tranquility and symbolic own insurance to create conditions for physical healing and / or legal. In that the grip of modernizing can in no way affect totally on this ancient belief that many Senegalese, not least, have the place of such practices. A cultural predisposition underpinned by cultic concerns that are the subject of an active communion between the community members. An awareness that manifests itself through occasionally organized ceremonies presided over by priests and priestesses. Our present study involved the search for a fair balance spiritual and temporal able to offer an opportunity to reconcile the traditional aspects of the cultural specificities of our ethno-linguistic components with which constitutes the constraints and demands of modernity. While it remains clear that this opposition has generated a kind of cultural divide by conveying a different way of seeing, but above all to collect our traditions and customs. However at the time resizing and contextual adaptation of what constitutes our identity values, it is our responsibility to conduct an outreach approach and explanation to give greater clarity to our cultural expressions. The establishment of a museum of divination and healing practices, is a modern and convenient way to backup and recovery of therapeutic knowledge and endogenous knowledge. In addition to creating jobs and income, this infrastructure will be a showcase of local heritage that promote the development of cultural tourism source of foreign exchange and local development vector.


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The existence of the nervous form of Chagas disease is a matter of discussion since Carlos Chagas described neurological disorders, learning and behavioural alterations in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected individuals. In most patients, the clinical manifestations of the acute phase, including neurological abnormalities, resolve spontaneously without apparent consequence in the chronic phase of infection. However, chronic Chagas disease patients have behavioural changes such as psychomotor alterations, attention and memory deficits, and depression. In the present study, we tested whether or not behavioural alterations are reproducible in experimental models. We show that C57BL/6 mice chronically infected with the Colombian strain of T. cruzi (150 days post-infection) exhibit behavioural changes as (i) depression in the tail suspension and forced swim tests, (ii) anxiety analysed by elevated plus maze and open field test sand and (iii) motor coordination in the rotarod test. These alterations are neither associated with neuromuscular disorders assessed by the grip strength test nor with sickness behaviour analysed by temperature variation sand weight loss. Therefore, chronically T. cruzi-infected mice replicate behavioural alterations (depression and anxiety) detected in Chagas disease patients opening an opportunity to study the interconnection and the physiopathology of these two biological processes in an infectious scenario.


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Due to the occurrence of diseases in the use of structural reinforcements in composites, with presentation of concrete blanket detachment, has been identified the need to evaluate the performance of concrete reinforced with glass fiber. This study aims to evaluate these concretes by means of testing methodologies, using concrete with low resistance with structural reinforcement for confinement by preimpregnated glass fiber and traditional fiberglass blanket. The first stage of work was the development of methodologies for analysis, opting for four types, such as the acoustic survey, strength to compressive, the pull-off and ultrasound. Next, tests were carried out using the four selected methodologies in 30 of proof-of-specimens by 5x10 cm, 15 were reinforced with the traditional fiberglass blanket with 5specimens exposed to test a marine environment of marine coastline of Natal-RN and 15 were reinforced with a pre-impregnated glass fiber blanket, as well as 5specimens exposed to a test environment of the marine coastline of Natal-RN. After conducting the acoustic survey, it has been verified a lack of delaminating and air bubbles in the samples, confirming the absence of gross shortcomings in the implementation of the ribs both the traditional fiberglass blanket and in the preimpregnated fiber glass blanket. After carrying out methods of pull-off and compressive strengthening test it was observed that the reinforced proof-bodies with pre-impregnated glass blanket showed maximum stresses higher than the traditional fiberglass blanket; consequently a greater grip with the formation of a smaller area of . fracture, unlike traditional glass mat, which showed lower maximum stresses, with a greater area of fracture. It was also found that the traditional fiberglass blanket presented detachment of blanket-concrete interface, unlike the pre-impregnated fiberglass blanket, which showed a better grip on the blanket-concrete interface. In the trial of ultrasound there was no presence of cracks in the blanket-concrete interface, yielding to both blankets good compactness of the concrete. At the end of this work, they were developed and proposed two methods of testing for evaluation of reinforced concrete structures with composites, for standardization, the acoustic survey and pull-off


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Background: Choosing the method of nutritional assessment is essential for proper follow-up of the nutritional status of patients undergoing liver transplantation. Objectives: Evaluate and compare the nutritional status of cirrhotic patients before and after liver transplantation over a year by different methods of nutritional assessment. Methods: Patients undergoing liver transplantation were assessed in five phases: pre-transplant, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after transplantation at the hospital Santa Casa de Misericordia de Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. The methods used for nutritional assessment were anthropometry, grip strength of the non-dominant hand (HGS) by dynamometry, thickness of the adductor pollicis muscle (APM) and phase angle (PA) by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). In all evaluations, the same measurements were taken. Results: Evaluations were performed in 22 patients. Methods that showed a higher prevalence of malnourished patients before transplantation were PA by BIA (25%), arm muscle circumference (AMC) (21.9%) and arm circumference (AC) (18.8%). When comparing the nutritional status of patients during follow-up, there was a significant difference only in the evaluation methods AC, triceps skinfold thickness and PA by BIA. At the end, the methods of nutritional assessment were compared again. They showed a significant statistical difference, with HGS being the best method for detecting malnutrition. Conclusions: In conclusion, it is suggested that the method PA by BIA could be widely used with this population since the results are consistent with other findings in the literature and they are significant, reliable, and reproducible.


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The coatings mortars are essential elements of building structures because they execute an important role in protecting walls and are particularly exposed to aggressive action responsible for its degradation over time. The importance of wall coverings has been the subject of discussion and analysis in the conservation and rehabilitation of old buildings. Are sometimes removed and replaced with inappropriate solutions of constructive point of view or architecture. The most commonly used coatings on walls of old buildings is based on traditional hydraulic lime mortars. The present study aims at the formulation of new lime- based mortars and aerial fine aggregate, in order to contribute to a better field of conservation and restoration mortar coating of old buildings. Residue was used for polishing porcelain as fine aggregate, replacing the aggregate (sand), in percentages 05-30% by mass. We conducted a thorough evaluation of the mortar properties in fresh and hardened state by comparing the performance of the same with a reference mortar. The residue used was characterized as the density, bulk density, and particle size laser, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Formulations were produced 7, 6 with residue and one commonly used formulation, which served as a reference. In the formulations of lime mortars air (hydrated lime powder CH-I) has been adopted a stroke volume (1:3) with constant binder, was varied and the water / binder and aggregate and waste. For evaluation of mortars fresh, proceeded to consistency analysis, specific gravity, water retention and air content embedded. In the hardened state assays were performed in specific gravity, water retention, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, water absorption by capillary action, adhesion, tensile strength, resistance to shrinkage and salts by of crystallization trials with resources chloride solution, nitrate and sulfate all sodium in prismatic at 90 days of age, in addition to the micro structural analysis of mortars. Based on the results we can see that the mortar formulated with 10% content of waste and the reference free retraction feature more stable closer to neutrality. The composition of 10% was obtained better performance against the action of the salt crystallization. The mortar with 15% residue obtained better density, lower air content embedded and high capacity for water retention developing good workability. The replacement of 20% of waste generates a satisfactory utilization of resistance to compression, flexion and traction grip the base. And, finally, it can be seen that the mortar with 10, 15 and 20% residual show, in principle, good suitability as coatings, thus enabling a final result consistent with durability, workability and aesthetics developing therefore a material with better performance to repair or replace existing mortars in old buildings


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Dual-tasking is intrinsic to many daily activities, including walking and driving. However, the activity of the primary motor cortex (M1) in response to dual-tasks (DT) is still not well characterised. A recent meta-analysis (Corp in Neurosci Biobehav Rev 43:74-87, 2014) demonstrated a reduction in M1 inhibition during dual-tasking, yet responses were not consistent between studies. It was suggested that DT difficulty might account for some of this between-study variability. The aim of this study was to investigate whether corticospinal excitability and M1 inhibition differed between an easier and more difficult dual-task. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied to participants' abductor pollicis brevis muscle representation during a concurrent pincer grip task and stationary bike-riding. The margin of error in which to maintain pincer grip force was reduced to increase task difficulty. Compared to ST conditions, significantly increased M1 inhibition was demonstrated for the easier, but not more difficult, DT. However, there was no significant difference in M1 inhibition between easy and difficult DTs. The difference in difficulty between the two tasks may not have been wide enough to result in significant differences in M1 inhibition. Increased M1 inhibition for the easy DT condition was in opposition to the reduction in M1 inhibition found in our meta-analysis (Corp in Neurosci Biobehav Rev 43:74-87, 2014). We propose that this may be partially explained by differences in the timing of the TMS pulse between DT studies.


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BACKGROUND: Upper limb orthoses are frequently prescribed for children with cerebral palsy (CP) who have muscle overactivity predominantly due to spasticity, with little evidence of long-term effectiveness. Clinical consensus is that orthoses help to preserve range of movement: nevertheless, they can be complex to construct, expensive, uncomfortable and require commitment from parents and children to wear. This protocol paper describes a randomised controlled trial to evaluate whether long-term use of rigid wrist/hand orthoses (WHO) in children with CP, combined with usual multidisciplinary care, can prevent or reduce musculoskeletal impairments, including muscle stiffness/tone and loss of movement range, compared to usual multidisciplinary care alone.

METHODS/DESIGN: This pragmatic, multicentre, assessor-blinded randomised controlled trial with economic analysis will recruit 194 children with CP, aged 5-15 years, who present with flexor muscle stiffness of the wrist and/or fingers/thumb (Modified Ashworth Scale score ≥1). Children, recruited from treatment centres in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia, will be randomised to groups (1:1 allocation) using concealed procedures. All children will receive care typically provided by their treating organisation. The treatment group will receive a custom-made serially adjustable rigid WHO, prescribed for 6 h nightly (or daily) to wear for 3 years. An application developed for mobile devices will monitor WHO wearing time and adverse events. The control group will not receive a WHO, and will cease wearing one if previously prescribed. Outcomes will be measured 6 monthly over a period of 3 years. The primary outcome is passive range of wrist extension, measured with fingers extended using a goniometer at 3 years. Secondary outcomes include muscle stiffness, spasticity, pain, grip strength and hand deformity. Activity, participation, quality of life, cost and cost-effectiveness will also be assessed.

DISCUSSION: This study will provide evidence to inform clinicians, services, funding agencies and parents/carers of children with CP whether the provision of a rigid WHO to reduce upper limb impairment, in combination with usual multidisciplinary care, is worth the effort and costs.


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Background: Single sessions of bihemispheric transcranial direct-current stimulation (bihemispheric-tDCS) with concurrent rehabilitation improves motor function in stroke survivors, which outlasts the stimulation period. However few studies have investigated the behavioral and neurophysiological adaptations following a multi-session intervention of bihemispheric-tDCS concurrent with rehabilitation. Objective: This pilot study explored the immediate and lasting effects of 3-weeks of bihemispheric-tDCS and upper limb (UL) rehabilitation on motor function and corticospinal plasticity in chronic stroke survivors. Methods: Fifteen chronic stroke survivors underwent 3-weeks of UL rehabilitation with sham or real bihemispheric-tDCS. UL motor function was assessed via the Motor Assessment Scale (MAS), Tardieu Scale and grip strength. Corticospinal plasticity was indexed by motor evoked potentials (MEPs), cortical silent period (CSP) and short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) recorded from the paretic and non-paretic ULs, using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Measures were taken at baseline, 48 h post and 3-weeks following (follow-up) the intervention. Results: MAS improved following both real-tDCS (62%) and sham-tDCS (43%, P < 0.001), however at 3-weeks follow-up, the real-tDCS condition retained these newly regained motor skills to a greater degree than sham-tDCS (real-tDCS 64%, sham-tDCS 21%, P = 0.002). MEP amplitudes from the paretic UL increased for real-tDCS (46%: P < 0.001) and were maintained at 3-weeks follow-up (38%: P = 0.03), whereas no changes were observed with sham-tDCS. No changes in MEPs from the non-paretic nor SICI from the paretic UL were observed for either group. SICI from the non-paretic UL was greater at follow-up, for real-tDCS (27%: P = 0.04). CSP from the non-paretic UL increased by 33% following the intervention for real-tDCS compared with sham-tDCS (P = 0.04), which was maintained at 3-weeks follow-up (24%: P = 0.04). Conclusion: bihemispheric-tDCS improved retention of gains in motor function, which appears to be modulated through intracortical inhibitory pathways in the contralesional primary motor cortex (M1). The findings provide preliminary evidence for the benefits of bihemispheric-tDCS during rehabilitation. Larger clinical trials are warranted to examine long term benefits of bihemispheric-tDCS in a stroke affected population.


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The purpose of this study is to detail a virtual and physical prototyping process to overcome a design constraint in the mountain bike industry. Through a series of techniques, 3D scanning, developing detailed CAD models, then through additive manufacturing processes, a solution wasdeveloped. The challenge in the industry is the constant geometrical changes of components; the trend has been that bike cranks are becoming narrower due to biomechanical factors and tyres are becoming wider due to rider preferences and increased grip. This change in geometry results in metal tubes that can no longer be deformed without exceeding the minimum bend radius for the material. As such exceeding the minimum bend radius will induce early performance failure and geometrical (aesthetic) defects. The solution is an additivemanufactured part that can be substituted into the process without disrupting the entire conventional build process of a customised bike build.


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Depuis les débuts de la deuxième vague féministe, la participation quasi-universelle des femmes au marché du travail a causé la perte, pour les pères de famille, du rôle de pourvoyeur exclusif que ces derniers avaient tenu depuis si longtemps. Les femmes hétérosexuelles de la société contemporaine sont dorénavant plus scolarisées et atteignent des carrières plus avancées que leurs contreparties masculines. Alors que les femmes soutiennent davantage la famille par leurs emplois, les hommes doivent proportionnellement assumer des rôles plus actifs et participatifs à la maison. En cette période de transition, de transformation et de redéfinition rapides des rôles genrés à l’intérieur de l’économie familiale hétérosexuelle, les pères participent de manière plus équitable à l’éducation des enfants et à l’entretien du domicile, ces rôles ayant longtemps été attribués presque exclusivement aux femmes. Ces nouvelles responsabilités détonnent avec les représentations stéréotypées des hommes dans la culture populaire, ainsi qu’avec les modèles d’identification de la masculinité normative que les hommes ont requis et requièrent toujours sous l’égide de l’hétérosexualité imposée. De ce fait, les hommes occidentaux de moins de cinquante ans se trouvent souvent à cheval entre deux mondes d’exigences concurrentes. La place que peuvent et doivent prendre les pères au sein de leurs familles requiert un questionnement critique. L’ironie de la place du père peut être comprise comme la tension entre les normes du genre rétrogrades ou conservatrices et les exigences – à la fois politiques et pragmatiques – de la masculinité de la classe moyenne contemporaine. Cette tension fondamentale et structurante de la masculinité contemporaine est vécue par l’anxiété d’association au genre, ainsi qu’à travers des difficultés filiales, paternelles et intergénérationnelles. Ce mémoire de maîtrise adopte une approche déconstructiviste envers l’analyse de constructions contemporaines de la masculinité reproductive. À travers les gender studies, la théorie queer ainsi que la psychanalyse, le mémoire offre des lectures analytiques du discours de croissance personnelle de John Stoltenberg, de la fiction autobiographique de Karl Ove Knausgaard, ainsi que de la série télévisée américaine Dexter.


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Depuis les débuts de la deuxième vague féministe, la participation quasi-universelle des femmes au marché du travail a causé la perte, pour les pères de famille, du rôle de pourvoyeur exclusif que ces derniers avaient tenu depuis si longtemps. Les femmes hétérosexuelles de la société contemporaine sont dorénavant plus scolarisées et atteignent des carrières plus avancées que leurs contreparties masculines. Alors que les femmes soutiennent davantage la famille par leurs emplois, les hommes doivent proportionnellement assumer des rôles plus actifs et participatifs à la maison. En cette période de transition, de transformation et de redéfinition rapides des rôles genrés à l’intérieur de l’économie familiale hétérosexuelle, les pères participent de manière plus équitable à l’éducation des enfants et à l’entretien du domicile, ces rôles ayant longtemps été attribués presque exclusivement aux femmes. Ces nouvelles responsabilités détonnent avec les représentations stéréotypées des hommes dans la culture populaire, ainsi qu’avec les modèles d’identification de la masculinité normative que les hommes ont requis et requièrent toujours sous l’égide de l’hétérosexualité imposée. De ce fait, les hommes occidentaux de moins de cinquante ans se trouvent souvent à cheval entre deux mondes d’exigences concurrentes. La place que peuvent et doivent prendre les pères au sein de leurs familles requiert un questionnement critique. L’ironie de la place du père peut être comprise comme la tension entre les normes du genre rétrogrades ou conservatrices et les exigences – à la fois politiques et pragmatiques – de la masculinité de la classe moyenne contemporaine. Cette tension fondamentale et structurante de la masculinité contemporaine est vécue par l’anxiété d’association au genre, ainsi qu’à travers des difficultés filiales, paternelles et intergénérationnelles. Ce mémoire de maîtrise adopte une approche déconstructiviste envers l’analyse de constructions contemporaines de la masculinité reproductive. À travers les gender studies, la théorie queer ainsi que la psychanalyse, le mémoire offre des lectures analytiques du discours de croissance personnelle de John Stoltenberg, de la fiction autobiographique de Karl Ove Knausgaard, ainsi que de la série télévisée américaine Dexter.


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We aimed to analyse the effect of experience level in the psychophysiological response and specific fine motor skills of novel and expert parachute warfighters during a tactical combat parachute jump. We analysed blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, salivary cortisol, blood glucose, lactate and creatinkinase, leg strength, isometric hand-grip strength, cortical arousal, specific fine motor skills and cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confident before and after a tactical combat parachute jump in 40 warfighters divided in two group, novel (n = 17) and expert group (n = 23). Novels presented a higher heart rate, lactate, cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and a lower self-confident than experts during the jump. We concluded that experience level has a direct effect on the psychophysiological response since novel paratroopers presented a higher psychophysiological response than compared to the expert ones, however this result neither affected the specific fine motor skills nor the muscle structure after a tactical combat parachute jump.