998 resultados para Petróleo - Prospecção


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study used a multi-analytical approach based on traditional microbiological methods for cultivation and isolation of heterotrophic bacteria in the laboratory associated with the molecular identification of the isolates and physicochemical analysis of environmental samples. The model chosen for data integration was supported by knowledge from computational neuroscience, and composed by three modules: (i) microbiological parameters, contemplating taxonomic data obtained from the partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from 80 colonies of heterotrophic bacteria isolated by plating method in PCA media. For bacterial colonies isolation were used water samples from Atibaia and Jaguarí rivers collected at the site of water captation for use in effluent treatment, upstream from the entrance of treated effluent from the Paulínia refinery (REPLAN/Petrobras) located in the Paulínia-SP municipality, from the output of the biological treatment plant with stabilization pond and from the raw refinery wastewater; (ii) chemical parameters, ending measures of dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, acidity CaCO3, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved ions, sulfides, oils and greases; and (iii) physical parameters, comprising the pH determination, conductivity, temperature, transparency, settleable solids, suspended and soluble solids, volatile material, remaining fixing material (RFM), apparent color and turbidity. The results revealed interesting theoretical relationships involving two families of bacteria (Carnobacteriaceae and Aeromonadaceae). Carnobacteriaceae revealed positive theoretical relationships with COD, BOD, nitrate, chloride, temperature, conductivity and apparent color and negative theoretical relationships with the OD. Positive theoretical relationships were shown between Aeromonadaceae and OD and nitrate, while this bacterial family showed negative theoretical...


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Having in mind that petroleum's history presents a huge growth, the exploration and production areas have been receiving lots of investments, in order to attend the increasing demand for gas and petroleum. Looking through that scenario, new technologies have been evolving in favor of discovering new natural petroleum deposits and act with effectiveness in truly deep waters without giving up the worldwide best operational security practices. The use of rigid pipes in marine installations have been rising quickly and, thanks to this reality, the many storage and pipe launching forms became study objects and are getting improved. The analysis of steel API X70 characteristics, proving that they are suitable for use in pipes developed to transport gas and petroleum is the theme of this presentation. A tensile test was conducted to determine the base metal's mechanical properties, draining's tension, traction's resistance, elasticity's modulus and maximum tension. An aspect that is concerning too is the metallographic analysis, in order to determine the studied iron's microstructure. Results of analyzes showed that the steel has high resistance, with good capacity for deformation and well defined yield point, concluding suitable for the application in question


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A paracoccidioidomicose é uma doença de grande impacto social, sendo a sétima causa de morte entre as doenças crônicas infecciosas no Brasil, que responde por mais de 80% dos casos relatados mundialmente. A histoplasmose é uma micose endêmica em determinadas regiões das Américas, onde causa surtos frequentes. Sabe-se que os dois fungos dimórficos causadores destas doenças, Paracoccioides brasiliensis (Pb) e Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc), respectivamente, são capazes de formar biofilme, uma forma de organização que os torna muito mais perigosos, difíceis de serem combatidos e que é essencial para o desenvolvimento de infecção. Além disso não existem muitas opções terapêuticas antifúngicas que não sejam tóxicas com o uso prolongado disponíveis no mercado atualmente. Estes fatos, deixam claro a necessidade de pesquisar novas formas de combater esses microrganismos, com o intuito de desenvolver fármacos menos tóxicos e mais eficientes. Uma nova possibilidade de opções terapêuticas com novas substância antifúngica são as chalconas, que foi o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa. Foi estudada a ação antifúngica de diversas moléculas de chalconas contra as formas planctônica e de biofilme dos dois fungos em questão. As chalconas que apresentaram menor valor de CIM90 durante os ensaios com a forma planctônica foram selecionadas para o teste contra biofilme fúngico, estas chalconas foram T3, T24, T19, J4 e A20. Foi observado que estas substâncias possuem atividade antifúngica capaz de inibir 90% do crescimento fúngico do biofilme de Pb. Em relação ao biofilme de Hc, não obtivemos uma inibição de 90% com nenhuma molécula, a chalcona T3 foi a que apresentou a maior inibição atingindo 70%. Também foi estudado a citotoxicidade destas chalconas e algumas delas apresentaram bons valores de seletividade para o Pb, como a T3, T24, T19 e A20 porém, em relação ao Hc, apenas a T3 apresentou um valor de seletividade...


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Despite the growing concern in seeking more sustainable energy sources, oil demand is likely to grow in coming years. To keep up with this growth, the oil industry has increasingly invested in innovation and efficiency. Knowing that, new technologies have been developed to explore deeper waters, without giving up the best practices in worldwide operational safety. The use of rigid pipelines in deepwater offshore facilities is increasing quickly and because of this, the ways of storing and launching pipe have been studied and perfected. In this paper the Bauschinger effect on API 5L X70 steel was analyzed proving that there was a reduction in yield strength when an effort was applied in a previous direction, then an effort was then applied in the opposite direction. To observe this phenomenon, the tensile test was conducted to determine the mechanical properties of the base metal, such as yield stress, tensile strength, elasticity and maximum tensile, so then compare it with the results obtained in the Bauschinger Effect Test. The analysis results showed that the steel had high resistance, with good plastic deformation capacity without failing, well-defined yield point, showing itself appropriate for the operation of oil and gas pipes


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No garimpo do Manelão, o ouro está associado a veios de quartzo encaixados na seqüência metavulcano-sedimentar São Manoel. No período Plio-Pleistoceno, sob um clima úmido, desenvolveu-se sobre a seqüência São Manoel uma cobertura laterítica autóctone e imatura. Essa cobertura residual contém partículas de ouro com elevada pureza, sugerindo processos de lixiviação da liga Au-Ag ou de remobilização e redeposição do Au em ambiente laterítico. Durante o Pleistoceno, o clima tornou-se árido a semi-árido, favorecendo a erosão parcial da cobertura laterítica, através dos processos coluviais associados a enxurradas periódicas. Esse depósito coluvial recobre o perfíl laterítico, destruindo um possível padrão de dispersão geoquímica do ouro supergênico e prejudicando a prospecção geoquímica de superfície. No final do Pleistoceno e início do Holoceno, o clima úmido retorna, juntamente com os processos de intemperismo, formando stone line e latossolos. As coberturas laterítica e coluvial serviram de área-fonte para os aluviões atuais a subatuais do igarapé São Manoel, onde o ouro ocorre livre nos estratos sedimentares mais basais, formando concentrações da ordem de 10 g/ton.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study used a multi-analytical approach based on traditional microbiological methods for cultivation and isolation of heterotrophic bacteria in the laboratory associated with the molecular identification of the isolates and physicochemical analysis of environmental samples. The model chosen for data integration was supported by knowledge from computational neuroscience, and composed by three modules: (i) microbiological parameters, contemplating taxonomic data obtained from the partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from 80 colonies of heterotrophic bacteria isolated by plating method in PCA media. For bacterial colonies isolation were used water samples from Atibaia and Jaguarí rivers collected at the site of water captation for use in effluent treatment, upstream from the entrance of treated effluent from the Paulínia refinery (REPLAN/Petrobras) located in the Paulínia-SP municipality, from the output of the biological treatment plant with stabilization pond and from the raw refinery wastewater; (ii) chemical parameters, ending measures of dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, acidity CaCO3, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved ions, sulfides, oils and greases; and (iii) physical parameters, comprising the pH determination, conductivity, temperature, transparency, settleable solids, suspended and soluble solids, volatile material, remaining fixing material (RFM), apparent color and turbidity. The results revealed interesting theoretical relationships involving two families of bacteria (Carnobacteriaceae and Aeromonadaceae). Carnobacteriaceae revealed positive theoretical relationships with COD, BOD, nitrate, chloride, temperature, conductivity and apparent color and negative theoretical relationships with the OD. Positive theoretical relationships were shown between Aeromonadaceae and OD and nitrate, while this bacterial family showed negative theoretical...


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Having in mind that petroleum's history presents a huge growth, the exploration and production areas have been receiving lots of investments, in order to attend the increasing demand for gas and petroleum. Looking through that scenario, new technologies have been evolving in favor of discovering new natural petroleum deposits and act with effectiveness in truly deep waters without giving up the worldwide best operational security practices. The use of rigid pipes in marine installations have been rising quickly and, thanks to this reality, the many storage and pipe launching forms became study objects and are getting improved. The analysis of steel API X70 characteristics, proving that they are suitable for use in pipes developed to transport gas and petroleum is the theme of this presentation. A tensile test was conducted to determine the base metal's mechanical properties, draining's tension, traction's resistance, elasticity's modulus and maximum tension. An aspect that is concerning too is the metallographic analysis, in order to determine the studied iron's microstructure. Results of analyzes showed that the steel has high resistance, with good capacity for deformation and well defined yield point, concluding suitable for the application in question


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A paracoccidioidomicose é uma doença de grande impacto social, sendo a sétima causa de morte entre as doenças crônicas infecciosas no Brasil, que responde por mais de 80% dos casos relatados mundialmente. A histoplasmose é uma micose endêmica em determinadas regiões das Américas, onde causa surtos frequentes. Sabe-se que os dois fungos dimórficos causadores destas doenças, Paracoccioides brasiliensis (Pb) e Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc), respectivamente, são capazes de formar biofilme, uma forma de organização que os torna muito mais perigosos, difíceis de serem combatidos e que é essencial para o desenvolvimento de infecção. Além disso não existem muitas opções terapêuticas antifúngicas que não sejam tóxicas com o uso prolongado disponíveis no mercado atualmente. Estes fatos, deixam claro a necessidade de pesquisar novas formas de combater esses microrganismos, com o intuito de desenvolver fármacos menos tóxicos e mais eficientes. Uma nova possibilidade de opções terapêuticas com novas substância antifúngica são as chalconas, que foi o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa. Foi estudada a ação antifúngica de diversas moléculas de chalconas contra as formas planctônica e de biofilme dos dois fungos em questão. As chalconas que apresentaram menor valor de CIM90 durante os ensaios com a forma planctônica foram selecionadas para o teste contra biofilme fúngico, estas chalconas foram T3, T24, T19, J4 e A20. Foi observado que estas substâncias possuem atividade antifúngica capaz de inibir 90% do crescimento fúngico do biofilme de Pb. Em relação ao biofilme de Hc, não obtivemos uma inibição de 90% com nenhuma molécula, a chalcona T3 foi a que apresentou a maior inibição atingindo 70%. Também foi estudado a citotoxicidade destas chalconas e algumas delas apresentaram bons valores de seletividade para o Pb, como a T3, T24, T19 e A20 porém, em relação ao Hc, apenas a T3 apresentou um valor de seletividade...


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Despite the growing concern in seeking more sustainable energy sources, oil demand is likely to grow in coming years. To keep up with this growth, the oil industry has increasingly invested in innovation and efficiency. Knowing that, new technologies have been developed to explore deeper waters, without giving up the best practices in worldwide operational safety. The use of rigid pipelines in deepwater offshore facilities is increasing quickly and because of this, the ways of storing and launching pipe have been studied and perfected. In this paper the Bauschinger effect on API 5L X70 steel was analyzed proving that there was a reduction in yield strength when an effort was applied in a previous direction, then an effort was then applied in the opposite direction. To observe this phenomenon, the tensile test was conducted to determine the mechanical properties of the base metal, such as yield stress, tensile strength, elasticity and maximum tensile, so then compare it with the results obtained in the Bauschinger Effect Test. The analysis results showed that the steel had high resistance, with good plastic deformation capacity without failing, well-defined yield point, showing itself appropriate for the operation of oil and gas pipes