989 resultados para Personal Computing
Diagnosis of Hridroga (cardiac disorders) in Ayurveda requires the combination of many different types of data, including personal details, patient symptoms, patient histories, general examination results, Ashtavidha pareeksha results etc. Computer-assisted decision support systems must be able to combine these data types into a seamless system. Intelligent agents, an approach that has been used chiefly in business applications, is used in medical diagnosis in this case. This paper is about a multi-agent system named “Distributed Ayurvedic Diagnosis and Therapy System for Hridroga using Agents” (DADTSHUA). It describes the architecture of the DADTSHUA model .This system is using mobile agents and ontology for passing data through the network. Due to this, transport delay can be minimized. It is a system which will be very helpful for the beginning physicians to eliminate his ambiguity in diagnosis and therapy. The system is implemented using Java Agent DEvelopment framework (JADE), which is a java-complaint mobile agent platform from TILab.
The median (antimedian) set of a profile π = (u1, . . . , uk) of vertices of a graphG is the set of vertices x that minimize (maximize) the remoteness i d(x,ui ). Two algorithms for median graphs G of complexity O(nidim(G)) are designed, where n is the order and idim(G) the isometric dimension of G. The first algorithm computes median sets of profiles and will be in practice often faster than the other algorithm which in addition computes antimedian sets and remoteness functions and works in all partial cubes
Post-transcriptional gene silencing by RNA interference is mediated by small interfering RNA called siRNA. This gene silencing mechanism can be exploited therapeutically to a wide variety of disease-associated targets, especially in AIDS, neurodegenerative diseases, cholesterol and cancer on mice with the hope of extending these approaches to treat humans. Over the recent past, a significant amount of work has been undertaken to understand the gene silencing mediated by exogenous siRNA. The design of efficient exogenous siRNA sequences is challenging because of many issues related to siRNA. While designing efficient siRNA, target mRNAs must be selected such that their corresponding siRNAs are likely to be efficient against that target and unlikely to accidentally silence other transcripts due to sequence similarity. So before doing gene silencing by siRNAs, it is essential to analyze their off-target effects in addition to their inhibition efficiency against a particular target. Hence designing exogenous siRNA with good knock-down efficiency and target specificity is an area of concern to be addressed. Some methods have been developed already by considering both inhibition efficiency and off-target possibility of siRNA against agene. Out of these methods, only a few have achieved good inhibition efficiency, specificity and sensitivity. The main focus of this thesis is to develop computational methods to optimize the efficiency of siRNA in terms of “inhibition capacity and off-target possibility” against target mRNAs with improved efficacy, which may be useful in the area of gene silencing and drug design for tumor development. This study aims to investigate the currently available siRNA prediction approaches and to devise a better computational approach to tackle the problem of siRNA efficacy by inhibition capacity and off-target possibility. The strength and limitations of the available approaches are investigated and taken into consideration for making improved solution. Thus the approaches proposed in this study extend some of the good scoring previous state of the art techniques by incorporating machine learning and statistical approaches and thermodynamic features like whole stacking energy to improve the prediction accuracy, inhibition efficiency, sensitivity and specificity. Here, we propose one Support Vector Machine (SVM) model, and two Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models for siRNA efficiency prediction. In SVM model, the classification property is used to classify whether the siRNA is efficient or inefficient in silencing a target gene. The first ANNmodel, named siRNA Designer, is used for optimizing the inhibition efficiency of siRNA against target genes. The second ANN model, named Optimized siRNA Designer, OpsiD, produces efficient siRNAs with high inhibition efficiency to degrade target genes with improved sensitivity-specificity, and identifies the off-target knockdown possibility of siRNA against non-target genes. The models are trained and tested against a large data set of siRNA sequences. The validations are conducted using Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Mathews Correlation Coefficient, Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis, Accuracy of prediction, Sensitivity and Specificity. It is found that the approach, OpsiD, is capable of predicting the inhibition capacity of siRNA against a target mRNA with improved results over the state of the art techniques. Also we are able to understand the influence of whole stacking energy on efficiency of siRNA. The model is further improved by including the ability to identify the “off-target possibility” of predicted siRNA on non-target genes. Thus the proposed model, OpsiD, can predict optimized siRNA by considering both “inhibition efficiency on target genes and off-target possibility on non-target genes”, with improved inhibition efficiency, specificity and sensitivity. Since we have taken efforts to optimize the siRNA efficacy in terms of “inhibition efficiency and offtarget possibility”, we hope that the risk of “off-target effect” while doing gene silencing in various bioinformatics fields can be overcome to a great extent. These findings may provide new insights into cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapy by gene silencing. The approach may be found useful for designing exogenous siRNA for therapeutic applications and gene silencing techniques in different areas of bioinformatics.
Der Beitrag beschreibt die Ein- und Durchführung einer Server-basierten Computerinfrastruktur in einer Universitätsbibliothek. Beschrieben wird das so genannte MetaFrame-DV-Konzept der Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, das das dortige Informationsmanagement in den letzten vier Jahren initiiert, konzipiert und umgesetzt hat. Hierbei werden nunmehr nicht mehr nur Applikationsserver z.B. für das CD-Angebot eingesetzt, sondern sämtliche ca. 200 Mitarbeiter- und Funktionsarbeitsplätze über eine Citrix MetaFrame-Installation serverseitig betreut. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt in diesem Beitrag der Konfiguration, der praktischen Administration und den täglichen Arbeitsbedingungen an den Bibliotheksmitarbeiterarbeitsplätzen.
Im Rahmen des Programms Lernkulturentwicklung hat die Arbeitsgemeinschaft berufliche Weiterbildungsforschung (ABWF) das Schulzentrum/Akademie Silberburg (AKAS) für zunächst zwei Jahre (2001-2002) gefördert, mit dem Ziel neuartige Wege zu einem umfassenden Lernkulturwandel zu erproben. Mit der Konzipierung und wiss. Begleitung wurden die Projektgruppe Zukunftsmoderation der Universität Kassel unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Olaf-Axel Burow beauftragt. Nachfolgend geben wir einen Einblick in erste Erfahrungen mit dem Projekt und skizzieren einige Elemente unseres "Evolutionären Personal- und Organisationsentwicklungssystems" (EPOS). Schulentwicklung - so unsere These - ist dann besonders folgenreich, wenn - auf freiwilliger Basis - ein evolutionärer Prozess der integrierten Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung eingeleitet wird. Dieser Prozess muss von Lehrer/innen, Schüler/innen, der Geschäftsleitung sowie des sonstigen Personals getragen werden. Aufgabe der Berater/innen ist es, bedarfsorientiert Möglichkeitsräume und Trainingsangebote zur Verfügung zu stellen, um den evolutionären Prozess anzustoßen und zu unterstützen. Als besonders fruchtbar haben sich dabei Verfahren der prozessorientierten Zukunfsmoderation sowie des Biographischen Lernens erwiesen.
Let E be a number field and G be a finite group. Let A be any O_E-order of full rank in the group algebra E[G] and X be a (left) A-lattice. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for X to be free of given rank d over A. In the case that the Wedderburn decomposition E[G] \cong \oplus_xM_x is explicitly computable and each M_x is in fact a matrix ring over a field, this leads to an algorithm that either gives elements \alpha_1,...,\alpha_d \in X such that X = A\alpha_1 \oplus ... \oplusA\alpha_d or determines that no such elements exist. Let L/K be a finite Galois extension of number fields with Galois group G such that E is a subfield of K and put d = [K : E]. The algorithm can be applied to certain Galois modules that arise naturally in this situation. For example, one can take X to be O_L, the ring of algebraic integers of L, and A to be the associated order A(E[G];O_L) \subseteq E[G]. The application of the algorithm to this special situation is implemented in Magma under certain extra hypotheses when K = E = \IQ.
Despite its young history, Computer Science Education has seen a number of "revolutions". Being a veteran in the field, the author reflects on the many changes he has seen in computing and its teaching. The intent of this personal collection is to point out that most revolutions came unforeseen and that many of the new learning initiatives, despite high financial input, ultimately failed. The author then considers the current revolution (MOOC, inverted lectures, peer instruction, game design) and, based on the lessons learned earlier, argues why video recording is so successful. Given the fact that this is the decade we lost print (papers, printed books, book shops, libraries), the author then conjectures that the impact of the Internet will make this revolution different from previous ones in that most of the changes are irreversible. As a consequence he warns against storming ahead blindly and suggests to conserve - while it is still possible - valuable components of what might soon be called the antebellum age of education.
Se presenta experiencia educativa que propone favorecer mediante la aplicaci??n de un programa las habilidades personales del alumnado. Se realiza en la EEI Media Luna en Pinos Puente, Granada. Los objetivos son: desarrollar habilidades de autonom??a personal y lograr una verdadera coeducaci??n; fomentar la autonom??a e independencia de nuestro alumnado; facilitar la integraci??n sociofamiliar de nuestro alumnado; desarrollar h??bitos de higiene y salud corporal; desarrollar h??bitos de vestido; desarrollar h??bitos de alimentaci??n equilibrada; potenciar las habilidades de comunicaci??n y relaci??n; desarrollar unos h??bitos de comportamiento adecuados y fomentar el respeto hacia las normas del centro.
Monográfico con el título: 'Información y formación para la salud y la seguridad en la escuela'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Incluye en los anexos escalas y cuestionarios para medir el autoconcepto (Piers Harris, Coopersmith, Brookover y cols.)
De los dos volúmenes que componen esta obra, uno es la guía para el profesor y el otro la del alumno
Facilitar a los alumnos de la Escuela Universitaria del Profesorado de EGB una visión actual del tema de psicomotricidad y su importancia en el desarrollo personal del niño desde distintos puntos de vista. El objeto de todo el informe es la Educación Psicomotriz como aspecto importante y necesario para el desarrollo del niño. Educación Psicomotriz como acción pedagógica y psicológica que utiliza el movimiento con el fin de normalizar o mejorar el comportamiento. Para ello divide el estudio en las siguientes partes: 1) Visión del cuerpo en el marco escolar. 2) Simbolismo del movimiento y de la acción. 3) Interés por el estudio del desarrollo motor desde la vertiente fisiológica y psicológica. 4) La psicomotricidad. Concepto. 5) La Educación Psicomotriz. 6) Las progresiones en el ámbito educativo. 7) La psicomotricidad gruesa. 8) El dominio corporal estático. 9) La motricidad fina. 10) Educación del esquema corporal. 11) La psicomotricidad en la escuela. 12) El perfil psicomotor. El dibujo. 13) Modalidades de aplicación de la Educación Psicomotriz: reeducación de los diversos tipos de inadaptación en el niño normal. 14) Inadaptación de los disminuidos físicos. 15) Inadaptación de los deficientes ligeros y medios. En cada apartado ofrece una serie de actividades a realizar así como una serie de actividades de evaluación para la coordinación óculo-manual, dinámica, equilibrio, percepción y lenguaje divididos por edades. Para terminar el autor ofrece un vocabulario y una bibliografía relacionados con el tema de interés para el profesor de EGB. Trata de estudiar la psicomotricidad no sólo en su plano motor sino como algo más que una simple función instrumental que despersonalizaría la función motora. Con el término psicomotor se destaca la participación psíquica en los movimientos expresivos, pero también en los de ejecución de un acto y dependiendo del tipo de individuo. Una vez sintetizados los puntos esenciales sostenidos por especialistas en la materia se realiza un aporte y enfoque que el autor estima que puede ser muy importante sobre todo en lo referente al control respiratorio y técnicas de relajación. Se trata de un material de referencia que puede ser de ayuda para los profesores de EGB en cuanto al tema tratado. Además de ofrecer un vocabulario y una bibliografía del tema ofrece una serie de ejercicios y actividades detalladamente explicados para cada uno de los apartados.
General-purpose computing devices allow us to (1) customize computation after fabrication and (2) conserve area by reusing expensive active circuitry for different functions in time. We define RP-space, a restricted domain of the general-purpose architectural space focussed on reconfigurable computing architectures. Two dominant features differentiate reconfigurable from special-purpose architectures and account for most of the area overhead associated with RP devices: (1) instructions which tell the device how to behave, and (2) flexible interconnect which supports task dependent dataflow between operations. We can characterize RP-space by the allocation and structure of these resources and compare the efficiencies of architectural points across broad application characteristics. Conventional FPGAs fall at one extreme end of this space and their efficiency ranges over two orders of magnitude across the space of application characteristics. Understanding RP-space and its consequences allows us to pick the best architecture for a task and to search for more robust design points in the space. Our DPGA, a fine- grained computing device which adds small, on-chip instruction memories to FPGAs is one such design point. For typical logic applications and finite- state machines, a DPGA can implement tasks in one-third the area of a traditional FPGA. TSFPGA, a variant of the DPGA which focuses on heavily time-switched interconnect, achieves circuit densities close to the DPGA, while reducing typical physical mapping times from hours to seconds. Rigid, fabrication-time organization of instruction resources significantly narrows the range of efficiency for conventional architectures. To avoid this performance brittleness, we developed MATRIX, the first architecture to defer the binding of instruction resources until run-time, allowing the application to organize resources according to its needs. Our focus MATRIX design point is based on an array of 8-bit ALU and register-file building blocks interconnected via a byte-wide network. With today's silicon, a single chip MATRIX array can deliver over 10 Gop/s (8-bit ops). On sample image processing tasks, we show that MATRIX yields 10-20x the computational density of conventional processors. Understanding the cost structure of RP-space helps us identify these intermediate architectural points and may provide useful insight more broadly in guiding our continual search for robust and efficient general-purpose computing structures.