821 resultados para Parent-child relationship deterioration


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Introdução The hospitalization of a child is an experience that causes big changes in child and his family life. The parents often suffer from stress and anxiety. This can affect their relationship with the child. Because of the closeness to the parents, nurses have an important role in giving parents support so they can reduce their stress and have more energy to support and take care of their children and in the inclusion of the family in the process of care Objectivos The aim of this study was to define what family-centered care is, to define the needs of hospitalized children's parents and to identify the strategies and methods that the nurses use to give parental support adapted to the parent's needs. It was also a goal to identify and understand the main differences between parental support given by nurses in Belgium and Portugal. Metodologia The study exists out of two parts. First is an integrative review of literature. The search was performed using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL , PubMed and Science Direct. 18 Articles were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. They had to involve nurses, hospitalized children between 0 and 18 years and their parents. Second part was a focus group. The participants were pediatric nurses from Portugal and Belgium. The goal was to understand different perspectives related to the parental needs of hospitalized children and nursing interventions to answer that needs. Resultados family-centered care can be considered as a partnership between family and nurses. It has some general principles: information sharing, respect differences, negotiation and care in the context of the family. Parent's participation is important to reduce the parental stress and it is essential for meeting the needs of the children. Parents have different needs: knowledge and communication, support, comfort, proximity and assurance. Parents cope with stress in different ways and nurses can support them while they are in the hospital. It is a nurse task to identify the stressors and know methods of emotional support, so she can protect the family structure. Nurses should always see the family as a path to the child, with whom the nurses should worry about taking care and meeting their needs. This is crucial to ensure the family's well-being, adaption to hospitalization and the child's recovery. Conclusões Nurses should collect information about the family which includes family relationships, cultural and religious habits and familiar dynamic. Parents need interpersonal emotional support. It is important for parents to be close to their children but they also need to take care of themselves. When nurses have enough information they can use it to the identification of parental needs and the planning of nursing interventions. It is important that nurses create an environment where parents feel safe and that they have privacy. To create a therapeutic and professional relationship efficient communication is needed. Parents will experience less stress and anxiety.


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Anxiety disorders are the most commonly diagnosed group of mental disorders in children (Kessler et al., 2012). Resiliency, defined as a child’s ability to successfully overcome an adverse event (Newland, 2014) is believed to be comprised of protective factors such as self-esteem and positive coping strategies (Rutter, 1987). These protective factors are related to child anxiety in that their presence or absence may augment or hinder a child’s resiliency towards anxiety-provoking events and situations (Lo Casico, Guzzo, & Pace, 2013; Thorne, Andrews, & Nordstokke, 2013). The FRIENDS for Life (FFL) program is a school-based anxiety prevention program which aims to decrease anxiety and increase resiliency in 8- to 11-year-old children (Barrett & Sonderegger, 2003). Previous studies have shown FFL to be an effective tool in decreasing anxiety and increasing resiliency; however, not all previous studies have utilized control or comparison groups (Brownlee et al., 2013; Neil & Christensen 2007; Stopa, Barrett, & Golingi, 2011). Moreover, existing FRIENDS literature has not previously considered the potential role of parent anxiety in child outcomes. The present study aimed to evaluate child anxiety, resiliency, and parent anxiety in relation to the FFL program while including a no-treatment control group. It was hypothesized that child anxiety would decrease and child resiliency would increase following FFL. Results obtained from a non-identified school-based sample were not entirely consistent with predictions, such that decreases in anxiety and increases in resiliency were observed in both the experimental and control groups.


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Résumé : Les enfants de maternelle dont la préparation scolaire est limitée risquent de présenter des difficultés comportementales nuisibles à leur adaptation ultérieure. L’implication des parents à l’école, plus précisément la collaboration famille-école (CFE), peut représenter un facteur de protection favorisant l’adaptation de l’enfant tout au long de son parcours scolaire. Les écrits scientifiques suggèrent que la CFE jouerait un rôle important dans l’explication des difficultés de comportement, surtout auprès des enfants provenant de familles défavorisées. Cette étude porte sur le rôle de la CFE dans l’explication des difficultés de comportement intériorisé et extériorisé des enfants de maternelle qui présentaient des lacunes sur le plan de leur préparation scolaire. Les analyses de régression linéaire montrent que pour l’ensemble des familles de l’échantillon (n=47), plus il y a de communication entre le parent et l’enseignant, plus il y a présence de comportements extériorisés et intériorisés. Par contre, la CFE modère la relation entre un indice d’adversité constitué du cumul de cinq facteurs de risque sociodémographiques et les difficultés de comportement intériorisé. Ainsi, chez les familles défavorisées, une communication plus fréquente est associée à moins de comportements de type intériorisé.


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Stressful life events early in life, including symptoms of mental disorders or childhood maltreatment, may increase risk for worse mental and physical health outcomes in adulthood. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the effects of childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms and maltreatment experience on two adult outcomes: obesity and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Mediational effects of adolescent characteristics were explored. This dissertation used Waves I, III, and IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. In Paper 1 (Chapter 3), we investigated the association between multiple types of child maltreatment and adult objective (body mass index; BMI) and subjective (self-rated) obesity, as well as mediating effects by adolescent characteristics including depressive symptoms and BMI. Results showed that after adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, and maternal education, physical maltreatment was moderately associated with adulthood obesity as measured by BMI and self-reported obesity, while sexual maltreatment was more strongly associated with the objective measure but not the subjective measure. The indirect effects of mediation of adolescent BMI and depressive symptoms were statistically significant. In Paper 2 (Chapter 4), the objective was to examine mediation by adolescent depressive symptoms, alcohol consumption, peer alcohol consumption, and delinquency in the relationship between ADHD symptoms and adult AUD. The indirect effects of mediation of adolescent delinquency, alcohol consumption, and peer alcohol consumption were statistically significant in single and multiple mediator models. In Paper 3 (Chapter 5), the objective was to assess the joint effects of maltreatment/neglect on adult AUD. After adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, child maltreatment, and parental AUD, ADHD symptoms were significantly associated with increased odds of AUD. There was no strong evidence of multiplicative interaction by maltreatment. This association was stronger for males than females, although the interaction term was not statistically significant. This dissertation adds to the literature by examining relationships between several major public health problems: ADHD symptoms, childhood maltreatment, AUD, depressive symptoms, and obesity. This project has implications for understanding how early life stress increases risk for later physical and mental health problems, and identifying potential intervention targets for adolescents.


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Background: Globally, there is a progressive rise in the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This paper examined the health and social concerns of parents/caregivers on in-patient care for children with NCDs in Ghana. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in three large health facilities in Ghana (the largest in the South, the largest in the North and the largest in the Eastern part of Ghana. Data was collected with a structured questionnaire among 225 caregivers (≥18 years) of 149 children with NCDs in health facilities in the three regions. Data was analyzed with simple descriptive statistics. Results: Most caregivers 169(75.0%) were women, relatively young (median age 35years), mostly married and resided in urban areas. Sickle cell disease was the commonest NCD among the children. All 169(75.0%) caregivers believed children suffer NCDs because of sins of parents/ancestors, 29(12.9%) believed herbalists/spiritualists have insights into treating NCDs and 73(32.6%) have previously used herbs/traditional medicine for child's illness. NCD in children was a burden and caused financial difficulties for families. Most caregivers (>96.0%) indicated NCDs in children should be included in national health insurance benefits package and a comprehensive national NCD policy is needed. Conclusion: Absence of national NCD policy for children is a major challenge. The burden of care rests mainly on the parents/ caregivers. A national strategic intervention on the importance of awareness generation on the causes, risk factors, prevention and treatment of NCDs for families and communities is essential. Government support through national health and social policy initiatives are essential.


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Die in diesem Dokument aufgeführten Skalen dienen der Erfassung der bildungsbezogenen Vorstellungen und Praktiken von Kindern im Grundschulalter. Die Skalen wurden im Projekt EDUCARE in einigen Fällen neu entwickelt, überwiegend in Anlehnung an bestehende Instrumente konstruiert und ggf. an die Perspektive von Grundschulkindern angepasst, also bspw. altersgemäß umformuliert. Alle Items wurden mittels eines mehrstufigen Antwortformats erfasst. Ihr Einsatz erfolgte in einer vom Projektteam durchgeführten Datenerhebung mittels Fragebogen. Die Skalenkonstruktion fand auf Basis der erhobenen Primärdaten statt und orientierte sich an den Prinzipien der klassischen Testtheorie. Zu jedem Konstrukt werden deskriptive Kennwerte auf Item- und Skalenebene berichtet. Zur Beurteilung der Güte der Instrumente werden zwei Reliabilitätsmaße sowie die Trennschärfen der Items angegeben. Bei der Auswahl und Konzeption der gemessenen Konstrukte waren habitus- und milieutheoretische sowie kindheitstheoretische Annahmen leitend. Im Projekt ging es darum, ein möglichst breites Bild der im schul- und bildungsbezogenen Habitus von Kindern verankerten Vorstellungen, Ziele und Sollensvorstellungen zu erhalten. Zudem wurde die Praxis der Kinder innerhalb und außerhalb der Schule in den Blick genommen, um Rückschlüsse auf eine milieuspezifische Lebensführung von Kindern und deren Familien ziehen zu können. Durch die Veröffentlichung der hier berichteten Erhebungsinstrumente wird ihr erneuter Einsatz und ihre weitere Optimierung in Studien mit ähnlicher theoretischer und thematischer Ausrichtung ermöglicht. Die Skalendokumentation ist wie folgt aufgebaut: Im Anschluss an (I.) eine einführende Darstellung des Forschungsprojekts werden (II.) das Vorgehen bei der Datenerhebung und die bei der Skalenkonstruktion verwendete Stichprobe beschrieben. Die zur Analyse der Items und zur Konstruktion der Skalen verwendeten Verfahren werden (III.) im nachfolgenden Abschnitt dargestellt. Der Hauptteil des Dokuments ist (IV.) eine thematisch geordnete Zusammenstellung der im Projekt eingesetzten Skalen. Damit wird zugleich ein Einblick in die deskriptiven Ergebnisse der Kinderbefragung an Grundschulen gegeben.(Orig.)


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The hospitalizatíon of a child carnes with it major changes, etther in the child's life or parent. lllness and hospttalizatíon constitute a crisis situation for both the child and the famHy as it incorporates financiai, psychotogical, relational and social changes. The purpose of this work and analyze the satísfactíon and parents' perception on the importance of nursing care during hospttalizatíon and feelings experienced by parents. Objectives: To know the opinions and feelings of the parents in relation to the admlsston of the child 1n the service of Pediatrics at North of Portugal. Methods: Integrated this study parents of chtldren hospttalized in the pediatric inpatíent at the Hospital Trás-os-Montes e alto Douro, Vila Real, whose children were in the service to at least more than 48 hours, In total 33 escorts that replied to the questionnaire. For such a study we chose the type quantitative deschptíve. We proceeded to collect data by conductíng a questíonnaire, and the results of it were drafted in the SPSS program through Quantitatíve model wtth exploratory qualitatíve approach. Results: The age ofthe partícipants is between the 21 and 46 years - old, 75. 8% of respondents were married, 78. 8% of chtldren was hospitalized in the first time. We conclude that the mother is who else accompanies the chtld in the hospital. We had positive feedback regarding the interactíon parent-nurses since many parents stressed the good relatíonship with the nursing team (It reported that "Nurses" and "Nurses and "auxiliaries" were who else helped them, with 30. 3% and 21. 2% respectively). The feelings more mentioned were: anxiety -21 answers, sadness-20, fear-15 and hope with 15. The conditions offered to the parents were considered goodfor60.6%.


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The relation between weight status (Body Mass Index - BMI), weight perception and subjective wellbeing remains unclear. Several studies conclude that discrepancies can be found between weight status and weight perception, among children and adolescents. The present study aims at investigating the associations between subjective wellbeing and individual characteristics, among children and adolescents. The sample included 1200 children and adolescents (51.7 % girls, aged 9 to 17). Their mean age was 12.55 years (SD = 1.61). The questionnaire was completed in school context, asking about the subjective wellbeing, use of self-regulation, eating behavior awareness/care, weight perception and sociodemographic questions such as age, gender and BMI. The study found a strong association between BMI and weight perception, although subjective wellbeing was better explained by weight perception than by BMI. Eating awareness and self-regulation also played an important role in subjective controlling for age and gender. Age and gender interfere in the relation between subjective wellbeing and other variables. The multiple regression model is more robust and explicative for girls and older children. Psychological factors related to weight, such as weight perception, self-regulation and eating awareness have a stronger explicative impact in subjective wellbeing compared to physical aspects, such as Body Mass Index. The relation between subjective wellbeing and weight is influence by age and gender.


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Child sexual abuse (CSA) disclosure is critical for survivor´s psychosocial adjustment later in life. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between attributions of blame for child sexual abuse by the victim and the disclosure of the abuse to parents or caregivers while controlling for characteristics of the abuse. Female college students between 17 and 24 years of age (M = 19.44, SD = 1.64) from a southern Spanish University were surveyed. Of 1547 respondents, 153 (9.90%) reported having suffered some form of CSA before the age of 15. Information about the characteristics of abuse (age of onset, type of abuse suffered, continuity of abuse, and relationship with and age of the perpetrator) and the existence of abuse disclosure by the survivor was obtained from a self-reported questionnaire developed for the present study. The Attributions of Responsibility and Blame Scale (McMillen & Zuravin, 1997) was used to assess attributions made about CSA (self-blame, perpetrator blame and family blame). The results of a logistic regression model was statistically significant, χ² (9) = 43.856, p < .001. The model explained 41% (Nagelkerke R²) of the variance of abuse disclosure and correctly classified 85.6% of cases. Survivor disclosure was 5.50 times more likely to occur when the perpetrator was not a family member (Wald = 8.14, p < .01) and 3.95 times more likely to occur when there was not physical contact with the perpetrator (Wald = 4.30, p < .05). The occurrence of disclosure was also related to increased perpetrator age (Wald = 4.83, p < .05). With regard to the attributions of blame, the occurrence of disclosure was related to lower scores on self-blame (Wald = 6.78, p < .01) and higher scores on family blame (Wald = 9.67, p < .001). However, no relationship was found between perpetrator blame and disclosure of abuse. The results confirm the idea that not only self-blame attributions, but also family blame attributions are critical to the decision of a CSA victim to disclose abuse. The possibility that children who do not disclose abuse have a greater need to deny the occurrence of abuse, or have more confusion about being abused is discussed. Attributions of blame should be taken into serious consideration when evaluating children for possible sexual abuse.


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This paper explores the changing role of contemporary grandparents with many demonstrating a willingness and ability to take on parental responsibilities for their grandchildren, where they may face challenges and opportunities in difficult times. Three main forms of grand parenting are identified in the literature, those who hâve primary responsibility and are raising their grand children as their main carers perhaps in response to crisis situations, those who live in extended families and participate in care, and those who provide day care while the child's parents work. The rôle of Grandparents encompasses ail three areas in the United Kingdom. This has occurred as a resuit of the increased récognition of children living in abusive families, of the increasing frequency of divorce, single parenting, children and families living in poverty, socio-economic deprivation and the lack of available or subsidised child care in the United Kingdom when parents hâve to work to support the family. Ail of this against the backdrop the Every Child Matters change for children Agenda. When grandparents step into a troubled situation and attempt to offer stability and security for their grandchildren they may hâve to manage the combined responsibilities of family caregivers and parental figures. Grandparenthood is atenuous rôle, lacking clear agreement on behaviour norms. In the current culture of advice and parenting support, while care must be taken not to undermine parenting skills or make judgements about the ability to cope with the demands of childcare, an exploration of the impact on grandparents, and children in the context of families must be undertaken. Due to the complex web of interrelated factors the process and outcomes of care giving by grandparents is not well known in the literature. It is proposed therefore that it is timely to explore the impact of this on the health of children and their families in the current climate of change when there has been dissolution of the nuclear family and grandparents are playing increasingly significant rôles in healing and supporting their families.


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Purpose: To study the structure-activity relationships of synthetic multifunctional sulfides through evaluation of lipoxygenase and anti-bacterial activities. Methods: S-substituted derivatives of the parent compound 5-(1-(4-chlorophenylsulfonyl) piperidin-3- yl)-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole-2-thiol were synthesized through reaction with different saturated and unsaturated alkyl halides in DMF medium, with NaH catalyst. Spectral characterization of each derivative was carried out with respect to IR, 1H - NMR, 13C - NMR and EI - MS. The lipoxygenase inhibitory and antibacterial activities of the derivatives were determined using standard procedures. Results: Compound 5e exhibited higher lipoxygenase inhibitory potential than the standard (Baicalein®), with % inhibition of 94.71 ± 0.45 and IC50 of 20.72 ± 0.34 μmoles/L. Compound 5b showed significant antibacterial potential against all the bacterial strains with % inhibition ranging from 62.04 ± 2.78, 69.49 ± 0.41, 63.38 ± 1.97 and 59.70 ± 3.70 to 78.32 ± 0.41, while MIC ranged from 8.18 ± 2.00, 10.60 ± 1.83, 10.84 ± 3.00, 9.81 ± 1.86 and 11.73 ± 5.00 μmoles/L for S. typhi, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, B. subtilis and S. aureus, respectively. Compounds 5d, 5e and 5g showed good antibacterial activity against S. typhi and B. subtilis bacterial strains. Conclusion: The results suggest that compound 5e bearing n-pentyl group is a potent lipoxygenase inhibitor, while compound 5b with n-propyl substitution is a strong antibacterial agent. In addition, compounds 5d, 5e and 5g bearing n-butyl, n-pentyl and n-octyl groups, respectively, are good antibacterial agents against S. typhi and B. subtilis.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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Background: Food allergy (FA) is a heavy burden for patients and their families and can significantly reduce the quality of life (QoL) of both. To provide adequate support, qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the parents' QoL may be helpful. The objective of this study is to develop and validate a Japanese version of the Food Allergy QoL QuestionnaireeParent Form (FAQLQ-PF-J), an internationally validated disease-specific QoL measurement of the parental burden of having a child with FA. Methods: The FAQLQ-PF and the Food Allergy Independent Measure (FAIM), an instrument to test the construct validity of the FAQLQ-PF-J, were translated into Japanese. After language validation, the questionnaires were administered to parents of FA children aged 0e12 years and those of age-matched healthy (without FA) children. Internal consistency (by Cronbach's a) and test-retest reliability were evaluated. Construct validity and discriminant validity were also examined. Results: One hundred twenty-seven parents of children with FA and 48 parents of healthy children filled out the questionnaire. The FAQLQ-PF-J showed excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's a > 0.77) and test-retest reliability. Good construct validity was demonstrated by significant correlations between the FAQLQ-PF-J and FAIM-J scores. It discriminated parents of children with FA from those without. The scores were significantly higher (lower QoL) for parents of FA children with a history of anaphylaxis than those without, for those with >6 FA-related symptoms experienced than those with less FA-related symptoms. Conclusions: The FAQLQ-PF-J is a reliable and valid measure of the parental burden of FA in children.


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Les parents immigrants d’un enfant en situation de handicap présentent davantage de sources de vulnérabilité que d’autres parents. Cette situation peut diminuer le temps disponible et altérer leur implication dans le programme de réadaptation de leur enfant. L’objectif de cette thèse doctorale est de déterminer les attentes et les besoins en services de soutien formel de ces parents, afin de leur proposer une aide adaptée à leurs conditions de vie, et ceci, au fur et à mesure que l’enfant grandit. D’abord, une étude de la portée des écrits scientifiques est menée dans le but de mieux cerner les connaissances existantes en lien avec le recours aux services de soutien par les parents immigrants (chapitre 1). Les vingt publications sélectionnées indiquent que l’aide pour trouver de l’information s’avère la plus requise, que ce soit au sujet de la condition de l’enfant, du fonctionnement sociosanitaire et éducatif du pays d’accueil, ou encore des services de soutien. En outre, la transmission de ces informations peut se compliquer en cas de non-maîtrise de la langue du pays d’accueil ou lorsque des interculturelles apparaissent entre les parents immigrants et les différents intervenants rencontrés. Quant au non-recours aux aides formelles, il semble principalement dû à l’inadéquation entre l’aide concrète et les attentes des parents, au soutien informel reçu, à la méconnaissance des opportunités d’obtenir des services d’aide destinés aux parents, ou encore à un épuisement non ressenti. Compte tenu du nombre restreint d’écrits scientifiques recensés, des entrevues semi-dirigées sont conduites auprès de 28 parents immigrants d’un enfant en situation de handicap dans la province du Québec (Canada) dans le cadre d’une recherche de plus grande envergure portant sur la communication avec les intervenants en petite enfance (chapitre 2). Le but de cette deuxième étude est de mieux saisir l’utilisation des services de soutien formel par les parents immigrants et les facteurs influençant leurs choix. Il faut préciser que les propos recueillis restent très centrés sur les services destinés à l’enfant. Le soutien pour recevoir des informations et l’accompagnement à la décision apparaissent comme les aides formelles les plus utilisées par les participants, suivies du soutien à l’éducation, de l’écoute active et de l’aide financière. Cinq facteurs semblent guider le recours au soutien formel qui est destiné aux parents, soit : (1) leur perception de la condition de leur enfant, (2) l’accès à l’information, (3) leurs stratégies et leur capacité d’agir, (4) l’implication du réseau informel, et (5) leur perception de leur besoin de services de soutien. Suite à ces résultats, de nouvelles entrevues semi-dirigées sont menées auprès de huit parents immigrants d’enfants d’âges différents à Montréal et à Québec. Cette démarche permet d’approfondir le thème du recours au soutien formel destiné aux parents, et ce, au fur et à mesure que l’enfant grandit (chapitre 3). Le guide d’entretien conçu pour cette étude met l’emphase sur les attentes et les besoins des parents immigrants afin d’atteindre un équilibre dans toutes les sphères de leur vie. Suite à une analyse thématique exploratoire du discours des parents et par l’application d’un modèle de stress et de coping, sept principales sources de stress sont mises en évidence : (1) le parcours migratoire, (2) la condition de l’enfant, (3) l’organisation sociosanitaire du pays d’accueil, (4) l’insertion professionnelle, (5) la relation de couple, (6) le réseau social, et (7) l’état de santé du parent. Afin de faire face à ces circonstances difficiles, les parents immigrants recourent principalement à de l’aide financière, du soutien pour obtenir des informations, de l’accompagnement à la décision, de l’aide en éducation et pour le transport. La satisfaction exprimée varie, notamment en raison des divergences entre les attentes et les services obtenus (soutien en éducation, écoute active, services de garde), ainsi qu’en termes de quantité d’aide reçue (soutien financier, informations, accompagnement à la décision). Un modèle théorique original est proposé afin d’illustrer le contexte parental en termes d’attentes, de besoins et de recours au soutien. Si certains moments de la vie de l’enfant peuvent entraîner un stress supplémentaire pour les parents (annonce du diagnostic, arrivée à l’école, transition à l’âge adulte), le parcours migratoire semble davantage expliquer le recours aux aides formelles.


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Le recenti novelle e l’evoluzione delle tecniche riproduttive scientifiche hanno promosso un progressivo processo di frammentazione della figura genitoriale, che sino ad allora era considerata unitaria ed intimamente connessa all’incontro tra uomo e donna. A tale concezione unitaria del legame genitoriale corrispondeva la considerazione che la coincidenza tra vincolo genetico e verità legale fosse foriera del soddisfacimento del superiore interesse del minore. La genitorialità può ad oggi essere suddivisa tra genetica, qualora tra il genitore condivida con il figlio il medesimo patrimonio genetico; biologica, nell’accezione di gestazionale e dunque caratterizzante il rapporto tra madre e figlio; e sociale, qualora l’adulto, seppur in mancanza di un titolo legale e altrettanto di un legame di sangue con il figlio, adempie ai doveri di cura e di mantenimento propri dell’esercente la responsabilità genitoriale. A fronte della pluralità dei soggetti che latu senso possono essere considerati genitoriali in forza di una pluralità e eterogeneità di legami, l’interprete deve interrogarsi circa la effettività e la cogenza delle tradizioni definizioni di madre e di padre e soprattutto la resilienza dei criteri attributivi dello stato di filiazione.