985 resultados para Parasitized Hosts


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This work describes a test tool that allows to make performance tests of different end-to-end available bandwidth estimation algorithms along with their different implementations. The goal of such tests is to find the best-performing algorithm and its implementation and use it in congestion control mechanism for high-performance reliable transport protocols. The main idea of this paper is to describe the options which provide available bandwidth estimation mechanism for highspeed data transport protocols and to develop basic functionality of such test tool with which it will be possible to manage entities of test application on all involved testing hosts, aided by some middleware.


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Contribution to the knowledge of some Citrus damaging Hemiptera. This paper deals with field and laboratory investigations on Crinocerus sancius (Fabr., 1775), Leptoglossus gonagra (Fabr., 1775), and. L. stigma (Herb., 1784), all belonging to the family Coreidae, Order Hemiptera. These three species are noxious to several fruits, including citrus. The two Leptoglossus and the damages they cause on oranges have been investigated by several writers in the last 25 years. On the other hand, c. sancius was discovered damaging Citrus only in 1959, increasing in importance since its discovery. Redescription of the adults, bionomical notes, hosts, and so on, are the main purpose of this study.


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Coffea dewevrei var. excelsa and Coffea canephora var. robusta are recorded as new hosts for Meloidogyne coffeicola (Nemata, Heteroderidae). Robusta coffee was found also attacked by M. javanica. Symptoms shown by roots are described.


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A survey of the Streblidae batflies on the phyllostomid bats was conducted in the northeastern Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, during 1997. Hundred thirty three streblids were collected on 44 parasited hosts. Eleven species of batflies (Trichobius dugesii Townsend, 1891, T. tiptoni Wenzel, 1976, Trichobius sp., Paratrichobius longicrus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1907), Megistopoda aranea (Coquillett, 1899), M. proxima (Séguy, 1926), Exastinion clovisi (Pessoa & Guimarães, 1936), Paraeuctenodes longipes Pessoa & Guimarães, 1936, Anastrebla modestini Wenzel, 1966, A. caudiferae Wenzel, 1976 and Metelasmus pseudopterus Coquillett, 1907) were found on six species of phyllostomid bats (Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818), A. fimbriatus Gray, 1838, Sturnira lilium (E. Geoffroy, 1810), Glossophaga soricina (Pallas, 1766), Anoura caudifera (E. Geoffroy, 1818) and A. geoffroyi Gray, 1838). All records are new for the Rio Grande do Sul and Anastrebla caudiferae is firstly recorded in Brazil. Differences in the batflies community composition in Artibeus fimbriatus and A. lituratus are discussed.


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The influence of two factors, age and previous experience, on the oviposition hierarchy preference of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) females was studied. Two populations were analyzed: one reared in laboratory during 17 years and the other captured in nature. In the first experiment the oviposition preference for four fruits, papaya, orange, banana and apple was tested at the beginning of oviposition period and 20 days past. The results showed that the wild females as much the laboratory ones had an oviposition preference hierarchy at the beginning of peak period of oviposition. However this hierarchic preference disappeared in a later phase of life. In the second experiment the females were previously exposed to fruits of different hierarchic positions and afterwards their choice was tested in respect to the oviposition preference for those fruits. The results showed that there was an influence of the previous experience on the posterior choice of fruits to oviposition when the females were exposed to fruits of lower hierarchic position.


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A new species Hoplopleura massoiai is described, based on specimens collected on three species of Bibimys Massoia, 1979: B. torresi Massoia, 1979, B. chacoensis (Shamel, 1931) and B. labiosus (Winge, 1887), from Chaco, Misiones and Buenos Aires provinces, Argentina. Male, female, first nymphal instar, external architecture of eggs and sites of oviposition are described, providing differences with its close relative Hoplopleura scapteromydis Ronderos, 1965; comments on distribution of the new species on its hosts are done.


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Differences in the phoresy of the mites Macrocheles muscaedomesticae (Scopoli, 1972) (Macrochelidae) and Uroseius sp. (Polyaspidae) on the house fly, Musca domestica (Linnaeus, 1758) and the similarities in their phoretic dispersal and parasitism are discussed, altogether with the effects on predator-prey interactions. The prevalence and intensity of phoresy in the mite species were significantly related to the attachment site on the hosts. The phoresy of Uroseius sp. was correlated with temperature but not with rainfall and relative humidity. Selective pressure in the environment resulted in displacement and the emergence of local and regional populations. These results suggest that in each habitat the populations will use different resources and will show several relationships with other species, as well as a selection for morphological and behavioral types.


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The thermal requirements of Palmistichus elaeisis Delvare & LaSalle, 1993 were determined by rearing this pupal parasitoid in the following lepidopteran hosts: Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Crambidae), Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner, 1818), Heliothis virescens (Fabricius, 1777), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Noctuidae) and Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll, 1782) (Geometridae). The experiment was set in laboratory conditions (temperatures between 18ºC and 30ºC, RH=70 ± 10% and 14-hour photoperiod). The life cycle (egg-adult) ranged from 40.4 ± 0.63 days (18ºC, H. virescens) to 18.1 ± 0.13 days (28ºC, D. saccharalis). The thermal constant of the egg-adult period ranged from 353.1 (D. saccharalis) to 407.7 degree-days (S. frugiperda). The lowest thermal threshold ranged from 5.0ºC (A. gemmatalis) to 7.5ºC (D. saccharalis). At 30ºC, all prepupae died. These results suggest that P. elaeisis can be reared in laboratory on all the hosts tested.


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The oviposition behaviour of Gryon gallardoi (Brèthes, 1914) on eggs of Spartocera dentiventris Mendonça Jr. (Berg, 1884) of different ages (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12 days) was investigated. Groups of 12 eggs of each age were exposed to single females of G. gallardoi, and the oviposition behaviour was recorded under a stereomicroscope for two hours. Ten replicates were used for each age. In order to identify the moment the parasitoid egg was released inside the host, 1-day old eggs of S. dentiventris were exposed to G. gallardoi females, and the oviposition was interrupted at intervals of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160s after ovipositor insertion had initiated. Five behavioural steps were recorded: drumming, ovipositor insertion, marking, walking and resting. The average drumming and ovipositor insertion times increased with the host age (P<0.01). Ovipositor insertion usually occurred next to the longitudinal extremities of the host eggs. Marking took on average 19.5 ± 0.7s, and as walking and resting, was not affected by host age. Self-parasitism behaviour was observed in only 13.8 ± 2.3% of the eggs, being more evident with increasing patch depletion (reduction in non-parasitized eggs in the egg group, P<0.01), again with no variation due to changes in host egg age. For all ages tested, self-parasitized host eggs were less frequently contacted and accepted than non-parasitized ones (P<0.01). The parasitoid egg was released 137.0 ± 3.7s after ovipositor insertion. Spartocera dentiventris egg condition can lead to parasitoid behavioural changes, especially during the process of host choice and discrimination.


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The insects oviposition behavior is fundamental to study population dynamics, life history evolution, insect-plant and parasitoid-host interactions. Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman, 1833) females oviposition behavior in the presence and absence of a host is unknown. The main objective of this study was to describe in detail the oviposition behavior of host deprived or non-deprived females, and observe how the several situations of deprivation (days without host) influence oviposition. Six groups were assembled, three deprived of the host (for 2, 5 and 8 days) and three control groups (with host), each containing one newly-emerged couple (0-24h) of wild Z. subfasciatus, The non-deprived (control) groups received the hosts every day (5 bean seeds Phaseolus vulgaris (Fabaceae)) and the others were deprived for 2, 5 and 8 days, respectively. For each group 12 repetitions were made. Consequently, 12 couples were host deprived during two days, 12 couples were host deprived during five days and 12 couples were host deprived during eight days. When the seeds of the deprived groups were added the experiments started. There was a control group for each deprived group. The experiments and the insects were maintained at constant temperature 29 ± 2ºC and 70-80% relative humidity. At 15 minutes interval, the number of times the females manifested the different categories of behavior was observed (frequency). The behavior categories were: rest inside the box, locomotion, resource exploration (seeds), copulation and oviposition. The deprived females stayed most of the time in contact with the host to carry out oviposition, while the non-deprived (control) females spent most of the time at rest. This was observed in all the deprivation times. The results show that host deprivation influences the oviposition behavior of the studied species and also shows the flexibility in the oviposition strategies that these females present when the environment changes (absence and presence of resources)


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The South American fruit fly, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830) (Diptera, Tephritidae), is a leading pest of Brazilian fruit crops. This study evaluated how prior experience with artificial fruits containing peach and/or guabiroba pulp influenced the ovipositing behavior of A. fraterculus. Insects 15-21 days old were exposed to four treatments: 1) experience with guabiroba, Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg (Myrtaceae); 2) experience with peach, Prunus persica (L.) Batsch (Chimarrita cultivar; Rosaceae); 3) experience with both fruits; and 4) no experience (naive). Naive females and females experienced with guabiroba pulp and with both fruits (peach and guabiroba) oviposited and showed dragging and puncturing behavior on substrates containing guabiroba, but females that were only exposed to peach pulp did not show a preference for any substrate. The study shows that prior experience with substrate influences ovipositing behavior in A. fraterculus.


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Nymphs and adults of Tingis americana Drake, 1922 were found feeding on leaves of Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Vell.) Mattos and Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex A. DC.) Mattos in the Botanic Garden, Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This is the first record of T. americana on these host plants and in the southern Brazil. We aimed to compare the nymphal development on both hosts and to analyze the reproductive parameters on H. heptaphyllus (25 ± 1ºC; 60 ± 10% RH; 16 h photophase). The mean nymphal period (days) was shorter in individuals reared on H. heptaphyllus (12.69 ± 0.076) than on H. chrysotrichus (19.11 ± 0.208) (P < 0.0001), however, nymph viability was similar. On H. heptaphyllus, the mean embryonic period lasted 12.32 ± 0.274 days and the egg viability was 92%. The mean total and daily fecundity were 310.0 ± 19.40 eggs/female and 7.46 ± 0.302 eggs/female/day, respectively. Paired males and females showed similar longevity (P = 0.0691), while unpaired females lived longer than unpaired males (P = 0.0460).


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Triatomines are hematophagous bugs of medical interest in South and Central America, where they may act as invertebrate hosts of the hemoflagellate protozoa Trypanosoma cruzi (the causative of Chagas’ disease) and Trypanosoma rangeli (Tejera, 1920). Triatomines of Rhodnius genus have salivary gland formed by two close and independent units: the principal and the accessory. This gland secretes saliva that abounds in substances that facilitate and permit feeding. Despite this importance, there are few reports on its cytochemistry. In purpose of amplifying this understanding, in this work it was investigated the nuclear structures (chromatin and nucleolar corpuscles) of salivary gland cells of Rhodnius neglectus (Lent, 1954) and Rhodnius prolixus (Stål, 1859). The salivary glands were removed from adult insects, fixed and submitted to different cytochemical methods: lacto-acetic orcein, silver ion impregnation, Feulgen reaction, Toluidine Blue, Variant method of critical electrolyte concentration and C-banding. The results evidenced predominance of binucleated cells, with bulky and polyploid nucleus, decondensed chromatin and a large nucleolar area. In addition, cytoplasmic metachromasy and a clear association between nucleolar and heterochromatic corpuscles were observed. Such characteristics were associated with intense synthesis activity to produce saliva. Besides, the heterochromatic corpuscles observed with C Banding permitted the differentiation of sexes and species.


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The AA. carried out experiments in the leprosarium São Roque, State of Paraná, South Brazil, to verify if the cattle tick Boophilus microplus could be experimentally infected in lepers, which was true. The AA. Tried also to be ascertained if Boophilus microplus and Amblyomma cajennense could change of hosts during their feedings which was true, both ticks continue feeding, the last species for many days, after being transferred from one to another leper. The junior A. describes in full their experiments and also a dermatites caused by tick bites. The senior A. brought to Rio de Janeiro most of the infected ticks for examination, which revealed a very high positivity. He smeared the sediments of lots of both species of ticks in Loewenstein medium and after a variable periode of incubation at 37° C. he obtained four new samples of cultures of acid-fast organisms, two from Amblyomma cajennense and two from Boophilus microplus. These cultures are being studied and will be inoculated into laboratory animals. The senior A. inoculated new batches of white rats with sediments of many ticks infected in lepers. Various hypotheses of both previous notes upon the subject now are verified facts. The A. is accumulating facts to draw the conclusions in the future. He also suggested the leprosy workers in the interior of the country to cooperate with him in such important studies, specially in the habitat of lepers in the rural zones of various States.


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The author publishes a comparative study of eleven species of Sarcophagid flies and gives a redescription of the larval stages of Musca domestica L. as a model. The work was made upon material obtained from Sarcophagidae reared in the Laboratory. Some of them were parasitic flies from Insects and other invertebrates. Protodexia was reared using the domestic cockroach (Periplaneta americana) instead of the Orthroptera or Mantodea its true hosts. The larvae obtained by dissection of female abdomen was reared in flesh or agarhorse serum. The last proceeding is very good since the skins of all larval stages can be conserved for study and it is possible to observe the ecdyses. Some of the larvae prefer dead snails (Bulimulus and Fruticicola) and is able to destroy larvae of other species found in the same molluscs. The first stage maggot can be obtained by dissections of dried female specimens and furnishes very good characters to determine the species and establish the philogenetical relationship of the genera in the family. Th pseudocephalon presents very curious ornaments or grooves in some species (Oxysarcodexia). Sometimes there is a pigmented capsule covering a great part of the pseudocephalon (Titanogrypa). The cephaloskeletal sclerietes have a peculiar shape and constitution for every species, mainly in the first stage maggot.