982 resultados para PZT ceramics


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Bi3.25La0.75-xErxTi3O12 and Bi3.25La0.75Ti3-xErxO12-delta ceramics were prepared and studied in this work in terms of dopant-induced phase and microstructure development as well as dielectric response. The results show that introduction of Er3+ tends to reduce the materials' sintering temperature and average grain size. Moreover, it was noted that in these systems the substitution site of this dopant is controlled by valence state and ionic radii mismatch effects. In particular, even when a nominal substitution of Ti4+ is conceived, here it is found that Er3+ also incorporates at the (Bi,La)(3+) sites. These and other interesting concluding remarks from this work, including Er3+ tolerance, were possible only after comparing, especially, the X-ray diffraction results and the intrinsic ferroelectric characteristics extracted from the dielectric measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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After sintering advanced ceramics, there are invariably distortions, caused in large part by the heterogeneous distribution of density gradients along the compacted piece. To correct distortions, machining is generally used to manufacture pieces within dimensional and geometric tolerances. Hence, narrow material removal limit conditions are applied, which minimize the generation of damage. Another alternative is machining the compacted piece before sintering, called the green ceramic stage, which allows machining without damage to mechanical strength. Since the greatest concentration of density gradients is located in the outer-most layers of the compacted piece, this study investigated the removal of different allowance values by means of green machining. The output variables are distortion after sintering, tool wear, cutting force, and the surface roughness of the green ceramics and the sintered ones. The following results have been noted: less distortion is verified in the sintered piece after 1mm allowance removal; and the higher the tool wear the worse the surface roughness of both green and sintered pieces.


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The Pb1-xLaxZryTi1-yO3 system is a perovskite ABO(3) structured material which presents ferroelectric properties and has been used as capacitors, actuators, transducers and electro-optic devices. In this paper, we describe the synthesis and the characterization of Pb0.89La0.11Zr0.40Ti0.60O3 (PLZT11) nanostructured material. The precursor polymeric method and the spark plasma sintering technique were respectively used to prepare ceramic samples. In order to compare the effect of grain size, microcrystalline PLZT11 ceramic samples were also prepared. PLZT11 samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction technique which results show a reduction on the degree of tetragonality as the average grain size decreases. Moreover, the grain size decrease to a nanometer range induces a diffuse behavior on the dielectric permittivity curves as a function of the temperature and a reduction on the dielectric permittivity magnitude. Furthermore, the large number of grain boundaries due to the nanometer size gives rise to a dielectric anomaly. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Ba0.77Ca0.23TiO3 ceramics were produced in this work starting from nanopowders synthesized via a polymeric precursor method. By adjusting the pH values of the precursor solutions above 7, it was possible to prepare powders weakly aggregated and with a smaller particle size, both facts which traduced into an enhanced nanopowders' sintering process at comparatively lower temperatures. Irrespective of the initial pH value, highly-dense and second phase-free ceramics were obtained following optimal sintering parameters (temperature and time) extracted from dilatometric and density measurements. By considering these and other sintering conditions, moreover, polycrystalline materials with an average grain size varying from 0.35 to 8 mm were produced, the grain growth process involving liquid phase-assisted sintering for heat treatments achieved at 1320 °C. The study of grain size effects on the ferroelectric properties of these materials was conducted, the results being discussed in the light of previous debates, including grain size-dependent degree of tetragonal distortion in such materials, as verified in this work.


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Piezoelectric ceramics, such as PZT, can generate subnanometric displacements, bu t in order to generate multi- micrometric displacements, they should be either driven by high electric voltages (hundreds of volts ), or operate at a mechanical resonant frequency (in narrow band), or have large dimensions (tens of centimeters). A piezoelectric flextensional actuator (PFA) is a device with small dimensions that can be driven by reduced voltages and can operate in the nano- and micro scales. Interferometric techniques are very adequate for the characterization of these devices, because there is no mechanical contact in the measurement process, and it has high sensitivity, bandwidth and dynamic range. A low cost open-loop homodyne Michelson interferometer is utilized in this work to experimentally detect the nanovi brations of PFAs, based on the spectral analysis of the interfero metric signal. By employing the well known J 1 ...J 4 phase demodulation method, a new and improved version is proposed, which presents the following characteristics: is direct, self-consistent, is immune to fading, and does not present phase ambiguity problems. The proposed method has resolution that is similar to the modified J 1 ...J 4 method (0.18 rad); however, differently from the former, its dynamic range is 20% larger, does not demand Bessel functions algebraic sign correction algorithms and there are no singularities when the static phase shift between the interferometer arms is equal to an integer multiple of  /2 rad. Electronic noise and random phase drifts due to ambient perturbations are taken into account in the analysis of the method. The PFA nanopositioner characterization was based on the analysis of linearity betw een the applied voltage and the resulting displacement, on the displacement frequency response and determination of main resonance frequencies.


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CexZr1-xO2 (0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.9) were synthesized with Zr and Ce chloride precursors, using the triblock copolymer Pluronic P123 and HCl (2 mol/L). The pH adjustment was performed in two ways: synthesis A used 11.4 mL of a NH4OH solution added at once to the initial mixture, composed by metal precursors and template in HCl; synthesis B was done by dripping slowly until the change of pH value (between 3 and 6). In this work, CexZr1-xO2 samples synthesized by these two processes are compared. The effects of pH values in materials characteristics were also evaluated. These samples were analysed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) with Rietveld refinement, and Nitrogen Adsorption/Desorption. In both processes, the studied materials presented two crystalline phases of CexZr1-xO2 solid solution: cubic and tetragonal. The synthesis A also presented a tetragonal phase of ZrO2. The average crystallite size and the Brunauer- Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area are bigger in process A. Both processes give samples with a mesoporous structure.


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Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) is a promising rapid consolidation technique that allows a better understanding and manipulating of sintering kinetics and therefore makes it possible to obtain Si3N4-based ceramics with tailored microstructures, consisting of grains with either equiaxed or elongated morphology. The presence of an extra liquid phase is necessary for forming tough interlocking microstructures in Yb/Y-stabilised α-sialon by HP. The liquid is introduced by a new method, namely by increasing the O/N ratio in the general formula RExSi12-(3x+n)Al3x+nOnN16-n while keeping the cation ratios of RE, Si and Al constant. Monophasic α-sialon ceramics with tailored microstructures, consisting of either fine equiaxed or elongated grains, have been obtained by using SPS, whether or not such an extra liquid phase is involved. The three processes, namely densification, phase transformation and grain growth, which usually occur simultaneously during conventional HP consolidation of Si3N4-based ceramics, have been precisely followed and separately investigated in the SPS process. The enhanced densification is attributed to the non-equilibrium nature of the liquid phase formed during heating. The dominating mechanism during densification is the enhanced grain boundary sliding accompanied by diffusion- and/or reaction-controlled processes. The rapid grain growth is ascribed to a dynamic ripening mechanism based on the formation of a liquid phase that is grossly out of equilibrium, which in turn generates an extra chemical driving force for mass transfer. Monophasic α-sialon ceramics with interlocking microstructures exhibit improved damage tolerance. Y/Yb- stabilised monophasic α-sialon ceramics containing approximately 3 vol% liquid with refined interlocking microstructures have excellent thermal-shock resistance, comparable to the best β-sialon ceramics with 20 vol% additional liquid phase prepared by HP. The obtained sialon ceramics with fine-grained microstructure show formidably improved superplasticity in the presence of an electric field. The compressive strain rate reaches the order of 10-2 s-1 at temperatures above 1500oC, that is, two orders of magnitude higher than that has been realised so far by any other conventional approaches. The high deformation rate recorded in this work opens up possibilities for making ceramic components with complex shapes through super-plastic forming.


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The utilization of borate mineral wastes with glass-ceramic technology was first time studied and primarily not investigated combinations of wastes were incorporated into the research. These wastes consist of; soda lime silica glass, meat bone and meal ash and fly ash. In order to investigate possible and relevant application areas in ceramics, kaolin clay, an essential raw material for ceramic industry was also employed in some studied compositions. As a result, three different glass-ceramic articles obtained by using powder sintering method via individual sintering processes. Light weight micro porous glass-ceramic from borate mining waste, meat bone and meal ash and kaolin clay was developed. In some compositions in related study, soda lime silica glass waste was used as an additive providing lightweight structure with a density below 0.45 g/cm3 and a crushing strength of 1.8±0.1 MPa. In another study within the research, compositions respecting the B2O3–P2O5–SiO2 glass-ceramic ternary system were prepared from; borate wastes, meat bone and meal ash and soda lime silica glass waste and sintered up to 950ºC. Low porous, highly crystallized glass-ceramic structures with density ranging between 1.8 ± 0,7 to 2.0 ± 0,3 g/cm3 and tensile strength ranging between 8,0 ± 2 to 15,0 ± 0,5 MPa were achieved. Lastly, diopside - wollastonite (SiO2-Al2O3-CaO )glass-ceramics from borate wastes, fly ash and soda lime silica glass waste were successfully obtained with controlled rapid sintering between 950 and 1050ºC. The wollastonite and diopside crystal sizes were improved by adopting varied combinations of formulations and heating rates. The properties of the obtained materials show; the articles with a uniform pore structure could be useful for thermal and acoustic insulations and can be embedded in lightweight concrete where low porous glass-ceramics can be employed as building blocks or additive in cement and ceramic industries.


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Several CFCC (Continuous Fiber Composite Ceramics) production processes were tested, concluding that PIP (Polymer Impregnation, or Infiltration, Pyrolysis) and CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) based procedures have interesting potential applications in the construction and transportation fields, thanks to low costs to get potentially useful thermomechanical performances. Among the different processes considered during the Doctorate (from the synthesis of new preceramic polymers, to the PIP production of SiC / SiC composites) the more promising results came from the PIP process with poly-siloxanes on basalt fabrics preforms. Low processing time and costs, together with fairly good thermomechanical properties were demonstrated, even after only one or two PIP steps in nitrogen flow. In alternative, pyrolysis in vacuum was also tested, a procedure still not discussed in literature, but which could originate an interesting reduction of production costs, with only a moderate detrimental effect on the mechanical properties. The resulting CFCC is a basalt / SiCO composite that can be applied for continuous operation up to 600°C, also in oxidant environment, as TG and XRD demonstrated. The failure upon loading is generally pseudo-plastic, being interlaminar delamination the most probable rupture mechanism. . The strength depends on several different factors (microstructure, polymer curing and subsequent ceramic phase evolution, fiber pull-out, fiber strength, fiber percentage) and can only be optimized empirically. In order to be open minded in selecting the best technology, also CBC (Chemically Bonded Ceramics) matrixes were considered during this Doctorate, making some preliminary investigations on fire-resistant phosphate cements. Our results on a commercial product evidenced some interesting thermomechanical capabilities, even after thermal treatments. However the experiments showed also phase change and possible cracking and deformations even on slow drying (at 130°C) and easy rehydration upon exposure to environmental humidity.


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Das Gebiet der drahtlosen Kommunikationsanwendungen befindet sich in einem permanenten Entwicklungsprozess (Mobilfunkstandards: GSM/UMTS/LTE/5G, glo-bale Navigationssatellitensysteme (GNSS): GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou) zu immer höheren Datenraten und zunehmender Miniaturisierung, woraus ein hoher Bedarf für neue, optimierte Hochfrequenzmaterialien resultiert. Diese Entwicklung zeigt sich besonders in den letzten Jahren in der zunehmenden Entwicklung und Anzahl von Smartphones, welche verschiedene Technologien mit unterschiedlichen Arbeitsfrequenzen innerhalb eines Geräts kombinieren (data: 1G-4G, GPS, WLAN, Bluetooth). Die für zukünftige Technologien (z.B. 5G) benötigte Performance-steigerung kann durch die Verwendung von auf MIMO basierenden Antennensystemen realisiert werden (multiple-input & multiple-output, gesteuerte Kombination von mehreren Antennen) für welche auf dielectric Loading basierende Technologien als eine der vielversprechendsten Implementierungslösungen angesehen werden. rnDas Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer geeigneten paraelektrischen Glaskeramik ($varepsilon_{r}$ > 20, $Qf$ > 5000 GHz, |$tau_f$| < 20 ppm/K; im GHz Frequenzbe-reich) im $mathrm{La_{2}O_{3}}$-$mathrm{TiO_{2}}$-$mathrm{SiO_{2}}$-$mathrm{B_{2}O_{3}}$-System für auf dielectric Loading basierende Mobilfunkkommunikationstechnologien als Alternative zu existierenden kommerziell genutzten Sinterkeramiken. Der Fokus lag hierbei auf der Frage, wie die makroskopi-schen dielektrischen Eigenschaften der Glaskeramik mit ihrer Mikrostruktur korreliert bzw. modifiziert werden können. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die dielektrischen Materialanforderungen durch das untersuchte System erfüllt werden und dass auf Glaskeramik basierende Dielektrika weitere vorteilhafte nichtelektro-nische Eigenschaften gegenüber gesinterten Keramiken besitzen, womit dielektrische Glaskeramiken durchaus als geeignete Alternative angesehen werden können. rnEin stabiles Grünglas mit minimalen Glasbildneranteil wurde entwickelt und die chemische Zusammensetzung bezüglich Entglasung und Redoxinstabilitäten optimiert. Geeignete Dotierungen für dielektrisch verlustarme $mathrm{TiO_{2}}$-haltige Glaskeramiken wurden identifiziert.rnDer Einfluss der Schmelzbedingungen auf die Keimbildung wurde untersucht und der Keramisierungsprozess auf einen maximalen Anteil der gewünschten Kristallphasen optimiert um optimale dielektrische Eigenschaften zu erhalten. Die mikroskopische Struktur der Glaskeramiken wurde analysiert und ihr Einfluss auf die makroskopischen dielektrischen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Die Hochfrequenzverlustmechanismen wurden untersucht und Antennen-Prototypenserien wurden analysiert um die Eignung von auf Glaskeramik basierenden Dielektrika für die Verwendung in dielectric Loading Anwendungen zu zeigen.


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Bone formation and osseointegration of biomaterials are dependent on angiogenesis and vascularization. Angiogenic growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were shown to promote biomaterial vascularization and enhance bone formation. However, high local concentrations of VEGF induce the formation of malformed, nonfunctional vessels. We hypothesized that a continuous delivery of low concentrations of VEGF from calcium phosphate ceramics may increase the efficacy of VEGF administration.VEGF was co-precipitated onto biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) ceramics to achieve a sustained release of the growth factor. The co-precipitation efficacy and the release kinetics of the protein were investigated in vitro. For in vivo investigations BCP ceramics were implanted into critical size cranial defects in Balb/c mice. Angiogenesis and microvascularization were investigated over 28 days by means of intravital microscopy. The formation of new bone was determined histomorphometrically. Co-precipitation reduced the burst release of VEGF. Furthermore, a sustained, cell-mediated release of low concentrations of VEGF from BCP ceramics was mediated by resorbing osteoclasts. In vivo, sustained delivery of VEGF achieved by protein co-precipitation promoted biomaterial vascularization, osseointegration, and bone formation. Short-term release of VEGF following superficial adsorption resulted in a temporally restricted promotion of angiogenesis and did not enhance bone formation. The release kinetics of VEGF appears to be an important factor in the promotion of biomaterial vascularization and bone formation. Sustained release of VEGF increased the efficacy of VEGF delivery demonstrating that a prolonged bioavailability of low concentrations of VEGF is beneficial for bone regeneration.


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Efficient delivery of growth factors from carrier biomaterials depends critically on the release kinetics of the proteins that constitute the carrier. Immobilizing growth factors to calcium phosphate ceramics has been attempted by direct adsorption and usually resulted in a rapid and passive release of the superficially adherent proteins. The insufficient retention of growth factors limited their bioavailability and their efficacy in the treatment of bone regeneration. In this study, a coprecipitation technique of proteins and calcium phosphate was employed to modify the delivery of proteins from biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) ceramics. To this end, tritium-labeled bovine serum albumin ([(3)H]BSA) was utilized as a model protein to analyze the coprecipitation efficacy and the release kinetics of the protein from the carrier material. Conventional adsorption of [(3)H]BSA resulted in a rapid and passive release of the protein from BCP ceramics, whereas the coprecipitation technique effectively prevented the burst release of [(3)H]BSA. Further analysis of the in vitro kinetics demonstrated a sustained, cell-mediated release of coprecipitated [(3)H]BSA from BCP ceramics induced by resorbing osteoclasts. The coprecipitation technique described herein, achieved a physiologic-like protein release, by incorporating [(3)H]BSA into its respective carriers, rendering it a promising tool in growth factor delivery for bone healing.


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The island of Cyprus was a major producer of copper and stood at the heart of east Mediterranean trade networks during the Late Bronze Age. It may also have been the source of the Red Lustrous Wheelmade Ware that has been found in mortuary contexts in Egypt and the Levant, and in Hittite temple assemblages in Anatolia. Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) has enabled the source area of this special ceramic to be located in a geologically highly localised and geochemically distinctive area of western Cyprus. This discovery offers a new perspective on the spatial organisation of Cypriot economies in the production and exchange of elite goods around the eastern Mediterranean at this time.